HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/22/1992 - Workshop Minutes City Council M~UTF~ C~TY COUN(3L WOIUfSHOP ME~G Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Brown, McIlhaney, Gardner, Crouch, Birdwell Councilman Schneider STAFF PRE~: City Manager Ragland, Assistant City Manager Brymer, Assistant City Manager Woody, PARD Director Beachy, City Attorney Locke, City Secretary Hooks, Development Services Director Ash See guest register _Aaenda Item No. 1 - Discussion of consent agenda items listed on Thursday. ?anuary_ ~ agenda. Councilman Mcnhaney asked that Agenda Items No. 3.5, 3.7, and 3.8 be removed for discussion. Agenda Item No. 3.5 - Consideration of an ordinance amending Chapter 10, Section 3-Ef2~¢a) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station relatinq to speed zones. Councilman Mc]lhaney inquired about possible signalization at the west frontage road of the East Bypass at 9.818. Mr. Elrey Ash stated that his office has contacted the district office and their plans are to add a four way stop at the west frontage road and plan to change the stop sign on the other side of the bypass to allow Emerald Parkway to continue through. Mr. Ash further stated there are no immediate plans to signalize the intersection. Ms. McIihaney asked staff to look into the possibility of a four way stop on the east frontage road. Mr. Ash replied that he will make a request to the Highway Department. CounciLman Crouch arrived at the meeting. Aaenda Item No. 3.7 and Agenda Item No. 3.8 - Consideration of revised us,,' fees for recreation programs and park facilities, and the College Station Conference Center. PARD Director Steve Beachy addressed the councilmember's questions regarding the revised parks and recreation fees and the new fees for Wolf Pen Creek. David Cerling addressed Councilman Mcnhaney's question about the Conference Center fees. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, January 22, 1992 Page 2 Aaenda Item No. 3.6 - Consideration of an ordinance vacating and abandoning a portion of a public fight-of-way situated adiacent to Block 8A, Cone~!e Park addition in the City of Conege Station, more commonly known as Galloway Avenue. Councilman Crouch asked for the location of the property. Councilman Birdwell assisted her by showing the location. Councilman Crouch ff this abandonment would have future impact on the possibility of extending Welsh Street through to George Bush.City Attorney Locke replied that there would not be any impact because of the location. City Engineer Pullen replied that it is possible to acquire right of way on this lot. It is difficult to determine at this time. City Attorney Locke stated that an option would be to grant a license to encroach rather than abandonment. City Engineer Pullen stated that he will study this further and review the analysis of this issue with respect to the presentation that was made to the Council several months ago. Councilman Birdwen suggested that the council recommend abandonment of all of the property except § or 10 feet. City Attorney Locke replied that his suggestion can be done, or approve the abandonment subject to the applicant submitting a metes and bounds description of the area to be abandoned. Councilman Crouch replied that the council should leave open their options. _Aaead~ Item No. 3.4 - Conside~tion sad ~ of ~'o~osed sme~_~ts ~ the College Sta ~tk~n Code of Ordinance, Chap~ 4, -__~___,~_ 4, B--4,,~__,~- Councilman Crouch asked if the Police Chief is the appropriate person to make inspections. Major Ed Feldman replied that the Chief appoints a delegate. He added that this delegate shall be mentioned in the ordinance. _Aaenda Item No. 2 - Report on Charter _Amet~_____ts Broch~ f~ the ~_-y ~ 1992 Election. Assistant City Attorney Neal Coates presented this item. Councilman Birdweil commented that the size of the words on the brochure are too small. Other councilmembers agreed. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, January 22, 1992 Page 3 Councilman Brown commended the staff on the work they did in the layout of the explanations. Public Information Officer Peggy Calliham remarked that if the number of pages increase, then the printing would be performed by an external printing company. Councilmembers agreed that the extra money should be spent to make the document look worthwhile. Councilman Crouch suggested printing the document internally, and pay an outside printing company to collate the documents. Councilmembers made changes to the explanations of the propositions 7, 8, and 9. Councilman Gardner requested that the Charter Review Committee members receive recognition in the Charter brochure. Mayor Ringer concurred. _Aaenck Item No. 3 - Dt~don af nt'oposed electric rote ordinsnce clumge. Executive Director Management Services Linda Piwonka and Jim McCord of McCord Engineering presented the electric rate