HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/09/1992 - Regular Minutes City CouncilTt-~DAY, aY 9, l!~g2 7:00 P.1VL COUNCII-M~MBERS PRESENT:Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Brown, Kennady, Schneider, Gardner, McIlhaney, Crouch City Manager Ragland, Assistant City Manager Brymer, Assistant City Manager Woody, Executive Director Piwonka, Executive Director Schroeder, City Secretary Hooks, City Attorney Locke, Assistant City Attorney Nemcik See guest register A~enda Item No. 1 - Certificates d a~mrechfi_.on _for Deve_!orm~nt Serv/m~_ Water W-astewater. Budge_ t & Research, LegJd for then' ' ' ' - ---' Mayor Ringer presented certificates of appreciation to the following persons for their work and staff involvement in the annexation process for Foxfire Subdivision. Bill Riley, Elrey Ash, Roxanne Nemcik, and Glenn Schroeder. Amanda Item No. 2 - CONSENT AGENDA. t271) Approval of m/nutes for the Special Meeting, June 19, 1992, Workshop Meeting, une 24, 1992, and Regular Meeting, June 25, 1992. (2.2) Consideration of a resolution author/zing the Mayor, City Manager, City Attorney to acquire 3.784 acres in the Crawford Burnett Survey for use as a park and the extension of Eleanor Street. M2.3) Consideration of an ordinance making certain findings of fact and authorizing the ayor to execute an abandonment of a five foot wide portion out of a twenty foot wide electrical easement between the City of College Station and applicant, Sherman Click, pertainin~g to the encroachment of a structure located at Lot 18, Block 11, Brandon Heights uubdivision, more commonly known as 701 Dover Street. (Ordinance No. 1966). (2.4) Consideration of a development agreement to allow the construction of an accessory laundry facility for the use of duplexes on Oney Hervey. (2.5) Consideration of a request for sanitary sewer service connection for residents of the Harvey Hillsides Addition and the Jim Butler residence in Quail Run Estates. /22:~/ Consideration of a final plat for Pebble Creek - Phase 2C. Annual Community Development Revolving Loan Program Report. Councilman Brown removed Item No. 2.5. The remaining items were approved by common consent. Councilman Brown made a motion to approve sanitary sewer serv/ce to the residents of Harvey Hillsides and the Jim Butler residence. The mot/on died from lack of second. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, July 9, 1992 Page 2 Councilman Kennady made a motion to include the annexation of Harvey Hillsides and the Jim Butler residence in Quail Run in the next annexation process subject to the property owners agreeing to annexation and to go forth with the sewer service. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch. Mr. Butler expressed no opposition to annexation. City Manager Ragland pointed out that those asking for sewer service must be willing to annex into the city. Councilman Schneider asked for division of the question. The motion to approve sanitary sewer service to the Jim Butler residence subject to Mr. Butler agreeing to annexation carried by a vote of 7-0. The motion to approve sanitary sewer service to seven properties of Harvey Hillsides carried by a vote of 6-1, Councilman Brown voted against. Age_ nda Item No. 3 - Comidera~on_ of F~,~I Plat _for _l~_n__~_!~ P~_nt Naut,j~t-et (E.T.J) Assistant City Engineer Veronica Morgan explained that the subdivision regulations require that the final plat designate the 100 year flood plain. She further stated that the 100 year flood elevation has not been determined in this area by FEMA and the application proposed to vary from the subdivision regulations and not determine the location of the 100 year flood plain. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the final plat and variance request. Staff recommended approval of the final plat without the variance. The applicant, Greg Taggart of Municipal Development Group, 1218 Berkeley, addressed the Council regarding the plat. He pointed out that signifcant financial hardship is apparent with respect to engineering costs associated with identifying the 100 year flood plain. Secondly, the Nantucket Subdivision has deed restrictions that require construction outside the 100 year flood plain. There is a specific minimum finished floor elevation noted on the final plat which exceeds the 500 year flood plain. Therefore, his client should not have to pay for an analysis of the 100 year flood plain. Discussion followed. Councilman Brown moved approval of the final plat with the variance to exclude the 100 year floodplain line on Lot 3, but requiring the floodplain note on the remainder of the plat. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schneider. Councilman Crouch moved for a substitute motion to approve the final plat without the variance to all the lots. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mcllhaney. The motion carried by a vote of 5-2. FOR: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Schneider, Mcllhaney, Gardner, Crouch AGAINST: Councilmembers Brown, Kennady City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, July 9, 1992 Page 3 A~nda It~rn No. 4 - .C.,omJdc_rafion of proposal final st~___t~_-mellt ~ 19~J2,9'~ C'_.nrnmnnltj~ _E~n~lom~nt Block _Grant. T'ac projected funda inelu~ $731,000 in 1992 _C~D_BG aha S2(~0(~ in ~tielpetod _m'o_m'-m i._,~,.e. Community Development Director Jo Carroll outlined the proposed 92-93 budget. Councilman McIlhaney inquired about the use of funds for a community policing facility. Ms. Carroll replied that she will check into this. A~na- Item No. 5 - A public h~ltrina Oil the _at3_._r. rmd ln3_.ndlne of an Ordlnant~_- [[l'~tlna n Assistant City Attorney Nemcik addressed the Council. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. Atenda Item .N.o. 6 - Consideration of the ~co_nd l~n_dln~ of th~ ordln-nt~_ ~nant~n? sa _DJ_~MliZIC ::r~L1]c~ to AqTlfl. SOLlfl]W~St l~]::~lln~ CorDor._t.i_'on Councilman Brown moved a~proval of the second reading for the ordinance granting the pipeline franchise to Aquila :Southwest Pipeline Corporation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch which carried 6-0, Councilman Mcllhaney abstained. Aanmda Item No. 7 - A public l~arino~ to Cmlajd~r an Ol'dlnan_t~_ []~l]tln? a fl'anehia~_ tn SiOtt & Whit~ M_~morial Hmpitat - Assistant City Attorney Cheryl Rayner explained that the franchise is for installation and operating telephone, computer cables as well an pneumatic tube lines under Glenhaven Drive. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. Mr. Chuck Miller, 4410 Antelope Trail, Temple, Texas came forward to answer any questions of the Council. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. Anenda Item No. 8 - Co_nai_de_rn_tjon of th~. first ~.ain. of an ofd|nnn_t~_. Rflttlt[no~ ti f~nchise to Scott & White Mem__o~nl Hmp~tnt -- = - Councilman Schneider moved approval of the first reading of the franchise ordinance. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch which carried unanimously, 7-0. A~nda Item No. 9 - Con~ra_ti_'on_ of a pl~_llmln.rv nlnt frn' [ttl_o]1~isIi F_,s_'~__tt3_~s P~ ~ contninln? 10.18 ,,_ems and 34 ain~le fnml'ly 1o~_~ '- -- - Senior Planner Jane Kee explained this item. She stated that the staff and Council Development Policies Committee met. She addressed the results of the meeting. Staff recommended approval of the plat with the condition that Nottingham and the small City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, July 9, 1992 Page 4 portion of Victoria is paved by the developer, as part of this phase. Staff also recommended approval of the final plat contingent upon a signed development agreement. Ms. Linda Middleton, 2806 Pueblo Ct., came forward. She asked if the developers have addressed the school board about growth, etc. Mayor Ringer replied that the school district should address these issues in their long range planning. Councilman Crouch moved approval of the preliminary plat for Edelweiss Estates Phase One. The motion was seconded by Councilman Kennady which carried unanimously, 7-0. Aaauda Imm N~ 10 - Conair_ration of an am~ndin= plat fnr Wood__er~k ~on ~ - Lfita 5.-8, Block 1. - - - ....... Councilman McIlhaney moved approval of the amending plat for Woodcreek Section One Lots 5-8, Block 1. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brown. Mr. Glenn Ryers, 1310 Sussex, College Station came forward to address the Council. He mentioned that as President of the Stonebridge Homeowners Association, he and members of the Association are opposed to the amending plat. He stressed the importance of maintaining the concept of patio homes in this portion of Woodcreek. Mr. Ryers also commented that the annual assessments would have to be adjusted to accommodate the individual who reduces the lot size and the existing homeowners making this a serious problem for the current property owners. Discussion followed regarding the deed restrictions. Ms. Virginia Rose, 9314 Essex Green, addressed the Council. She urged the council to reconsider the staffs recommendation. Roy Luepnitz, 2703 Teakwood, College Station addressed the Council. He bought the lots to build a one-story patio home. He explained that he would be glad to pay more toward the assessment fee. City Attorney pointed out to the Council that the city does not have the ability to enforce deed restrictions according to state law. The replat meets the minimum subdivision regulations. Mr. Ryers commented that he and his attorney wishes to work with the City Attorney to discuss this issue further. After further discussion, the Council approved the amending plat by a vote of 7-0. Attenda Item No. 11 - Con_side_ration of a _cont,-,,~ for prn~___,,io-,,! servi~s with Sclu'icimll-Rollin, & Associates - Development Services Director Elrey Ash explained this item. He stated that the contract price is $58,500 to be paid at intervals when services are provided. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, July 9, 1992 Page 5 Mr. Ash discussed the schedule of the project. During this period, six council meetings are scheduled for council input. The Council will develop the standards to initiate the project. The $58,500 will cover the cost for a comprehensive master plan, a master preliminary plat, and a final plat for the first phase. City Manager Ragland emphasized that the Council has the right to interrupt services at any time. Mr. Ash modified the contract wording in Sections 4.03 and 18.01. Dick Birdwell, 1401 Post Oak Circle, came forward to address the Council. He urged the council to set the standards before a contract is considered for planning and the cost is proposed upfront. He pointed out that four work items listed in the contract could be performed by a local engineer. Councilman Schneider moved to approve the contract with Schrickell-Rollins & Associates for $58,500. The motion was seconded by Councilman Kennady which carried 6-1, Councilman Gardner voting against. Agenda Item No. 12 - He, ar Vhitom Ms. Linda Middleton, 2806 Pueblo Ct. addressed the Council on the automated garbage one week pickup. She proposed a contingency plan for holidays and excess garbage. Before the council moved into closed session, a decision was made to schedule a special meeting for Thursday, July 16th, 4:00 p.m. for the purpose of discussing budget issues. Item No. 13 - Cloaed ae~_Lma to receive _~taff relJort f6252-17(2'~(r)l, ~ land amutaition f6252-1?(21(f), an_d_ 1Jel'~o_nnel fti~2-17(2~ftll. {13.1) Sia'ff Iieport ........ --- ' .... a. Legal Report (13.2) Land Acquisition a. Parkland (13.3) Personnel [6252-17(2)(g)]. a. Citizen Committees (Cemetery Committee) The council moved into closed session at 9:25 p.m. A~_ nda Item No. 14 - Action on clmed aeadma. The council reconvened into open session at 9:32 p.m. Councilman Crouch moved to appoint Greg Buell for a one year term and Laura Normand for a two year term to the Cemetery Committee. Councilman McIlhaney seconded the motion which carried 4-3, Councilmembers Brown, Schneider, and Kennady absent. A~_ nda Item No. 15 - Adjourn- Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 9:32 p.m. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, July 9, 1992 Ctly~ecretary Connie Hool~s Page 6 APPROVED: ~ Mayor~La~ J~~ '-_:~ ~UEHT RE~XBTER CXTY COUNCIL RE~UY.J~RMEETXN~ THURBDAY; ~ULY 9; 2992 7:00 12. 13. 14. ® 15. e 16. ® 17. 18. e 19. 10. 20.