HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/25/1991 - Workshop Minutes City Council4.'00 P.M. Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Brown, Mcllhaney, Birdwell, Gardner, Crouch, Schneider Executive Director Fiscal/Human Resources Schroeder, City Secretary Hooks, City Attorney Locke, Public Information Officer C~111ham, Risk Manager W'flley, Executive Director Management Services Piwonka, Development Services Director Ash, Personnel Director Pavlinski, Public Services Director LaBean, PARD Director Beachy, Asst. PARD Director Ploeger, Asst. Public Services Director M. Smith, Sanitation Supt. J. Smith John Lauletta See guest register. &amtd~ Item No. 1 - Discussion of consent agea~_ _it___m~s listed on Thu~_rt~y. Semember ~6, 1991 com~cil sgead~. Councilman Mcnhaney noted that the minutes for September 12, 1991, on page 6, Agenda hem No. 15, should be corrected to change the councilmember's name who seconded the motion made by Councilman Mcllhaney. Councilman Birdwell asked for discussion on Agenda Item No. 5.7 - Approval of agreement with Health Strategies, Inc. to provide a managed care program. Personnel Director Pavlinski reported that negotiations have been conducted with HSI for managed care discount rates. She pointed out that HSI has proposed a 20% savings in hospital costs. She indicated that have spoke with Humana, but an arrangement has not been made until an agreement is made with the City. Ms. Pavlinski explained that the city may want to change our health plan to give hospitals an incentive in order to provide a rate savings for the city. Councilman Birdwell pointed out that the proposed agreement provides that the city is prohibited from conducting business with anyone else for a year after the contract is cancelled. Councilman Brown expressed his concern on this City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, September 9.5, 1991 Page 2 particular provision. Mr. Birdwell emphasized that it is important to have a list of HSI providers before the agreement is signed. Ms. Pavlinski remarked that the agreement with HSI provides that the City of College Station will maintain services with their company for a managed care program. After this agreement has been approved, HSI will seek negotiations with the local hospitals. She further stated that HSI will not receive any payment from the city unless a savings is negotiated. Mr. Birdwen expressed concerns about the agreement: 1) the agreement states that all information must be retained as confidential, but will be subject to the Texas Open Records Act 2) the fact that the city cannot negotiate with another firm until one year after the contract is cancelled Ms. Pavlinski pointed out that the provision in the agreement which relates to confidentiality will be eliminated from the final draft. She stated that the one year waiting period can be negotiated further. Mayor Ringer mentioned that the item may be puned from the consent agenda subject to the changes discussed today. Ms. Pavlinski stated that she win bring this item back to the council at their next regular meeting. Mr. Robert Lazarus of R.W.L & Association addressed the council. He stated that the concerns mentioned by Councilman Birdwell are significant. Risk Manager Mike Willey presented this item. He stated that three bids were received: Texas Municipal League, Texas Political Subdivisions, and A.J. (~allagher. He noted that $360,000 were set aside in the budget to cover the premium costs. Mr. Robert Lazarus from R.W.L. & Associates explained the bid s~ for each agency. He recommended the bid from AJ. (~allagher because it meets the needs of the city's specifications. Mr. Lazarus recommended that the public official liability be awarded to National Casualty. He also recommended that the fixed cost program in the A.J. Ganagher package and the amount budgeted for insurance this fiscal year be set aside in a fund upon reconunendation of the Finance Director to defray the cost of any self insured losses within the deductible. Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, September 25, 1991 Page 3 Councilman Birdwell asked for the current deductible. Mr. Lazarus replied that It is $10,000. Aaenda Item No. 3 - Discussion of 1~ _.ecyc~g ~ Centres. Public Services Director Joe LaBeau presented this item. He showed slides of existing recycling drop off centers throughout the City. Mr. LaBeau addressed three options. 1) Seek request for proposals to develop a model recycling center 9.) City build and operate the facility 3) City establish the facility and Iunction 505 maintain operations Councilman Brown commented that the last option is the appropriate way to address this item. Councilman Schneider stated that he is very interested in seeing something done at this site. He mentioned that the city will have to take a major role in the involvement of this process. Mayor Ringer asked ff all the revenue is allocated toward Junction §0§. Mr. LaBeau replied that he is right, all the revenue will go to Junction 505. Councilman Birdwell proposed to build the facility with city funds to meet our requirements and Junction 505 operate it as an alternative to city wide curbside pick'up. Councilman Crouch asked if Junction 505 is charged the regular tipping fee. Mr. LaBeau replied that as part of the new agreement, the city would pay their solid waste fees. Councilman Mcnhaney encouraged the staff to set up a recordkeeping system to analyze the collection rate, etc. Mayor Ringer noted an advantage to this operation is that it would have designated operating hours. Student (~ov't L~-~on Lauletta noted that a high volume of students want to recycle, and the location is convenient. Councilman (.~ardner asked if Junction 505 will provide a shelter area. Mr. LaBeau replied that Junction 505 will bring a movable office building. He also noted that the site will also be concrete paved and provide adequate drainage. Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, September 25, 1991 Page 4 Mayor Ringer stated that the consensus of the council is to continue with the development of the model recycling drop off center at Cafe Ecell, and to work in cooperation with Junction 505. Agan~ Item No. 4 - Council Commanta. Councilman Crouch asked for an update on the schedule of the visionary leadership retreat. Councilman McIlhaney suggested that the dates could be set for October 1 st and 3rd, and start at a later time to accommodate the Mayor's schedule and Councilman Brown's schedule. Mayor Ringer stated that he cannot meet for three days. He stated that he would prefer a goal setting session. Councilman Birdwell remarked that a brainstorming session is more beneficial. Councilman Schneider agreed. Councilman Mc]lhaney suggested Tuesday, October ~.9th for the retreat. The councflmembers agreed that this would be an acceptable date. Mayor Ringer asked the councilmembers to check their calendars. ~ Item No. B - Olty M~maer C, omment~. Acting City Manager Glenn Schroeder did not make a report. A~;sr,.dm Item No. 6 - AclJoum. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 5:00 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: