HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/11/1994 - Regular Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1994 4:00 P.M. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Brown, Schneider, Mcllhaney, Crouch, Kennady COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: Councilmember Hickson STAFF PRESENT: ,~f~ager Ragland,~r'etary Hooks, ~ ~..~_ .~..~_,~Locke, ~ant City Manager ~~~~nt C[t~nager Brymer, Public ~ ~'~~[~~.~...~ r ~am,~xecutive ~~~ Se~s Schroeder, . . ~ ~~C~~ 0~nagement Se~lces ~ ~ ~~on~~ ~no~ic and ~'.~{~, ~.... ~el~~,~sh, P~RD D,rector '~;~ %~~ach~~;~;~AR~e~or Ploeger, Finance %~%~¥(~ ~...:~.~.~"~"~ .... ~.?' . ....,.-.-.~ ,.=~..~ .~:~,~- . ~=~;~?,. ~~cte~~, ~,~e~ces Director Smith, ~~'~ ~e~~l% Transpo~ation Planner VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register Mayor Ringer called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. Aaenda Item No. 1 - Ceremonial Matters - Presentation-~ Presentation of bike path ,qrant in the amount of $1.1 million. Director of Development Services Ash and PARD Director Beachy arrived to the Council Chambers riding bicycles promoting the Bikeway Master Project. The Texas Department of Transportation Commission awarded the City of College Station a $1.1 million federal grant. Mr. Ash remarked that the City of College Station was ranked fifth out of 292 projects submitted to the Texas Department of Transportation Commission. City Council Regular Meeting Wednesday, May 11, 1994 Page 2 The Mayor presented certificates of appreciation and lapel pins to individuals who worked so diligently on this project and grant proposal. Edwin Hard of Development Services, Mike Horvath of Parks, Afsaneh Yazdani of Parks, Pete Vanacek of Parks, George Dresser of the Parks Board and Maria Fendley of Development Services. Development Services Ash thanked Ms. Denise Houser from the Bicycle Coalition for her support. She thanked the Council for the implementation of a bikeway plan throughout the city. Presentation of "Texas Jack", 1994 Games of Texas CS Parks and Recreation Director Steve Beachy and Bryan Parks and Recreation Director Cisneros came forward to announce that the press conference will be held May 12, 1994 at 11:00 a.m. for the upcoming Texas Games. Various promotion items were presented to Councilmembers. Mr. Cisneros remarked that B/CS is the first city to host this event for the second time. Proclamations Police Chief Feldman and Officer Janice Kemp came forward and accepted the proclamation for Police Week and Police Officers Memorial Day May 15-21, 1994. Councilman Mcllhaney mentioned that the School Board of Trustees thanked the Police Department for escorting the Seniors on their Astroworld trip. Police Chief Feldman and Officer Janice Kemp also accepted the proclamation for Bicycle Safety and Awareness Month, May 1994. Officer Kemp announced several events to take place during this month. Mr. Gene Perry and Ms. Brooke Johnson came forward to accept the proclamation for Buddy Poppy Day, May 28, 1994. CONSENT AGENDA (2.1) Approved minutes for the Regular Meeting, April 27, 1994. (2.2) Approved award of construction contract for College Station Business Park, Phase I and resolution of intent to issue Certification of Obligations. Staff recommended award to Young Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $1,155,403.89. City Council Regular Meeting Wednesday, May 11, 1994 Page 3 (2.3) Ratified city's acquisition of 407 Thompson as a part of the Lincoln/Wayne Smith Park Master Plan project. (2.4) Approved City's purchase of property located at 811 Fairview (Lot 13, Block 3 Breezy Heights) for the Property Disposition Division of the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in the amount of $22,500. (2.5) Approved preliminary plat for Edelweiss Phase 3A located to the south and adjacent to Phase 2 (94-307). (2.6) Called Public Hearing on the proposed Budget Amendment 5 to the 1993- 94 Annual Budget to be held on Thursday, May 26, 1994, at 7:00 p.m., to authorize an additional $189,000 for the purchase of property associated with Wolf Pen Creek Park. Councilman Kennady removed item 2.6. The remaining items were approved by consent. Aaenda Item 2.6 - Councilman Kennady suggested this item be removed in order to allow the newly elected councilmembers an opportunity to vote on this item. He added that policy discussions should be held prior to the public hearing. Councilman Crouch made a motion to call a public hearing for May 26, 1994. Councilman Schneider seconded the motion which carried by a vote of 5-1, Councilman Kennady voted against the motion. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION Ac~enda Item No. 3 - Canvass of election retums for City Election held on May 7, 1994. City Secretary Connie Hooks presented this item. She thanked the election judges and workers who contributed their time on election day. She introduced Mr. Tony Buckholts, Alternate Judge of Central Counting. Mr. Buckholts announced the results of the election held on May 7th. Councilman Schneider moved approval of the resolution canvassing the election returns. Councilman Brown seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 6-0. City Council Regular Meeting Wednesday, May 11, 1994 Page 4 A~3enda Item 4 - Dr. Gary Halter, Chairman of the Historic Preservation Committee and representatives of the A&M Class of 1994 to present :~ oroDosal for partial fundinq for the reconstruction of the Colleqe Station Railroad Depot. Dr. Gary Halter came forward to present this item. The A&M class of 1994 donated their class gift of $85,000 for the reconstruction of the College Station Depot. The students requested that the City also allocate $50,000 toward the project. Dr. Halter mentioned that the maintenance and operation of the depot will be TAMU's responsibility. The train station will provide a place for the City to display the history of the city in some fashion and obviously serve as a tourist attraction to visitors to the community. Ms. Leslie Trevino who is chairman of the gift committee for the Class of 1994 came forward and expressed that the Class of 1994 is very pleased to present this gift to the City and TAMU. Ms. Trevino, Chad King, Class President, Michael Krane, Vice President, Dave Salmon, Class Advisor and Zach Barsivac another representative of the gift committee were all present. Ms. Trevino made additional comments. Mr. David Godbey, Chief Architect of TAMU addressed the time table for this project. He mentioned it would take approximately one year to complete. The depot is to be constructed as close as possible to the original depot. Councilman Brown moved approval to allocate $50,000 within the hotel/motel fund in the FY 1994-95 budget. Councilman Kennady seconded the motion. Councilman Schneider complimented the Historic Preservation Committee for a job well done. Councilman Crouch complimented the students on such a creative gift to the University. The motion carried unanimously, 6-0. AQenda Item No. $ - Presentation of second quarter financial report for FY 1994 (for the period ending March 31, 1994). Director of Fiscal/Human Resources Schroeder came forward to present this report to council. Mr. Schroeder highlighted the report and stated that the city is in good financial condition. Mr. Schroeder briefly discussed the Chamber of Commerce reports. Questions were asked by councilmembers. City Council Regular Meeting Wednesday, May 11, 1994 Page 5 AQenda Item No. 6 - Hear Visitors No one spoke. City Judge Steve Smith presented the oath of office to the newly elected official, City Councilman Place 1, Bill Fox. Auenda Item No. 7 - Closed Session to receive staff report Sec. 551.071 The council moved into closed session at 5:20 p.m. Acmnda Item No. 8 -Action on closed session. The council returned to open session at 6:02 p.m. No action taken. A~enda Item No. 9 -Adjoum The meeting was adjourned at 6:02 p.m. City Secretary Connie Hooks APPROVED: GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL REGULAR HEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1994 4:00 P.M. 11. e 12. 13 18. 19. 10. 20.