HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/13/1992 - Workshop Minutes City CouncilCOUN(~2L WORKSHOP i~TING WP~DNNSDAY, MAY 1~, 19~2 4:00 P.I~ COUNCIl.MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Brown, McIlhaney, Crouch, Gardner, Kennady COUNCILM~MBERS ABSENT: Councilman Schneider City Manager Ragland, Assistant City Manager Brymer, Assistant City Manager Woody, City Attorney Locke, City Secretary Hooks, Development Services Director Ash, City Engineer Pullen, Executive Director Fiscal/Human Resources Schroeder, Public Information Officer Calliham, City Planner Callaway See guest register A~oenda_ I_te_m No. 1 - Discu~-~alon of _mnsent a~nda items listed on Thursday, May 14th consent a~encla. Councilman Brown removed Consent Agenda Item No. 2.7. Councilman Mcllhaney removed Consent Agenda Item No. 2.9. Agenda Item No. 2.7 - Request permission to amend FY 91-92 Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency Budget. Councilman Brown asked staff to explain the effect of the filling rate. Assistant Public Services Director Mark Smith replied that the current life of the landfill was anticipated for 2002. But with the current activity, the projected life decreased by two years. Councilman Brown mentioned that he saw a news story program about the coverings for a landfill. He discussed this concept at a previous council meeting. He asked staff to look into this. Councilman McIlhaney asked if staff had data to back their projection. Mr. Smith replied that the primary reason is because the surrounding areas are utilizing the landfill at a greater rate than anticipated. She asked if the city is addressing the cost of the loss of life in the landfill. Agenda Item No. 2.8 - Consideration of proposed change order to contract with JHW General Contractors, Inc. for finish out of maintenance building. Councilman McIlhaney asked about the charge for a building permit to complete the work. Mr. Smith replied that BVSWMA is a different entity from the City of College Station. Agenda Item No. 2.9 - Consideration of award of Wolf Pen Creek Interceptor Phase I Project No. SS1002, to Palasota Construction, Inc. in the amount of $1,711,907.82. Funding for this project, 1984 Utility Revenue Bonds. Councilman McIlhaney asked if it would be possible to specify in the contract a contractor supervisor in charge of the project. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, May 13, 1992 Page 2 Project Manager Sallie Mullins replied that this provision is specified in the contract. ~.?~dA Item NO. 2 - Interviews with COl~tlltsnts for Business Park. The presentations began at 4:15 p.m. Steve Esmond of Esmond Engineering was the first presenter. Written proposals were presented to the Council. Fie introduced members of his team for this project. Slides and visuals were displayed. Questions were asked by councilmembers. Mayor Ringer asked the Esmond Engineering team what they considered as the most important aspects to the development of the business park. Mr. Rowland Jackson replied that the most important asset is the site itself. Mr. Esmond commented that his firm is active in the environmental field and addressing these needs such as, water, air and other issues is a real asset to the city. Ms. Tate of Bonner and Tate stated that the communities which are ready for economic development will capitalize on the growth. Councilman McIlhaney asked if the location of the park, specifically not located on an interstate, could be a problem. Ms. Tare replied that from a marketing standpoint she does not see a problem. Councilman Brown asked Ms. Tate to provide firms which she has been associated with. Ms. Tate named a few; Melvin Simons and Associates, the second leading mall developer. Also, Dell Webb Corporation, largest retirement communi[y builder in the United States. Metro System in Austin and Ben Crenshaw Turfgrass Company. Councilman Gardner asked if Ms. Tate's firm would be a continued market firm for the business park. She remarked that her firm would work with existing economic development professionals in College Station and develop a marketing program for this park. Her firm would be solely responsible for bringing leads to the City. Councilman Gardner stated that he would hope the council will have input from the beginning of the project. Mr. Esmond concurred. The second team of Lichliter/Jameson & Associates presented their proposal. Paul Lippke of Lichliter/Jameson introduced members of this team. Payton Collins pointed out that the firm will maintain an up-to-date report to the council. This team's goal is to broaden the economic base of the city and to target the right market to obtain prospects for this park. Bob Farley of Fantis Marketing, the oldest site location consulting firm in the United States presented information about his role in this project. John Barker of Lichliter/Jameson addressed the Council to describe the functions of this firm in the development of this project. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, May 13, 1992 Page 3 Mayor Ringer asked the team members what they felt are the most important considerations to the design of this project. Mr. Collins replied that this firm will provide a quality park to establish credibility in the marketplace the city is seeking. Also, there are constraint areas such as topography and floodplain which could be used toward complimenting the project. Councilman Kennady asked if our park would be in competition with the TAMU Research Park. Mr. Robert Worley, Economic Development Director stated that the TAMU Research Park has deed restrictions which restrict A&M from attracting manufacturing firms. Councilman Gardner asked if 75 days allows this firm enough time to meet with the designers and potential subdividers. Mr. Barker replied that during the target process, specifications, etc. will be prepared for the prospect. Handouts were provided to the councilmembers in addition to the written proposal. The third presenter was Richardson Verdoorn. Joe Verdoorn presented slides of different projects completed by his firm. He encouraged the council to develop a brochure for the city. Mayor Ringer asked Mr. Verdoorn to provide the council with the most important aspects of this project. Mr. Verdoorn replied that the trees are important amenities. Also, its proximity between Houston and Dallas is important. Councilman McIlhaney asked Mr. Verdoorn about his marketing concept. Mr. Verdoorn mentioned that with regards to marketing, the first step is to evaluate College Station as a community and build upon it. His firm will work with Joe Birdwell of American Southwest. The next group of presenters was Schrickel Rollins and Associates. Gene Schrickel introduced members of the firm from Arlington, Texas. He described several projects completed by this firm and their experience in land planning. Slides were shown. Al Rollins made several comments. Mayor Ringer asked the gentleman to tell the Council the prima.ry considerations to this project. Mr. Rollins replied that the planning aspect for the project is important, you must have a wide range of flexibility. Secondly, the amenities will be an added tool. Mr. Schrickel pointed out that this project could begin with a number of alternate plans. City Manager Ragland addressed the Council. He noted to the council that some groups focused heavily on the marketing aspect for the project and this may not be the critical element at this point in time. City Council Workshop Meeting Page 4 Wednesday, May 13, 1992 Robert Worley, Executive D!rector of Economic Development Foundation. He concurred with Mr. Ragland s statement on marketability. The City needs a destination in place to accommodate the prospects. Target marketing is being performed by the Foundation. He added that the Foundation will have an agressive marketing program beginning in October. He mentioned that a brochure of the city would be helpful. The councilmembers discussed their personal rankings of the firm. Councilman Brown moved to ask staff to negotiate with Schrickel Rollins and Associates for a contract to plan and site development for the Industrial Park. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch. The vote was taken and the motion carried by a vote of 5-1, Councilman Gardner voted against. Staff asked council to rank the remaining firms. Councilman Kennady moved to accept the firm of Lichliter/Jameson & Associates as the second firm. The motion was seconded by Councilman Gardner. The motion carried by a vote of 5-1, Councilman Crouch voted against. Discussion continued. Councilman Mclihaney moved to accept the firm of Richardson Verdoorn as the third firm. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brown which carried unanimously, 6-0. Esmond Engineering was selected as fourth in the ranking process. Mayor Ringer hoped the council will be flexible with their time to work with the firm to receive input. Item No. 3 - Council Comments. No one spoke. p,~_~mnda Item No. 4 - City Mann_ot~_.r Comments,. City Manager Ragland handed the council materials regarding municipal court and oil and gas permit. Agenda Item No. 5 - Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. City Secretary Connie Hooks APPROVED: GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1992 4:00 P.M 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ® 16. 17. 18. 19. 10. 20.