HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/11/1992 - Workshop Minutes City CouncilMayor I~inger, Councilmembers Brown, Garduer, Schneider, Mc]~haney, Crouch Councilman Birdwell City Manager Ragland, Assistant City Manager Woody, Assistant City Manager Brymer, City Secretary Hooks, City Attorney Locke, City Planner Callaway, Development Services Director Ash, Public Information Officer Calliham John Lauletta See guest register. Agenda Item No. I - Discussion of consent agenda items listed on Thnrs~t~y, ~ 1;th -,mmda. Councilman Schneider removed Agenda Items No. 3.~., 3.3, 3.5, 3.8, and 3.9. Aqenda Item No. 3.2 - Consideration for approval of Community Development ftmded housing assistance projects where: Contracts were let for more than $10,000. Jim Callaway described the two housing assistance projects. The first project was an optional relocation project for $27,000 and the second project was an owner occupied rehabilitation project for $16,000. Aqenda Item No. 3.3 - A~roval of revised M~naqement and Budqet Policies funding of public service activities from the Community Development Block Grant Councilman Schneider asked if there are specific locations or agencies identified in the grant. Mr. Callaway replied the grant does not specify agencies. The po]icy addresses the allocation of CDBC funding to service agencies. Mr. Callaway explained the revised statements in the policy statement. Aaencla Item No. 3.5 - Aouroval of ordinance annexing several tracts of land tot~11in~ au~roximately 350 acres along Graham Roaa. Councilman Crouch encouraged staff to forward the se~,ice plan and minutes reflecting the council's direction to the property owners. Councilman Brown agreed. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, March 11, 1992 Page 2 Councilman Crouch suggested sending a cover letter explaining the service plan. Councilman Schneider asked for clarification about the council's direction. City Manager Ragland replied that the staff will prepare an outline to clarify points raised by council on this issue. He stated that the staff will seek council direction during the Thursday night meeting on the impact fee, sewer extension, and road. Aaenda Item No. 3.8 - Oil & Gas Operations Permit application from Petro-Hunt Cor~. for Ol'Sarge #1. Councilman Schneider asked about the city's involvement. Mayor Ringer clarified that the permit is required for drilling within the city limits. Agenda Item No. 3.9 - Consideration of a Final Amending Plat - Lots 1-4 Block Oakwood Addition. Councilman Schneider asked if staff is aware of the planned use for this property. Ms. Morgan mentioned that the applicant may be selling one of the lots and making it larger. A_aenda Item No. 3.6 - Revision of Solid Waste Rate Resolution Mayor Ringer asked if the $4.75 fee is additional to the regular charge of $6.30. Mr. Smith replied that he is correct. Mayor Ringer remarked that the containers are furnished by the city to the property owners. The additional charge of $4.75 win be assessed if someone requests a second container. _Aae~xia Item No. 2 - Approval afa resolu~__~ to reaam~__ a por~_~ of FM ~ fro~ Wellborn Road west to the Brazos River from 'Untvemity Drive' to Development Services Director Elrey Ash explained this item. Councilman Gardner asked if there is any signage required. Mr. Ash replied that the city will probably participate in the signage at the intersection of Agronomy Road and University Drive. The remainder of the signage will be performed by the Highway Department. Councilman Gardner expressed concerns on changing the name for a portion of the roadway. Other councilmembers made similar comments. Councilman Schneider moved to approve Resolution No. 3-11-92-2 to request the Highway Department to rename a portion of University Drive to Raymond Stotzer Parkway. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brown which carried by a vote of City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, March 11, 1992 Page 3 5-1, Councilman Gardner voting against. ~Aaenda Item No. 3 - Discusslfln of revised Maza~a. t and B,,,4.,L, et Po,~,~e _~_,~_ ~,~ fundina of Public Service Ac~v~_~,a_ ~ the Comm~ Dev~__opm,,~t City Planner Jim Callaway explained this item to the Council. He distributed to the Council the Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy, a five year plan required by HUD. This plan will be placed on the next council agenda for consideration. Mr. Callaway mentioned that he will H~cuss the situation on the foreclosure of Doux Chene Apartments. Mr. Ragland added that the staff is prepared to discuss this under Council Concerns. ~ !t~__am No. 4 - _PA'ee~__~o_~ oa the d~,~_!