HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/10/1992 - Regular Minutes City Council (3)THURSDAY, SEPTP_aMBER 10, 1~ 7:00 P.M. COUNClI-MRMBBRS PRESENT:Mayor Pro-tem Brown, Councilmembers Crouch, Mcllhaney, Schneider, Gardner, Kennady COUNClI.MRMBERS AB8~: Mayor Ringer City Manager Ragland, Assistant City Manager Woody, Assistant City Manager Brymer, Executive Director Management Services Piwonka, Executive Director Fiscal/Human Resources Schroeder, City Attorney Locke, City Secretary Hooks, Purchasing Agent Kettler, City Engineer Pullen See guest register A~enda Item,, No. 1 - Si~nin~_ _ of a _nro~tion' de~/gnating the week of Seinember 14- 1992 aa Safety Awa2mneaa Week". City employee Cindy Mbron accepted the proclamation. .,a.~e_ nda_ I_tem No. 2 - Si~nlno of a elarna6nn rl~aiomatlno~ the mnn_th of September p* '~'ot~r Registration Mohth".~ pro __ _ Naomi Fackler of the League of Women Voters accepted the proclamation. Agendn Item No. 3 - CONSENT AGENDA. h3.1) Approval of minutes for the Workshop Meeting, August 26, 1992, and the Regular eeting, August 27, 1992. ~.2) Approval of recommendation to refund 1991 property taxes to Resolution Trust t~orporation as receiver for Southwest Federal Savings Association in the amount of $1,077.16. (3.3) Approval of an amendment to the College Station Policies and Procedures Section 1, F. 13.C.3 regarding certification pay. (3.4) Approval of a resolution authorizing the Mayor, City Manager, and City Attorney to acquire 0.099 acres in the Crawford Burnett League for use as a park and the extension of Eleanor Street. h3.5) Approval of an increase of $11,000 to purchase order no. 920020 issued to cDow & Associates for engineering services for Brentwood Waterline, project no. WT1004. Funding for this increase is in project no. WT1004, Engineering budget 1991- 92 in the amount of $30,000. (3.6) Approval of ratifying a change order in the amount of $26,352 to purchase order no. 921571 issued to Palasota Construction, Inc. for the construction of Wolf Pen Creek Interceptor - Phase I, project no. SS1002. Funding for increase is in the 91-92 fiscal year budget for project no. SS1002. Total bid amount for this project is $1,711,907.82. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, September 10, 1992 Page 2 (3.7) Approval of Texas Department of Transportation contract for occupant protection step selective enforcement. (3.8) Approval of contract for CIC waterline extension to Elliott Construction in the amount of $20,064.45. (3.9) Approval of a 6 acre preliminary plat of Stonehedge subdivision located in the ETJ at the intersection of Sandstone Drive and Indian Trail. The above items were approved by common consent. A~_ nda Imm No. 4 - A public lmagng on the proposed 1992-93 Ad Valorem tax ram. Mayor Pro-rem Brown opened the public hearing. Dick Startsman, 2009 Oakwood, in Bryan opposed the tax rate. He asked the council to justify the tax rate increase. Councilman Crouch read a portion of the City Manager's transmittal letter from the budget packet. Councilmembers continued to justify the need for a tax increase to the audience. City Manager Ragland added that the city continues to maintain one of the lowest tax rates in the State. After further comments, Mayor Pro-tem Brown closed the public hearing. A~_ nda Item No. 5 - Conaid~ratio, of an oldinanoo at~__~n_~ th~ 199'2-9'3 lanl~111~1 bndoa-.t Mayor Pro-tem Brown addressed the Sunday Eagle newspaper article regarding the city's budget. He commented that the City of College Station has funded $396,000 in the past seven years. He clarified that the agencies listed in the newspaper were funded from the hotel/motel fund and there is not a relation between this fund and the funding of the Brazos Prenatal Clinic. Mary Ellen Pate, 1308 Austin, Director of the Brazos Prenatal Clinic came forward. She clarified several points of concern. First, the Clinic has not refused to move into the County Health Dept. building. Secondly, the Clinic will not be expanding services, rather, maintain services with this requested funding. Ms. Pate further commented that the Clinic is the only provider of the Norplant system in this area for low income women. Also, the clinic is the only service which assists women for medicaid benefits. This might be affected without funding. She anticipated that the City of Bryan will probably not fund the Clinic because College Station has not. Furthermore, $60,000 would be eliminated from the planned budget and potentially cause the Clinic to close. Councilman McIlhaney asked if there are doctors who perform the Norplant function. Ms. Pate replied that two physicians perform this procedure on a routine basis. Ms. Gardner Osborn of Bryan addressed the Council. She remarked that the Clinic tried to obtain space in the new building, but it was not feasible. Ms. Osborn further emphasized that a joint clinic in the Health Department will not work. Incidentally, the Clinic is working with the County Health Board on a contract with the Health Department for the Clinic to provide prenatal care for Brazos County, Bryan and College Station women. She also noted that it is most likely the City of Bryan will not fund the Health Clinic if College Station does not fund the Clinic. In addition, the State will not fund the clinic if there is not support from the County and the communities. She asked the council to reconsider their action. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, September 10, 1992 Page 3 Ms. Osborn alluded to the fact that the State supports the Clinic. Likewise, if the Clinic contracts with the Health Department in the future, the State's responsiveness to fund the Clinic will be greater. Buzz Pruitt, 900 Park Place, addressed the Council. He urged the council to reconsider funding for the Clinic. Robert Davis, 8105 Raintree, spoke to the Council in support of the Brazos Maternal and Child Health Clinic and encouraged the council to continue funding. Jim James, 403 Chimney Hill, stated the clinic offers wonderful services for persons who cannot otherwise afford the services. He continued to state it is critical for this program to remain open for the low-income women. He urged the Council to consider funding the Clinic. Chris Spain conveyed to the Council that the Clinic is looking into the possibility of local fund raising events. Kenneth Matthews of 1817 Hondo spoke to the Council. He stated that the Clinic is one of the major instruments in providing the lowering of infant mortality rate in this community. He urged the Council to consider funding the Clinic for another year. Dan Ransom of 1105 Santa Rita Court, addressed the Council in support of the Clinic. Cathy Liles of 1804 Sabine Court came forward to express her support of the Clinic. She asked the Council to fund the Clinic until a permanent funding source can be established for the Clinic. Pam Kazierczak of 3011 Cochise Court urged the Council to fund the Clinic from a compassionate standpoint. Mayor Pro-tem Brown commented that this program has meant a great deal to the City Council. The Council realizes the importance of the program. At the same time, the city is not in a position to continue the Clinic's funding. He explained the funding mechanisms available to social service agencies. Councilman Mcllhaney remarked that she received numerous phone calls about the newspaper article on the prenatal clinic's funding. She stressed that the citizens and community leaders need to analyze ways to fund certain services on a permanent basis. The Council recognizes the importance of this clinic. Ms. Mcllhaney informed the audience of other agencies requesting funds this year. Councilman Kennady announced the agencies funded from the Hotel/Motel Fund. He made a motion to remove $25,000 funding from BVCASA and with these monies fund the Brazos Maternal Health Clinic $25,000. He pointed out his disappointment of the Clinic's lack of attempt toward local fund raising events. This motion failed for a lack of second. Councilman Crouch moved to approve the 1992-93 budget as revised at the budget retreat (Ordinance No. 1975). Following this motion, Councilman Crouch indicated that she was extremely supportive of the Clinic. She stated several reasons against funding the Clinic as follows. One, it is not fair to other agencies who requested funding. Second, the Council told the Clinic repeatedly to seek other sources of funding. Third, City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, September 10, 1992 Page 4 Ms. Osborn indicated to her that it was not Ms. Osborn's preference to move into the Health Dept. Fourth, to fund this request is taking a "oandaid" approach. Lastly, we need to have long term social service funding for the entire community. She suggested the appointment of a task force represented by the cities of Bryan/College Station and the County to look at long range funding for these social service agencies. In addition, the task force would be assigned to investigate the state restrictions on the $1 million indigent health care monies available from the County. She encouraged fund raising events for all the agencies. Councilman Schneider seconded the motion. Councilman Kennady made a substitute motion to transfer $5,000 from BVCASA funds and $1,650 from the Mayor's Committee on the Disabled to the Clinic. This motion failed for a lack of second. He realized that the Council had given prior warning to these agencies, but the Council should show some compassion and provide some monies. Councilman Gardner pointed out that there are three sources for funding of these agencies. 