HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/27/1992 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING W~J~NNSDAY, MAY 27, 1992 4:00 P.M. COUNCII.MI=.MBERS PRES~: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Brown, Gardner, Kennady, Mcllhaney, Crouch COUNCILM~MBERS ABSENT: Councilman Schneider STAFF PRP_S~: City Manager Ragland, Executive Director Fiscal/Human Resources Schroeder, City Secretary Hooks, City Attorney Locke, Executive Director Management Services Piwonka, Assistant City Manager Woody, Assistant City Manager Brymer, Development Services Director Ash, City Planner Callaway VISITORS PRN_~ENT: See guest register Aaenda Item No. 1 - Discussion of consent aoend~ i~ms listed on Tbn~__rsd_~_y, May 28th cement Councilman Gardner removed Consent Agenda Item No. 1.3 - Ratification of a development aereement with CIC Agency, Inc. He mentioned that he will vote against this item at the r~gular meeting. Councilman Crouch removed Agenda Item No. 1.5 - Request for purchase approval of two trash truck dump bodies, Bid #92-48, Public Services Dept. total expenditure, $18,934. She congratulated the staff on the creative use of funds. Councilman McIlhaney removed Agenda Item No. 1.7 - Consideration of a final Replat Lots 3 and 4, Phase 2 of Herman F. Krenek Subdivision. Mrs. McIlhaney noted that the staff indicated an electrical line crossing Lot 4R restricting development on this lot. She asked if this issue had been resolved. Staff replied that they will provide her an answer before the meeting is over. Age_ nda Item No. 2 - Presentation to Council cOn_~_.rnlnoo the mh-cbsse of a su_ne__nn_xorv · · · . ~ x--- _and __da.~__a_cc~ms~i.ti~o~n,,system for the water pwdu_cfion and v~stewater trestment Bill Riley, Superintended for Water and Wastewater, presented this item. He showed a demonstration of the SCADA system. Mr. Riley mentioned that six responses were received for the SCADA system request for proposal. He reviewed the present procedures to monitor the water production and wastewater treatment facilities. In addition, he highlighted the capabilities of the SCADA system. Mr. Riley pointed out that the staff feels the cost savings for this system can be achieved within two to three years after complete implementation. He explained that the system requested at this time is the hardware, software, and remote units is included in the cost of $361,000. He further explained that the reason City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, May 27, 1992 Page 2 he has not requested the full package at this time is because of the work involved in writing programs, develop screens, etc. Discussion was held on funding this project. Director of Public Utilities John Woody addressed this item. He stated that the City of College Station, City of Bryan, and TAMU are studying the long term water supply. Al~nda Item No. 3 - Pr~aentation to Council on the BVSWMA Bnd~o_t nme_ndment and ~o-mtraefion of clay walls and_ linel'8 at the Rock Prairie Road l.nndfi'~l -- Asst. Director of Public Services Mark Smith addressed the Council. He stated that the budget amendment is requested to allow the city to build a 12 month capacity during the summer months. Mr. Smith noted that the amount of the amendment is $250,000 to cover construction and engineering cost. Councilman Brown mentioned that he has brought this issue before to the council with regard to a "blanket" that is pulled over the garbage each day which adds to the life of the landfill. Mr. Smith replied that the city would be required to cover the garbage. A special permit could be requested to cover the garbage by alternate measures, but it does not exempt the city to cover the garbage each day. This item has been placed on the regular agenda for consideration. _Agenda Item No. 4 - Presentation and di~j-~aion_ of Coun~l El~v'~lopmo. nt PoNd.--- St/bc,-,,-ra[ _tree reco_mme~dation on the 281~_-_ ns!on_ S~_~dy, --- Jim Gardner stated the committee met with the staff. The results of this meeting were displayed on a new map. Several zoning changes were indicated on the proposed plan. The committee had not met with the respective property owners because the committee felt the council should review their recommendations. Development Services Director Ash addressed the Council. He expressed the reasons staff strongly recommended the Dartmouth extension. He added that the extension provides an essential north/south alternate route. He reminded Council that without the Dartmouth extension, Darmouth will not serve its intended function and would not see its design capacity as a minor arterial. Councilmembers discussed their perspective of the Dartmouth extension. Councilman Crouch made a motion to approve the concept developed by the council committee on the proposed land use for the 2818 Extension study area with the extension of Dartmouth. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brown which carried unanimously, 6-0. Mayor Ringer indicated that this is not a final decision of the council. Council discussed the naming of the 2818 Loop. Mayor Ringer suggested the Development Policies committee come back with a recommendation to Council. Councilman Crouch suggested that the property owners are notified of the council's decision along with the committee members names and questions can be directed to the City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, May 27, 1992 Page 3 councilmembers. It was suggested that the property owners be notified of the council meeting when this item is placed on the agenda. Age,_ nda Item No. 5 - Conn,! Co_mm~ntq. Mayor Ringer reminded the Council for their preference on council committees. Councilman Brown reported the George Bush Library committee met. He suggested that the staff look at an o_verlay district for George Bush Drive. The Council agreed that this area is important. City Manager Ragland pointed out that this is a key time to work with the University. Mayor Ringer suggested that the council should provide staff with a council vision statement for better direction of the council desires for this area. Councilman McIlhaney reported that Emerald Parkway/East Bypass needs a four way stop. Mr. Ash replied that the highw, a_y department plans to install the signs as soon as they can. He also replied to Mrs. McIlhaney s question about the replat. He mentioned that it is the option of the developer to remove the electrical line on 4R. Councilman Gardner asked if the council has decided to set up meetings with the school district. Councilman McIlhaney, Brown, and Schneider are members of the City Affairs Commiteee have been meeting with the school district subcommittee. Board Trustee MacGilvray has suggested waiting to have a meeting until the new trustees are sworn in and oriented. Mayor Ringer suggested a joint meeting for long range planning, etc. and perhaps a social the same day. Councilman Crouch commented that she has a drafted vision statement that she and Councilmembers Gardner and Brown wrote. She asked that discussion be held on a future agenda. Councilman Gardner mentioned that he attended a planning conference in Orlando Florida. He returned with materials relating to vision statements, etc. Age_ nda Item No. 6 - City Ms-~r Commen~s City Manager Ragland reported that the Annual Report is complete. He gave each councilmember copies. He thanked Peggy and the Public Relations team for an outstanding job. Peggy mentioned a video will be produced. Agenda Item No. 7 - Adjourn. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 6:30 p.m. ,~EST: ~ Secretary onme Hooks APPROVED: M~in~e~