HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/26/1994 - Workshop Minutes City CouncilMAYOR Larry J. Ringer MAYOR PRO-TEM Fred Brown CITY MANAGER Ron Ragland COLLEGE STATION COUNCILMEMBERS Hub Kennady Lynn Mcllhaney Vernon Schneider David Hickson Nancy Crouch MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1994 4:00 P.M. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Kennady, Crouch, Mcllhaney, Hickson COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: Councilmembers Schneider and Brown STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Ragland, Assistant City Manager Woody, Assistant City Manager Brymer, City Attorney Locke, Director of Fiscal/Human Resources Schroeder, Finance Director Cryan, Asst. Public Services Director Smith, Council Coordinator Allen, Public Information Officer Calliham VISITORS PRESENT: Refer to guest register Mayor Ringer called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. Agenda Item No. 1 - Discussion of Statutory and Consent Agenda Items outlined on Thursday, January 27th ac~enda. No items were removed for discussion. A.qenda Item No. 2 - Discussion of the proposed replacement of the city's telecommunication system and direction to staff to negotiate a contract. (Strategic Issue No. 20, Communications Needsrrechnololav). Fire Chief Bill Kennedy presented this item. He reviewed historical data of this project. The study conducted by consultant Ram Communications indicated that the phone system was near its normal life expectancy, limited growth and would not handle the Land's local area network of the City and the current system was uneconomical to upgrade. Ram Communications recommended replacement of equipment to include a digital switch at City Hall, remote terminals at the Police Department and USC, two City City of College Station, Texas Providing Customer Service Excellence Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, January 26, 1994 Page 2 digital telephone instruments and integration of voice data cabling of City facilities. He mentioned that the City received two bids - GTE and Wiltel in excess of the projected budget of $500,000. Chief Kennady presented an overhead outlining the equipment cost. Telephone equipment budget - $400,000 Utility Relocation Budget - $100,000 Actual relocation cost for Texas Ave. - $53,800 Emergency Battery Backup Cost - $17,385 Pre-Negotiated Telephone Equipment Cost - <$474,956> Net Project Cost Difference to Date -<$46,141 > Councilman Hickson inquired about the existing equipment. Chief Kennedy mentioned that the staff will take phones in the macro area of the city and transfer phones to other areas. Every area in the city will be replaced and other phones will transfer to digital opposed to the current system. Councilman Hickson asked if this system had automative attendant. Gary Lange replied yes. Councilman Kennady replied that voice mail offers a lot of opportunities for leaving messages instead of missing calls. Councilwoman Mcllhaney asked if the voice mail option would allow for phone-in surveys. Gary Lange replied that this is a valid option. Councilman Kennady asked about the $500,000 expenditure affecting the Electric Fund. Assistant Director of Fiscal/Human Resources Cryan responded that the financing is originally allocated from the Electric System, but will be repaid through telephone bills to the departments. Therefore, it is not a burden on the electric system except for the initial $500,000 in cash, which will be paid back within the next seven years plus interest. Councilwoman Mcllhaney asked if this system will allow the 911 integration system. Chief Kennedy replied that this system will enhance the 911 system. Councilman Kennady asked about the life expectancy of this system. Gary Lange replied approximately a 10 year life expectancy. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, January 26, 1994 Page 3 Chief Kennady asked the council for direction toward the negotiation process. Councilman Hickson made a motion for staff to enter into negotiations with GTE. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Crouch which carried unanimously, 5-0. Agenda Item No. 3 - Strategic Issues No. 4 and 2 -- Economic Development. Discussion of College Station Business Park. Development Services Elrey Ash presented this item. He read an excerpt from the City Council Mission statement which encouraged support and co-partnerships with the Economic Development entities. The purpose is to provide citizens with safe and affordable housing and furthermore to promote 21 st century businesses emphasizing high tech and environmentally efficient jobs while preserving and advancing the beauty of our community and the creating of greenscape. Mr. Ash called attention to the section pertaining to values in the Council's governance policy. The policy areas identified in the Governance Policy are addressed within this issue such as employment and prosperity, dynamic and positive business climate that would likely be created, emphasis on environmentally sensitive and high tech industry, integrated land use and stewardship and maintenance of existing assets, other areas are Civic Pride, Managed Growth, Greenscape, Building and Development Standards/Aesthetics and City Identity and Image. He explained Strategic Issue No. 4 - Economic Development Business Park Planning and Management - the goal of this particular issue is to establish a program for the recruitment and full development of the business park. The objectives are to obtain a dedicated staff for the Business Park Recruitment, development of a marketing strategy establishing policy and target industries and target client groups, develop the Business Park and to complete the master plan, complete the restrictive covenants, develop the pricing policy, issue debt and build Phase I and lastly recruit businesses. Mr. Ash stated the completion date for this project is intended for April, 1995. Mr. Hershel Lindley of Schriekel, Rollins and Associates came forward to present updated plans for the Business Park and answer any questions. Mr. Ash showed the council a picture of the detention pond layout which consist of seven ponds throughout the entire 35 acres of open space. He mentioned there is an opportunity to do something that has not been done in College Station which is creating an area for regional detention ponds. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, January 26, 1994 Page 4 City Manager Ron Ragland mentioned there is a possibility to establish a joint venture with the school district for the detention facilities. Mr. Ash pointed out the site for the school is approximately 15 acres. Director of Development Services Ash explained the estimated infrastructure cost for Phase I: Paving $ 795,000 Drainage $ 230,000 Water $ 255,000 Sewer $ 235,000 Sidewalks & Trails $ 205,000 Landscape $ 656,200 Total- Phase I $2,376,200 He stated that the city hired an Environmentalist, Cathy Parker to locate the areas throughout the park of endangered species. Councilman Kennady suggested the city approach Texas A & M to request students to pursue this project rather than utilizing city funds. Mr. Ash replied he would check into his suggestion. Assistant Director Fiscal/Human Resources Cryan presented a brief overview of a cost analysis for the business park, estimated at $2.7 million dollars. Executive Director EDC Robert Worley came forward to address the council. He assured the City Council of the strong economy in this area and it will not be difficult to occupy Phase I in twelve months. Mr. Ash reported that the infrastructure and streets could be completed within 12-14 months. He summarized his presentation by expressing that this business park meets the mission statement of the council and it would be a great asset to the City. The Mayor and Council concurred. Mr. Jim Gardner requested to speak to the council on the business park concepts and concerns of the final plat. He directed his concerns toward the financing of the project. Councilman Kennady stated to Mr. Gardner that the only money expended at this time is for the study. Mayor Ringer explained that the final plat will be considered at the regular meeting and if approved, staff will be directed to finish the engineering study and proceed with bids. City Council Workshop Meeting Page 5 Wednesday, January 26, 1994 Finance Director Cryan explained that the debt service on the million dollars is anticipated over the next several years to be paid off. Councilman Kennady stated that in the last budget an increase was allocated in the budget to satisfy the debt on that property to be paid out in 1996. Mr. Dick Haddox expressed his support of the project and urged the City Council to proceed as presented by the consultants. Mr. Dick Birdwell stated he supported the Council°s direction toward this project. However, he encouraged the Council to implement the park in phases. Councilwoman Crouch responded to Mr. Birdwell's comments. She mentioned her visit to Rock Hill, South Carolina and the success of their business park. Councilman Kennady said he preferred the concept of phasing the park, however, we should listen to the economic development statistics. Mr. A.P. Boyd of Young Brothers addressed the Council about his experience in the development of Pebble Creek clubhouse and golf course. Councilwoman Mcllhaney urged the Council to move forward on the project. Closing comments were made by Mr. Haddox. A_uenda Item No. 4 - Discussion of Annexation Policies. (Strate.qic Issue 17- Annexation Plan). Assistant Director