HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/07/1994 - Workshop Minutes City CouncilMayor LARRY RINGER Mayor ProTein LSqkrN MCILHANEY Interim City M_anagcr TOM BRYMER COLLEGE STATION Cotmcilmembers BILL FOX LARRY MARIOTT DAVID HICKSON NANCY CROUCH MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1994 4:00 p.m. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Hickson, Crouch, Mcllhaney, Mariott, Fox, and Kennady STAFF PRESENT: VISITORS PRESENT: Interim City Manager Brymer, City Secretary ..... Hooks, City Attorney Locke, Executive Director · , ..~. of Management Services Piwonka, · ~ of Economic Development Services ..... ,~.:.. A~ii~st. PARD Director:Ploeger, ." :."~.".'~. i~'.':::'.A:~r~hist~t!ve Assistant Kersten, Staff Planner "Kuenzel, Staff Planner Dunn, CD Planner Gillies, Asst. Director of Economic anad Development Services Callaway Refer tO guest register Agenda Item No. I -- Discussion'01';,~ons,ent, an,d sta,t,utory agenda items listed on Thursday, December 8~ 1994 a.qend..a. Statutory A.qenda Item No. 2 -- TXDOT traffic si,qnal a,qreements for installation of traffic si.qnal at Bush Drive. The staff removed this item from the agenda. This item shall be placed on a future agenda for consideration. Statutory A.qenda Item No. 4 -- Approval to increase contract to Jim Noey Construction by $25,000 for extended rental of Dump Trucks and operators as backup for daily coverin,q at Landfill operations. Councilman Fox asked staff to verify a time for completion of this project. Director of Public Services Mark Smith replied that the project should be complete within a week. Purchasing Agent Virginia Kettler explained that the primary reason for this request is because both scrapers are inoperable. City of College Station Providing Customer Service Excellence City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, December 7, 1994 Page 2 Consent Agenda Item No. 2 -- Appointment of Director to Greater East Texas Hi,qher Education Authority, Inc. Councilman Fox referred to the packet material regarding the default rate on student loans. Mr. Larry Holt was not present to answer the question. However, Mayor Ringer stated that it is his understanding that TAMU's default rate is Iow. Consent Agenda Item No. 5 and 6 - Approval of Ordinance allowing TMRS to increase rate of deposits to the TMRS system and approval of Ordinance allowing TMRS to provide restricted prior service credit to employees who are members of the system for service previously performed for any incorporated city. Councilman Mcllhaney asked questions regarding the calculation of percentages with city contributions. Personnel Director Karen Pavlinski pointed out that TMRS performs a system wide actuarial study every five years. Results indicate that withdrawal rates impact cities differently. Ms. Pavlinski explained that the prior service credit for employees is an option available and viewed as an enhancement to the System, particularly in the recruitment process. Councilman Mcllhaney stated that she would like to know the financial impact in the future. Ms. Pavlinski also pointed out that the prior service credit must be retroactive. Ms. Pavlinksi replied to Councilman Hickson's question regarding vacant positions and the TMRS percentage contribution increase. She stated that the Council approved $183,000 in additional funds. Every employee's position has a calculation and a percentage applied to the fund. A true projection of $200,000 includes a figure based on October payroll figures. Councilman Mcllhaney commented that the Texas Municipal League shall designate an advisory board compiled of elected officials to work with TMRS. Consent A.qenda Item No. 7 -- Bid #95-06 -- Approval to lease 175 four cubic yard containers and 300 ei,qht cubic yard containers. Councilman Fox mentioned that the staff recommended the lease of containers rather than purchase based on the fact that the maintenance will be the responsibility of Texas Commercial Waste. He asked if staff was comfortable with this option with respect to the community appearance standards of this city. Mr. Smtih remarked that the containers will be provided by the city. Under the contract, the vendor TCW will provide warehousing, inventory, and maintenance on containers. The city's plan is to manage the containers to ensure compliance with city standards City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, December 7, 1994 Page 3 Charles Kovost, of Bryan Plastics spoke to the Council. Mr. Kovost remarked that his company conducted research on a new type of container with a plastic bottom that does not rust. City of Bryan and A&M officials were satisfied with the product. Mr. Kovost pointed out