HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/09/1992 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTE8 CITY COUNCIL WO~OP ~TING WRDNN3DAY, DECEMBER ~, 1992 4:00 P.M. COUNCIL M~.MBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Brown, Schneider, McIlhaney, Crouch, Gardner Councilman Kennady City Manager Ragland, City Secretary Hooks, City Attorney Locke, City Engineer Pullen, PARD Director Beachy, Exec. Director Management Services Piwonka, Asst. City Manager Brymer, Asst. City Manager Woody, Public Information Officer Calliham, Exec. Director Fiscal/Human Resources Schroeder VISITORS PRE~ENT: See guest register A~nda Item No. 1 - Discussion of consent m~o_ncln items listed on Thursd_ ny, De_._ee_-mber lffth consent a~encla. No consent agenda items were removed for discussion. Age_ nda Item No. 2 - Report from RAM Cnmmun!_a~_tinns C~_n.nlmnt3 _on_ the and recnmmen__dstions fl'nm the City's Corn?_~hensivo C-,~rnmunies_ti_'ons Stlldy to tho communication needs of the Cfty in the near and distant future. Administrative Assistant Frank Simpson introduced this item. He began by stating the staff recognized problems with the existing system in the area of radio communications, telephones, and data communications and thereafter a communications plan was developed. The study was awarded to RAM Communications Consultants in February to examine the city's current and future communications requirements. Mr. Greg Munchrad of RAM Communications, Inc. presented their findings and recommendations in the study. Some of the major findings included voice communications, radio communications, data communications, and 911 Emergency calling systems. A detailed executive summary was provided in the council packet. Mr. Sam Hall presented details of the findings in the areas referenced in the preceding paragraph. He emphasized that the telephone system is twelve years old and should be upgraded. Additionally, GTE will no longer provide support if the upgrade is not installed. The consultants recommended that a replacement system be installed by the city in a timely manner, possibly concurrent with the widening of Texas Avenue and the installation of new cable lines. This item will be considered at the regular meeting of the city council the following evening. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, December 9, 1992 Page 2 A~nda Item No. 3 - Disomion of Slreetscape plan. City Planner Jim Callaway presented a follow-up to last year's Streetscape Plan presentation. This plan was designed to enhance the image of our city from areas of highest visibility while addressing construction and maintenance issues in areas along streets. The Consultants presented the plan at a previous council meeting, but were not available for this meeting. Mr. Callaway reviewed the plan contents and identified constraints as well as opportunities. The standards addressed in the plan are public and private development in and along right of way utilities, parking, screening, landscaping, dumpsters, culverts, etc. Mr. Callaway further explained that the Northgate area has been selected as a pilot project to accomplish several aspects, specifically appearance and traffic problems. Councilman Gardner urged the council to adopt the plan and utilize the plan as a guide. Councilman McIlhaney commented that the plan addresses bikeway traffic and leads the city in the right direction. Councilmembers were supportive of the plan. Al~nda II~m No. 4 - ~on_ of Self Funded ln,ur~n_~ Prosr~m ~d__, in¢l_nain~ Thlra Pih~. 2~dmlni,trs_ti_'on~ Stop ~ ln~R.mne~_; T_.On~ Torm D[/m__h~"H_i.y, ]'Jfe and_ ~-_e~rIentn! Lleath & Diamemhermellt Progl'ama~ Personnel Director Karen Pavlinski addressed this item. She introduced Mr. John Gandy of the Segal Company to announce their recommendations for the city's insurance program for the 1993 calendar year. Mr. Gandy explained the following recommendations. Life and Accidental Death and Dismemberment Program, and Long Term Disability - Business Men's Assurance Company. Third party adminstration - Donovan Benefits System Stop Loss Insurance - Lexington Insurance Ms. Pavlinski pointed out that she is aware of possible changes in the future on health care issues. She indicated that the wellness program in the city has attributed toward the decrease in insurance claims. Age_ nda Item No. 5 - Discussion of a request from Nan~,elr~.t, l. ttt: f~ ~nitary aewer Bill Riley, Superintendent of Water/Wastewater, addressed this item. He stated that a letter from Ms. Phyllis Hobson, General Partner Nantucket Ltd. was received by staff requesting that the city allow Nantucket Ltd to build a sewer lift station and pump sanitary sewer from Nantucket Subdivision across State Hwy 6. He noted that this request is not similar to previous requests for sewer service such as Harvey Hillsides and Graham Road. Questions were raised by the Council regarding the city inheriting a system if annexation occurred. Mayor Ringer pointed out that the lift station system would not handle additional City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, December 9, 1992 Page 3 growth. City Manager Ragland pointed out that this item was brought to the council for direction to staff on whether or not to pursue this issue. He added there are several issues to address with respect to the Nantucket Subdivision. Councilman Schneider thanked Ms. Hobson for her willingness to work with the city. Item No. 6 - Diacu~_tm_ of enterl, v in_m_ an aor~__meut with Management Services Director Linda Piwonka presented this item. concerns by staff and the reasons for these desired changes. * Changes in service delivery due to growth. * Not enough parking spaces to adequately handle staff, customers, and City vehicles. * Texas Avenue widening will greatly affect Utility Customer Service drive thru services. * An overall plan will help facilitate the proper location of the facility maintenance/storage building. * HUD mentioned their concerns pertaining to Community Development's inadequate facilities. * The 1989 Space Study indicated some services would need to move from City Hall by 1993. She addressed the Staff's recommendations to seek H.K.S. as an outside consultant were as follows: * Use outside assistance to put together plan Utilize past work to cut costs. * Provide new view point 3 options: Estimated cost/savings Utilize current location Alternate sites Combination of both Ms. Piwonka stated that the Council Budget and Finance Committee recommended to move forward with staff recommendations. Councilman Mcllhaney, a member of the subcommittee, referred to Councilman Kennady's memorandum. She and Mayor Ringer felt that the proposal recommending an outside consultant represented merit, and the city should receive an unbiased opinion. On the other hand, as stated in the letter, Cuncilman Kennady believed that a short term plan should be incorporated in a scheduled time frame. They also felt that hiring a consultant would be a positive step in deciding the city's future long term goals. The council requested that the Conference Center be added to the study. Ms. Piwonka remarked that in determining alternate sites, the location should be fairly specific. Councilman Gardner suggested that the consultants look at land acquisition, traffic flow, and expansion capabilities. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, December 9, 1992 Page 4 AI~_ nda I~m No. 7 - Dismmion relating to utility services for new comm~rci.l and residentlnl development snd a posm'ble s. ltemstive for requiri~ the utility services to be Asst. City Manager John Woody addressed this item. He discussed the concept of underground utility services. Key issues were addressed as follows: * Strive for community appearance * Prepare electric line and service extensions within new residential subdivisions and commercial departments. * Revise the method of billing developer for the extension of underground electric service. Develop electric line extension policy that will be reassigned. Three groups affected by the cost impact; 1) developers, 2) electric utility, and 3) telephone utility and cable. Mr. McCord addressed the advantages and disadvantages of underground utilities. He showed slides of areas depicting overhead lines at commercial locations. He stated that staff will meet with developers, representatives from the cable and telephone companies in the initial phases of the development of this policy. Mayor Ringer also asked staff to include input from the citizens. It was suggested that the Community Appearance Committee be involved. After further discussion, the Council agreed that staff should move forward on the development of a new policy to address underground utility service. _A?n_rb!_ I~m No. 8 -.Discj{~io-_ of 1992 Anmm! P~l~Ol'msnc~_ Rl~poIl snrl 1993 C~mprchensive Holmm.~ Aff__n~hl'lit~ Stl'atefO, a&-lll11'm1 Community Director Jo Carroll and Housing Rehab Coordinator Randall Pitcock provided the issues and concerns addressed in the 1993 CHAS Report. Some of these concerns expressed by housing providers were homeless assistance, elderly housing, insurance, transportation, and high development costs. Mr. Pitcock stated special accomplishments from the past year and the strengths and weaknesses in the housing delivery system. Councilman McIlhaney stated the importance of working with the private sector. Age_nd= Item No. 9 - Council Cnrame~tq_ Mayor Ringer reminded Council of the 6:30 p.m. Executive Session Thursday evening. Also, the BVDC will have an open house on Wednesday, December 16th. He complimented the staff on their hard work with the Christmas in the Park. Councilman Mcllhaney reported that she had tapes from the National League of Cities conference she attended in November. She also mentioned that it might be appropriate to have a workshop meeting at the mall to receive citizen input, possibly in conjunction with the School District. She announced that time is drawing near to begin preparations for the April conference. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, December 9, 1992 Page 5 Councilman Schneider asked to have a general discussion on issues that would be considered "grandfathered" relating to city ordinances. Councilman Crouch commented that she enjoyed attending the Board of Regents meeting. She believed it was an excellent public relations plan. She urged the council to continue this. Age,_ nda Item No. 10 - City Mana~r Comments. The City Manager did not report on any matters. Agenda Item No. 11 - Ad~_'ourn. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m. City Secretary Connie Hooks APPROVED: GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1992 4=00 P.M 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 10. 20.