HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/21/1994 - Workshop Minutes City CouncilMayor LARRY RINGER Mayor ProTem LYNN MCILHANEY Interim City Manager TOM BRYMER COLLEGE STATION Councilmembcrs BILL FOX HUB KENNADY LARRY MARIOTT DAVID HICKSON NANCY CROUCH MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1994 4:00 P.M. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Protem Mcllhaney, Councilmembers Crouch, Hickson, Kennady, Mariott, Fox, Student Government Liaison Scoff Jeffcoat COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: Mayor Ringer STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Manager Brymer, City Secretary Hooks, City Attorney Locke, Executive Director of Fiscal/Humarr Resources Schroeder, Risk Manager Willey, Asst. Director of Development Services Callaway, City Planner Kee, Transportation Planner Hard, Fire Chief Kennedy VISITORS PRESENT: Refer to Guest Register AQenda Item No. 1 -- Discussion of Statutory and Co,nse,~ Agenda Items outlined on the Thursday, September 22nd agenda. Statutory Item No. 1.4 -- General Fund Contin.qency Transfer to pay consultant hired for outside public fund n.q a.qency review for City Council in the amount of $26,000. Councilman Fox directed questions toward the hire of a consultant for the social service agency study. Statutory Item No. 1 1 -- Ratification of two corrections to the contract with Solutions for Government for replacement of Customer Information System. Councilman Fox asked if there is a monetary change in contract funds. Mr. Schroeder replied that there are no changes. City. of College Station Providing Customer Service Excellence City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, September 21, 1994 Page 2 Consent Item No. 2.4 -- Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $15,711.48 for the Colle.qe Station Business Center Phase 1, for extension of proposed 30" storm sewer line to redirect the flow of an existing swale. Councilman Fox inquired about the status of the project budget. Mr. McCulley, Project Manager replied that the project is within guidelines. Consent Item No. 2.7 -- Resolution authorizing the Mayor, City Mana.qer, and City Attorney to acquire a 0.0087 acre tract located at 301 College Main for temporary use during reconstruction of College Main. Councilman Fox inquired about the property owner's responsibility for maintenance. Consent Item No. 2.8 -- Consideration of preliminary ETJ plat of Texas World Speedway subdivision consistin.q of 616.2 acres; 17 lots including the Texas World Speedway tract and 16 rural lots. Councilman Fox asked about the plat because of its location with the ETJ. Staff Planner Kuenzel described this plat. Consent Item No. 2.1 -- Approval of minutes for the month of August, 1994. Councilman Hickson stated that the minutes should be corrected to state an $0.445 for the ad valorem tax rate. Consent Item No. 2.10 -- Approval of funding and authorization to negotiate contract for Community Enhancement Program for College Station. Councilman Kennady removed this item. Questions were delayed until the council heard the presentation by Dr. Graham later in the meeting. Agenda Item No. 2 -- Presentation of Staff Report relating to Annexation Proceedings. Mayor Protem Mcllhaney announced that this item was not on the agenda as a public hearing; however; the council will hear from the audience. Future public headngs will be held. City Planner Jane Kee made a presentation. She defined the areas under consideration for annexation: Remainder of Pebble Creek subdivision, the existing donut holes bound by Rock Prairie and Texas Avenue, the SH 47/FM 60 intersection, and the area north of Greens Prairie Road. Maps were presented showing details about these areas. These areas were identified by the City Council from previous discussions. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, September 21, 1994 Page 3 Ms. Kee described the existing land uses in these areas and the fiscal impact analysis reports. Staff recommended the City annexes as many acres as possible within legal standards. This recommendation did not include areas south of Greens Prairie Road (Nantucket, Woodlake Estates, and property between the two subdivisions). These areas may be brought to the Council for discussion the following year. Petitions in opposition to annexation were received. Ms. Kee outlined the schedule for the future public hearings. Jeff Milburn, 1211 Mariners Cove in Nantucket Subdivision appeared before the council to express opposition to the annexation of this subdivision. Norman Cotter, 1418 Harpers Ferry Road in Nantucket Subdivision also stated his opposition to annexation. Judy LeUnes, 1356 South Oaks Drive, representing the South Oaks property owners, opposed the annexation. Mayor Protem Mcllhaney urged the audience to participate in the long range master plan study. Phyllis Hobson, developer for Nantucket appeared before the Council. She addressed concerns regarding the possible annexation of Nantucket subdivision. She urged the Council to study the impact on these areas. She offered her assistance to the City. Following council comments, Councilmembers directed staff to continue with annexation proceedings as recommended by staff. Aaenda Item No. 2 - Presentation and discussion of Community Enhancement Program in College Station. Asst. Director of Economic and Development Services Jim Callaway introduced this item. He introduced Dr. Charles Graham. The purpose of the community enhancement program is to enhance single family and multi family residential real estate values and investment potential in College Station. Dr. Graham pointed out the project objectives: 1) enhance the appearance of neighborhoods by upgrading existing properties, clearing debris and unsightly refuse, screening unsightly equipment, etc. 2) improve the quality of development by raising inadequate development and building standards. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, September 21, 1994 Page 4 3) maintain property values by helping investors see the cost of poor design, construction and maintenance. Chairman of the Community Appearance Committee John Nichols shared his positive response to the program and offered this time as an opportunity to gather meaningful data. Mr. Callaway pointed out that the land use study by HOK Consultants and this program are different in the level of detail; however, the consultants will be looking at some of these areas in a different nature. Agenda Item No. 3 -- Presentation and discussion of streetscape items and other improvements to be funded by the City as part of the State's planned widening of Texas Avenue. Transportation Planner Edwin Hard presented this item. This item related to the landscape medians and other streetscape options, such as roadside shade trees, lighted street name signs, and others as outlined in the council packet. Mr. Hard presented many slides of areas for improvement. Staff recommended the funding of all options in the amount of $635,800, to include the landscape median option B (Planters and Pavers). Monies to be allocated from existing bond funds in FY 95-96 in the amount of $350,000, bond contingency funds in the amount of $45,000, and certificates of obligation in the amount of $200,000 in FY 95-96. Additional suggestions were expressed by councilmembers relating to bikeways on Texas Avenue and Eastgate Streetscape. Council asked staff to look at cost estimates for the non-streetscape improvements at Eastgate regarding resurfacing of parking area. Mr. Hard acknowledged individuals in the audience from TXDOT. Agenda item No. 4 -- Discussion of appointment of a Housing Advisory Task Force to review and comment upon affordable housing strategies to be contained in the City's 1995 Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy, and to recommend and initiate activities designed to encourage affordable housing development. Community Development Director Jo Carroll explained this item. In August, council directed staff to take action to formulate a non-profit organization that will meet the requirements to eventually receive the portion of the City's 1994 HOME Program funds set aside for Community Housing Development Organizations. A Housing Task Force City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, September 21, 1994 Page 5 could review and make recommendations regarding the formation of the non-profit, while maintaining the appropriate and separate relationship with the non-profit. Ms. Carroll recommended a board of nine members who have an interest in affordable housing issues. Aaenda Item No. 5 -- Discussion of property and liability insurance program renewals for the City of CS and BVSWMA Risk Manager Mike Willey explained this item. A representative from the city's consultant, RWL & Associates of Dallas, brought forth the bid comparison spreadsheets and recommendations. Councilman Kennady left the meeting at 6:50 p.m. This item would be considered at the Thursday regular meeting. Aaenda Item No. 6 -- Discussion and consideration of City Affairs Subcommittee recommendation regarding cooperative projects between the City of College Station and the City of Bryan. Councilman Crouch reported that the City Affairs subcommittee recommended the City Manager provide a list of cooperative projects with the City of Bryan back to the City Council within a month. A~enda Item No. 7 -- Discussion and consideration of City Affairs Subcommittee recommendation regarding the Wellborn Road Corridor Study. The City Affairs Subcommittee recommended to the Council to instruct the Mayor and City Manager to meet with the City of Bryan officials and A&M officials and urge the Texas Department of Highway officials to proceed with this study as quickly as possible. Agenda Item No. 8 -- Discussion and consideration of scheduling a joint City of Bryan, City of College Station, and TAMU Board of Regents dinner. The City Affairs Subcommittee discussed the possibility of scheduling a joint dinner after the first of the year. Council directed the subcommittee to choose a date and format and bring back to the Council. A~enda Item No. 9 -- Discussion and consideration of City Affairs Subcommittee recommendation regarding a joint Easterwood Airport fire station. Councilman Crouch reported that the City of Bryan councilmembers expressed an interest to participate in the discussion of this issue. The Council directed the City City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, September 21, 1994 Affairs subcommittee to pursue this issue with the City of Bryan and County Commissioners in a joint effort to provide input from all local entities. Agenda Item No. 10 -- Discussion and consideration of location and date for Page 6 Council Retreat. Councilmembers were directed to review their calendars for November 4-5. Council Relations Subcommittee shall prepare an agenda format. Agenda Item No. 11 - ENDS Statements No discussion was held on this item. Agenda Item No. 12 -- Committee Reports Councilman Hickson mentioned that a HUD project for retirees was brought before Planning and Zoning Commission located behind OI Corporation. Secondly, the Development Policies Subcommittee met and discussed the rezoning along Sebesta Road. The subcommittee met with Woodcreek residents and Foxfire residents who were adamantly opposed to the C-1 and R-3 zone designation. Councilmembers Crouch, Mcllhaney and Fox met regarding the gift to the George Bush Library. A watercolor painting by artist Ann Rife entitled "Humble Beginnings". Councilman Hickson reminded the Council that the ClP Committee meetings have begun. Agenda Item No. 13 -- Council Calendars Councilman Crouch reminded the Council that the Board of Regents meetings are held this week. Agenda Item No. 14--Adjourn Mayor Protem Mcllhaney adjourned the meeting at 7:40 p.m. City Secretary Connie Hooks APPROVED: (iUEST RI~(IlSTI~R CITY' COUNCIL ~ORKSHOP MF.~.TIN6 W'~EDNF. SDAY', SE~BKR 21, 1994 4:00 P.M (IUF. ST Ri~(]ISTt~ft CIT~ COUNCIL ~,gORKSFIOP MEETING ~EDNESDA¥, St~PTF./dBI~tt 21, 1994 4:00 P.~ IS. 14. 9-0. ~iUF. ST Ri~61STI~R CITY' COUNCIL ~A~ORKSHOP MEETIN6 ~/~I!DNF. SDA¥, S]~PTF.3JBi~R 21, 1994 4:00 P.M 1.3. 14. lc). 20. 6UEST REkfilSTE:R CIT~ COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY', St~PTE~MBEkR 21, 1994 4:00 P.I~ 11. 12. 19. 10. ,, I~0.