that his company made a proposal to the City of College Station which reflects a savings over a ten year period, contrary to the option the staff recommended. Purchasing Agent Kettler explained to the Council that the city staff prepares specifications with as many options as possible. A purchase option proposal and lease option was prepared. The staff was pleased with the bids received with respect to the lease options. Texas Commercial Waste submitted the lowest bid. Consent A.qenda Item No. 10 -- Bid #95-16 -- Approval to purchase three front end Ioe~ refuse collection vehicles, Sanitation Division, Public Services Department Councilman Fox commented on a call he received from a vendor who claimed that he was not treated fairly in the selection process for this bid. Purchasing Agent Kettler explained the selection process. Mr. Haley expressed comments about the bid package. He thanked the council for listening to his concerns. Consent A.qenda Item No. 11 -- Bid #94-70 --Contract with Bryan Construction, Inc. a.~ lowest qualified bidder meeting specifications for construction of enhancements tn Carters Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. Robert Gadbois, Project Engineer explained that the improvements are necessary because of federal EPA regulations. In addition, staff will identify methods and equipment processes which may allow an advantage for energy savings and other available savings. Consent Agenda Item No. 16 -- Consideration of a replat for Ponderosa Place II Tract A-l, a commercial subdivision located on the east side of Longmire between Pinon and Rock Prairie containing 4.58 acres and providin,q 5 commercial lots Councilman Fox asked questions regarding the drainage issues in this particular area. Assistant City Engineer Veronica Morgan pointed out that this particular plat is a commerial plat where each lot owner is required to inspect the individual run off rate and they have to design improvements to accommodate the increased runoff and handle it so that it does not affect downstream property. Consent A.qenda Item No. 22 -- Approval of the expenditure of funds in the amount of $15,770.04 for payment of le.qal fees to Bickerstaff, Heath & Smiley. City Attorney Locke explained that this item relates to the firm's work on the public utility commission case. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, December 7, 1994 Page 4 Councilman Kennady suggested one attorney handle the case in the future. Further discussion of this item would be held in executive session. Agenda Item No. 3 -- Presentation of quarterly financial report from Chamber of Commerce. Dick Forester, Executive Director of Convention and Visitors Bureau presented the financial report. He indicated that the Chamber was conservative in spending this fiscal year. He noted a balance surplus. However, due to the recent rains, the office building was flooded. Some of these monies would be allocated toward repairs. In addition, monies would be allocated toward advertising and focus on the promotion of Bush Library and the TAMU Special Events Center. Mr. Forester verified that the fiscal policies adopted by the Chamber will ensure the continuation of the current financial status. Agenda Item No. 4 -- Request from the Bryan/College Station Chamber of Commerce for $7~500 from the Hotel/Motel Fund for the Bush Library/Historical Committee for a local education campaign and a study to determine suitable added attractions. Ronnie Morrison, Executive Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce introduced Mike Gentry, chairman of the added attraction subcommitttee, Ron Sasse, chairman of public information subcommittee, and Ed Waggoner, chairman of the Bush Library Committee. Mr. Gentry and Mr. Sasse presented highlights about the committee goals. Mr. Gentry commented that the Chamber received a proposal from a leisure and recreation industry company to perform a study in this area. Mr. Morrison mentioned that the Chamber requested $2,500 from the City of Bryan. No response has been received. Councilmembers mentioned that the City is conducting a long range master planning study with HOK Consultants, an option for the Chamber to consider. Councilman Hickson moved to support the request for funding of $7,500 to the Chamber of Commerce. Councilman Fox seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. Mr. Sasse thanked the City for the funding of welcome signs and to thank Pegy Calliham for her efforts in public relations. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, December 7, 1994 Page 5 Agenda Item No. 5 -- Status report on drainage problems in Shenandoah Subdivision. Public Services Director Mark Smith presented a recent report of activities on this issue. As a result, the Engineering Department has brought forth recommendations for council to consider. City Engineer Kent Laza outlined the concerns of residents in Shenandoah Subdivision regarding the drainage issues. Brett McCully, Project Manager presented slides of the area surrounding the detention ponds and areas depicting flooding due to a lack of capacity in the underground system intended to drain Southern Plantation Drive to the undeveloped land to the south. Mr. Smith remarked that Shenadoah Subdivision was not in the city limits when the subdivision plat was submitted, it was proposed in phases, and because it was an ETJ subdivision certain parts of the development policies did not comply. The key requirement was that the developers post financial assurance that the improvements they commit to would be made. Thereafter, a bond was not filed and resources did not exist to insure that the maintenance will be carded out. Meanwhile, the subdivision was annexed into the city. Mr. Smith mentioned that the drainage department will work with the water and sewer department to utilize the remote video equipment to inspect the lines in order to focus the maintenance efforts. Mr. Smith reported that the city completed the elimination of the headwall restricting flow out of the two pipes and enlarged the ditch to relieve the positive flow out of the area. This action should resolve the drainage problem. He added that the over land flow is causing problems to the homes. Therefore, if the inlets will intercept the flow and cause the water to flow into the pipes, this will reduce the flood situations further. The existing inlets are not adequate for this function. Interim City Manager Brymer proposed recommendations to improving the capacity of the channel. Homer Rosenbaum, a resident of Shenandoah, stated that he heard the presentation and expressed concern that these steps will not make a difference in the flooding problems. Bill Koeneskie and Dennis Etheridge, residents of Shenandoah subdivision addressed the council. Mr. Etheridge appreciated the recent efforts of staff. He asked for assurance from the city that the project will not fall by the wayside. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, December 7, 1994 Page 6 Mayor Ringer asked staff to keep the council informed of the progress on this issue. Agenda Item No. 7 -- Presentation and discussion of the proposed Economi~ Development Incentive Guidelines. Robert Worley, Executive Director of Economic Development Corporation came forward. He thanked Peggy Calliham for her efforts in this project. Mr. Worley summarized the history on the creation of the program. As a result, the monies for this program will go directly to fund incentives to industry, existing, expanding and recruiting. Presently, thirty-two private sectors have made contributions in the amount of $85,000 over a three year period. He reviewed the economic development guidelines provided in the council packet. Mr. Woriey proposed a change to the first page under the title qualifying statements. *** Decisions regarding incentives in businesses relocating from one city to the other will be referred directly to the city councils. Councilmembers discussed the role of the economic development subcommittee of the EDC regarding the due diligence packages. Councilman Mariott pointed out that he feels uncertain about the figures presented to the Council regarding prospects, i.e. North American Transit. He hoped the figures will be based on realistic numbers in the future. Mr. Worley explained how the incentive process evolves with a prospect. Mr. Worley referred to page 2 of the guidelines. He suggested the tax abatement guidelines be raised to reflect ad valorem tax value creating a better measure of performance. Councilman Crouch moved approval of the economic development incentive guidelines as presented with the changes proposed this evening. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hickson which carried unanimously, 7-0. A~enda Item No. 2 -- Presentation and discussion of study results of the Human Service Needs Assessment conducted by consultants Dr. Jim Glass and Victor DeSantis. Dr. Glass presented a brief overview of the study. He stated that the study consisted of three components on human service needs: 1) CDBG allocation system evaluation, 2) agency survey, and 3) county resident survey. ^ detailed report was provided in the council packet. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, December 7, 1994 Page 7 Discussion by the council continued, relating to the Community Development Block Grant Funds allocation, the purpose of the Joint Relief Funding Review Committee, and the consolidation of services in the community. Mayor Ringer asked the City Affairs subcommittee to continue to work on this project with staff. AQenda Item No. 6 -- Staff presentation on various Northgate items. Asst. Director of Planning Jim Callaway introduced this item. He stated that the Northgate steering committee addressed many issues in their study. The following presenters outlined several of these issues. Brett McCully presented an update on the College Main project. Joey Dunn discussed recommendations from the Northgate Steering Committee regarding the p. rocess of choosing a consultant to compile a redevelopment plan and revitalization strategy for the Northgate area. Staff recommended HOK Consultants. He reviewed their proposal. A general schematic conceptual plan of the area designed by Ms. Gali Dolev was displayed. This plan was important to the development of the Request for Proposal. Director of Fiscal Services Glenn Schroeder presented the funding sources for the consultant services. The council discussed the possibilities of a Northgate joint venture for a multi purpose parking facility between the City of College Station and TAMU. Andy Gillies presented further information on the parking facility at Northgate. AQenda Item No. 8 -- Discussion and council direction to staff on the CIP Advisory Committee recommendation to the City Council. Councilman Hickson remarked that the committee has indicated their willingness to promote the bond election in such ways as speaker forums, public communications, and television interviews. The city council received the Capital Improvement Committee recommendations for a future bond election. Mayor Ringer pointed out that this bond package consists of $22 million of general obligation bonds. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, December 7, 1994 Page 8 Eric Lindquist, a resident of College Station who resides on Welsh Street addressed the Council. He expressed concerns on behalf of his neighbors opposed to the extension of Welsh. Council discussed at length the proposed projects outlined in the packet. Councilman Mcllhaney mentioned that the cemetery committee requested monies be allocated toward the replacement of roadway in the city cemetery for an approximate cost of $150,000. Council did not deliberate on this issue. Discussion continued on monies projected for the NorthgatelStreetscape bikeways and sidewalks. Councilman Kennady made the motion to designate $500,000 toward Northgate renovation and $1.1 million for sidewalks, bikeways, and streetscape. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hickson. The motion carried by a vote of 4-3. FOR: Councilmembers Fox, Mariott, Kennady, and Hickson AGAINST: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Mcllhaney and Crouch Council directed attention to the issue of Wolf Pen Creek Corridor drainage improvements. Councilman Crouch made the motion to appropriate $950,000 for Wolf Pen Creek drainage improvements. Councilman Fox seconded the motion which carried by a vote of 4-3. FOR: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Crouch, Mcllhaney, Fox AGAINST: Councilmembers Kennady, Hickson, Mariott Council expanded their conversation toward the library location. Mayor Ringer suggested staff retrieve documentation regarding the previous library committee recommendations. Councilman Hickson made the motion to combine relocation and construction of fire station #1 with the multi purpose tract. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch which carried unanimously, 7-0. Aqenda Item No. 9 -- Discussion of proposals with regard to the recruitment process for the City of College Station City Manager. Councilman Crouch made a motion to direct staff to begin negotiations with the firms cited in the following order. Ralph Anderson & Associates Mercer Group, Inc. David M. Griffith & Associates Jensen, Oldani & Cooper City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, December 7, 1994 Page 9 Councilman Fox seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. This is an item on the Thursday, December 8th agenda for consideration. AQenda Item No. 10 -- Approval of agenda items for the City Council Retreat scheduled for January 13-14~ 1995 at Del La.qo Resort. The Budget Subcommittee shall meet with staff to develop an agenda. Agenda Item No. 11 - Ends Statements No discussion was held on this item. AQenda Item No. 12 -- Committee Reports. No discussion was held on this item. A~enda Item No. 13 -- Council Calendars. No discussion was held on this item. A_clenda Item No. 14--Adjourn. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 10:35 p.m. City Secretary Connie Hooks APPROVED: