HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/22/1992 - Regular Minutes City CouncilTHURSDAY, OCYOBER 22, 1992 7:00 P.1VL Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Brown,Schneider, Kennady, Crouch, McIlhaney, Gardner City Manager Ragland, City Attorney Locke, Ci~ Secretary Hooks, Assistant City Manager Brymer, Executive Director Management Services Piwonka, Executive Director Fiscal/Human Resources Schroeder, Assistant Director Management Services Shear, Superintendent Water and Wastewater Riley, Assistant Public Services Director Smith, Asst. PARD Director Ploeger, Superintendent Technical Services Lange, Assistant City Attorney Coates, Assistant City Attorney Rayner See guest register A~nda Item No. 1 - ~i~ni.. of a pro~lsmstlnrl d__P. alrnAfino the we~k Of October 19-25 1992 as '~lationsl Business Womm?s Wcek"-i~ ~__11_~,~ St~h_'_on Ms. Barbara Dever accepted the proclamation signed by Mayor Ringer. Al~nan Imm No. 2 - 81~nlna of a pro~lsmnfion d~ai~ernstino~ th~ week of October 25-31 l!I92 as ~h.rma~ We~le' i~ C~ge Sta_h_'~ .... Ms. Amy Caldweil accepted the proclamation signed by Mayor Ringer. A~endas~xm ofItem710NO"park3 ~.. ntati_nn of I-I/storic plaque to gad ...... Blank and 1Msrlr 1Ma or. ret Ms. Sexton came forward to accept the historic plaque from Mayor Ringer. A~_ nda Item No. 4 - CONnA~NT AGENDA (4.1) Approval of minutes for the workshop meeting, September 23, 1992 and regular meetin~;, September 24, 1992. ~.2) Approval of an amended oil and gas lease to Jimmy Hodges, dba Central Plains oil & Gas Corporation, for the development of an additional 5.745 acres (Krenek Tap Road and FM 2818) for a total of 52.960 acres. City Council Regular Meeting Wednesday, October 22, 1992 Page 2 (4.3) Approval of a purchase order in the amount of $33,000 for soils testing services at the Rock Prairie Road landfill. The services will be provided by Buchanan Soil Mechanics, Inc. RESOLUTIONS (4.4.) Approval of a resolution for the Municipal Water Pollution Prevention and council review of the Municipal Water Pollution Prevention Environmental Audit Report. .5) Approval of a resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract with ellborn Water Supply Corporation for the sale of water to Wellborn for the purpose of resale to the customers on the Wellborn Water System. (4.6) Approval of a resolution authorizing the Mayor, City Manager, and City Attorney to acquire six tracts in the Crawford League for use as a park, utilities, and street extension. ORDINANCES (4.7) Consideration of an ordinance amending Chapter 1 of the City of College Station administrative policies and procedures manual, Section 1-C(9) relating to the fitness for duty policy statement on drugs and alcohol. (Ordinance No. 1982) (,_4.8) Consideration of an ordinance amending Chapter 4, Section 3, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station relating to parades and motorcades. Ordinance No. 1983) 4.9) Consideration of an ordinance vacating and abandoning a 20' utility easement located on lots 5 and 6, Block 4, Emerald Forest Phase 6, more commonly known as 2109 and 21! 1 Chippendale. (Ordinance No. 1984) AGREEMENTS AND CONTRACTS (4.10) Authorization to enter into an agreement with Hester Engineering Company for professional services for the project management of the following projects: Brentwood waterline WT1004, Graham Road waterline, WT9201, Graham road sewerline, SS10104, Oakwood water and sewer rehab WT1022, Texas Avenue waterline, WT1012, and Wolfpen Creek interceptor I, SS1002. (4.11)Consideration of professional services contract with McClure Engineering, Inc. of Bryan, Texas for the design of Victoria Ave. from Rock Prairie Road to Graham Road. to 4.12) Authorization for staff to enter into negotiations for engineering design services r pool system repairs and improvements. BIDS h4.13) Approval of annual contract for the purchase of miscellaneous microcomputer ardware, software, and peripheral equipment for various city departments, Bid #93-01, staff recommends split award to Computer Access and Qualice Network Services, total expenditure for FY 1992-93 is approximately $140,000. 4..14) Approval for unloading, transporting and setting up two substation transformers, ids #93-05 & 93-06, Public Utilities Technical Division, funds are available in Utility Bond Fund, total expenditure $32,512.00. Recommend award to low bidders, Ray's Crane Service in the amount of $14,427 and electrical testing specialist in the amount of $18,085. 4t4.15 Request for purchase approval to renew annual contracts, $4,231,506. .16) Approval of one protective relay test set, Public Utilities Technical Division. afl recommends award to AVO International, total expenditure $11,495. Funds are City Council Regular Meeting Wednesday, October 22, 1992 Page 3 available as budgeted in FY 1992-93 Utility Fund. (4.17) Request for confirmation of emergency purchase of computer hard disk and tape drive for Police Department, funding available in Capital Equipment Fund, FY 1992-93 award made to E.A.I. Systems, Inc., total expenditure $24,863. (4.18) Approval of neighborhood parks jogging trails and site improvements. Staff recommends award to JHW General Contractors in the amount of $85,750. Funds available in 1990 bond funds and parkland dedication funds. PLATS (4.19) Consideration of an E.T.J. amending plat for Nantucket Phase I - Lot 4R, Block 4. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval with the condition that the applicant submit a letter from the County indicating approval of the plat. (4.20) Consideration of a master preliminary plat for the Gateway subdivision located at the northeast corner of the intersection SH 30 and the SH 6 East Bypass. The property wraps around Furrows and Sams. Applicant is Bank United of Texas. The plat consists of 49.61 acres divided into three C-1 General Commercial lots and one reserve tract with C-1 and R-1 zoning. Two of the lots are for the development of a 12 screen movie theater. Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval. Mayor Ringer stated that the staff requested removal of Agenda Item No. 4.2 for discussion. Councilman Kennady removed Consent Agenda Item No. 4.13. The remaining consent items were approved. A~enda Item No. 4.2 - Approval of an amended oil and gas lease to Jimmy Hodges, dba C~ntral Plains Oil & Gas Corporation, for the development of an addition 5.745 3ores (Krenek Tap Road and FM 2818 streets) for a total of 52.960 acres. Assistant City Attorney Neal Coates stated that three tracts of land (five acres) were requested by Sage Energy to be added to this lease. Additional revenue will be received by the city in the amount of $1,000. Councilman Crouch moved approval of the oil and gas lease to Jimmy Hodges, dba Central Plains Oil & Gas Corporation for the development of an additional 5.745 acres (Krenek Tap Road and FM 2818 streets) for a total of 52.960 acres. This motion was seconded by Councilman Schneider which carried unanimously, 7-0. A~enda Item No. 4.13 - Approval of annual contract for the purchase of miscellaneou~ microcomputer hardware, software, and peripheral equipment for various city departments. Councilman Kennady commented that the District Attorney has expressed an interest in a system that would accomodate all entities in criminal proceedings, etc. He asked if this system would be compatible with the county system. Charlie Shear replied that the city is looking at the systems which the Ci~, of Brya.n. and the County are currently utilizing. The staff is working towards a unified platform. City Manager Ragland remarked that the City of College Station has taken a leadership role in this area. He was pleased to know the District Attorney expressed interest on City Council Regular Meeting Page 4 Wednesday, October 22, 1992 this subject. Councilman Brown moved approval of the purchase request for miscellaneous microcomputer hardware, software, and peripheral equipment for various city departments in the amount of $140,000. The motion was seconded by Councilman McIlhaney which carried unanimously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 5 - First reading and public hearin~ for a franchise am~exnent with TAC Realty, lac, - - Neal Coates explained that TAC Realty, Inc. proposed to install an irrigation system in the Woodcreek Subdivision along Woodcreek Drive and Stonebrook Drive for the planting of crepe myrtles and other vegetation. The one-time franchise preparation fee in the amount of $520.00 was received. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. ~ II~m No. _5 _- First _re~ eomiderafion of_a _fran~..~i~__ment .with TAC Realty. lac, who mint_pay a ~ ~ fi'anc~ preparation f~ of $520.00 An anmlAl Councilman Schneider moved to approve the first reading of the franchise agreement with TAC Realty, Inc. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch which carried unanimously, 7-0. A~enda Item No. 7 - Reauest to call a vublic hearin~ on the pmlmsed amendment to tl~ 1992-93 ann,A1 budg/t. Grant monies were received in the mount of $3~,000 to the Police Dept. personnel for overlime for seat belt enforee~nt and were not included as part of the bud~t adopted September 10, 1992. Executive Director Fiscal/Human Resources Schrocder commented on this item. The grant monies for the enforcement of seatbclt laws were approved after the budget was approved. These monies will reimburse the city for overtime in the police department to enforce the seatbelt laws. Staff suggested that the public hearing be held on November 12th. Councilman Crouch moved to set the date for the public hearing for November 12th. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brown which carried unanimously, 7-0. A~enda Item No. 8 - Hear Vimitora Councilman Crouch made remarks about the council goals. She stated that she would like to see more time spent on important issues and not urgent issues. She and Councilman Mcllhaney met and prepared a draft outline to address the important issues of the Council and with regard to the council's vision for the city. She suggested ideas for the council agenda format and asked for council input. Mayor Ringer requested council's responses within the following week. City Council Regular Meeting Wednesday, October 22, 1992 Page 5 Councilman Mcllhaney mentioned that she and Coundlman Crouch composed a draft letter for the Mayor's signature regarding the social service task force committee. Mayor Ringer also asked for suggestions from the Council on this item. [_~_~r~ Item No. 9 - Closed session to receive staff report (9.1) Staff Report [6252-17(2)(r)] a. Legal Report (9.2) Land Acquisition [6252-17(2)(0] a. Parkland The council moved into closed session at 7:25 p.m. Agenda Item No. 10 - Amion on dosed session. The council moved back into open session at 8:44 p.m. No action was taken. A~nda Item No. 11 - Adjourn. Mayor Ringer adjourned thc meeting at 8:45 p.m. 'F~EST: ~ , City Secretary 12ohhie Hooks APPROVED: GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL REGUL&R MEETING THURSDAY OCTOBER 22, ~992 7:00 P.M. il. 12. 13. 3.4. 15. 3.6. 17. 18. 19. 10. 20.