HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/08/1992 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MP_,E~G WgI~NF3DAY, APRH'. 8, 1~ 4:~ P.~ COUNCII.MI~.MBER~ PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Brown, Birdwell, Schneider, Gardner, McIlhaney, Crouch STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Ragland, Assistant City Manager Woody, Assistant City Manager Brymer, Executive Director Management Services Piwonka, Executive Director Fiscal/Human Resources Schroeder, City Planner Callaway, City Engineer Pullen, Director of Development Services Ash, Assistant City Engineer Morgan, City Attorney Locke, City Secretary Hooks, Assistant City Attorney Nemcik, Purchasing Agent McCartney, Public Information Officer Calliham John Lauletta See guest register Aitenda Imm No. 1 - Discussion of enn~ent ageo n__t~_ imms listed on Th_u~rlny, A,_m'il 9th a~nda. Councilman Crouch removed Consent Items No. 6.11 and 6.12 for discussion. Councilman Birdwell removed Items No. 6.6 and 6.10 to ask questions. He expressed opposition to the HOPE III program - Consent Agenda Item No. 6.2. Consent Agenda Item No. 6.6 - Approval to renew contract for uniform rental with National Linen Co. to supply and clean uniforms, expenditure $50,467.56 Councilman Birdwell asked for the last year's expenditure for this contract. Purchasin_~_ Agent McCartney replied that the amount stated is four percent higher from last year s contract amount. She will obtain last year's figure for Mr. Birdwell. Consent Agenda Item No. 6.10 - Development Agreement with O.I. Corporation. Councilman Birdwell stated that the agreement refers to Exhibit C and D, but the exhibits are not attached. Additionally, the agreement provides that the city relocate electrical service. It also provides for the city to improve the drainage on the annexed portion of Graham Road. Assistant City Attorney Nemcik replied with the response that the council decided to collect monies from the petitioning properties and subsequently, a decision made to enact impact feces on remaining property owners. Mr. Ragland clarified that this agreement acknowledged Oceanography International's intent to tie onto the system and pay for the service. Those properties affected by the impact may or may not tie onto the system. Ms. Nemcik remarked that Exhibits C and D were original legal descriptions prepared in advance of the annexation ordinance and are not a part of this agreement because the ordinance includes the legal descriptions. Mayor Ringer recommended that Exhibits C and D be included as attachments to this agreement. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, April 8, 1992 Page 2 Mrs. Nemcik noted that the agreement states the city shall add additional lines to complete the line of electrical service. Changes to the agreement were suggested by Councilman Birdwell. Mrs. Nemcik replied that the changes shall be prepared before consideration of this item on Thursday night. Consent Agenda Item No. 6.11 - Development agreement with Brazosland Properties for Glenhaven Estates Subdivision. Councilman Crouch asked questions about the development agreement. Assistant City Engineer Morgan replied that the drainage issue has been resolved. The developer will provide a self contained detention facility for the first phase. The development agreement provides that a regional detention facility will serve the remaining phases. Further discussion was held on the type of detention facility and the proper title specified on plats for drainage areas. Agenda Item No. 2 - Presentation of Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the year ended September 30, 1991. Executive Director Fiscal/Human Resources Schroeder introduced Peggy McCormick and Jeff West, associates of Deloitte Touche, and Tom Wallis of Ingrain Wallis and Associates. Mr. Schroeder highlighted portions of the annual report. Ms. McCormick addressed the Single Audit Report and Report to Management. She noted that the only finding in the single audit report on internal records control is the lack of property records in Community Development. She indicated that this problem has been resolved. As part of the Report to Management, several observations were noted as part of the internal system accounting control. She highlighted the conditions which related to fixed asset detailed records. Mr. Schroeder remarked that the staff is making progress in this area. Ms. McCormick conveyed additional findings and recommendations. Questions were raised by Councilman Birdwell on particular areas of the financial report. Councilman Borwn made a motion to approve the 1991 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schneider which carried unanimously, 7-0. Agenda Imm No. 3 - Discussion of HOPE HI Honeownership Pro.am. City Planner Jim Callaway and Jo Carroll, Director of Community Development addressed the Council on this item. Ms. Carroll provided overhead visuals. She described the program goals and benefits. Two major issues in the program are the following: 1) local non-federal match fund requirement of thirty-three percent, approximately $165,000; and, 2) staffing needs in the amount of $136,000. Mr. Callaway discussed in general the staff time utilized to implement grant programs and the justification for an additional staff person. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, April 8, 1992 Page 3 Councilmembers expressed their views of the program. City Manager Ragland commented that this allocation of funding is based on a justified need and the question is whether or not the city wants to do something for this need. Mr. Callaway concluded by stating that this grant is a resource available for the city if the council desires to support this program. This item is on the regular meeting agenda for consideration. A~nda Item No. 4 - Connm'l Ct~mrnelltt Councilman Birdwell reported on a letter received from the County Attorney regarding exempt fees on subpoenaed records. Assistant City Manager Tom Brymer replied that staff responded to the letter. Councilman Schneider raised concern about the elected officials personal liability status as changes occur and responsibilities added to the City. Councilman McIlhaney mentioned that TML conducts seminars on these topics. Also publications are available. Councilman Brown reported that he watched a television program on an interesting concept to cover a landfill by using a large polyurethane blanket at the end of the day. The technique increased the life of the landfill significantly. He asked staff to look into this. Councilman Crouch reported that she received a call from a citizen unhappy about the timeliness of the utility deposit refund and the inability for citizens to accumulate interest on the deposit. Ms. crouch also reported that she observed a number of street workers standing while watching one man perform the work. She questioned the efficiency of this procedure. Mr. Ragland mentioned that the road crews have quadrupled their productivity level in the past four weeks. Councilman Gardner asked if responses were received from consultants for the business park. Mayor Ringer replied affirmatively. Mr. Ragland pointed out that Mr. Ash and other staff members will be working late to review the proposals. Mayor Rigner expressed appreciation to all city staff who helped in the Big Event. The councilmembers were asked about the annual council picture. The council decided to keep last year's picture. He mentioned the council retreat scheduled for May 7-8. Age_ nda Item No. $ - City_ MAn~r Co_mm~_n~. City Manager Ragland reported no concerns. Age_ nda Item No. 6 - Bra{natormi.~, ,~ion- The council moved to the Training Room at 5:45 p.m. The council discussed the ingredients for a vision statement and a mission statement based on their values. Several philosophical questions were raised. Key points were discussed in the area of recreation and tourism and places of interest for visitors. The council decided to set their priorities of issues at the council retreat in May. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, April 8, 1992 Page 4 Age_ nda Item No. 7 - Adjourn. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m. City Secretary Connie Hooks