HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/10/1994 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1994 4:00 P.M. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Crouch, Mcllhaney, Fox, Mariott, Hickson, Kennady STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Manager Brymer, City Secretary Hooks, Assistant City Attorney Nemcik, Public Information Officer Calliham, Utility Services Manager Albright, Executive Director of Management Services Piwonka, Director of Economic and Development Services Ash VISITORS PRESENT: Refer to guest register AQenda Item No. 1 - Presentation to councilmembere for excellent achievement in the Texas Municipal Leaque Leadership Institute. Mayor Ringer presented certificates of achievement to Councilmembers Lynn Mcllhaney and Nancy Crouch for successfully completing the Texas Municipal League Leadership Institute. Agenda Item No. 2 - Presentation from College Hills Homeowner's Association. Joe Bergstad, member of the College Hills Homeowners Association came forward to address the Council. He mentioned that the Homeowners Association established itself and would request the staff and City Council begin to build a relationship with the Association for future endeavors. AQenda Item No. 11 - Consideration of a resolution authorizinq publication of notice of intention to issue revenue bonds. Executive Director of Fiscal/Human Resources Glenn Schroeder explained Agenda Items No. 11 and No. 12. Financial Advisor David Fetzer was present to answer questions of the City Councilmembers. He reported that the city's debt to total taxable value is very good. The city's rate of 1.75 percent is extremely Iow. Councilman Hickson arrived to the meeting. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, August 10, 1994 Page 2 Councilman Crouch made the motion to approve Resolution No. 8-10-94-11 authorizing publication of notice of intention to issue revenue bonds. Councilman Mcllhaney seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. Ac~enda Item No. 12 - Consideration of a resolution authorizing publication of notice of intention to issue certificates of obligation. Councilman Fox moved to approve Resolution No. 8-10-94-12 authorizing publication of notice of intention to issue certificates of obligation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch which carried unanimously, 7-0. A~enda Item No. 3 - Discussion of Statutory and Consent Aqenda Items outlined on Thursday, August 11th agenda. Consent A,qenda Item No. 3.2 - Approval to award Youn,q Brothers $1,179,664.67 for construction costs of Sebesta Road and Utility Improvements Contract. Councilman Crouch inquired about the petition received from residents who reside around Sebesta Road for a jogging trail. Project Manager Paul Leventis replied that the bid for the jogging track would cost more than funds for this project cover. However, the track could be added later, perhaps as a part of another bond program. Consent A,qenda Item No. 3.6 - Approval of a development a,qreement with CSISD re,qardin!:l draina,qe compliance at the proposed Pebble Creek Elementary School site. Councilman Fox removed this item for clarification. Mr. Elrey Ash explained that the development agreement merely allows CSISD the preference of avoiding a detention basin on the school site due to cost, lost area, and liability concerns. Consent A,qenda Item No. 3.11 - Approval of Final Plat for Pershin,q Park Subdivision located at the intersection of Thomas and Hawthorn streets. Councilman Crouch removed this item for discussion. She inquired about the driveway access. Asst. City Engineer Veronica Morgan responded that the driveway will access onto Holleman. Councilman Fox also inquired about the maintenance of the flood plain area. The topics of drainage maintenance compliance and the drainage feasibility study were discussed. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, August 10, 1994 Page 3 A¢~enda Item No. 4 - Strategic Issue No. 1 - Re-examination of Long Range Land Use Plan; Ends Statements No. 7, Employment/Prosperity. Discussion of scope of services for the Comprehensive Plan and Infrastructure Master Plan project as presented by Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Inc. City Planner Jane Kee explained the project budget summary for the implementation of the consultant's scope of services for the Comprehensive Plan and Infrastructure Master Plan. The summary identified seventeen tasks within four phases for a total amount of $345,740. Detailed information was provided in the City Council Packet. Ms. Kee explained that the original budget for this project is $75,000 from the general fund in FY 94 and $75,000 in FY 95 along with $75,000 from each of the Water and Wastewater funds for a total of $300,000. Staff recommended additional funding be allocated from the FY 94 contingency appropriation as follow: General Fund, $20,000; Water Fund, $15,000; and Wastewater Fund, $10,000. Councilmembers asked questions of the consultant with respect to the plan such as: flexibility to growth, public participation, creativity, values of the citizenry, and connection with other corridors in the city. Information was presented by Robert Gadbois on the impact of the Geographic Information Systems in the planning process. Ac~enda Item No. 5 - Strategic Issue No. 9, Library Facility Plannin.q - Presentation on the past and current status of the Colle.qe Station Branch Library. City Librarian Clara Mounce presented a progress report of the library and its growth. She reported that the library is not requesting an increase in funds for FY 94-95. A¢~enda Item No. 6 - Discussion of the City's 1994 HOME Program Description, proposed activities, and formation of a housing non-profit omanization. Community Development Director Jo Carroll explained the item. As part of the process to receive these funds, she explained the following. The City must submit a HOME Program Description and budget for approval. The City is also required to dedicate 15% of the HOME grant ($75,000) for affordable housing City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, August ! 