HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/13/1991 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES COUNCIL WO]~-IOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUAI~ 13, 1991 4.~0 P.M. Mayor Ringer, Councilmen Birdwen, Crouch, Gardner, Brown, Mcl]haney, Schneider City Manager Ragland, City Secretary Hooks, City Attorney Locke, Executive Director Fiscal/Human Resources Harrison, Personnel Director Pavlinski, Executive Director Management Services Piwonka, ~sst. City Manager Woody, Asst. City Manager Brymer, Asst. Public Services Director Smith, Public Services Director LaBeau STUDENT GOV'T LIAISON: Trey Iacobson VJSI'I'OI~S PRE~: See guest register. Aamda Item No. 1 - l~scussion of consent agenda items listed on Thursday, Councilman Birdweli mentioned that he had a correction to the minutes of Ianuary 23rd. He discussed Consent Agenda Items 9..3, 9..6, 9..7. Agenda Item No..2.3 - Resolution amendinq Personnel Policies and Procedures Handbook regarding vacation accrual for Police and Fire employees. Councilman Birdweli inquired about shift hours and vacation hours for the Police and Fire Department. Personnel Director Pavlinski explained this item. Agenda Item No. 9..6 -Cons. ideration of a purcha.se request allowing BVSWMA to ]~urchase construction services on an hourly barns. Council.man Btrdweli stated that in his opinion, this type of item should be bid. Purchasing Age.nt McCartney replied that this item is considered as a personnel service defined m the Local (~overnment Code. City Attorney Locke explained the basis for. services that are bid competitively and the contract for services that are not bid. Councilman Birdwell pointed out that this procedure does not comply with the purchasing manual. Mark Smith stated that the agreement will be changed to.. read that the two parties are the BVSWMA agency and Palasota Construction. 008085 City Council Workshop Meeting Page Wednesday, February 13, 1991 Aaenda Item No. 2.7 - Ratification of purcl~e order for l~,~d acc~,!-~_tion water well sites, Clyde and Irene Porterfield, total amount $28,000. Councilman Birdwen pointed out that the attachments should include a description of the property. He asked that staff prepare the descriptions for the record. Mayor Ringer suggested that appropriate action be taken on this item tomorrow night. After .dis.c. ussion of this item, Mayor Ringer stated that the d~-~cussion of consent agencta items on the .w.orkshop agenda will allow the council to discuss any nec..essary changes w~th staff..The purpose of this item alleviates the need for sta~ to attend the regular meeung. Mayor Ringe.r stated that any changes to the minutes should be reflected at the regular meeting. Ammda Item No. 2 - Pres~__~ of status of T_,~_T~r Ma,.or Ringer pointed out that the City of College Station does not have funding for its portion of the project because of the defeat of the bond issue in the recent December election. Nevertheless, it is important that the City of College Station be aware of the Lotrak status and its future plans. Mayor Ringer introduced Mr. Carol Ziegler, District Engineer for the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation. Mr. Ziegler summarized several alternate plans. Mr. Ziegler stated that he feels a "shorter" project will be favorable to the Board of Regents, City of Bryan, and the State Department. The council discussed the possible alternates. Councilman (~ardner asked Mr. Zie.~ler about the present AMTRAK station. Mr. Ziegler stated that the AMTRAK station is not appropriate to meet the Lotrak Plan. Mayor Ringer thanked Mr. Ziegler for his report to the council. The council discussed the voters opposition to the December 8th bond issue. ~ Item No. 3 - _~_~n_~ of over~e l~,',,~,~,,~,t ~o~ with ~re,~_ ~ ,.~kl_-~ and channellza~n. - .......... - - Development Services Director Elrey Ash presented this item. He stated that the current ord'_m___ance pe_rt, aini~.g to _o~e_ rsize ..b. ridge participation has several problems, kte stated that the staff met '~th the council committee on development policies. 008084 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, February 13, 1991 Page 3 Chairman Nancy Crouch explained the proposed changes. She refe~ed to page 9-19 of the ordinance, section 9-E. One proposed change is the addition of ~ before c.~.pacity. She also referredto Section 9-E.3. Another proposed change is the deletion of "and the excavation and baclr~ll necessarv for the installation of those items." in the last sentence of the paragraph.- Mrs. Crouch referred to Section 9-E.7. An addition was suggested to this statement. "No other participation payment shall be made on the same reauest" ,~S~.~ also., stated that the committee, recommended, deleting in the s.ame sentence, ~xuess me council agrees otherwise and the participation project ~s placed out for public bid." Discussion was held on the interpretation of the ordinance. City M.anager Ra.~land ad.,dre.s, sed the d~f~culties encountered at a staff level. He sees this as a policy clarification issue. He stated that the council reserves the right to make exceptions to the policy when necessary. This does not have to be indicated in every ordinance. Councilman Birdwell disagreed wi~ Mr. Ra.~l.a~.d's statement. City Attorney Locke stated that there are two options available. One ~s the variance procedure in the subdivision ordinance. The second option is a development agreement. Councilman Crouch stated that the council committee consisting of Jim Gardner and Vernon Schneider unanimously recommended the changes. Councilman Crouch pointed out that the council will aoaln review the oversize participation .for E..merald Forest bridge. City Attorney~Locke referred to the. overs~,e participation request from Allen Sw-oboda on the Emerald Forest bridge. The council further discussed this issue. Projects. iPtrojec.t En _~ne.er Debbie Keating and City Engineer David P. ullen presented this em. ~ls. Keat~ng stated that the three year plan include? mdewa]k m~provements, Phase H, ~, .I~., and V. Street reconstruction includes Sebesta Road, Krenek Tap, Rock Prame Road, and Marion Pugh. She presented slides of the proposed projects. Co. uncilman Mc]]han_ey inquired about the county's assistance for maintenance of Sene, sta.Ro~.ad. City Ma~__ager Ragland rep_lied that an agreement has ~o.t .been reso~vea. ~ouncilman Crouch commented that she hoped the staff will Lmtiate the agreement. Councilman Mcllhaney agreed. Discussion was held on the priority list endorsed by the Capital Improvements Citizen Committee. 008085 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, February 13, 1991 Page 4 Councilman Birdwell suggested that traffic counts be made on the proposed street projects. Councilm~.-t Birdwell pointed out that Welsh Street extension to George Bush seems to b.e a priority than reconstruction of Krenek Tap Road or extension of Rock Prairie Road. City Engineer Pullen stated that funds ca~.. be reallocated and cost estimates prepared for the suggested projects mentioned by councilmembers today. Councilman Schneider also suggested that tr~c counts be made on Welsh Street from Southwood Valley extending north. Councilman Crouch asked if the city has a computer model to address the COunCil'S concerfts. Mr. George Dresser addressed the council. Mr. Dresser has a computer model which projections have been made on Welsh Str. ee.t. These projections have een_ presented to the Planrdng and Zontr~_g Conur~slon.. Mr. Dresser pointed out that the extension of Welsh Street to George Bush Dnve is in the long range transportation plan. With the consensus of the council, Mayor.Ringer asked staff to look at traffic counts for the street projects ~a~.d cost estimates for the extension of Welsh ~treet north to George Bush Dnve. Mr. ~Ish remarked that the computer model will be able to provide staff with the information council is requesting. Ms..I~..ating described the priority list for sidewalks. This list was developed by the citizen sidewalk committee. The council concurred to ask the staff to work with the county on the Sebesta Road project. _Aaenda Item No. 5 - DIscussim of future boad ~ oa I! _~,mry. Councilman Birdwell proposed to place the library proposition on the May ballot. He proposed several changes for the promotion of the library rather than the strategy used last year. Counc~ Brown commented that he does not feel..this issue should go back to the c~tizens so soon after the defeat of the proposition on the December ballot. Mayor Ringer concurred. The council continued their discussion. Mayor Ringer reiterated the council's consensus to pursue the library issue in a different approach, but that the proposition will not be placed on the May ballot. 008086 City Council Workshop Meeting Page Wednesday, February 13, 1991 _Agenda Item No. 8 - Council ~. Councilman Mc]]haney suggested that the staff draft a policy statement addressing the county's participation of Sebesta Road. Councilman MclLhaney reported that she met with Deanna Wormuth, Pr.e. sident of the CSISD school board and they d!-~cussed the formation of a committee consisting of all entities to adc~.,ess the future needs of the community. Councilman Brown and Councilman Schneider made comments in this regard. Counc~ Gardner stated that he would like to see a land use study of the "golden triangle" area, sou~ of Southwest Parkway bounded by the East Bypass and Texas Avenue. Councilman Mc]]haney statedthat she would agree to Ri-~cuss this at a future meeting. Mayor Ringer suggested that the council discuss this item at the next workshop meeting. Councilman Crouch expressed her enthusiasm about Councilman Mc]]haney's idea on the cooperation effort with other local entities. She also reported on the Parks Board meeting, mo. re specifically.the use of Lick Creek Park. She referred to the ~ssue of the "no nghi turn" on Mile Drive from the East Bypass frontage roa.d.. Mrs. Crouch added that the police officers are enforcing this area ve..ry he. avily; she expressed con.c, ern a~..out this. Sl~.e suggested that council review this at a future council meeting. Councilman Birdweil agreed with her concern. Councilman Bro .wn,.reported that .he ad .dres.s. ed the Bryan/Conege Station Apartment Association on upconung leg~_ lative issues. He stated that they are experiencing problems with solicitors. City Attorney Locke replied that she can meet with Chief Strope to discuss this problem in the area of enforcement of the ordinance. Councilman Schne. id. er stat.ed that traffic problems are a major issue of the council; however, it ~s not listed as one of the 1990-91 council issues. Councilman Birdwen remarked about the school location on Sebesta Road. He asked if staff would attend the CSISD workshop the following night t.o give input to the sch. ool board about the city's development ]~olicies. Ma.~or Ringer stated that the city needs to implement long range planning needs v~th the school district because where they place schools affects the city's thoroughfare plan. Mr. Birdweil stated that the TM~ Legislative Update provides a list of legislative bills which have been filed. He stated concern about House Bill No. 538 relating to city employee's .l~..nsion. City Manager Ragland stated that he can provide him a .copy of the bill. Another bill was the Senate Bill regarding telephone franchises. City Atto.rney Locke stated that the city's telephone franchise agreement is not expire for quite sometime. Councilman Birdwell also mentioned that the council still needs to discuss the issues from the bond election. 008087 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, February 13, 1991 Page 6 Councflm~. Mc]lhaney stated ~at a member of the school staff expressed concern., about the cable franchise agreement. City Attorney Locke replied that there will be a public hearing in the future on the cable franchise agreement. No report by the City Manager. Aaeack Item No. 8 - Adiourn. The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m. ATTEST: Gity ~ecretary Gonnie-Hooks APPROVED: 008088