HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/22/1991 - Workshop Minutes City Council ldlNUTES
4."00 P.M.
Mayor. Ringer, Councilmembers Brown,
Schneider, Gardner, McIlhaney, Grouch,
City Manager Ragland., Assis.t..ant City
Manager B er, Assmtant City Manager
Woody, Pt~br~'c Information O~cer C~.~,
Asst. City Attorney Graham, City Secretary
VIS1TOI~S PRESENT: See guest register.
Aae~,4~ !*___,~t~ No. I - _w~c,_ ,__,~__,~_ of c~_~_ t ,_,,,~_~l ~ listed on Thumdav.
Councilman Gardner r.e~. oved Agenda Item No. 2.1, the works.hop meeting
minutes,. May 8, 1991. Lmted on Agenda Item No.. 1.1, he..question_ecl, th_e. _
description of th? street, project from Marion Pugn ~om o.-eorge susn s~va.
Luther Street. City Engineer Pullen clarified that this project should read Marion
Pugh from Luther to Holleman.
Councilman Grouch removed Agenda Item No. 9..4. She referred to the state-
ment that a staff error in an es.tir~....te was. corrected through a contingency
tr .~.sfer. Charlle Shear from Facility Maintenance explained that he under-
estimated the HVAC replacement at the Conference Center.
Councilman Mc]]haney asked if staff approached the HVAC replacement at the
Conference Center on the basis of energEe~ciency: Mr. Shear replied that the
utility bills should drop with the energy efficiency unit.
Energy Manager, Charlie Shear presented this item.
He desc.r~bed several of the initial projects. Such as: 1) survey_city f..a. cilities; 9.)
utility billing data base; 3) investigate programs conducted by other cities;
4) cbgeneration; and §) SCADA controls.
Councilman Crouch asked Mr. Shear to. explain cogene.ration. Mr. Shear replied
that the city will produce electricity during the peak penod to keep wholesale
cost down.
City Council Workshop Meeting Page 2
Wednesday, May 22, 1991
Aa~_,4, It__,~t No. 3 - _pmtt~__~__,~_ on c_,~,,_ _~mhemslv~ occu~tionsl medicine
Finance Director Glenn Schroeder introduced this item. Risk Manager Mike
Wllley sta.ted that the Humana comprehens.ive pro~ram is avalla~..le to help .
municipalities handle the numerous industrial injuries. He described severa~
features of the program that will help control cost.
~__,~__,h Tt__~ No. 4 - Pmse~__t~o~_ by Dr. _G~ _z~_ Dresser of ?w.u
'lYa.,~--c.~__ fi,~_ T,,__,~tit~*,, to ~-c,_;-- the _re~_ ~lts Of _roadway ~Tmmmzzt~t _z~'oarams.
Dr. Dresser presented an update on four scenarios which the council requested
additional information at the last council meeting.
Dr. Dresser reported that the George Bush Library is included in the tr~ic
estimate for College Station in 2010.
Councilman Gardner stated that his concern is the adverse shapes of roadway in
the Wellborn Road corridor/Highway 6 corridor.
Dr. Dresser po. inted out that the George Bush Library will bring _an ad. di.~onal
1200-1500 vehicles per da~ to George Bush Drive and Wellborn ~oaa. me
added that he cannot predict the volume of businesses that the George Bush
Library will generate.
Dr. Dresser addressed the second scenario at the south of Greens Prairie
Road/Pebble Creek area. He stated that the 2010 land use plan shows an
estimate of 619 acres of. parkland, 2057 single family dwe .ll~g units on 461 acres,
256 acres of commercial property, and 83 acres of industrial park property.
Councilman Birdwell commented that the transportation plan noted that Marsh
Drtve/Spearm:~... Drive were one of thirteen major tr~c areas in 201.0 and h.e did
not concur with this estimate. He added that there are other areas m the city
that will require precedence.
Dr. Dresser addressed the third scenario at 29th Street and Tarrow Street.
He noted that the Randall's Food Market and the Texas A&M University System
State Headquarters Bldg. is expected to generate additional trips to this
roadway. He also noted that Tan'ow at the Hilton operates close to its capacity
at .rite present time. Currently proposed in the 2010 system plan, Bryan has in
the= 199.5. pl.an, an upgrade of 29th Street from Ro.se .mar~. to Bryan/College
Station city limits. The 1995 plan for College.Station m to widen Tan'ow to a
four lan?. roadway. The roadway would provide north bound traffic on Tarrow
by the Hilton, and southbound traffic would be generated by the Chimney Hill
Business Park.
Councilman Birdwell pointed out that this scenario will actually place more
tr~¢ on University.
The council agreed that the widening of Tan'ow to four lane be included in the
1995 plan.
City Council Workshop Meeting
Wednesday, May 22, 1991
Page 3
Dr. Dresser presented information pn .the W.ellborn .Road Co. rrl..do,r regarding the
LoTrak Project.. He also presentecl informauon on me s~reets mat may be closed
on the Umverslty campus.
Wiiliamson indicated that the Highway Dept. is in the p. ro. cess o.f.devel.oping
thMre' schematic plan for Lotrak. The Council expressed then' interest m seeing
this and how it will fit in the overall transportation plan.
Mayor Ringer commented that the MPO Transportation Plan is updated annually.
Public Services Director Joe LaBeau presen.t, ed this item. He presented
proposed operational changes to the council in the sanitation collection system.