1) tax rate. 2) Community Development Block Grants. 3) hotel/motel funds. He suggested locating monies from somewhere to fund the clinic. Councilman Gardner made a substitute motion to the budget by granting $31,000 to the Clinic by transferring this amount of money in lieu of taxes. The motion failed for a lack of second. Mayor Pro-tem Brown restated the original motion to approve the 1992-93 annual budget. The vote taken on this motion was approved 6-0. Councilman Kennady commented that the reason he did not agree with Councilman Gardner's motion is because he promised the citizens that he is committed to the budget as presented. Councilman Crouch made a motion to form a task force including members from the cities of Bryan, College Station and the County to work together to find permanent funding for social services, to investigate state restrictions on $1 million health care money available from the County and to resolve the ongoing request from these agencies every budget year. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schneider. Comments were raised by members of the audience. The motion carried by a vote of 6-0. Councilman Kennady made an amended motion to reconsider the 1992-93 budget. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schneider. The motion failed by a vote of 2-4. FOR: Councilmembers Kennady and Gardner AGAINST: Mayor Pro-tem Brown, Councilmembers Crouch, Schneider and McIlhaney A~cnda Item No. 6 - Request for City Con_n_m'! to ~1~1 public hearln~ on pmpo~__.d ~r~ndrn~nt~ to t_h__~ ].991-92 .~knn.nl B11d_~(~_~t - Councilman Kennady made a motion to call for a public hearing to be held on September 24th at 7:00 p.m. on proposed amendments to the 1991-92 annual budget. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch which carried unanimously, 6-0. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, September 10, 1992 Page 5 ,agenda Item No. 7 - A public hearing on the oil and gas operations permit, application fram Union Pacific Reso~ces _Com~, Non Worth, Tmas to conduct ~operati6ns for · _e .d~co~_ rv and _m'oduction of oilfgaS and associated hydrocar~ with the (B._ T.J.) of the City, deslo~nted as Old~n-Pa.ul~. #1 loc_a~d about !:6 miles e~at of Rock Prairie and 1.7 mile~ north of Rock Prairie and Greens Prairie Road intersectio~ City Engineer David Pullen described the location of this drill site. He explained that this item is before the Council because the access roadway is within the city limits. This well is classified as a rural well. He indicated that the security deposit is higher than the minimum required. If damage occurs, $95,000 is appropriate to insure that repairs to the roadway and other public facilities are provided per the ordinance and permit. Mayor Pro-tem Brown opened the public hearing. Arthur Olden, 500 E. Rock Prairie Road indicated to the Council that the entrance onto the well location to Greens Prairie Road has not been paved in several years. Mayor Pro-tern Brown closed the public hearing. on nda Item N~ 8 - Consideration of an o/1 and gas operations permit application from Pacific Resources Company, Fort Worth, Texas for Olden-Paull #I/ Councilman Schneider moved approval of the oil and gas operations permit for Olden Paull #1. The motion was seconded by Councilman Kennady which carried unanimously, 6-0. Age_ nda Imm No. 9 - Hear Visitors. No one spoke. [A~nrl~ lmm No. 10 - Cloud se~aion to mmiv~ staff report 2-17(2~(r'fl. dia~m land ac~,,i,lti_'on [6~52-17(2~ff1]. and_ m _rmnne! l'ei~n2-17(2'ffl~] (10.1) Siai'f l~eport [6252-17(2~(r)] ............. a. Legal Report (10.2) Land Acquisition [6252-17(2)(0] a. Parkland (10.3) Personnel [6252-17(2)(g)] a. Appointment of Interim Assistant Municipal Court Judge The council moved into closed session at 8:50 p.m. Age_ nda Item No. 11 - Action on closed session. The council came back into open session at 10:08 p.m. Councilman Crouch made a motion to appoint Stephen Baker as Interim Assistant Municipal Judge for the week of 9-17-92. The motion was seconded by Councilman Kennady which carried unanimously, 6-0. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, September 10, 1992 Page 6 A~_ ncla Imm No. 12 - Adjourn. Mayor Pro-rem Brown adjourned the meeting at 10:09 p.m. ATI'EST: City Seci'etary Connie Hooks APPROVED: GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY SEPTEMBER ~0, ~992 7:00 P.M. . ,...;z'L -~- CZct ~ ( [-' 17. 18. 19. 20.