HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/10/1994 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMayor LARRY RINGER Mayor ProTcm LYNN MCILHANEY Interim City Manager TOM BRYM~R COLLEGE STATION Council m embers BILL FOX HUB KENNADY LARRY MARIOTr DAVID HICKSON NANCY CROUCH MINUTES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1994 7:00 P.M. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Mcllhaney, Hickson, Fox, Mariott, Crouch COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: Councilmember Crouch STAFF PRESENT: .~~~rim City Manager Brym~~cretary ..~..w-' .. ~s~t. ant City Ua:~'Woody, Executive ~'""' ~l:~l~~f.~. gemen~ices Piwonka, ~'* .:~. ~l~e'cq3fi~0r of F~Human Resources ~~iiii~,~~ro~l~'c~asing~:.~nt Kettler, PARD ~]ii~~ct~~ilA~st. ~tor of Development i~! 'v'~!~.[i!~'r~icc~~y, ci¥~mey Locke :"~,...~,~. '~!:'"'~.:.'.'~ii: .i~?' .:' .'.:;'. ~i~[.: ":~:.':~... ". i~r~'' . ~Y." Katie Gibson a~epte~.pro'~ sig~~ay~'.~er. · ... .... ...~:.;.:.{~l![ ...... ~a,' ..:':' .. Agenda Item No. 1.2 -- Prese~tio~'"6~ se~'~%e ~ue;,:{0' Becky Silloway Becky Silloway se~ed as TAMU student government liaison to the College Station Ci~ Council for 1993-1994. Mayor Ringer presented a plaque for her se~ice to the community. Agenda Item No. 1.3 -- Presentation to City of College Station for permittinq the CSlSD to utilize space at the College Station Conference Center for classrooms during the construction of Willow Branch Intermediate School. Chris Kling was present on behalf of the CSISD Board of Trustees to present a resolution expressing CSISD's appreciation to the City of College Station for use of the CS Conference Center during the construction of Willow Branch expansion. Mr. Kling stated that the Willow Branch school opened its doors on Sunday, November 6th. City of College Station Providing Customer Service Excellence City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, November 10, 1994 Page 2 (1.4) Presentation of Historic Home plaqueto Buzz and KatyPruiff who reside at 900 Park Place Mayor Ringer presented a historic home plaque and certificate to Mr. and Mrs. Pruitt. (1.5) Presentation to City of College Station the Charter for Explorer Post 1033 from the Boy Scouts of America Drew Hubbard, representing the Sam Houston Area Council for Boy Scouts of America presented the Charter for Explorer Post 1033 to the City of College Station which entitled the City of College Station to the rights and privileges granted by the U.S. Congress and guaranteed by the U.S. Supreme Court. Mayor Ringer accepted the document and stated a few words of appreciation. (1.6) Presentation of a resolution in memory of Lillian Jean Clark Robinson (September 10, 1947 - November 8, 1994). Relatives of Lillian Clark Robinson, former Lincoln Center Supervisor, came forward to accept the resolution in memory of Lillian Robinson. STATUTORY AGENDA (2.1) Approved contract with K.W. Brown Environmental Services for engineering services related to the implementation of a work plan for the certification of the groundwater monitoring system at Rock Prairie Road landfill. Contract amount not to exceed $36,000 funds available in 1994-95 BVSWMA budget. (2.2) Approved contract with EMCON Baker-Shiflett for engineering services in an amount not to exceed $36,000 related to construction design for Section #4 and #6 and installation of methane gas probes at Rock Prairie Road landfill. (2.3) Approved construction contract for CC Creations Improvements to Iow bidder Texcon General Contractors in the amount of $38,173. Funds available in FY 94-95 budget. (2.4) Approved contract for preliminary engineering design for the Eastgate Sewer Rehabilitation Project to McClure Engineering, Inc. 1994-95 URB funds available in CIP Budget for VVastewater Collection System Rehabilitation. Contract not to exceed $25,000. (2.5) Approved purchase of flow monitors from ADS Environmental Services, Inc., and McCaulay Controls in the amount of $47,350 for the purpose of providing long term monitoring of wastewater flows, and short term monitoring for wastewater collection system evaluation. 1994-95 URB funds available for Wastewaster SCADA. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, November 10, 1994 Page 3 (2.6) Approved purchase of five police patrol sedans from Iow bidder Knapp Chevrolet in the amount of $84,740. Funds available from FY 1994-95 Fleet Replacement Fund ($77,500) and contingency transfer within Fleet Replacement Fund to cover cost increase above budget estimate ($7,240). (2.7) Approved purchase of five 1/2 ton pick up trucks for various departments to Iow bidder Hughes Doonan Chevrolet-Pontiac in the amount of $66,750. Funds available in FY 1994-95 Fleet Replacement Fund ($60,000) and contingency transfer within Fleet Replacement Fund to cover cost increase above budget estimate ($6,750). Councilman Hickson and Councilman Fox removed Agenda Items No. 2.6 and 2.7. The remaining statutory items were approved by common consent. Purchasing Agent Kettler explained the allocation of funding for these items. Councilman Hickson moved approval of both items. The motion was seconded by Councilman Fox which carried unanimously, 6-0. CONSENT AGENDA (3.1) Approved City Council Minutes for Regular Meeting of August 25, 1994, Special Meeting, August 25, 1994, and Regular Meeting October 13, 1994. (3.2) Approved Iow qualified bid to J.H.W. Contractors in the amount of $172,260 for the Wolf Pen Creek Rest Room Building. Funds available from 1994-95 Hotel/Motel Fund. (3.3) Approved Resolution No. 11-10-94-3.3 to endorse the Trees for Life 1994 trees planting project, to commit matching funds, and authorize tree planting on the submitted site. (3.4) Approved Final Plat (Replat) for Two Lincoln Place located on the north side of Lincoln Avenue adjacent to the intersection of Munson Drive and behind the Cedar Creek Condos. Replat reduces the original number of lots by one and relocates the rear alley toward the west (94-240). (3.5) Approval of preliminary plat for L.O. Ball Subdivision, a commercial subdivision located at the southwest corner of Rock Prairie Road and SH 6 East Bypass. Applicant, TAC Realty and Don Ball for Kovak and Co. (94-315) This item was removed by city staff for discussion. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, November 10, 1994 Page 4 (3.6) Approval of Final Plat for Lot 1, Block 1 of the L.O. Ball Memorial Subdivision, located at the southwest comer of Rock Prairie Road and SH 6 Bypass (94-243). This item was removed by city staff for discussion. (3.7) Approved contract between the City of College Station and the Bryan Metropolitan Planning Organization for transportation planning services provided by the City. (3.8) Approved Resolution No. 11-10-94-3.8 authorizing a license to encroach for Lot 16, Block J; University Park Section II, more commonly known as 1108 Autumn Circle. Encroachment is by the principal structure into a 7.5 public utility easement. Applicant, Robert and Christie Gunther. (3.9) Approved Ordinance No. 2096 for a partial abandonment of a 20 ft. wide utility easement lying within Lot 19; Oakbrook Valley Subdivision, Section 1; more commonly known as 2908 Meadow brook Court. Applicant, Bryan and Gilda Foster. (3.10) Approved annual blanket purchase order for various electric distribution and pad mount transformers in the amount of $356,429. Funds available in Electric Inventory. Bid #94-71. Mayor Ringer removed Agenda Items No. 3.5 and 3.6. Councilman Hickson removed Agenda Item No. 3.3. Councilman Mariott removed Agenda Item No. 3.2. and 3.10. Agenda Items No. 3.1, 3.4, 3.5, 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9 were approved by common consent. Agenda Item No. 3.2: Councilman Mariott expressed concern toward the expenditure of restrooms at Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater. Councilman Hickson moved to approve the award to J.H.W. Contractors in the amount of $172,260 for Wolf Pen Amphitheater Creek Restroom Building. The motion was seconded by Councilman Fox. Councilman Kennady stated opposition to the expenditure of hotel/motel funds for this type of project. The motion carried by a vote of 4-2, Councilman Kennady and Mariott voted against the motion. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, November 10, 1994 Page 5 Agenda Item No. 3.3: Councilman Hickson asked staff to clarify the funding source. Councilman Hickson moved approval of Resolution No. 11-10-94-3.3 endorsing the Trees for Life 1994 tree planting project, to commit matching funds, and authorize tree planting on submitted sites. Councilman Mcllhaney seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 6-0. A.qenda Item No. 3.5 and 3.6: Councilman Madott moved approval of preliminary plat and final plat for Lot 1, Block1 of the L.O. Ball Subdivision located at the southwest corner of Rock Prairie Road and SH 6 East Bypass. Councilman Kennady seconded the motion which carried 5-0. Councilman Hickson abstained from the vote. A.qenda Item No. 3.10: Councilman Mariott asked staff to justify the budgeted amounts for this equipment. Purchasing Agent Kettler explained that the staff felt the blanket purchase amount will meet the needs for the purchases in this budget year. Councilman Mcllhaney moved approval of the annual blanket purchase order for various electric distribution pad mount transformers in the amount of $356,429. Funds available in Electric Inventory. Councilman Fox seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 6-0. A_aenda Item No. 4 - Public hearinq and consideration of a final plat (replat) of Block 14~ Lot 25~ Shenandoah, Phase One located at the western end of th~, existing Shenandoah Subdivision. {94-238). Assistant City Engineer Veronica Morgan explained the item. Staff and Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. Mike McClure, 9262 Brookwater, CS, addressed the council in support of the final plat. Dennis Etheridge, 4106 Windfree, Shenandoah Subdivision, came forward to address the Council. He urged the Council to postpone action of this item until the drainage problems can be resolved. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, November 10, 1994 Page 6 The drainage issue was discussed at length. The City Engineer's office will work with the property owners. Mr. Etheridge referred to a "punch list" provided by the former city engineer for the financial institution acquiring the property several years ago. He noted that the city engineer required the following tasks to be completed before acceptance by the city. 1) drainage between Hunter Creek Drive and Windfree Drive -- submit plan of profile for concrete valley gutters and grading required to move water from Southern Plantation to the drainage ditch. 2) Clean double 42 inch culverts, install temporary headwall, provide improved channel to natural drainage, uncover pipe at sink holes, check the condition of the pipe, repair and replace as necessary. Following approval by city council at that time, he retained a revised punch list that the homeowners which the above mentioned items were removed. Mr. Etheddge stated that he would be willing to work with any staff and council to resolve this problem. In response to Councilman Fox's question, Mr. Etheridge stated that the city performed grading and cleaned the drainage areas which helped somewhat until the numerous · homes were constructed. Mr. McClure mentioned that the drainage study did not include any development beyond the detention pond. Mayor closed public hearing. Councilman Kennady made the motion to approve the final plat as presented and direct staff to work toward improvements. Councilman Mariott seconded the motion. Councilman Hickson made the motion to postpone consideration of the replat and direct staff to report back to the council with various options at the next meeting. Councilman Fox seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 6-0. Aqenda Item No. 5 - Public hearing and consideration of an ordinance rezoninn 20.24 acres along the south side of Southwest Parkway on both sides of planne,~ Dartmouth extension from R-1 Single Family to R-2 Duplex, R-~ .Apartments/Medium Density, and C-N Neighborhood Commercial. Applicant, Ma~ Carrabba. Sabine Kuenzel explained the request and described the adjacent property zones. A letter from John Honea was provided to the Council regarding his concerns for R-2 zoning. The request complied with the land use plan. Staff recommended approval. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, November 10, 1994 Page 7 Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. Mike Hester, 2900 Brothers Blvd., CS, addressed the Council. He represented the applicant. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. Councilman Kennady moved approval of the rezoning request as presented. Councilman Mariott seconded the motion. Mayor Ringer noted concerns with regard to duplexes: a) number of individual vehicles because of rental occupancy b) off street parking c) generally duplexes do not have carports or garages d) not aesthetically pleasing Councilman Kennady encouraged development in this area. Councilman Fox stated that he did not favor R-2 zoning. He shared the Mayor's concerns. He suggested that the beautification and aesthetic issues be considered to the apartment development throughout the city. The motion failed by a tie vote. FOR: Mayor Ringer, Mariott, Kennady AGAINST: Mcllhaney, Hickson, Fox Councilman Fox moved approval of the ordinance rezoning 20.24 acres along the south side of Southwest Parkway on both sides of planned Dartmouth extension from R-1 Single Family to R-5, C-N, and R-3. Councilman Hickson seconded the motion. Mike Hester remarked that the existing situation is difficult. Additionally, the applicant is required to extend Dartmouth. Councilman Mcllhaney stated that it is the council's responsibility to address the housing needs of community. The council should focus on the ends statements as well as the living conditions within a particular geographic area. Councilman Kennady moved to table the rezoning request until next regular council meeting. Councilman Mariott seconded the motion, 6-0. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, November 10, 1994 Page 8 Mayor Ringer asked staff to contact the applicant, relay the council concerns and ask the applicant to respond in writing to council, if applicant cannot be present. AQenda Item No. 6 - Public hearing and consideration of an ordinance rezonina 4.314 acres located along the east side of Wellborn Road near the Graham Road intersection from C-2 Commercial Industrial to R-5 Apartments Medium Density. Applicant, Cottages of Rock Prairie (94-120). This item was removed at the applicant's request. Item No. 7 - Public hearing and presentation of the service plan for an area being petitioned for annexation~ 476.72 acres located south and adiacent to existin,n Pebble Creek Subdivision. City Planner Jane Kee explained that this public hearing is the first of two public hearings to consider the annexation of 476.72 acres located south and adjacent to the existing Pebble Creek Subdivision. The next public hearing is scheduled for November 16th at 4:00 p.m. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. Agenda Item No. 8 - Strate,qic Issue No. 3 -- Community Appearance -- Publin hearing and consideration of an ordinance amendment to provide for streetscap- requirements for site development in accordance with the City of College Station Streetscape Plan. (94-807). Sabine Kuenzel presented this item. She noted that the consultant made recommendations with respect to the design of public and private facilities. This ordinance amendment referred to the private arena. She highlighted specific streetscape provisions in the ordinance amendment. Slides displayed the revised streetscape concepts. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. 'Hub Kennady moved approval of Ordinance No. 2097 to provide for streetscape requirements for site development in accordance with the City of College Station Streetscape Plan. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hickson which carried unanimously, 6-0. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, November 10, 1994 Page 9 Agenda Item No. 9 - Report and consideration of an offer by Brazo$ County on the rehabilitation and construction of Graham Road. Strategic Issue No. 11, Intergovemmental Cooperation. Asst. Director of Development Services Jim Callaway addressed the Council. He noted previous action by the County Commissioners regarding the reconstruction of Graham Road. Mr. Callaway indicated that the County offered to give the City $71,380 toward the reconstruction of Graham Road. Under the terms, if accepted by the city, shall relieve the County from completing the reconstruction. City Engineer Kent Laza presented different options to address the reconstruction of Graham Road. He recommended the City wait until the results of the bond election before any major repairs are made to Graham Road. Council discussed the options presented by staff. Councilman Kennady made the motion to accept the offer by Brazos County and earmark the monies toward the improvements of Graham Road. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mariott which carried unanimously, 6-0. Agenda Item No. 14- Hear Visitors. Lane Lauderdale, 3901 Oak Bluff Circle in Bryan came forward to thank the Council for their funding participation toward the Brazos Valley Literacy Volunteers. Dan Warden, 809 Crestline Drive in Mexia, came forward to address the Council with regard to a letter of warning he received from the code enforcement officer for violating the ordinance that defines the number of vehicles which may be parked at a residence. He owns a home in Southwood Valley on Todd Trail where two sons and four other men reside. He does not allow parking on the street. He asked the Council for assistance in this matter. Maudce Dennis, 1604 Todd Trail, next door neighbor to Mr. Warden addressed the Council. Council comments were made. Interim City Manager Brymer remarked that the staff will review this matter so as to not create a hardship. City Council Regular Meeting Page 10 Thursday, November 10, 1994 Agenda Item No. 10 -- Discussion and consideration of Iocation~ date~ and related matters regarding the next Council Retreat. Councilman Mcllhaney suggested January 13-14, 1995 for a council retreat. She asked councilmembers to provide an answer to the city manager's office to finalize the plans. Aqenda Item No. 11 - Ends Statements The council did not discuss this item. Aqenda Item No. 12 -- Committee Reports The council did not discuss this item. Agenda Item No. 13 -- Council Calendars The council did not discuss this item. Agenda Item No. 15 -- Adjourn Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m. (/~~ __~__ _/,~EST: . "~y SeCre~a-ry ~onnie Hooks APPROVED' GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL REGULAR I~EETING THURSDAYv NOVEI~BER 10v 1994 7:00 P.M.