HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/27/1992 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMINUTES _M. ayor Ringer, Councilmembers Brown, Bmdwell, Schneider, Mcnhaney, Gardner, Crouch City Manager Ragland, Assistant City Manager Woody, Assistant City M.anager Brym_e.r, Development Services Dmector Ash, City Planner Callaway, Executive Director Fiscal/Human Resources Schroeder, Executive Director Management Services Piwonka, City Attorney Locke, City Secretary Hooks, As?J: PARD Director Ploeger, Senior Planner Kee, Utilities Office Manager Albrlght, Public Information Officer C~!!ham John Lauletta See guest register. Agenda Item No. 1- ~Pr~mnmtig_ n of service n~mues to ~ Banks a~l ~ames Amis recognition of their service to the City of College Station. Mayor Ringer presented service plaques to Mr. James Arn~ who served as Assistant Municipal Judge and to Mr. Philip Banks who served as Municipal Judge. Mayor Ringer presented an historic plaque #18 to Mr. Derek Morris and his family to display on their home at 501 Kerry Street in College Station. ~ Item No. 3__- CONSENT AGENDA. (3.1) Approval of minutes for the Cable Public Hearing, February 6, 1992, Special Meeting Annexation, February 7, 1992, Regular Meeting, February 13, 1992. ,(.3.2..). ~Con. si~dera, tipn of..profession.al, surveyin~..servi, ces for.thee Linc.o~ Center/WaY~. e Smith ~ar~: ~omaor. r~ecommena ~unic~pa~ ~eve~opmem ~roup m me amount ox $18,300 for survey. Funded by 1984 Parkland Acqu~'tion Bond Funds. ORDINANCES (3.3) Consideration of an ordinance of the City of Conege Station, Texas ordering a general municipal election and a charter ame.n, dment election in the City of College ~tation on Saturday, May 2, 1992, for the election of Mayor, City Councilman Place 2, City Councilman Place 4, and City Councilman P!ace 6; and voting on nine propositions amending the College Station City Charter. (Ordinance No. 1944) RESOLUTIONS 3.4) Consideration of a resolution for the 1994 Games of Texas to be held in ryan/College Station. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, February 27, 1992 Page 2 CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS (3.5) Approval of the Code Enforcement and Development agreement between the City of College Station and Mr. and Mrs. Robertson., property owners of 805 South Dexter. (3.6) Approval of a development agreement with the JAYCEES for temporary utility senrice. BIDS .Tc~s Request for renewal of purchase order for annual Janitorial Maintenance contrgct, budgeted in the Fi' 1991-92 Gener.al Fund, Facilities Maintenance Division, stat~ recommended renewal with A.B. Enterprises, total contract $94,527, allows for increase for labor only of $0.25 per hour, or $236 per month. Mayor R~..g. er noted that Consent A.genda Item No. 3.6 was removed from the agenda because it ~s not necessary to conmder this item. The remaining items were approved by common consent. ~____~M toNo. 4_- Considera~ of an ordtnan~ ~ 11 of the Code~ adtust electric rates to mnmliem. The ~e will be effective March 1, 1992 with a reduction in rates by apln'ozfana~ 4.6 ~rcont. Councilman Mc]]hane.~ moved to approve Ordinan.c.e No. 1945 to reflect Option I for the rate change. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch. Councilman Birdwell made a substitute motion to approve the ordinance that represents Option H. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brown. Councilman Birdwell referred to the cost of service study. He commented that Option II proposes a larger reduction for customers who are charged too much, and a smaller reduction for those customers who are charged less. This is a logical move to make. Other counciimembers expressed their comments on the proper approach toward implementing the change. The substitut.e, motion for Option II pa.ssed by a vote of 4-3. FOR: Councilmembers Brown, Schneider, Gardner, Birdwell AGAINST: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Crouch and McIlhaney Aaanda Item No. 5 - A public h _earing on the question of rezonfng 21 tracts from C-] General Commerc~ to C-B Business ~. Senior Planner Kee stated that this item is the final rezoning procedure for the University Drive corridor. She specified the property owners of each tract. The rezoning inclu.des 21 acre tracts. The C-B district was intended as an alternative to C-1 for those locations where more intense uses that are allowed in C-1 would not be compatible .with existing .zoning and ]and use.s.. The University Drive Report suggested that C-B zorung is the best to accomplish the council's intent of creating of .w~.y To creating an attractive entry way into the city. The staff recommended that the twenty-one tracts be zoned C-B. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the rezonings. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, February 9.7, 1992 Page 3 Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. dlNo. 6 - Coasidemtion of an mdinance rezonlng 21 tracts from C-I General Councilman Schneider moved approval of Ordinance No. 1946 rezoning the 21 tracts as presented to C-B Business CorrLmercial. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch which carried unanimously, ?