HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/10/1991 - Workshop Minutes City Council M~'u'TES COUNCIL WOI~SHOP MEETING W~,S~4.~,]~.Y 10, 1991 Mayor Ringer, Councihnembers Brown, Schneider, Crouch, Mcllhaney, Birdwell, Oardner City Manager Ragland, City Secretary Hooks, City Attorney Loc..ke, Asst. City Manager .Bry~,,e.r, Asst. C~ty Manager Woody, Fire Chxef Orange, Energy Manager Shear, Fin.ance Director Schroeder, PARD Dmector Beachy, Public Information Officer Calliham VISITORS PRE~: See guest register. Mayor Ringer reported that he has questions regarding the drainage concerns on the Pebble Creek Final Plats. City ManagerRagland stated that the staff will address the drainage issues during the second item on the agenda, drainage and development related matters. Councilman Gardner commented that he will remove the Council Relations Policy from the consent agenda for further comments at the regular meeting. Councilman Schneider arrived at the meeting. Agend~ Item No. 2 - Dkcussion of dmina_ae m~d devalopment related n~tters. Tom Brymer introduced t..his item and presented information on Cit~ Council Issue No. 8, Drainage Policy. He presented slides and overhead v~suals that display the flood/drainage infrastructure in the city. He discussed the residents perception regarding the maintenance responsibility of drainage and utility easements and usually that reception is that the city has the res.ponsibility to maintain these areas. TMs perception has lead staff to recogmze different variations. He presented slides that visualize the diverse situations that ernst. Asst. Public Services Director Smith addressed the city's drainage maintenance policy. He also showed slides illustrating drainage easements throughout the city. Mr. Brymer stated that the.goal of this city council issue is to use all available resources to minimize flood damage and loss as well as educate citizens concerning public vs. private responsibilities. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, July 10, 1991 Page 2 City Engineer Pullen dis_cussed the stormwater manag.ement .ordin .a~. ce.. He . identified two sections o! the ordinance: The first secuon ~s ute poncy statemenT, and the second section is the design standards. He explained staff changes that were made to the poli.cy statements. One major change addresses alternative solutions for open drainage ditches on the rear property line. Councilman Birdwen p?inted out that the drainage policies do not require developers to install reh-Eorced concrete pipe. Mr. Punen remarked that this is an issue the staff is working to resolve. Mr..Smi.'.'th addressed the funding options for maintenance. The current funding for drainage mainte.n, ance is allocated from the gen_eral fund and fundin~l for maintenance in capital improvement projects are allocated fro..m, generat obligation bonds. He introduced the concept of a drainage utihty fee. The council responded favorably to staff's presentation. Senior Planner Jane Kee stated that the University Drive Corridor Stg. dy began when the Council direct.e.d staff and the PI..a~g. and .Zoning Conmvssion to review the recommendations of the 1985 Umversi~ Drive Land Use Study to see if modifications could be made. As part of this review, staff also kept in mind the council issues such as Community Appearance, Streetscape and Economic Development. She presented slides which displayed the zoning changes along University Drive that have been made since 1985. Mr. Edwin Hard presented traffic and transportation conditions in the corridor Mr. Hard addressed the policy on Access Managemen. t and Driveway Desi~n. He added that the Drip... ~y Access Location and Design has been refined into ordinance form and will brought to the Council for consideration at a later date. Ms. Kee pointed out that this review addressed a need that has existed for some time; and that need is for an additional commercial zoning district referred to as C-B, Business Commercial. She outlined the proposed range of permitted uses. .Ms. K..ee .stated ~at the subco.rnmitt..ee examined the Wheeler property a.t. th.e intersection of Lincoln and Umversity and felt that if the proposed C-B district had been available at the time of the rezoning request, the western corner would be an appropriate location for this district. Ms. Kee discussed the concept of a special overlay district and proposed criteria. Ms. Kee stated that a public hearing was held for the property owners input. The property owners were supportive of the new commercial zoning district and City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, July 10, 1991 Page 3 the special overlay d~trict. Ms. Kee explained the seven recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Sub-corrm'dttee. The council concurred that the report was presented in an exceilent fashion. The council expressed general comments about specific issues in the report. ~ Item No. 4 - Dlscussioa of potenttsl CDBG fu~.ded ~ctum .Counc' .fl?an Birdwell commented that the background information for this informaUon was complete and understandable and the staff did not need to make a presentation. City Planner Callaway pointed_out that the staff ha.s. identified two potential projects in CD target areas. One is s. treet and utility construc~on in the Northgate area and the second area ~s for the Lincoln Center Master Plan. The staff can also apply monies to both areas if the council desired. The council concurred that the money should be spent in both areas. Agend~ Item No. 5 - Dlscussloa of estshlishing ~n ~ndowment Committee. Councilman Crouch's request was outlined in the council packet material. Mayor Ringer expressed concern about the c!ty soliciting the donation of property to the City at the request of a council person and the staff spends a great deal of time on the project, and in conclusion, the entire council is not in favor of the project. Councilman Crouch stated that she addressed his concern in the memo with the fact that at the beginning of the year, the council would establish the priority projects which would have a demand for land. Mayor Ringer added that the council could appoint a committee to work on the specific project, but sometimes this is not always the appropriate action. Other councilmembers expressed comments about the proposed committee. Councilman Crouch stated that her main concern is to elicit a council proactive approach to acquire property. City Manager Ragland commented that this proposal is not something.new to the staff; however, in the future, the staff may want to become more sensitive to the issues. wiCloth Manager Ragland stated that the city has a standard operating procedure guidelines .th. at are followed regarding land acquisitions. He asked the City Attorney to combine into the procedures, a signal to staff if certain land City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, July 10, 1991 Page 4 acquisition projects generate the appointment of a special committee. _Agend~ Item No. 6 - Council Concerns. Councilman Gardner. suggested that this item should be renamed to Co..uncfl Comments or Comnuttee Reports. Councilman Birdweil suggested the item read Council Concerns and Convnents. Councilman McHhaney asked if tr~c signals will be placed o.n the east side and west side of the East Bypass. City Manager Ragland replied that the city can ask for a warrant study. Development Services Director Ash remarked that he will send a letter to the Highway Department requesting a warrant study. Councilman Mcnhaney reported that there have been many traffic accidents occur at this intersection. Councilman Birdwen commented that the ~. o. up council picture should be display, ed in city hall; and eliminate the individual pictures to each Councilperson. Agend~ Item No. 7 - City lVl~msger Concerns. City Manager Ragland reported no concerns. Ages. ch Item No. 8 - Adjourn. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 6:50 p.m. ATTEST: City Secretary Connie Hooks APPROVED: