HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-1725 - Ordinance - 09/24/1987 O~DINANCE NO. 1725 AN O~DINANCE I~%~YING THE TAXES FOR THE USE A~D SUPPORT OF THE MUNICIPAL GOVE~T OF THE CITY OF (I~LEGE STATION AND PBOVIDING FOR THE INTEREST AND SI~ING FUSD FOR TRE YEAR 1987 - 1988 A~D APPO[~IONING EACH LEVY FOR THE SPECIFIC PURP(~ES. BE IT O~DAIN~) BY THE CITY COL%]CIL OF THE CITY OF GOLL~GE STATIGN, TEXAS; SE~,',GN I. Taat there is hereby levied and there shall be ~ollected for the use and suu~ort of the municipal goverr~ent of the City of College Station, and to provide Interest and Sinking Fund for the 1987 - 1988 fiscal year upon all property, real, personal, and mixed within the corporate limits of said city subject to taxation, a tax of thirty-eight cents ($0.38) on each One Hundred Dollar ($100.00) valuation of property, and said tax beieg so levied and apportioned to the specific purpose herein set forth: 1. For the maintenance and sul4~ort of the general goverrment (General Fund), nine cents ($0.09) on each one hundred dollar ($100.00) valuation of property; and 2. For the Interest and Sinking Fund, T~mnty-nine cents ($0.29) on each one hundred dollar ($100.00) valuation of property to be apportioned as follows: General Obligation Bonds, Issued 1971; General Obligation Bonds, Issued 1976; General Obligation Bonds, Issued 1978, 1978-II; General Obligation Bonds, Issued 1981; General Obligation Bonds, Issued 1982, 1982-II; General Obligation Bonds, Issued 1984. SECTION II. All monies collected under this ordinance for the specific items therein named, shall be and the sa~e are hereby af~priated and set apart for the specific purpose indicated in each item an~ the Assessor and Collector of Taxes and the Director of Finance shall keep these accounts so as to readily and distinctly show the a~ount collected, the ~unts expended and the ~ount on hand at any tin~, belonging to such funds. It is hereby made the duty of the Tax Assessor and Collector to deliver at the time of depositing any monies, a statement showing to what fund such deposit should be made and from what source SECTION III. T~at this ordinance shall take effect and be in force frum and after its passage. PASSED ~ APPBOVED THIS 24th DAY OF Se~tember , 1987. ~ian Jon -es, -Ci~ Secretary 005114