_,_',~z~,_~_,_~,__t of a bustne~ ~ark. City Manager Ragland introduced David Dillard and Prank Butler of Architects m and Mike McClure from McClure Engineering. Robert Worley of the Bryan/College Station Economic Development Corporation was present. Mr. Ragland mentioned that since the proposal was provided to Stericycle, two new contacts have expressed a desire to possibly location in the business park. Mr. Ragland stated that he asked the architects and engineer to be present at this meeting to provide their perspective on the business park. He wished to receive direction from the council tonight. Mr. Robert Worley stated that he and Mr. Ragland will be meeting with a client next Tuesday who has expressed a desire to be operational in six months in the College Station Business Park if they decide to locate here. He added that the city is in competition with the City of Denton for this business. He described the desires expressed from phone contacts. He emphasized that in order to market the city, he must be able to present a first class planned environment. Councilman Brown remarked the business park is just as important as the University Drive Corridor. Mr. Worley and councilmembers agreed. Mr. Worley added that he does not see the activity slowing down. He mentioned that the city should begin thinking about another park. Councilman Gardner asked Mr. Worley if he is aware of private funded parks. Mr. Woriey responded that College Station is not in competition with private business parks. Mr. Worley stated that he would like to attract small industries worldwide in the field City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, March 11, 1992 Page 4 medical instruments and aircraft/aircraft parts in which the community can be dominant in the United States. The marketing strategy, consists of telephone contacts. Mayor Ringer commented that there is no doubt the council should look at a plan for the park. The park will be a focal point because it is located on a major arterial into the community. Mr. Dillard presented an overview of the elements addressed in a preliminary design plan of the business park. These elements included restricted covenants such as landscape, setback requirements, land use, type of building materials, parking requirements, etc. Mr. Mike McClure reviewed his involvement in the process. Although the engineer has an impact in the early stages of planning with regards to drainage and transportation. Included in the master plan is the electrical master plan, sewer and water systems and drainage plan. Mr. Dillard presented the time frame. Counciimembers made several comments of general interest. Councilman Schneider authorized staff to administer Request for Proposals for the design of this business park. The motion was seconded by Councilman McIlhaney. Councilman Gardner recognized the need to set goals for this development. The council voted 6-0 to approve the motion. Discussion continued. Mayor Ringer thanked the consultants for the helpful information. &aenda Item No. 5 - Council Councilman Mcllhaney reported that citizens may be attending the regular meeting regarding the Doux Chene Apartments. She suggested that an update from staff be presented tomorrow night for the public's interest. City Manager Ragland asked staff to brief the council at this time. Elrey Ash stated that staff received a foreclosure notice from HUD specifying that 250 units of 352 units are to be utfli~.ed as Section 8 low rent subsidy units. Ms. Eleanor Cheeks was contacted in the Houston HUD office and staff was informed that HUD will offer the bid package. HUD will not participate in the subsidy. He further stated that HUD is tentatively preparing a plan to retain the property until the first of the year. The staff prepared a letter to Ms. Cheeks. Mr. Ragland outlined the content of the letter. City Council Workshop Meeting Page 5 Wednesday, March 11, 1992 Councilman Gardner commented that the lane markings on Southwest Parkway are unclear. He received complaints about the two-way stop sign at Deacon and Rio Grande and apparently needs a four-way stop because of the level of tr~c. Mr. Gardner also indicated that the grass between the sidewalk and curb needs to be mowed. Mr. Ragland was directed to asked to take. Councilman Crouch stated that she received a notice from someone regarding the closing hours of bars. Councilman Schneider reported that he sees a lot of pedestrians violating the for the crosswalk at Spence and University Drive. Aaenda Item No. 6 - City lVl~,~ger ~ts. No comments made by the City Manager. Aaenda Item No. ? - B~tastorndag S~. The council moved into the training room at 6:05 p.m. Councilman Crouch urged the councilmembers to prepare a mission statement. From this mission statement, the desires and goals are established. She suggested having another retreat similar to the visionary retreat to develop the council's vision. Councilman McIlhaney outlined eight categories that could be discussed to assist in developing values. After further d~cussion, the council agreed to hold a retreat. They set a date for May 8th and May 9th. Mayor Ringer left the meeting. Councilman McIlhaney asked the councilmembers to prepare a mission statement for the next bra.h'tstormtng session. _Ammd~ Item No. 8 - ~l.~ourn. Mayor Pro-tern Brown adjourned the meeting at 6:40 City Secretary Connie Hooks