of Development Services Callaway and City Planner Kee came forward to present this item. Ms. Kee explained that four major areas in the ETJ that would be cost effective for the city to annex from a service standpoint are: 1 ) the "donuthole" area, 2) remainder of the Pebblecreek development, 3) area south of town, and 4) area west of town. Ms. Kee mentioned they researched the statute of limitations on the amount of land that can annexed and found there is not a problem in terms of allowable capacity. In 1994, the city will have the ability to annex 4,000 acres. She explained one reason for annexation is to provide for future population growth. The staff looked at the land currently within the city limits to determine a population capacity, based on City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, January 26, 1994 Page 6 existing land use ratios, they determined an additional 40,000 people could live within the current boundaries. That study has not been refined to eliminate land that is undevelopable due to flood plains or other constraints. The current population is approximately 53,000-54,000. The estimated population for College Station should achieve a population of about 72,000 by the year 2010 if current growth patterns continue. ^ question to ask is should we encourage growth by utilizing areas in the city limits or annex new areas. Assistant Director Development Services Callaway discussed reasons for considering annexing additional areas of the City. The City is facing a 1996 deadline for a settlement aggreement with the City of Bryan which impacts utility system growth. The ETJ agreement establishes future boundaries in areas with potential overlapping in the ETJ. Staff recommended annexing the existing donut holes prior to the expiration of the settlement agreement with Bryan. Secondly, Pebblecreek developers should be advised to petition for annexation in 1994 to allow annexation in 1995 or for the city to initiate proceedings for annexation prior to the expiration of the settle agreement (avoiding dual certification for electrical service). Thirdly, portions of the area south and the FM 60/2818 are identified as a high annexation priority, particularly with an emphasis on those areas that may develop for higher intensity land uses. Mayor Ringer and councilmembers expressed closing comments. Mayor Ringer expressed the desire to annex some of the holes and smooth out some of the boundaries. He said he felt that the Pebblecreek development should be annexed into the city and also look at the Highway 60 west and Highway 49 to control development along that area, because this will be a main entrance into town with the Bush Library being on the west side of the campus. Councilman Kennady expressed some concerns about the sewer problem on the west side by the airport. Councilwoman Mcllhaney suggested that possibly we could work out a cooperative agreement with Texas A & M for the sewer. City Manager Ragland replied that there is a verbal agreement. Councilwoman Crouch expressed that this area is a very crucial area, because that is the closest private property to the George Bush Library. City Council Workshop Meeting Page 7 Wednesday, January 26, 1994 Ac~enda Item No. ,5 - Committee Reports Councilwoman Crouch presented a draft copy of the suggested process for appointee evaluations in the future. She also mentioned that Bryan, T^MU, County and College Station will conduct a brainstorming session on February 3 to discuss the concepts of an EXPO Center, Special Events Center and Hotel Conference. Councilwoman Mcllhaney mentioned that the City Affairs Committee should schedule a meeting prior to February 2, 1994. Councilman Kennady mentioned that the City Affairs met and a study will be performed to analyze current social services. The cost of the study is approximately $26,000. Mayor Ringer reminded the council to submit their master park plan rankings. AQenda Item No. 6 - Council Calendars Mayor Ringer reminded council of the Special Meeting on February 16, 1994. Councilwoman Crouch mentioned that she would be absent from the February 9 & 10 and February 23 & 24 council meetings. Councilman Hickson mentioned that he would be out of town January 31-February 3, 1994. AQenda Item No. 7 - Discussion of Council's Perpetual Agenda Councilwoman Mcllhaney emphasized that a part of the discussion at the recent council retreat related to the time frame for staff presentations and the time allowed for the perpetual agenda discussion by Council. Ac~enda Item No. 8 - Adjourn Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m. City Secretary Connie Hooks Mayor~,~~ ~ GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26, L994 4:00 P.M 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ® 16. 17. 18. 19. 10. 20.