HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/13/1994 - Regular Minutes City Council · :.:×:~?.:~, .~:-:. :~:~::::.~r~:~,:.~:..~...:,.<. ~.~:-:-:~+:-~.:~:~.~:~'~.:.~:. !.~i~:::'-.::.i:'~i~i~i~.!~:i~.~:~: : ..... ~:~yF~:~:~ ~ ~: · ..... .. :~ ~.~ ~.~.~.~ ~..~ ~:~:~ ~:~ ~:~ ~:~:~: :~ ~:~: :~.~:~:~:~.~:~:~:~~~:~:~:~ ~:.~ ...... ~ ..... ~ .+ ~.~.....-.-.~....~..... ~ .~ .~ ........ ~ ..... ~.. ~ ...... ~:::-~ ' ~ :~:~: '-:~:::::~"'~? ~::.:~ ":~:~:~:~:':::::~'~"~4'::: ::::::::::::::::::::::: '~ ~c~:~' '~:~': :4:.':~'::::::.'~ ' ":':'~:~ ~'~4:~: ~:~:..:~:~:~:~.:.:.:.:.~.~:~.. .:~- ...~:.:.: ....~.~:..-.*~:~ ~:~.~... . ~ :~::::~:~:~:~ ~ ~:~:.:~>:~:~:~:::.'.:-:~- :~-:.:-'+:c~.~'~ ~':' :::~:~::ffc~::::.:~:::~::~ --~ .'.~:~:.:-:-:e.~:-'.:~: ·: -~+~x:~:: ~' ~. I~;~:~ ~::::~....~ ................. 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COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Mayor Pro-Tern Brown, Councilmembers Kennady, Mcllhaney, Hickson, Crouch, and Student Government Liaison Silloway STAFF PRESENT: ,4~'~'' ~ Raglar~.~sistant City Manager ~ ~'~~'~~t C~anager Woody, City ~:.~ ~ '~'~! ~ ;; ....·, :...~.~:..:~ , . ~~l C'O)~t°rney Locke, Public ~ i~~ r ~a~".' ':~/~.? ~Jh a m,Executive ~;i~ f}.".t,~ ~i~i~:i~ct~~a~er~. Sen/ices Piwonka, ~ :: ~,;-:',..(:-',). v:'.:.~., -~ .................. ;?.:~:.~'ei:.:;..':,e~:i~... ~~I:{Y.-...~.~....velo~t D~rector Carroll, ";"..~;~{~":'!~ ~'~.'~;~":';~!~i~'."~: ~' · " "'~"":'":~'~" (t'"~.~.~,, · ~':¢~}~.;'.;'.~.:~:~,~..:~,~ ,~ ,.~.~:~. ,~::~,...:. :. __~~'~*~'~gel~...'~ttfSe~t~' Callaway. D~rector of ~X}~)' ~"~'~nd~i~and;m~,~etbpment Services Ash, Fire ~*'~;~}'}'~'~!~.~'~,.Chief B. ill..,l<~l~,'i Transportation Planner Hard, City Planner Koo, Director of Public Services Smith VISITORS PRESENT: Refer to guest register Mayor Ringer called the meeting to order at 4:10 p.m. Aaenda Item No. 1 - Presentations Donald and Barbara DeLucia came forward to accept the Historic Preservation Plaque for their home located at 201 Suffolk Avenue in College Station. Proclamations Ms. Diane Craig with Brazes Beautiful, Mr. Andy Alden and Matthew Spiekelman came forward to accept the procl~mation for BUY RECYCLED MONTH City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, April 13, 1994 Page 2 Ms. Julia Gardner came forward to accept the proclamation for NATIONAL VOLUNTEER WEEK. Ms. Susan Vavra came forward to accept the proclamation for SEXUAL ASSAULT AWARENESS WEEK. Ms. Terri Hall, Mr. Eddie Springer and Mr. Jim Baronet came forward to accept the proclamation for NEWS MEDIA WEEK. Agenda Item No. 2 - Strateqic Issue No. 25, Youth at Risk, Ends Statement~ Health and Public Safety, Educationllnformation--Discuss and update the council of future plans for the Hiqh School and Jr. Hi.qh School Resource Officer. Sgt. Larry Johnson came forward to update the council on the Police Department's proactive approach to enlist resource police officers in the classrooms of the junior high and high school. He recognized Craig Anderson, the police officer responsible for the DARE program at the Junior High and teaches classes as well as the junior high and high school. Officer Craig Anderson is associated with the junior high campus where he facilitates the DARE program. He also teaches classes in basic law enforcement during the junior high's career development classes. Officer Bubba Sayers serves the High School as a classroom teacher for law enforcement and also mediator between the school and the Police Department. Sgt. Johnson continued. Beginning next school year, criminal justice courses will be offered as a result of an agreement between Blinn College and A&M Consolidated School District. Officer Sayers will conduct all classes except for the microcomputer applications. The credits earned from these courses will be kept in an escrow account and upon graduation from high school, the credits may be applied to their transcripts at Blinn College. Sgt. Johnson emphasized that the school resource officers are a benefit, not only for the Police Department and the school, but also the community. It has a positive impact on the students and provides a different perspective of law enforcement and other areas in the criminal justice field. He added that the School District is extremely involved in this program. Councilwoman Mcllhaney asked if the Police Department is planning to present this information to the School Board. Mr. Johnson replied that the police staff will meet with the principals to re-evaluate and maintain the programs. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, April 13, 1994 Page 3 Councilwoman Mcllhaney mentioned the council subcommittee met with the school board subcommittee and received similar support. She suggested the police staff make a brief presentation to the school board. Councilman Kennady asked a question regarding the interest from Iow income and at risk students. Sgt. Johnson replied that at this time, the verbal response is positive. Councilman Brown inquired about scholarships. Sgt. Johnson remarked that a scholarship fund was established in honor of Major John Kennedy for a graduating senior from A&M Consolidated who intends to pursue a career in the criminal justice field. The council commended the Police Department. They appreciated the report and the efforts of the police programs in the schools. Mayor Ringer added that he has heard positive remarks from the community. Agenda Item No. 3 - Strate.qic Issue No. 3, Community Appearance-- Community Appearance Committee to brin.q forth proposals and discussion with council related to upgrading standards dealinq with appearance in our community. Bill Fox, chairman of the Community Appearance landscape subcommittee, brought forth proposals for council's consideration. He outlined three recommendations of the Community Appearance Committee regarding the landscape ordinance. The following information was provided to each councilmember. The Landscape ordinance should be amended to allow flexibility to make changes to submitted plans to enhance the overall appearance of the property and to encourage preservation of existing trees. a. Planting by season to allow for a grace period between July to September with a lesser bond (2 times point value). This will address customer service, compliance and shod term maintenance. b. Flexibility to address parking/traffic control requirements in the placement of islands and how trees are placed on the property to provide maximum effect. Council Regular Meeting Thursday, April 13, 1994 Page 4 c. Required 25% of the total points to be made up of large caliper trees in order to get immediate impact, 25% to be in shrubs and non-canopy trees, and the remaining 50% at the designer's discretion. d. Establish special points for architectural embellishments, such as fountains or gardens. Awards or recognition would be made for City participants, and would be administered by the Community Appearance Committee. A volunteer group could be enlisted to review businesses for compliance. This could be incorporated into a "big event" item and done once a year. The details as to what would be inspected need to be evaluated. Businesses currently "grandfathered" and not required to bring their property to Code would be granted an incentive to improve the overall appearance of their facilities site. A Landscaping Incentive Plan could be developed and administered by the Development Services Group. Questions were raised by councilmembers. City Manager Ragland pointed out that this issues relates to Strategic Issues No. 3, 22, and 33 - Community Appearance. He mentioned that Charles Graham from the A&M Architecture Dept. has prepared a preliminary draft proposal for staff. He recommended the acceptance of these recommendations for staff to review and report back to the Council with a proposal to address the strategic issues as well. Mr. Ragland mentioned that this process provides an opportunity to approach the City of Bryan about a joint venture project. A_~enda Item No. 4 - Discussion of implementinq the University Drive overlay district standards on FM 2818 from East Bypass to city limits. Councilwoman Crouch mentioned that the Community Appearance Committee discussed the location for a possible gas station and storage unit facility on FM 2818 at Welsh and the unpleasant aesthetic ramifications. She approached the Committee about an overlay district for this area and additional areas around the city to address more restrictive landscape requirements. Councilman Kennady suggested the University Drive corridor from South College be extended as an overlay district to FM 2818 to protect the interests of the University Drive corridor. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, April 13, 1994 Page 5 City Manager Ragland reported that the staff will look at these issues during the re-examination of the Long Range Land Use Plan. Jim Callaway, Assistant Director of Development Services remarked that staff is soliciting qualifications for proposals at this time. Mr. Ragland reiterated to the council the importance of addressing these issues in the scope of the proposal. Staff will take the council comments under advisement during the re-examination of the long range land use plan. CONSENT AGENDA (5.1) Approved minutes for the workshop meeting, March 23, 1994, Executive Session, March 24, 1994 and Regular Meeting, March 24, 1994. (5.2) Approved Ordinance No. 2060 appointing a Presiding Judge and Alternate Judge to serve in Precinct No. 2 for the City of College Station General Election. (5.3) Approved Ordinance No. 2061 amending Chapter 10, Section 2-D of the Code of Ordinances regarding special hazard intersections controlled by stop signs. (5.4) Approved change order no. 1 to Contract No. 93-61 to GTE, Telephone Replacement Project in order to purchase additional phone equipment requested by various city departments in the amount of $25,236. (5.5) Approved change order no. 2 to Contract No. 93-61 to GTE, Telephone Replacement Project in order to purchase a portion of the Wide Area Network for $16,943. The consent agenda items were approved by common consent except Agenda Item No. 5.4. Agenda Item No. 5.4: Councilman Kennady removed Consent Agenda Item No. 5.4. He asked Fire Chief Kennedy to explain the change order request. Initially, the contract did not include the additional phone lines and equipment in an attempt to keep the project as close to the budget as possible. However, the managers expressed the necessity for additional phones and are willing to allocate funds from the 1994 budget. Council Regular Meeting Thursday, April 13, 1994 Page 6 include the additional phone lines and equipment in an attempt to keep the City project as close to the budget as possible. However, the managers expressed the necessity for additional phones and are willing to allocate funds from the 1994 budget. Councilman Kennady made a motion to approve change order 1 to Contract No. 93-61 to GTE, Telephone Replacement Project in order to purchase additional phone equipment requested by various city departments in the amount of $25,236. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Mcllhaney which carried unanimously, 6-0. A.qenda Item No. 6 - Approval of second readinq of an ordinance .qrantin.q franchise to Bryan Iron and Metal Co., Inc., dba Texas Commercial Waste (TCW) for the purpose of providinq certain collection of rec¥clable materials. Councilman Brown moved approval of the second reading of the franchise with Bryan Iron and Metal. Councilman Kennady seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 6-0. Agenda Item No. 7 - Acceptance of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year endinq September 30, 1993. Glenn Schroeder, Executive Director of Fiscal/Human Resources came forward to address this item. He complimented staff members and auditors for their efforts toward this year's comprehensive annual financial report. Mr. Schroeder highlighted several elements of the CAFR. Tom Wallis of Ingram, Wallis and Company, P.C. came forward to report a clean opinion of the CAFR. The auditors met with the Budget/Finance Subcommittee and delivered all required reports including the Single Audit Reports and reviewed with recommendations for improvements and suggestions for improvements in the system of internal control for the City for the upcoming year. Mr. Wallis commended the staff for their willingness to work with the auditors and their long working hours put forth in this audit.. Councilman Kennady reported that the Finance Subcommittee reviewed the auditor's suggestions and recommendations and staff is in the process of responding to these issues for council's consideration. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, April 13, 1994 Page 7 A.qenda Item No. 8 - Approval of appointment of citizen committee to work on social services audit. Councilwoman Mcllhaney placed this item on the agenda. Dr. Glass asked to meet with a (committee) on Friday. She recommended the Council appoint this committee. Jim Callaway, Assistant Director of Economic and Development Services, reported that the funding approval process is underway and Dr. Glass will monitor the process. During this process, he would like to meet with groups which are primarily responsible for public service funding in this area. Mr. Callaway displayed the proposed list of committee members. Councilwoman Crouch moved to appoint the following persons to the Social Services Review Committee. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hickson which carried unanimously, 6-0. Bob Fleisher - United Way Dale Marsico - Brazos Valley Community Action Agency Ruth Morales - Lulac Oakhill Daniel Monson - MHMR Ken Bost or Steve Gonzales - Brazos Co. Health Dept. The committee members Hiawatha Godine - CSISD Fred Ford - CSISD George Nelson - Victoria Bank and Trust Ann Hazen Don Graesser - Church Pantry Gayle Schmidt Leon Mawcom - MHMR BISD will be contacted as well as other persons identified by Bryan staff Agenda Item No. 9 - Strateqic Issue No. 18, Solid Waste, Issue No. 27~ Revenue Resources, Ends Statement, Cost of service based fees--Approval of a resolution settinq rates for garbage disposal in the City of Colleqe Station, providinq for an effective date. Councilman Brown moved approval of the resolution for setting rates for garbage disposal, effective date May 1. Councilman Kennady seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 6-0. City Manager Ragland introduced Bill Angelo, BVSWMA Director. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, April 13, 1994 Page 8 Agenda Item No. 10 - Approval of up front fundinq requirement for CVB to submit bid for annual state conference for the Association of Mayor and Councilmembers in 1996. Bid must be submitted by May 20, 1994. Dick Forester, Director of Convention and Visitors Bureau approached the Council to explain this request. He remarked that the Convention and Visitors Bureau will incur expenses for submitting bid and hosting the event. This is a standard practice. Councilman Hickson commented his concern for the allocation of monies on this event as well as the fact that the City of Bryan may not support this event. Also, the difficulty in justifying the investment. Councilman Kennady supported the financial commitment for this event. Councilwoman Mcllhaney emphasized that this bid package was sent to us without requesting it, and by not responding, would be a detriment to this community as far as hosts of future events. The key is to attract visitors to the community. She pointed out the importance of the opening of George Bush Library. Just as important is to be included on the list of cities to host various types of meetings throughout the year. Councilwoman Crouch agreed. She commented that it is a great way to sale our cities. Councilman Kennady made a motion to approve a $10,000 funding request based upon the receipt of a bid from the Association of Mayors, Councilmembers, and Commissioners. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brown and carried 6-0. A.qenda Item No. 11 -Call a public hearin.q for April 27, 1994 Council Meetinq to consider a budqet amendment for additional unexpected expenditures related to the telephone replacement project. Councilman Brown made a motion to call a public hearing for April 27, 1994 to consider a budget amendment for additional unexpected expenditures related to telephone replacement project. Councilwoman Mcllhaney seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 6-0. Mayor Ringer announced that the regular meeting for Thursday, April 28th is canceled because this day is proclaimed as "B-CS Capital for a Day". Governor Richards will be in town. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, April 13, 1994 Page 9 Agenda Item No. 12 - Hear Visitors No one spoke. Agenda Item No. 13 - Closed Session to receive staff report Sec. 551.071 and discuss land acquisition Sec. 551.072. The council began its executive session at 5:55 p.m. Agenda Item No. 14 - Action on closed session. The council reconvened in open session at 6:40 p.m. Agenda Item No. 15 -. Adjourn Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting. City Secretary Connie Hooks APPROVED: GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1994 ,1:00 P.M. 6, :~:~:,:~.~ ~ ...... :~.~. ~ ::~.:. ~ l~.~i~ ~: ','::'~.*?~i~:~ .:~:~ :~:~:~ :~:-:~ :~*~ · ': ~ ~: ~:~:~:.::~::.~ · ~.~...~..~ ..... ~.~ ..... ~...~ ~.~ ........... ~- ~.~.~ ............ :~./:: :~.~.::~::~ ..... .'.'~,~.~' .~,... ~'¥'.:::~." ============================ 8. 18. 9. 19. 10. 20.