-0. Item No. 7 - A public. _bern'lng to considm' an m'dtnanc~ rezordng Lot 14 Block T Ms. Kee explained this item. This is a 2.9 vacant tract of land on the north side of University Drive just west of the intersection of Spring Loop. The tract has vacant R-4 property adjacent on the west and vacant C-N property on the east. Developed R-4 lots to the rear. Ms. Kee stated that there is a basic question to be addressed with this request. Does the Council wish .t0 see the Unive~ity Drive Corridor develop as a retail commercial corridor or does it wish to see a nuxed of uses? Staff reconunended that although the rezordng to C-.B would not be detrimental in this particular case, .the preservation of the existing A-P ~s preferable. This recommendation had to be made ut light of the current future land use plan. Ms. Kee. reported that the Planning and .Zo .ning CorrLmission recommended approval to rezone this property to C-B. The Comm~slon tabled the C-N to A-P city initiated request for the corner lot pending the Council's decision of this request. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. Mr. J. Al.exander representing Anco Insurance addressed the Council. He favored the C-B zonutg because it wouldbroaden the use of the property. Planning and Zorn.. g Commissioner Steve Esmond, 1110 Todd Trail, addressed the Council. He mentioned that this tract is 2.9 acres with 400 feet of frontage and its adverse impact is far less than the rezonings to C-B. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. Aae~_~l,~ T_t,~t No. 8 - Co~_,~__,~flon of in c)r,4~.ce l',~l-~lfl~ to the - _l~ve ~_m11_. Councilman Brown moved approval of the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Councilman Birdweli. Councilman Gardner commented that this area will be good for potential buyers if the property remained A-P. He also noted that the property is adjoined to residential property and the A-P zone will provide protection. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, February 27, 1992 Page 4 Councilman Brown commented that A-P i~. an appropriate zone for the ar?a: but for development to occur, there must be a nuxture of zones to meet the restrictions of the corridor. Councilman Birdwen agreed with the rezoning to C-B for this tract. Councilman Mcllhaney stated that she supported Councilm.an G.ardner's comments. She pointed out that A-P zone has a less traffic impact at this ma]or corner. Councilman Schneider expressed his opposition to the motion. The Mayor called for a vote. The motion failed by a vote of §-2. FOR: Councilmembers Brown and Birdweil AGAINST: Mayor Ringer, Counciimembers Crouch, Schneider, MclLhaney, Gardner No. 9 - Ms. Piwonka stated that she has received letters regarding the cable franchise. These l.etters will be .entered hi_to th.e public record. Mayor Ringer reminded the public that they may continue to submit letters for the public record through April 6. Aaenda Item No. 10 - Presentation of a petitian f~r _snt~s~ by the Fo~m ~ Owners Assoc~tion. Mr. Call.away stated that petitions were received from the property owners of Foxfire S_ .ubdivislon seeking annexati.on to the City of College Station. Staff recommended that this annexation be conducted as a city initiated annexation to simplify process. .Mr. Bill Fox rep. resenting the homeowners addressed the Council. He indicated that 101 lot owners are m favor of annexation and 73 homeowners have indicated approval of the annexation. He requested the council's support of the petition for annexation. Councilman Birdwell commented that he appreciated receiving the homeowner's newsletter. He referred to one statement in the article which stated that the lot owners would not be assessed for paving. Mr. Fox replied that he understands the staff to imply that there will not be a cost impact to the residents of Foxfire. Councilman Birdwell remarked that if Foxfire was annexed and the streets of Foxfire were repaved in the future, then the homeowners of Foxfire should bear the cost. Further comments were made by councilmembers. Councilman Crouch moved to initiate annexation proceedinas to Fo.xfi~'..e Subdivision and ins..t.r, uct the staff to prepare the p. reliminary service plan, le..g-al description, .notices. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schneider. The motion carried unammously, 7-0. _Aae~ Item No. 11 - Hear Vlslto___m. Mr. Doug Stovall, 1004 Puryear addressed the Co.u~.cil. He stated that he is p. resent to speak on the extension of Krenek Tap Road. He is in the process of purchasing a one acre lot in wMch the city is intending to bring the extension through the middle of this City Council Regular Meeting Page 5 Thursday, February 27, 1992 ~ope .~. Mr. Stovan added that the site plan he received reflects the extension rdermg the east side of the property. He proposes to construct a boarding house at this location. In conclusion, he asked the Council to give consideration to his proposal in order that he may pursue his endeavor. He expressed his wtlli~tgness to work with staff to handle his problem. Mayor Ringer remarked that the Council cannot take formal action under this item. Item No. 12 - Closed se~ion to rece/ve st~ report [6282-17/2)(r)] smi to ~d ac~~ r6~lT(~r~1. ~.1 ~eg~ Repo~ 12.2 L~d Acquisition ~. P~d . ~ght-of-~y The council moved into closed session at 8:18 p.m. _Aaeach Item No. 13 - Action on closed session. The council returned to open session at 9:10 p.m. No action was taken. Agend~ Item No. 14 - Adjourn. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 9:10 p.m. APPROVED: GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL REGULAR Y. EETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2992 7:00 PoM. il. 12. 13. 14. ' 15. 16. 18. 19. 20.