HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/25/1992 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP lV~.RTING WRDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1992 4:00 P.M. COUNCIL MR~ PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Brown, Birdwell, Schneider, Crouch, McIlhaney, Gardner STAFF PRF~ENT: City Manager Ragland, Assistant City Manager Woody, Assistant City Manager Brymer, Public Information Officer Calliham, City Planner Callaway, City Attorney Locke, City Secretary Hooks, Development Services Director Ash, Executive Director Management Services Piwonka, Executive Director Fiscal/Human Resources Schroeder, Community Development Director Carroll, City Engineer Pullen John Lauletta See guest register Age_ nda Item No. 1 - Discussion of consent agenda items listed on Thn~d~y, Ysrch 26th aRenda. Councilman Birdwell discussed Agenda Item No. 4.11 - Approval for staff to negotiate a contract for engineering services for the design of CIP Project No. WT1012. Texas Avenue Waterline Relocation. Mr. Birdwell commented that the engineering fees of $35,000 seemed excessive. The reason provided to the Council insinuated that the cost is high because of time constraints for this project. He encouraged the staff not to spend extra money for the engineering work in order to meet someone else's schedule. _Agenda Item No. 2 - Diaamaicm_ of Teehnieal/~mnllam~ 1;?,~$vi~r and g~pott of TC~ C~ble, by Munieam Cabl~ Conaultanta. ~ ' -- Ms. Linda Piwonka, Mr. Larry Monroe, and Mr. Michael Hunt came forward. Mr. Larry Monroe commented that TCA Cable has agreed to remedy the city's primary concerns, specifically in areas related to public safety. He further stated that the public safety system will be inspected and repaired by an independent contractor. The city will have the right to approve the contractor and the performance requirements of the contractor. Ms. Piwonka stated that this report will be placed in the public record. Mr. Monroe mentioned that a major issue was discussed between the cable company and the staff. This discussion was based on the request by TCA to suspend the formal negotiation process and proceed in an informal negotiation process; whereby, the company wishes to contact the councilmembers individually or meet in small groups during the negotiation of the franchise. Councilman Gardner remarked that the tone of the report and several statements were unnecessary. City Council Workshop Meeting Page 2 Wednesday, March 25, 1992 Councilman Brown commented that the report was critical of TCA. Mr. Monroe replied that this report was placed into perspective based on his experience. Councilman Birdwell expressed several comments in disagreement of the compliance report. He disclosed statements in the report. Mr. Birdwell concluded to state that the city should proceed with a new franchise agreement with TCA Cable. He thanked Municon for their assistance to this point, but in the future we should continue without their services. Councilman Mcllhaney reminded the council that in the beginning of this process, there was not much data to work with. She hoped that the council will continue to move forward and work with TCA in a friendly fashion to develop a franchise workable for the citizens. Councilman Crouch remarked that the council should continue to work with the Consulltants in this process. Councilman Brown agreed with Councilman Birdwell's statements. Discussion continued. Mr. Monroe responded to the councilmember's comments. He pointed out that the City of College Station has the authority, given the fact that there are not six signals received off air, to regulate the rates for basic service. Randy Rogers of TCA Cable addressed the Council. He noted that TCA is in substantial compliance with the current franchise. However, TCA is prepared to address any problems indicated in the report. Discussion was held on Mr. Rogers' right to speak with fellow councilmembers on an individual basis. Councilman Schneider moved to accept the report from Municon Consultants and the response from TCA made part of the public record, and direct staff to prepare for the acceptance of proposals for a franchise. The motion was seconded by Councilman McIlhaney which carried unanimously, 7-0. A~ndn Item No. 3 - Discussion of an ordinance annexing several tracts of lnnd totaling al~pro~,~tely 350 acres. City Planner Callaway repeated several points of discussion by the council at their previous meetings and staff's response to these items. The councilmembers discussed their views at length. Mr. Page Heller, owner of Micon Engineering, addressed the Council. He offered the opportunity to help in the economic development aspect for the city. However, it will not impact his business if he is annexed. His decision to favor annexation will be based on the fact that 1) businesses are not assessed; or 2) if the annexation is seen as an opportunity for existing businesses; and extend a helping hand to encourage other businesses to move into College Station. City Council Workshop Meeting Page 3 Wednesday, March 25, 1992 Mr. William Botts, President of Ol Corporation, addressed the Council. He stated that he was enthusiastic to hear the Council's action on February 7th. He raised the issue of the development agreement that he signed on May 29, 1992 which does not indicate an amount for sewer assessment, but he intends to participate fully in the sewer. He asked the council if they intend to assess the property owners forced into the city. In addition, he would not pay an assessment on Graham Road. Councilman Birdwell responded that he will vote in favor of assessing all property owners. Mr. Steven Garrett, 2811 Rayado, spoke to the Council. His employer, Texas A&M Research Foundation petitioned for annexation in order to receive sewer service. He expressed concern about the impact of this annexation on other businesses who did not petition. Mr. Steve Arden, representing the Van Reit tract, addressed the Council in support of the annexation. Dr. Kirk Brown urged the Council to develop a set of standards for the industrial park. Mr. Lynn Elliott, property owner on Graham Road, came forward to address the Council. He stated opposition to the annexation of the entire area at this time. He did not object to the annexation of OI Corporation. Mr. Will Farrar, representing United Oil.Exploration, spoke to the Council. He