Mr. LaBeau presented a slide presentation.
Mr. LaBean discussed several reasons why the city has pursued the concept of
an automated collection system.
Jim Smith, Sanitation Supervisor, addressed the Council. He presented a map
~at sho.wed the current recycling area, Pilot A, the east section of the city, and
Pilot B, includes 3000 home~ south of Southwest Parkway.
In Phase I, the staff hopes to automate the current recycling area Pilot A to
includ.e small businesses and apartments in the automation progr _am._ In the
following fisc~ year, expand the recycling .area to Pilot B. In .1992-93, possibly
expand recycling for large commercial businesses and institutions.
Councilman Mc]].haney asked if the student population is a factor in the rate
structure. Mr. Smith replie, d that .staff is looking at several_ issu_es, in resp.e, ct .to
the rate structure. Mr. Smith replied that an abundance of trash m a particular
month could be handled with the same procedure as brush collection. A
customer could contact the office for special collection.
Councilman Mcllhaney inquired about the durability of the automated contain.er.
Mr. Smith replied that in the Phoenix program, the manufacturer will warrant the
container for ten years.
Councilman Birdwell expressed concern about the automated containers for
duplex/fourplex tenants. He added that there is usually not a proper place to
store the containers. Further discussion was held.
Councilman Schneider questioned the rationale of the selection of homes in the
Pilot B area. Mr. Smith responded that Pilot B includes approximately 3000
homes, similar to the number of homes selected in Pilot A. These homes were
selected to correspond with the current routing system.
City Council Workshop Meeting
Wednesday, May 22, I991
Page 4
City Manag.er Ragland not.ed that the. way ~ ]~r.ogra~. w~.s set, up is in .the,
current routing system and the fact that the start m trying to repmce a vemc~e
that will have to be replaced .any~v, ay, and in.doing so w,e ~e not ,duplica,t~nngal
equipment. We are trying to unplement this m a cost enecuve ana operauo
method that makes economic sense.
Mr. Smith remarked that the City of Bryan is currently using the containers in a
pilot program of 100 homes.
Budget Dire. ctor Charles Cryan addressed the financial aspects of ~ program
per the sanitation budget. He discussed the effect of the demand driven rates.
Mayor Ringer point.ed out that th_ere .are ma. ny people ~ "Area C' that are
interested ~n recycling. He felt that these homes snou~a be considered in the
program in the n-ear future, along with Pilot B.
Mr. Smith replied that it will be easy to modify the program to include the area
north to George Bush for curbside recycling.
Councilman Mcllhaney suggested that automation be established throughout the
city before the super saver rate is implemented.
Mavor Rinaer stuumarized the statements made by the Council. He stated !hat
the'Counc~ fee. is.that automation is a good system and the sta~., should begin
planning for this m the ne. xt budget year. Sec?.n, dly,. ~h,e, council h. as.?lso ,.
inquired about the inclusion of homes south ox me ~,~ campus m me recycnng
program along with homes in Pilot B.
Councilman Birdwell suggested that once a week pickup be_required i~, .the .,
auto.mated area. Mayor Ringer rems_ ked that he would not have a pro, n~e,m ,wmt
offering those persons a lower rate b.ecause they will, recek,, ?,a 19wer leve! ox
service. He added that the second p~ckup each week wou~a ne mr recycnng.
City Manaaer Ragland stated that the staff is working on a special call rate in the
situation when someone has a large amount of trash that cannot be put in one
Councilman Birdwell remarked that. the extra rate for special pickup may not be
a good idea. He would rather see ~t placed in the residential regular monthly
Mayor Ringer discus, sed the issue of yard waste. Mr. LaBeau stated t. hat .
composting may be m ~e near future. He added that the legislature ~s reviewing
a bill that would prohibit yard waste in the landfill.
City Mana.~er Ragiand mentioned that composting is one of the policy issues that
the council will address in the future.
City Council Workshop Meeting
Wednesday, May 22, 1991
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Asst. Director of Public Services Mark Smith presented this item. He presented
a progress report on improvements in preventative maintenance activities.
Mr. Smith described the plan for the summer sealcoating project. Several streets
were identified.
Finance Director Glenn Schroeder addressed the financial impact on the existing
fund balance for the increased emphasis in the street maintenance area.
Councilmembers stated that the staff should proceed with the resources they
currently have to continue with the plans identified, and ff., additional resources
are needed, then the staff could come back to the council for further
Item No. 7 - Council Concerns.
Counc'.flman Mcllhaney emphasized her desire to have a leadership training
retreat ut the near future before the budget retreat.
The council set the pre-budget retreat for June 19-20 at 1:00 p.m.-
5:00 p.m. each day.
Councilman Crouch reported that the Parks and Recreation Board held their
monthly meetina at the Conference Center and members of the A&M. Parks and
Recreation Staff-addressed key parks issues, particularly in conjunction
with the George Bush Library.
Councilman Brown stated that he toured the abandoned United Citizens Bank
building as a possible site for the library. Discussion was held by the council.
The majority of the council stated that this building is an unfavorable site.
May.? Ringer stated that the library committee prepared a list of possible site
locations, and council can review this list and provide input for staff direction.
Item No. 8 - City_ Mana_~er Concerns.
City M..anager Ragland reviewed the attachments as presented to each
_Agenda Item No. 9 - Adjourn.
Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 7:45 p.m.
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Wednesday, May 22, 1991
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4:00 P.M