0, 1994 Page 4 activities either developed, owned, or managed by a Community Housing Development Organization. A CHDO is a specially formed non-profit organization developed to provide affordable housing. The FY 94 Program Description for the HOME fund was provided in the City Council packet. Questions were asked by councilmembers about the impact of a CHDO. Councilman Mcllhaney expressed her opinion about the non profit organization, CHDO. She stated that the City may be in a better position to assume this program. Councilmembers concurred. Agenda Item No. 9 - Council Strategic Issue No. 16, North.qate-South.qate Revitalization -- Discussion of an ad hoc Northgate Steering Committee. Councilman Kennady explained that a committee should be formed to provide City consultants with ideas and proposals for Northgate. He recommended the following persons for the committee membership: Greg Keith, Jerry Gaston, Rick Floyd, John Raney, Julius Gribou, Dick Haddox, Jim Callaway, Tom Estes, a Student Government representative, a Northgate resident, and Hub Kennady as the Council representative. Councilmembers discussed the purpose of the project and the role of the committee. Consideration of the committee membership shall be decided at the Thursday regular meeting. AQenda Item No. 7 - Presentation of staff's recommendation for the purchase of software and hardware to replace the Customer Information System for the City of College Station. Councilman Kennady left the meeting. Executive Director of Management Services Piwonka addressed this item. She introduced Jami Browning, System Analyst; Nancy Bauer, MIS Director; and Bruce Albright, Utility Customer Services Manager. Ms. Piwonka explained the necessity for a new hardware and software customer information system (utility billing). She explained the history of the efforts toward this project to date and the plan and schedule for the development of a ClS. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, August 10, 1994 Page 5 Staff recommended the purchase of Solution for Government software to replace the current system in the amount of $206,741, Databae and Development Tools, $138,665, and IBM RISC 6000 Model 990 and other hardware, $243,100. Ms. Piwonka continued the presentation with information about the recommended system. Ac~enda Item No. 8 - Receipt of the City of College Station Proposed 1994. 95 Annual Budget and call a public hearing on the proposed bud.clet. Executive Director of Fiscal/Human Resources Glenn Schroeder made a brief presentation. Councilmembers received a copy of the budget. Finance Director Charles Cryan reported that this budget does not include a tax rate increase for FY 94-95. He reviewed the budget calendar which outlined the tasks prior to the adoption of the budget. Discussion was held on scheduling a budget briefing prior to the public hearing for those councilmembers who wish to meet with staff. Councilman Hickson made the motion to call a public hearing on the proposed budget for Thursday, August 25th at 7:00 p.m. Councilman Crouch seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 6-0, Councilman Kennady absent. Aaenda Item No. 10 -Strategic Issue No. 14, New Capital Improvement_-~ Plan; Ends Statement No. 4, Education/Information -- Discussion of the role and selection of a CIP Advisory Committee. This item was delayed until the regular meeting, Thursday, August 11th. Aaenda Item No. 13 - Council Ends Statement No. 4, Education/Information Discussion of establishing a council-citizen feedback process Councilman Mcllhaney pointed out the desire to bring information to the citizenry about the governance policy. She suggested at least two councilmembers meet with clubs and organizations in a structured environment and speak on the governance policy, Council's goals, and ends statements, and have a list of ends statements available for people to make written comments. She recommended a time period of September - January to accomplish this task. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, August 10, 1994 Page 6 Mayor Ringer agreed to assist in making presentations to the public. He commented that the presentation should be organized in such a way that the remarks from councilmembers are similar. Mayor Ringer asked the Council Relations Subcommittee to develop a presentation. Councilmembers concurred with the idea. Agenda Item No. 14 - Opportunity to discuss and review the Council Ends Statements No discussion was held on this item. Agenda Item No. 15 - Opportunity for Council liaison or chairman of citizen committees to provide status of citizen committee and/or council subcommittee activities. Councilman Crouch reported that the Brazos 2020 Vision Advisory Council consist of predominately citizens from Bryan. She asked the council for names of persons who would be willing to serve. Councilman Mcllhaney stated that representatives from the Chamber of Commerce, City of Bryan and College Station traveled to Amarillo to make a bid presentation for the 1996 AMCC Conference. Midland/Odessa received the bid. She felt confident that Bryan-College Station would have a winning chance for 1997. Agenda Item No. 16 -Opportunity to coordinate future meeting calendars. Mayor Ringer mentioned the regular meeting of September 8th was canceled due to the Region X meeting in Georgetown. Both meetings will be held on Wednesday, September 7th. Agenda Item No. 17 -Adjourn Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 8:10 p.m. City Secretary Connie Hooks APPROVED: , Ma~dr Pro-}e~ Lynn Mcll~aney