mentioned that the county standards are acceptable for Graham Road. He understood the council's action at the February meeting to be that all the property would be annexed, and if the road was improved beyond county standards, the city would assume the cost of those improvements. Mr. Jack Kindt, owner of Thermo Installation, addressed the Council. He objected to the annexation of his property. He was concerned that his business may not meet city codes. Mayor Ringer replied to his concerns. He stated that the zoning ordinance specifies standards for industrial zones. It is not the intent of the council to be punitive to the businesses annexed by making these parties submit to changes beyond reason. He stated there are appeal hearings by different city boards. Mr. Kindt called attention to the fact that he has not received any estimated cost for the assessment. City Engineer Pullen discussed in broad terms the cost assessment per acre. Mayor Ringer summarized his recommendations for the annexation proposal as follows: Allow the county to improve Graham Road, annex the area shown in the plan, and set up an assessment schedule for those annexed properties for sewer connection only, not for the road improvements. Councilman Birdwell agreed. Councilman Brown commented that he does not agree to assessing the property owners who do not wish to be annexed. Councilman Mcllhaney suggested that the Council Development Policy Committee meet with the property owners and study this area as a comprehensive package to meet current demands and to outline the future for this park and the entire area. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, March 25, 1992 Page 4 Further comments were mentioned by Mr. Heller and Mr. Botts. Consideration of this item is scheduled on the regular agenda. A~d~_ Item No. 4 - Disc,_,~io-_ of 5 Year Co_mprehensive Housing Affordability St~_ev f_m'_ (~BG Pro_lFsm pe_~rlln_~ HUD Ho~t~in_o Pro_crams- Community Development Director Jo Carroll addressed the Council. She discussed the five year strategy (CHAS) to meet housing assistance needs for low income citizens. She outlined the major parts of the plan. Overhead visuals were provided. Discussion was held on the goals of the HOPE III Program and its requirements. Consideration of this item is on the Thursday night agenda. . · ,,.;c~ __eon_t~_~l:~_ml plan ftw l~a~_ I P~merald Item No. 5 Di~n~, .... n of a stree_nc_~_l~ _ __ P~rkway Str~tsca_~ Project. Development Services Director Ash explained this item. A conceptual plan was displayed for one of the entries to the city which is the new overpass at Emerald Parkway and the extension of FM 2818 and Highway 6. The staff has worked with the Emerald Forest Homeowners Association since the relocation of Emerald Parkway to arrive at a plan for the median. Funding is available in the project funds remaining from the relocation of Emerald Parkway in the amount of $24,000. He described the elements in the landscaping plan. Staff recommended approval to proceed with the preparation of final plans and proceed with the bidding process, contingent upon an agreement with the Emerald Forest Homeowners Association for maintenance of this area as well as the right-of-way along Emerald Parkway. Comments were received from councilmembers about the trees planned for the median under East Bypass. Staff will take these suggestions under consideration. Councilman Brown made a motion to proceed with the streetscape plan as recommended by staff. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch which carried unanimously, 7-0. Item_ No. 6 - Pr~n_~tion of stntus report of proposed Doux Chene Apnrtment Mr. ASh reported that the foreclosure sale is scheduled for April 14th. The bid price was raised to $5,707,000. HUD will be in possession of the property if it does not sale. Discussion was held by councilmembers. Agenda Item No. 7 - Council Comments. Councilman Gardner asked if the staff had input toward the decision of the relocation of the bonfire. Discussion continued. Councilman McIlhaney remarked that she was approached by residents of Foxfire Subdivision who stated someone told the residents the annexation process would take two years to complete. Mr. Callaway stated that the process may take four months. Discussion continued. Ms. McIlhaney inquired about the progress of Wolf Pen Creek. City Council Workshop Meeting Page 5 Wednesday, March 25, 1992 Mr. Gardner replied that the PARD Department told him they will be starting work soon. Ms. McIlhaney reported that the Coundl Relations Committee met with the School Board and discussion was held on the master plan for the school district. The committee also discussed the school utility cost and methods to save money. She further stated that the school board indicated an interest in attending the council retreat. Councilman Birdwell suggested that the council send a letter to President Mobley thanking him for the decision made to move the bonfire location. The council concurred. He mentioned that the council has not received financial reports for the past few months. Councilman Crouch recommended that a councilmember serve as liaison to the Board of Regents meetings. Mayor Ringer addressed several items. First, the Council was reminded of the luncheon scheduled at the Texas World Speedway to meet the new manager of the Speedway. Another event is scheduled for Saturday, April 4th, the Drug Free Parade. He visited with Helen Pugh on the issue of code enforcement. Also, he may not be able to attend the council retreat on May 8-9. Another date would be better. Mayor Ringer asked the councilmembers to bring can goods as part of the presentation of the proclamation for the Brazos Food Bank, "Can Hunger Day". Age~_ nda Item No. 8 - City Mana~r Comments. City Manager Ragland reported two items. An invitation was recieved for Peggy Calliham to attend a focus group held by the EAGLE. She entertained written comments from the Council. Also, the staff is scheduled to make a brief presentation to the Board of Regents on the Streetscape Plan. Agenda Item No. 9 - Brainstorming Session The council did not move into the training room for the brainstorming session. Agenda Item No. 10 - Adjourn. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 7:25 p.m. City Secretary Connie Hooks APPROVED: GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDITESDAY, N~RCH 25, 1992 4:00 P.M 17. 18. 19. 10. 20.