HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/07/1994 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMayor LARRY RINGER Mayor ProTem Llq~N MCILIIA~EY Interim City Manager TOM BRYMER COLLEGE STATION Councilmembers BILL FOX LARRY MARIOTT DAVID HICKSON NANCY CROUCH MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1994 7:00 P.M. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Fox, Mcllhaney, Crouch, Madott, Kennady, Hickson STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Ragland, City Attorney Locke, City Secretary Hooks, Assistant City Manager Brymer, Assistant City Manager Woody, Finance Director Cryan, BVSWMA Director Angelo, Public Information Officer Calliham Agenda Item No. I - Pmsentatlea bv Colleae.~tation Little League Association to Gary Marske, Parks District Supervisor for sOath District. Alicia Meza presented Gary Marske a plaque for his outstanding support to the Little League Association. Agenda Item No. 2 - proclamations Jennifer Geronime accepted the proclamation for Safety Awareness Week. Bradley Peterson accepted the proclamation for City of College Station Gift of Life Day. Mayor Ringer acknowledged students from a government class at A&M Consolidated High School. STATUTORY AGENDA (4.1) Bid #94-59 -- Approved purchase of a Folder/Inserter. Funds available in FY 1993-94 Utility Billing Fund. Staff recommended award to Pitney Bowes as Iow bidder meeting specifications. Total expenditure $17,907.50. City of College Station Providing Customer Service Excellence City Council Regular Meeting Wednesday, September 7, 1994 Page 2 (4.2) Bid #94-61 -- Approved purchase of replacement Fire Alarm System for City Hall Building. Funds available in FY 1993-94 General Fund. Facilities Maintenance Division. Staff recommended award to A-1 Fire & Security as Iow bidder meeting specifications. Total expenditure, $24,300. (4.3) Bid #94-62 -- Approved purchase of primary underground distribution cable. Funds available as budgeted in Electrical Inventory. Staff recommended award to Priester Mell & Nicholson as Iow bidder meeting specifications. Total expenditure of $5O,44O. (4.4) Approved purchase of spuncast concrete distribution poles, Public Utilities Electric Division. Funds available as budgeted in Electric Inventory. Staff recommended purchase from Sherman Utility Structures as Iow bidder meeting specifications, $23,905. The statutory agenda items were approved by common consent. CONSENT AGENDA (5.1) Bid #94-55 -- Approval to install flexible membrane liner, leachate collection system and protective cover for Sector #3 of Rock Prairie Road landfill BVSWMA recommended award to Cluff Construction as Iow bidder. Total expenditure, $459,650. Councilman Hickson asked questions of clarification regarding the bid bond and references of experience. Councilman Hickson moved to approve the award of bid to Cluff Construction. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch which carried unanimously, 7-0. (5.2) Approved change order of EMCON Baker Shiflett for Section #3 of the Rock Prairie Road Landfill, increasing the contract by $35,550. Total contract expense of $273,65O. (5.3) Approved oversized participation request in the amount of $15,06.24 for Appomattox Road in Phase 10 of Emerald Forest. Applicant, Allen Swoboda. (5.4) Approved final plat for Franklin Estates, an ETJ subdivision located southwest of SH 60 on Dogwood Trail, just off of River Road (94-237) (5.5) Approved Community Development funded housing assistance projects where contracts wre let for more than $10,000. (5.6) Approved resolution to urge the Texas Municipal LEague to seek introduction and passage of bill to provide for disclosure of veterinarian records pertaining to rabies control and other zoonosis control to the Texas Dept. of Health and Local Health Authorities. City Council Regular Meeting Wednesday, September 7, 1994 Page 3 Consent Agenda Items No. 5.2 - 5.6 were approved by common consent. Agenda Item No. 6 -- Public hearing and consideration of an ordinance adoptin¢~ proposed Amendment 6 to the 1993-94 Annual Budget authorizing $445,000 from General Fund balance {$105,000 for computer networking, ASl400 enhancements~ ~340,000 for traffic signalization). Finance Director Charles Cryan addressed this item. He mentioned that the general fund balance would decrease by $400,000 which is within the council's fiscal guidelines. Mayor Ringer opened public hearing. No one spoke. Mayo'r Ringer closed the public hearing Councilman Hickson moved approval of Ordinance No. 2086 to authorize $45,000 from General Fund balance for computer networking, AS 400 enhancements, and $340,000 for traffic signalization. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mariott which carried unanimously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 7 - Consideration of an ordinance adopting the City of College Station annual budget from October 1~ 1994 through September 30~ 1995. Councilman Kennady made a motion to table consideration of the ordinance for one meeting to allow new councilmembers the opportunity to have further budget discussion. The motion died for lack of second. Councilman Hickson made a motion to amend the budget to include $184,000 toward the increase in the retirement system. Councilman Mariott seconded the motion. Finance Director Chades Cryan asked the council for consideration of the apartment recycling program in the amount of $11,000. Councilman Kennady made the motion to direct staff to reduce the number of additional positions by one half. Mayor Ringer ruled the motion out of order based on the defeated motion at the previous meeting. Councilman Hickson's motion carried by a vote of 6-1, Councilman Kennady voted against the motion. Councilman Crouch moved to include the apartment recycling project in the amount of $11,000 in the FY 94-95 budget. Councilman Hickson seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. City Council Regular Meeting Wednesday, September 7, 1994 Page 4 Councilman Crouch moved approval of Ordinance No. 2087 adopting the FY 94-95 budget. Councilman Mariott seconded the motion which carried 6-1, Councilman Kennady voted against. Aqenda Item No. 8 - Receive report on landfill site selection process and consider appointment of participants for landfill site selection citizens advisory committee. BVSWMA Executive Director Bill Angelo remarked that the BVSWMA Board of Directors embarked upon a major venture into the site of the regional landfill. Mr. Angelo introduced Bill Cullen, K.W. Brown Environmental Services and Mike Carlton, Project Manager from HDR Engineering Services. Mr. Carlton commented that the consultants shall work with the citizens advisory committee in a support role toward the selection of a new regional facility. He explained the process toward the goal of the recommended site. Mr. Angelo stated that the staff of both cities provided him with a list of individuals who would be interested in serving on the Landfill Site Selection Advisory Committee. He interviewed several persons and recommended twelve in which the BVSWMA Board of Directors approved. Mayor Ringer asked councilmembers to provide their suggested names to the City Manager and staff will make contact with these individuals. Councilman Fox moved to approve the names as recommended by BVSWMA Board of Directors with additional names as provided by councilmembers, if desired. The motion was seconded by Councilman Kennady which carried unanimously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 9 -- Discussion of councilmembers participation in TML and National League of Cities committees. Councilman Crouch commented that the City Affairs Committee met and discussed participation in TML and National League of Cities efforts. She pointed out that the first step is to become appointed to a policy committee dealing with various issues within TML. Following the willingness to serve in this capacity, a possibility exists to serve on the TML Steering Committee. Subsequently, the TML Executive Committee recommends individuals to NLC Committees. Councilman Crouch outlined the various committees at the TML level. She encouraged the City Council to participate. City Council Regular Meeting Wednesday, September 7, 1994 Page 5 A.qenda Item No. 10 -- Discussion to desi.qnate councilmembers to vote at Annual Con~lress of Cities. Councilman Mcllhaney moved to appoint Councilman Kennady and Councilman Crouch as designated voting members at the NLC Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota in December. Councilman Fox seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. A_~enda Item No. 11 -- Hear Visitors No one spoke. Aqenda Item No. 12 --Adjourn Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 8:00 p.m. ATTEST: City Secretary ~(~nnie Hooks GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1994 7:00 P.M. II. 12. 18. 19. 10. 20.