HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/07/1992 - Special Minutes City CouncilFRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1992 4.-00 P.M. Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Brown, Schneider, Crouch, Mcllhaney, Gardner Councilman Birdwell City Manager Ragland, Assistant City Manager Brymer, City Attorney Locke, City Secretary Hooks, Development Services Director Ash, City Planner Callaway, Executive Director Fiscal and Human Resources Schroeder, Budget Director Charles Cryan, Public Information Officer Calliham, Development Coordinator Volk, Assistant City Manager Woody See guest register. the west side of Wellborn Ro~ southwest ~nd sdJacent to the City of Coil ~eae Station. Mr. Callaway explained that this public hearing is the second of two required public hearings on the question of annexing this property. At the last hearing, the council requested that the staff bring back additional information in four areas. One of these had to do with fiscal impacts and cost of revenues associated with the proposed annexation. The second area dealt with examining alternatives and the cost and revenues and fiscal impacts associated with the alternatives. His third point addressed the upgrade of Graham Road. And lastly, the reasons why it is not feasible for College Station to share electrical facilities with the City of Bryan in the area. Mr. Callaway addressed the reasons why the sharing of electrical facilities were not feasible. The agreement signed by the two cities in 1980 dealt with conflicting or overlapping extraterritorial jurisdiction, areas of dual certification, and a system by which College Station and Bryan would resolve certification when College Station annexed into an area which Bryan was certified. City Council Special Meeting Friday, February 7, 1992 Page 2 Mr. Callaway stated that staff looked at scenarios to the alternatives. Scenario I - Annexing no more land than is absolutely necessary to respond favorably to the petitions submitted for annexation. He Ri-cussed the advantages and rti-advantages of this scenario. Scenario II - Proposed annexation; presented to the Council on January 23rd. This annexation involves all the industrial tracts fronting Graham Road and all of the property on the Van Reit tracts between the current corporate limits and the industrial area on Graham Road. This scenario does not include a one acre tract at the intersection of North Graham Road and Wellborn. He discussed the advantages and disadvantages of this scenario. Scenario HI - Annexation of all property between College Station city limits and Graham Road. He again d~--cussed the advantages and disadvantages of this scenario. Mr. Callaway stated that staff recommended Scenario II. Staff requests that the council provide input regarding the necessity of cost recovery ordinances on the sewer extensions. Director of Development Services Elrey Ash addressed the Council. He presented the council with information on the Graham Road reconstruction. He stated that he met with the county officials yesterday on this issue. Mr. Ash described the information provided in the cost estimation for the Graham Road reconstruction. Mr. Ash stated that Brazos County had plans to begin the project to reconstruct Graham Road in March. The design life of this portion of the street would be five to ten years. The estimated cost to the County is $215,000. He emphasized that if the Council directs the City to construct Graham Road, other streets in the priority listing will be moved down. He added that the city has other alternatives of funding for this type of project, for example certificates of obligation. Mr. Ash referred to the last page of information. Staff answered council questions. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. Mr. Mark Loupot, 2904 Pierre Place, addressed the Council. He expressed opposition to Scenario rt. He emphasized the need for a new roadway and Scenario HI would be more desirable. He di-~tributed information to the Council. Mr. Bill McFall, an employee at an industry on Graham Road spoke to the Council. He suggested the Council to look at this annexation with respect to the long term impact in this area. City Council Special Meeting Friday, February 7, 1992 Page 3 Mr. Dennis Weisenburg, 3000 Aztec, addressed the Council. He stated that he works at a location on Graham Road. On behalf of his co-workers, he expressed opposition to Scenario II. He encouraged the Council to annex Graham Road. He opposed strip zoning and strip annexation. Mr. Lynn Elliott, 400 Graham Road, spoke to the Council. He expressed his opposition to annexation for several reasons. One of these reasons is that he does not need city services. Mr. Jack Kent, owner of Thermo Instanation Company, addressed the Council. He expressed opposition to the annexation. Mr. Will Fan'ar representing United Oil Exploration located on Graham Road came forward. He inquired about the city's landscaping, parldng and paving ordinances. Mr. Kent also raised concerns about his business and existing structures. City Attorney Locke stated that the Planning Staff and herself will need to look into this with the property owners. Ms. Lynn White, 1430 Magnolia, property owner on Graham Road approached the council. She hoped the city would not ask them to pay for the frontage cost for the city's development, because they have paid their share in taxes. She asked that the property owners be treated fairly. Mayor Ringer remarked that the council has not made a decision to assess the property owners. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. Mayor Ringer commented that the council will take into consideration the information presented on a case by case basis in order that it will not be a hardship on property owners. Councilman Brown stated that he is in favor of Scenario ~ and the property owners should not be assessed for the reconstruction of Graham Road. Councilman Mc]].haney preferred Scenario rrr. Mayor Ringer clarified that in this annexation, Scenario ~ cannot be done. Ms. Mc]lhaney asked how Graham Road can be incorporated into Scenario II. Mayor Ringer replied that staff direction from the council is requested so they may prepare an annexation ordinance which would annex the entire Graham Road or proceed with Scenario I~. City Council Special Meeting Friday, February 7, 1992 Page 4 Councilman Schneider supported Councilman Brown's statement. Councilman Crouch mentioned that she supported Scenario rrr and immediately start the second annexation after the annexation is complete for Scenario II. Councilman Gardner also recommended Scenario ~I to also include undeveloped property to the south of Graham Road. Councilman Crouch made a motion to direct staff to prepare the annexation ordinance for annexation of the property as advertised in Scenario II. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schneider which carried unanimously, 6-0. Councilman Crouch moved to instruct staff to immediately begin annexation proceedings for all the remainder of the property in Scenario I~ including Graham Road, and find funding for Graham Road without assessing the property owners. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brown. Councilman Mc]]haney clarified that the right-of-way has been donated to the county in order that the city can construct the road with no additional expense. Councilman Schneider moved to amend the motion by adding the property to the south of Graham Road to a d~tance of 400 feet adjusted to reflect property lines. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brown. The vote Was taken on the amendment which carried unanimously, 6-0. The vote was taken on the motion as amended which carried unanimously, 6-0. Personnel [6252-17(2) (g)] A. Evaluation: City Manager, City Secretary and City Attorney The council moved into closed session at 5:25 p.m. Aoenda Item No. 3 - Ac__t~on_ on ~o_~_~_ The council moved back into closed session at 6:33 p.m. Councilman Crouch moved to increase the City Secretary's salary to $2306.00 per month. The motion was seconded by Councilman Gardner which carried unanimously, 6-0. City Council Special Meeting Friday, February ?, 1992 Page Agead~ Item No. 4 - AdJotm~. The council adjourned at 6:34 p.m. City ecretary Connie APPROVED: GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1992 4:00 P.M. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 25. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.