HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/27/1994 - Regular Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY .COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1994 4:00 P.M. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Brown, Kennady, Mcllhaney, Schneider, Hickson and Crouch STAFF PRESENT C~ty Manager R~~sistant City ~_~er Brym~ty Attorney Locke, ~.( .~ta~ks, Assistant City ~ t._.~~ ,..Wo~ Executive Director of ..~[~' ~;.: ~;i~~~,'~:~'~ ~ r~~.~ i~nt~ices Piwonka, ~ S~er, Director of ,.~;~:~ ~:~,~,. '-~:::~:, .~~ ~'a~e~P~nt So,ices ~.~ ~.~..~:,~=.:, ~.. I.'"' ...~'~ ....... ' :~ · · ~:~, ~:~*~,;~. ~~ ICz~abon Offl~r ~¥~". ~'~:~' ~~ ~elopment Services ~"~.~}~'~ ........ Ca}l~ ~::~RD Director Beachy, Human Resour~s Director Pavlinski STUDENT GOV'T LIAISON: Becky Silloway VISITORS PRESENT: Refer to guest register Mayor Ringer called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. ARenda Item I - Presentations Mayor Ringer and Kathy Bice presented a Service Plaque to Mr. John Womack for 10 years of volunteer service as a computer consultant to the Brazes Animal Shelter. Public Services Director Smith presented a certificate to the City Council in recognition of the city's award for Clean Cities 2000. He also commended Katie Gibson for her efforts on this project. City Council Regular Meeting Wednesday, April 27, 1994 Page 2 Parks Director Steve Beachy came forward and announced the financial closure for Wolf Pen Creek Phase I. He displayed symbolic checks from Texas Parks and Wildlife grant for $500,000 and monies from the Astin Foundation. Mayor Ringer thanked all who contributed to the project. Diane Craig of Brazos Beautiful came forward to present the "J.C. Jack Miller Institution Award" for the College Station City Cemetery. Ms. Eileen Kramer, member of the Cemetery Committee and A&M Garden Club came forward to comment about the first efforts of the A&M Garden Club within the cemetery by planting live oaks trees and crepe myrtles, etc. She commended Ross Albrecht and the Cemetery staff for all their efforts toward the improvements in the cemetery. Cemetery Sexton Delmer Charanza accepted the award. Mayor Ringer recognized Pete Vanacek, project designer and Fred Dollar, member of the Cemetery Committee. Mayor Ringer mentioned that Sara Adams, Chairman of the Cemetery Committee was unable to be present, but relayed her appreciation for the recognition and award. Mayor Ringer also expressed appreciation from the Council for the recognition and award. Mayor Ringer announced that the Mental Health and Mental Retardation Authority recognized the City of College Station for their continued dedication, support and commitment to the organization. Councilman Hickson was present at the meeting to accept the award on the city's behalf. PROCLAMATIONS Employees of the City of College Station came forward to accept the proclamation for Public Service Recognition Week, May 2-8, 1994. Bill Riley came forward to accept the proclamation Water Utilities Awareness Week, May 1-7, 1994. Jerry Yarner came forward to accept the proclamation for Bike to Work Day, April 29, 1994. Aaenda Item 2 - Statutory A.qenda (2.1) Bid No. 94-36 - Approved Roll-off collection vehicle with container hoist, Sanitation Division, Public Services. Funds budgeted in FY 1993-94 Vehicle City Council Regular Meeting Wednesday, April 27, 1994 Page 3 Replacement Fund, staff recommended award to Hogan's Trucks Unlimited of Bryan as Iow bidder meeting specifications, total expenditure $87,108.66. Statutory Agenda Item approved by common consent. Agenda Item 3 - Consent Agenda (3.1) Approved Minutes for the Regular Meeting, April 13, 1994. (3.2) Bid No. 94-35 - Approved new traffic signal installations at the intersections of University Drive/East Tarrow, Spring Loop/Lincoln and University, East Tarrow and Spring Loop/Hearthstone, as well as modifications at University/Tarrow. Funds available in General Obligation bond funds. Staff recommended award to Florida Traffic Control Devices, Inc. as Iow bidder meeting specifications, total expenditure is $142,112.82. (3.3) Approved change order to a contract with Esmond Engineering in the amount of $9,322.61 for engineering services on the Carters Grove Rehabilitation project. Project #ST1016. (3.4) Ends Statements: Transportation/Mobility, Traffic Management; Health and Social Services; Adequate Water Supply -- Approved negotiation of a professional service contract with Urban Design Group for the preliminary design and right of way descriptions of north Forest Parkway from SH 6 to Emerald Forest Phase 10. (3.5) Council Issue No. 9 - Library Facility Planning --Approved renewal of lease agreement with Beard Family Partnership for the space occupied by the College Station Branch Library. (3.6) Approved agreement with Hay Group to perform a technical audit review of the Pay Plan in the amount of $21,700. (3.7) Approved preliminary plat for Two Lincoln Place. 2.37 acres located on the north side of Lincoln behind the Cedar Creek Condos. Applicant, Roy Hammons - Engineer for David Scarmardo - owner. (3.8) Approved preliminary plat of Springbrook - Cypress Meadow Phase II. 20.21 acres divided into 72 single family lots and located on the west side of the extension of Longmire. City Council Regular Meeting Wednesday, April 27, 1994 Page 4 (3.9) Approved license to encroach for Lot 11, Block 30, Southwood Valley Section 8-B, more commonly known as 3001 Longleaf Drive. The encroachment is for a garage into a public easement. The applicant is C.B. Goswick, III. Consent Agenda items were approved by common consent. Mayor Ringer recognized Student Government Liaison Becky Silloway, recently appointed by the Student Senate as Chairman of External Affairs. Item No. 4 - Approval of request from Literacy Volunteers of America -- Brazos Valley for one half of the fundin.q in the amount of $12,$00 from th~- City of College Station General Fund Contingency that will extend into twn fiscal years for "Project Start". Gib Sawtelle came forward to present this item. He mentioned the benefits of the program as follows: reduce crime, reduce jail overcrowding, develop a quality workforce, strengthen families and give people more options with their lives. Mr. Sawtelle reported that statistical data indicates one out of five residents in Brazos County are functionally illiterate. The project's primary objective is to reach out into the community and identify those people who need a basic adult literacy program. A television program devoted to adult literacy which is possible through the donated airtime of BISD, CSISD and TAMU. Mr. Sawtelle made further comments. Councilmembers discussed funding options, availability, and timing of the budget process. Following further discussion, Councilwoman Mcllhaney moved to refer this item to the Budget/Finance subcommittee and report back with a recommendation. Councilman Schneider seconded the motion. Councilwoman Crouch made a substitute motion to approve $4,225 from contingency fund and direct staff to allocate the remainder of the request in the general fund budget for 1995 and clarify the intent for a one time only agreement. Councilman Brown seconded the motion. Mr. Sawtelle mentioned that this is a joint project of both councils. City Council Regular Meeting Page 5 Wednesday, April 27, 1994 Councilman Mcllhaney expressed additional concerns. The substitute motion carried by a vote 4-3. For: Ringer, Brown, Hickson and Crouch Against: Kennady, Mcllhaney and Schneider Aaenda Item No. 12 - Closed Session to receive legal report Sec. 551.071. The Council moved into closed session at 4:55 p.m. Aoenda Item No. 13 - Action on Closed session The Council reconvened in open session at 6:00 p.m. to continue forward on the agenda. No action was taken from closed session. A_oenda Item No. $ - Public hearing and consideration of an ordinance amendment to the Zoning Ordinance Use District sections to provide for commercial telecommunications towers. Staff Planner Kuenzel came forward to present this item. She noted the three requests for different types of telecommunications towers. The current zoning ordinance does not address telecommunication towers. She emphasized the staff's desires to bring the Code to date because of future technology, etc. Staff suggested each case appear before the Planning and Zoning Commission for review through a conditional use permit process. Ms. Kuenzel showed visuals to the audience and council and explained the various types of telecommunication towers and the uses and land use control. Councilmembers expressed concerns about the aesthetics and appearance of the large towers. City Attorney Locke discussed the current laws with regard to telecommunication signals. She referred to the common usage of satellite dishes in residential areas. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. City Council Regular Meeting Wednesday, April 27, 1994 Page 6 Councilwoman Mcllhaney rfiade a motion to approve the ordinance and delete A-O and A-P from the condilional use permit process. Councilman Schneider seconded the motion. / Councilman Schneider mad~e a motion to refer this item back to staff for further research and additional infqrmation to address technical, legal, and appearance issues and report back to thee second council meeting in May. Councilman Brown seconds A~enda Item No. 6 - Public from C-N to C-3 for a 2.0 a 107). (Ordinance No. 206; d the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. hearing and consideration of a rezonin.q request ere portion of Lot Al, Southwood Valley 30. (94- ). Staff Planner Kuenzel revie~ved the previous consideration of this item by the City Council. This item was previously denied by the City Council. As part of that motion, the Council als(~ waived the 180 day waiting period for submittal of another rezoning on the san~e piece of property. The applicant revised the request to include only the (~-N portion of Lot A1 and to request C-3 rather than a less restrictive C-1 design~ation. The remainder of Lot A1 is already zoned C-3. ' Mayor Ringer opened the pL~blic hearing. Mr. George McLean of 394; ,Robin Trail, Director of Operations at CSISD approached the Council. Hi. expressed moral concerns and issues associated with the location of a converlience store across from the high school. He urged the City Council to deny the ~'ezoning request. / Jeff McDowell of 1105 Peacl~ Creek Road came forward. He mentioned the previous discussions by the @pplicant and city council. The applicant has not purchased the property at thls time, but if a convenience store is located at this site, the applicant has ensured a close monitor of activities. Mayor Ringer closed the pul- Councilman Kennady made~ motion was seconded by Co~ The motion carried by a vote motion. lic hearing. motion to approve Ordinance No. 2062. The Jncilman Hickson. of 6-1, Councilman Schneider voted against the City Council Regular Meeting Wednesday, April 27, 1994 Page 7 A.qenda Item No. 7 - Public hearin.q and consideration of a rezonin;l request of 17.33 acres near the southeast comer of Rock Prairie Road and Hi.qhway 6 from C-2 to R-$. Request in the name of Edward Uvacek'(94-108) This item was removed by the applicant. A.qenda Item No. 8 - Public hearin.q and consideration of an application for an oil and ;las operations permit for the treatment plant unit, Well No. 1 located in the City of Bryan northwesterly of Bryan's Burton Creek Wastewater treatment plant on the land of the City of Bryan. Well is not classified since it is permitted in Bryan. Operator Columbia Gas Development Corp. of Houston, Texas. City Engineer David Pullen explained the permit request. This item is before the Council because its access from University Drive and it also drills under the City of College Station with a termination point at College Hills Elementary School. Mr. Pullen provided visual aids of the site location. The well is located in the city limits of Bryan and permitted by the City of Bryan. Staff recommended approval of the permit with the conditions outlined in the agenda packet. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. Comments were expressed by councilmembers with regard to road deterioration and access onto University Drive. Mr. Ernest Bruchez explained the details of the traffic impact on the road and its affect on future development. Staff did not recommend the use of the access street from Tarrow street. A representative from Columbia Gas Company explained that this is the most suitable site. City Engineer Pullen mentioned that this unit benefits 200 College Station mineral owners. Following further discussion, Councilman Brown moved approval of the oil and gas operations permit for the Treatment Plant Unit, Well #1. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schneider with staff recommendations. Mr. Bruchez expressed additional comments. City Council Regular Meeting Wednesday, April 27, 1994 Page 8 Councilman Kennady made an amended motion to increase the security instrument to $50,000. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch. amended motion was defeated by a vote of 2-5. FOR: Kennady, Crouch AGAINST: Brown, Mcllhaney, Hickson, Ringer, Schneider The The original motion to approve the permit with staff recommendations carried by a vote of 7-0. Agenda Item No. 9 - Approval of third and final reading of an ordinance .qrantin.q a franchise to Bryan Iron and Metal Co. Inc., dba Texas Commercial Waste for the purpose of providing certain collection of recyclable materials. Councilman Brown moved approval of Ordinance No. 2063 to adopt the third and final reading granting a franchise to Bryan Iron and Metal Co., dba Texas Commercial Waste. Councilman Schneider seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 10 - Public hearing and consideration of the r)ro~)osed budget amendment 4 to the City of College Station 1993-94 Annual Bud(3et. increasing the replacement fund expenditures by $33,715 for the replacement of the telephone system. Finance Director Charles Cryan explained the request. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. Councilman Schneider moved approval of Ordinance No. 2064 increasing the replacement fund expenditures by $33,715 for the replacement of the telephone system. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch which carried unanimously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 11 - Hear Visitors. No one spoke. City Council Regular Meeting Wednesday, April 27, 1994 Page 9 Agenda Item No. 14 -Adjoum Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m. ,TEsT: · City Secretary Connie Hooks APPROVED: GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1994 4:00 P.H. 3. 12. 13. o o o 18. 19. 10. 20.