HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/08/1992 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WO]ar~-IOP MEETING 4.~0 P.M. Mayor IUnger, Councflmembers Brown, Schneider, Gardner, Mcnhaney, Crouch Councilman Birdwen City Manager Ragland, Assistant City Manager Woody, Assistant City Manager Brymer, Executive Director Piwonka, City Attorney Locke, Rssistant City Attorney Nemcik, City Secretary Hooks See guest register ~ T _tern_ No. 1 - __~_ ,~ of c~_~-_~t ,,.,~__a,, fte~ ~ on Thur~ ,,y Tanuarv 9. 1992 council a_t~u]a. Consent Aoenda Item No. 3.9 - Request for approval of Automated $o~d Wast? Collection Containers, Bid #P082-0P.-9P.T. Councilman Gardner asked Mr. Schroeder to explain the financing procedures. Mr. Schroeder replied that the city has recommended to utili~.e reserves in the utility funds as a method of internal borrowing as opposed to seeking funds from the certificate of obligations. Consent ,~qenda Item No. 3.3 - Cons'_]c]eration of bids for the Cemetery Entry way Improvements and Irriaation Improvements. Councilman Schneider asked questions about the new proposed section and the irrigation system. Councilman Mcnhaney responded to Councilman Schneider's concerns. She stated the cemetery has two new sections at the rear of the cemetery in the undeveloped area. Water lines will be installed in the new sections for the irrigation system. Mr. Beachy remarked that the irrigation system in the new section will include quick couplers to hook up hoses for irrigation. He further stated that an automatic system will be installed in the new landscape areas. Councilman Schneider inquired about the present fountain. He stated that proper recognition should be given to the Garden Club when the founta/n is removed. Councilman Mc]]haney stated that the Cemetery Committee met on several occasions to discuss the cemetery renovations. The fountain area was discussed at great length. The staff and Cemetery Committee felt that the City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, January 8, 1999. Page 2 fountain should be removed because it is unsafe. However, some members of the Garden Club objected to the removal of the fountain. Councilman Mc]]haney further stated that the committee discussed other uses for the fountain rocks and stones. She pointed out that another fountain will be built in the same location but of a d~erent design. Consent Agenda Item No. 3.14 - Authorization for st~ to negotiate a contract with an outside consultant to perform a "Comprehensive Communication Study" City Manager Ragland presented the council with information on this item. He mentioned that this information includes the staff ranking of consultants for negotiation of the Communication Study. Mayor Ringer referred back to Consent Agenda Item No. 3.9. Further d~-~cussion was held on the solid waste containers. Mayor Ringer asked staff if the bid must be made for all containers from same vendor. Secondly, he asked why the alternate bidder did not meet specifications. Mr. Jim Smith replied that the alternate bidder, Toter, Inc. submitted a d~erent type of material. in the bid. He clarified that there are two types of containers; linear construction and cross link construction. The staff recommends cross link material because it is more durable. Mayor Ringer mentioned that the linear container could be recycled. Mr. Smith pointed out that the warranty on both containers is seven years. City Manager Ragland stated that both containers have a seven year warranty. The staff looked at this issue in the customer service perspective and examined the container's durability and the factors associated with replacing the containers after the seven year warranty. _Aaend~ Item No. 2 - Presenta_t~o_n af ~l,_~_,o f~ C_,,~,~tc~_te of ~_c_Mevement ~,' Ezcellence ~n Flnsncttl Resor~a. Director of Fiscal/Human Resources Glenn Schroeder and Chief Accountant Kathy Hubbard came forward to accept the awards presented by Mayor Ringer. Mr. Schroeder and Ms. Hubbard recognized the Accounting Staff and thanked them for their hard work and dedication. Aqend~ Item No. 3 - Co~__~_ Conch. Mayor Ringer congratulated Mr. John Woody and his staff for successfully performing the power switch to TMPA. Councilman Schneider reiterated Mayor Ringer's comments and congratulated the Police Department on their efforts. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, January 8, 1992 Page 3 Councilman McDhaney commented that she was approached by a gentlemen who has been doing research work in the city, and he emphasized to her that the city employees were very courteous, helpful, and knowledgeable. Councilman Brown remarked that the developer of Brandon Heights Subdivision mentioned to him that the city staff is very helpful and friendly. Councilman Crouch presented photos of a playground and equipment built in Corpus Christi by volunteers with materials donated. Councilman Gardner reported that two major streets, Honeman and Dominik, have street markings which are very faded, and the directional arrows are not marked appropriately. Mr Gardner remarked that a large amount of trash has accumulated along the streets and highways, particularly Ho]leman. He inquired about the Adopt-A-Street participants. Councilman Schneider asked about the monitor procedures for the Adopt-A- Street and Adopt-A-Spot programs. Councilman Crouch mentioned that she spoke with the Community Appearance Committee chairman and Ms. Causey remarked that this committee is looking for projects such as this. Mayor Ringer reminded the council of the TML Region X Meeting to be held in Georgetown on Thursday, January 16th. Agenck Item No. 4 - City Msn~ger Concerns. City Manager Ragland reported no concerns. ~rsozmel [8~q~-I 7~ ~a_~l. (5.1) Staff Report Legal Report (8.2) Pending Litigation TCA Cable (5.3) Land Acquisition Acq-~-~ition of Utility Easement (5.4) Personnel Alternate Municipal Court Judge The council moved into closed session at 4:45 p.m. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, January 8, 1992 Page 4 _Aaonck Item No. 6 - Action on closed session. The council came back into open session at 7:01 p.m. Councilman Crouch moved to appoint Steve Baker as acting assistant city judge for one day. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mc]]haney which carried by a vote of 6-0, Councilman Birdweil absent. _Aaanck Item No. 7 - Adjourn. The council adjourned at 7:02 p.m. A~EST: City Secretary Connie Hooks APPROVED: GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, J~I~NUARY 8, L99L 4:00 P.M 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 10. 20.