design recommendations. Overhead visuals were displayed for the audience. Mr. McCord presented changes in retail rates to reflect the reduction by the change of wholesale suppliers. He noted that the demand charge under TMPA is proposed to increase, the energy and fuel related values will decrease. Mr. McCord stated that the proposed rate change on February 1st includes an equal rate reduction to all rate classes. He added that the City will enjoy reductions in cost since the change of wholesale power supply. Staff recommended giving the savings to the customers. However, there will be cost of service adjustments made in the future to move closer to cost of service. Therefore, a few customers will see an increase in their rates in October. He emphasized that as part of the rate design, it is very d~cult to separate classes of customers. Councilmembers expressed concerns about the staff's approach to implement savings toward cost of service. City Manager Ragland remarked that the council made a prior decision to direct staff to pass on a reduction to the customers after the beginning of the year. Linda Piwonka noted that the city is continuing to move toward cost of service. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, January 22, 1992 Page 4 Councilman Birdwen expressed concern that the large commercial user receiving a large reduction should also recognize an increase in their demand charge. He stressed that the rate for this class should be one that encourages the large convnercial user to operate in a manner that reduces demand. Mr. Ragland stated that the city is changing not only the way the rates are calculated, but the philosophy in the way we approach our customers. We should send a signal to the customers by methods of media and education. Councilman Mc]]haney stated that in the interim process the city should make an educational attempt to notify the customers about the changes. Mr. McCord continued with his presentation. He stated that the cost of service adjustments were made in October and at this time, the overall reduction in the electric rates is 4.6 percent. Ms. Piwonka referred to graphics which illustrated the impact of changes to all classes. Mayor Ringer clarified that the cotmcfl agreed on a 60/40 savings. He felt that the consensus of the council's desires is reduce energy charges for all classes, but also look at the classes in which the demand charge needs to be increased. Mr. McCord reiterated the Mayor's comments. He interprets the council's response to be that they want to give the 60 percent reduction, but accompany this change with movement toward the preliminary cost of service results. Mayor Ringer would also like to see some monies available for programs such as load management, etc. Mr. McCord stated that he will come back with other comparisons of the rate design to meet the council's desire to provide the 60 percent rate reduction. Item No. 4 - Council Coacems- Councilman McIlhaney reported concern about possible sign~l~.ation or stop sign improvement on Rock Prairie Road and the East Bypass. She desired more participation with the Highway Department on these projects. City Manager Ragland replied that he will be visiting with the new staff at the Highway Department and discuss some of these issues. Councilman Mcllhaney suggested that the Council host a reception for the City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, January 22, 1992 Page Board of Regents this spring. Mayor Ringer replied that this has been brought to the attention of President Mobley. Councilman Crouch inquired about the list of topics that the council would like to review. Mayor Ringer replied that he has provided the list to the City Manager for him to review. Councilman Brown reported that he received a call from Warren Talbot, President of the Off-Campus Aggies to discuss recycling projects with the apartments. He relayed the message to Tom Brymer. Councilman Birdwell mentioned that he has not received a monthly financial report since Aguust. Mr. Ragland replied that he will check with staff. Mr. Birdwell also inquired about the Capital Improvements Projects Report. Mayor Ringer mentioned that he provided the council with two letters in regards to the annexation hearing. Mayor Ringer asked if the council wishes to form a committee to educate voters on the charter amendments. Mr. Ragland replied that Linda and Peggy will be in charge of setting up speakers for different civic groups and if any council members are interested in speaking should contact them. ~Aaenck Item No. 5 - City Msn~ger Concerns. City Manager Ragland reported no concerns. Aaend~ Item No. 6 - Adjourn. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 6:05 p.m. APPROVED: Cit~ Secretary Connie Hooks GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, ~%NUARY 22, ~99~. 4:00 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 10. 20.