HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/10/1992 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTE~ CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP M~.~TING WEDNESDAY, ~JNE 10~ 1992 4:00 P.M. COUN~MBBR~ PRN~ENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Brown, Schneider, Gardner, Kennady (X)UNCII..M]~d~ERS A]~: Councilmembers Mcllhaney, Crouch City Manager Ragland, Assistant City Manager Woody, Assistant City Manager Brymer, Executive Director of Fiscal/Human Resources Scroeder, City Attorney Locke, Development Services Ash, City Engineer Pullen, Public Information Officer Calliham, Asst. PARD Director Ploeger, Forestry Superintendent Albrecht, Asst. Director of Public Services Smith, Planning Technician Thomas, Project Manager Keat/ng, Project Manager Mullins, Senior Planner Kee, City Planner Callaway, Transportation Planner Hard, Development Coordinator Volk, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Riley See guest register Mayor .Ringer presented former Councilman Dick Birdwell with a recognition plaque for his service to the council for the years 1988-1992. The meeting was called to order at 4:05 p.m. Agenda Item No. 1 - Discussion of ennmnt a~ntl_~_ items listed on Thursday, June llth eon~m _agenda. Councilman Gardner commented he had corrections to the minutes. H~.A?atenda Item No. 2 - Dbctmion of a m.ater development_ plan of the Rock Prair~-- s and Edelweiaa Eatates subdi~n'.a~ns !_c~_-_ ted ~.neral~y on the nnrth and ~onth ~/d~ of the future westward eal~n~irm~ of Rock Prairie, between Wehh and Wellbol~l _App_ ~ir~mt ia Bc__gonla _Cotpo~nv- Senior Planner Kee presented this item. She explained that the proposed use is for a residential subdivision with commercial, multi family and some planned industrial uses along the perimeter. The proposed subdivision consist of 292 acres. The major issues staff identified is the land uses, parkland and roadway. Staff is concerned with the amount of commercial property which fronts Rock Prairie Road and some of the development policies as related to commercial property. The second issue is the parkland which the Parks Board approved the dedication of five to seven acres. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, June 10, 1992 Page 2 The third issue is the roadway, the abandonment of Arnold Road and North Graham Road and the unimproved portion of Victoria. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended that the single family zoning of the first phase should be contingent upon the improvement of Victoria which will provide access to the subdivision. Staff would recommend that improvements take place prior to zoning being effective or an agreement be in hand that specifies that the improvements will take place at some point in time. Another issue that staff identified is subdivision phasing. The developer is proposing to build the Edelweiss Estates first and thereafter the Rock Prairie Estates, which would include building the extension of Rock Prairie Road in anticipation that the city would build Rock Prairie Road first as a part of the bond program. Staff feels the Rock Prairie extension should be a project of the developer and constructed concurrently with or after the portion that Myrad has committed to build. Ms. Kee briefly mentioned the landscape buffers and that these buffers will be maintained by the commercial property owners that develop in this area. Staff recommends that the commercial district proposed on the north side of Rock Prairie be increased togain compliance with our l~olicies and that the amount of commercial frontage on Rock Prairie be reduced. :Staff and the Parks Board recommend that the city accept the dedication and the location that is proposed along with the detention area. The plan also calls for the abandonment of Arnold Road. Ms. Kee also stated that the developer should improve the unpaved section of Victoria and should be conditioned upon his receiving zoning more intense than the A-O zone and the city should consider participation in the terms of oversized participation on Victoria. The city should implement our thoroughfare plan by guaranteeing through a development agreement that we will move to purchase the right-of-way and construct the extension of Victoria through to South Graham Road. The terms of the subdivision would be to recommend that Rock Prairie Road be extended by the developer, but the timing is negotiable and would depend upon the completion of Myrad's portion and the abandonment of North Graham Road not be done until this extension is complete. Councilman Brown expressed concerns on the number of curb cuts along Wellborn Road. Councilman Gardner expressed concerns with regards to a possible strip center along two sides of Rock Prairie and Wellborn Road. Councilman Brown, Gardner and Kennady stated concerns on the depth of commercial use along Rock Prairie not meeting our requirements. Steve Arden representing the developer came forward to answer any questions the council may have concerning this item. He explained the zoning requested for this development. Councilman Brown explained that he does not have a problem with Wellborn Road being zoned commercial, but he feels that Rock Prairie Road should be zoned A-P. Other councilmembers agreed. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, June 10, 1992 Page 3 Mayor Ringer summarized the council preference on various issues. The council lrovided staff guidance in these areas. ) Agree on land use buffers between commercial and single family residential which will provide a sound and sight barrier. Councilmembers asked staff to provide a list of different buffers appropriate for this area. b2u)t Development Policies - Commerical zoning along Rock Prairie Road is the best use, some discussion was held on A-P zoning. /34/ Parkland is appropriate. Arnold Road abandonment is appropriate and to encourage its use of pedestrian and bikeways to access the schools. (5) Victoria Street - Presently unpaved. General consensus is to require the portion of the street paved with an agreement to extend this street toward the south. Staff recommends that the city acquire the right-of-way on 600 ft. portion of this roadway and incur.th.e cost of paving. Staff recommends that upon condition of the rezoning the remmmng portion needs to be paved. The question is who pays for the construction cost. Mayor Ringer suggested an assessment program. Councilman Kennady supported the assessment program and its benefits to the city and developer. (6) Rock Prairie Extension - Mr. Arden responded that the staffs recommendation would deter extension of Rock Prairie Road rather than encourage this extension. The cost may be too great a burden during the first four phases of development. Also, timing is a major factor. Discussion was held on the financial factors to the developer and/or city for the cost of extending of Rock Prairie Road. Mayor Ringer asked staff and the developer to work together to develop an agreement for construction of extending Rock Prairie Road that protects the city and fair to the developer. (7) Bikeways are appropriate. Steve Arden thanked the Council for their time spent on this item. ~Age_ nda Item No. 3 - Presentation and disomlon of an ordins~ amendl, o Chanter 3 gtion 30~ th~ Co]~g~ Station Co(~ of Ordinsan_e~_-S l"~lntin? tO ~ n_~r_~_a~_ ]0~_0n and Transportation Planner Edwin Hard presented this item. He explained that the new ordinance modifies the existing 1987 policy and also the section relating to drive spacing with location and design. Mr. Hard presented a slide presentation and reviewed the major changes in the ordinance. Councilman Schneider asked Mr. Hard about different situations with the spacing of driveway access for some of the businesses along Texas Avenue existed before this ordinance was effective. Mr. Hard replied that with the upcoming Texas Avenue widening project there may be opportunities for the city to go in and close some of these driveways and perhaps to install some medians. _A~_ nda Item No. 4 - I)knm_!on of devel ~ornnent s,m'eem~nt with Fo~mlnh~ad ~~nt ~afi~ f~ th~ ~na~ of ~n~i~ thigh th~ S~flo~1-, ~u~o~ .... City Engineer Pullen and City Attorney Locke presented this item. City Attorney Locke noted changes in the development agreement. City Council Workshop Meeting Page 4 Wednesday, June 10, 1992 A~_ nda Imm No. 5 - Pr~s~ntatirm of impa~ fe~ ~innn~ ~ snd ~h~dl,l~ Ci~ Engineer Pullen presented this item. Mr. Pullen explained that the draft ordinan~ is used as the base feature to set impact fees throughout the ci~. Ci~ Manager Ragland explained that the reason we are considering an impact ordinance is based on statuto~ requirements. He hoped the council would include representatives from the development communi~ on the committee, Ci~ Attorney further explained the need for an impact ordinan~. She mentioned that this ordinance ~11 be presented to the council for approval in August. ~lon Fish of the Chamber of Commerce came foward to address the council concerning the letter ~tten to the council about forming ~is committee. Discussion continued. ~n~ Imm No. 6 - ~ ~mmeu~ Mayor Ringer mentioned that he has considered in, ting the Board of Regen~ for a social on July 22nd. He also mentioned both the workshop and regular meetings will be on July 22, 1992 ~ginning at 4:00 p.m. No other comments were made. ~n~ I~m No. 7 - ~ Manor ~mm~ No comments were made. ~n~ I~m No. 8 - ~j~. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m. TE~t~,T~L~ST: ' L~ty Secretary Connie Hooks APPROVEDL._._ , GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 1992 4~00 P.M 11. 12. 13. 14. Se 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 10. 20.