HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/08/1992 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTHS CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP WRDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1992 4:00 P.M. COUNCN~M~.MBERS PRHSENT:Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Brown, Schneider, Gardner, Crouch, McIlhaney, Kcnnady City Manager Ragland, Assistant City Manager Woody, Assistant City Manager Brymer, Asst. PARD Director Ploeger, City Secretary Hooks, City Attorney Locke, Public Services Director LaBeau, Sanitation Superintendent Smith, Executive Director Linda Piwonka, Executive Director Glenn Schroeder VI$1'I'OI~ PRESENT: See guest register Agenda Item No. 1 - Discussion of consent %mends items listed on Thursa_ ,,y, July 9th Councilman Kennady pointed out a correction to the minutes. It should be noted on the June 19th minutes that he was present at the meeting. Aaenda Item N~ 2 - Preaentalion of _tb_e preHmins~ 1993 b,,d?t _f_m'_ the Brs-m_ County Mr. Buddy Winn, County Chief Appraiser, addressed the Council. Mr. Winn indicated that the proposed budget is an increase of 4.6% from last year's budget due to a 3 percent salary increase for support staff and salary adjustments to three other positions. He also noted the appraisals from FDIC on foreclosed property is a major indicator in this budget. Questions were asked by councilmembers regarding the fund balance. A~nda Item No. 3 - Discussion of a request for sanitary sewer serv{_'_ee_ __arm.~._~__'o._ for residents of }{arvey l-lilIsides Addition _a_nd_ _Jim B,,tler res!den_ce in ([hm,] Run Estnt.., City Planner Jim Callaway and Wastewater Superintendent Bill Riley presented this item. Mr. Callaway explained the request. Staff recommended a policy statement to address these requests and future requests for utility services outside the city limits. Mr. Riley presented several scenarios and staff concerns to extend service outside city limits. The council discussed the advantages and disadvantages on the issue of annexation of Harvey Hillsides and/or Mr. Butler's residence. Mr. Callaway pointed out that previous agreements and contracts with residents outside the city who receive city services City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, July 8, 1992 Page 2 are proposed to be grandfathered with the adoption of this policy. Mayor Ringer reiterated that he discouraged the use of septic systems. However, he understood the staff reasons for not approving the sewer line connections. Discussion was held on the existing situation of city and school boundaries. Councilman Schneider expressed his satisfaction for a policy statement. Mr. Mark Dudley stated that the homeowners in Harvey Hillsides would not agree to annexation. Councilman McIlhaney stated that the long term effect is beneficial if annexation occurs for this subdivision, because it would be cost effective to the citizens of College Station as well as equitable to the residents of Harvey Hillsides. A~nda Item No. 4 - Disctmion of a dev~_!oment ?,,_me~t to Allow the Crmstrucfirm of-an accessory laundry facffity for the use ot dupleams on Oney Hervc, y. Senior Planner Jane Kee explained this item. Twin City Properties proposed to construct a laundry facility on Lot 9, Block 2 of Pecan Tree Estates. Agenda Item No. 5 - Report on the College Station Utility bhmrey. Dr. James Dyer of the Public Policy Resources Laboratory Texas A&M University presented the results of the public utility survey. A_~_ nda Item No. 6 - Continuation of Pre-budget Workshop Issues. The Council moved to the training room. Asst. PARD Director Ric Ploeger presented the Wolf Pen Creek status report. Recreation Supervisor Linda Waltman announced the upcoming events and fee schedules for Wolf Pen Creek. Facilities Superintendent David Gerling highlighted new attractions to the Adamson Bee Creek pool in the next year. Tom Brymer discussed Northgate Planning with TAMU. Areas that could be jointly planned are on and off street parking; traffic circulation; pilot streetscape project funding strategy; land use; and involvement of other entities. Mr. Brymer discussed the solid waste issues. He stated that solid waste collection and disposal is going through the most rapid and fundamental change. One issue he emphasized was the rate changes in the proposed fiscal year. He also focused on the current situation and the number of legislative changes required for landfill and recycling. The recommended residential rate is proposed to be $9.50 per month. City Attorney Locke addressed the issue of Rock Prairie Road Extension through the Van Reit development. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, July 8, 1992 Page 3 Mr. Brymer discussed two key issues: Bikeway Plan and Neighborhood Park Planning. City Manager Ron Ragland discussed the issue of intergovernmental relations, particularly county relations. Finance Director Glenn Schroeder provided a summary of the 1992 preliminary appraisal roll for Brazos County, College Station, and Bryan. Issue ranking sheets were provided to each councilmember. The Council decided to have an additional meeting for discussion of their issues. A council meeting was scheduled for July 16th. A~_ nda Item No. 7 - Councnl Comments_ Councilman Gardner asked for a copy of the contract with Schrickel Rollins and Associates. Councilman McIlhaney reported that the Council Relations Committee met with trustees of the School Board. One issue the School Board mentioned was the high demand rate charged to the school. Ms. McIlhaney also suggested that the staff present the development charts to the School District at a school district board meeting. Agenda Item No. 8 - City 1Mansooer Comments_ No comments. Age_ nda Item No. 9 - Adjour~ The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m. ~UEST RE~STER C~TY COUNCIL ~ORKSHOP HEET2N~ WEDNESD&Y~ ~ULY 8F ~992 4~00 P.~ il. 3.2. 1:3. 14. 15. 3.6. 17. 18. 19. 10. 20.