HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/26/1992 - Workshop Minutes City Council ~S CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING ¢.~0 Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Brown, Bh'dwell, Gardner, McIlhaney, Crouch, Schneider City Manager Ragland, Assistant City Manager Brymer, Assistant City Manager Woody, City Secretary Hooks, City Attorney Locke, Executive Director Management Services Piwonl~, Executive Director Fiscal/Human Resources Schroeder ~ohn Lauletta See guest register. No. I - _w_,~_ ,~4_nn of c_n~_ ~t ~_.,je~.,4,, 9__,~_ ltst__,~_ on Tl,_,,~,4~,y, Fnt~_ --y Mayor Ringer mentioned that Agenda Item No. 3.6 - A development agreement with the IAYCEES for temporary utility service was removed because the JAYCEES will not be leasing the property. City Secretary Hooks removed the workshop minutes of February 12th because they were not complete for approval at this meeting. Mayor Ringer noted that the resolution for the Texas Games has a typographical error. Councilman Schneider asked a question on Agenda Item No. 3.2 - Consideration of professional surveying services for the Lincoln Center/Wayne Smith Park Corridor. Asst. PARD Director Ric Ploeger stated that the amount of $18,300 was est~-'nated by the consultants who prepared the original master plan. l~mds are available in the Parkland Acquisition bond funds. Executive Director Linda Piwonka presented an overview of the objectives for the three rate change options. She focused on the savings of the wholesale power cost change as well as concept of load management. Option I - All rate classes to receive an equal 4.6% reduction. Option II - Approximately 9.18 commercial customers with low load factor will see an increase in rates. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, February 26, 1992 Page 2 Option 1II - Approximately 247 of commercial customers would receive rate increase. Mr. Jim McCord of McCord Engineering addressed the Council. He explained the three rate designs in greater detail. He stated that the general rate revisions applicable to all rate options are: 1) fiat power cost adjustment charge to be implemented, with a correction adjustment to be applied on at least a quarterly basis. 2) rrdnimum demand ratchet provision of large power rates proposed to be lowered from 60 percent to §0 percent. 3) amount of wholesale power cost in base electric rates proposed to be lowered from 4.0 cents/kwh to 3.6 cents/kw. Mrs. Piwonka recommended Option I effective October 1. She explained that this option will anow the staff time to develop a plan to address the rate fluctuations. She emphasized that the critical component to this option is the education to the customer on the load management program. Councilman Birdwell pointed out that he does not agree with the staff recommendation. City Manager Ragland stated that the city's philosophy has changed and as a result the rates changed. And, there is the list of commercial customers that the staff felt should be educated on the load management program, and advise them up front that their rates win increase. Further discussion was held. Councilman McIihaney reported that the Finance and Budget Committee also supported Option I. Mayor Ringer mentioned that this item is on the regular agenda for consideration City Planner Jim Callaway explained the plan. He referred to page 4 of the service plan and stated that the city reserves the right to assess those property owners who did not seek annexation for sewer service in the event that the city enact the impact fee ordinance in time to affect those properties. However, it is doubtful that this ordinance could be in place before the line is available. Councilman Crouch inquired about the annexation of the road. Staff discussed this and concluded that the description of the road is not relevant in the service plan. Service plan includes specific utility services as required by the law. And also, the city may exceed the minimum requirements of the service plan. Councilman Crouch stated that she would prefer a reference in the plan. Discussion was held among councilmembers regarding the question of assessing the property owners or not assessing the property owners for the construction of the road. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, February 26, 1992 Page 3 City Manager Ragland clarified to the council that as city policy, it is consistent to assess property owners for part of the road and it would be inconsistent with the policy not to assess the property owner. The property owner would not be double taxed. Mayor Ringer restated the approved motion from the last council meeting regarding this issue. He added that this motion did not commit the council to assess the property owners or not to assess the property owners. City Manager Ragland clarified that the council's motion furnished staff direction to proceed with annexation. The council agreed with the service plan as presented. Agend~ Item No. 4 - Council Concerns. Councilman Birdwell reported on the trip he and Councilman Gardner as well as businessmen from the community took to the city of Morton, Washington for a visit to the Stericycle site. He added that this operation would be acceptable to our business park. Councilman (.~ardner was also impressed with the operation and said the firm received no incentives such as a free site or tax abatement. City did pay for extension of utilities. Mayor Ringer asked the counciimembers to let Peggy Cailiham know if any one is on a TML Committee. A0mda Item No. 5 - City ~ Conch. Mr. Ragland mentioned that he has copies available of the Stericycle presentation made at the breakfast meeting. He also mentioned that the City has obtained a copy of the CSISD Master Plan. Mr. Ragland reported that the City has received notice from a prospect from Houston interested in meeting with officials on a location in the business park. The council moved to the Training Room at 5:30 p.m. Mayor Ringer suggested that the council should decide on broad topics. Councilman Crouch mentioned that the council should think in terms of "quality of life." The council developed a list of topics and ranked each as follows. 1. Discussion of Goals and Objectives 2. Cultural Enhancement 3. City Character · Transportation City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, February 26, 1992 Page 4 5. Beautification 6. Recreation/Entertainment ?. Relationship with other entities 8. Education 9. Development Standards 10. Cost Effectiveness 11. Public Safety 12. Public Services 13. Consolidation Agettdm Item No. 7 - Adjourn. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 6:40 p.m. ATTEST: ~~~o~e Hooks APPROVED: OUEST RE~STER C~TY COUNCIL ~ORKSHOP HEET~NG ~EDNESD~Y~ FEBRU&RY 26, 2992 4:00 P.M 11. 12. 13. 14. 4 15. e 16. 17. 18. 19. 10. 20.