HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/27/1994 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMAYOR Larry J. Ringer MAYOR PRO-TEM Fred Brown CrTY MANAGER Ron Ragland COLLEGE STATION COUNCILMEMBERS Hub Kennady Lynn Mcllhaney Vernon Schneider David Hickson Nancy Crouch MINUTES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1994 7:00 P.M. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Kennady, Mcllhaney, Hickson and Crouch COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Brown and Schneider STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Ragland, Assistant City Manager Brymer, City Engineer Pullen, Assistant Director of Fiscal/Human Resources Cryan, Executive Director Fiscal/Human Resources Schroeder, Assistant Director Services Ash, Staff Planner Kuenzel, City Planner Kee, Administrative Assistant Kersten, Assistant Director Management Services Shear, City Attorney Locke, Council Coordinator Allen VISITORS PRESENT: Refer to guest register Mayor Ringer called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Agenda Item No. 1 - Ceremonial Matters -- Presentations and Proclamations Mr. Bill Thomas came forward to accept the proclamation for AIDS AWARENESS AND COMMUNITY EDUCATION WEEK. Mr. Larry Lightfoot and Mr. Tim Jones came forward to present a plaque to the City of College Station as a granite member and a Cornerstone sponsor for the Better Business Bureau. Agenda Item No. 2 - Statutory AQenda (2.1) Bid #94-14 -- Approved Primary Underground Distribution Cable. Funds budgeted in Electrical Inventory, staff recommended award to Techline, Inc. as Iow bidder, total expenditure $44,000. City of College Station, Texas Providing Customer Service Excellence City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, January 27, 1994 Page 2 (2.2) Approved replacement Iow-entry cab. Funds available in the Fleet Replacement Fund for Sanitation, staff recommended award to Drive Train Specialists as second Iow bidder, total expenditure is $16,500. (2.3) Authorized City Manager to execute agreements with the Mental Health-Mental Retardation Authority of Brazos Valley-Early Childhood Intervention Program providing for the delivery of social services to Iow-income residents of College Station. The statutory items were approved by common consent. ARenda Item No. 3 - Consent Agenda (3.1) Approved minutes for Workshop Meeting, January 12, 1994, Executive Session, January 13, 1994 and Regular Meeting, January 13, 1994. (3.2) Approved 26 vehicles through the State Purchasing and General Services Commission on State Contract to various Iow bidders. Funds available as budgeted in the General, Utility, and Fleet Replacement Funds. Total expenditure, $341,023. (3.3) Approval of a Final Plat for College Station Business Center, Phase One, located on S.H. 6 just south of the intersection of Greens Prairie Road and S.H. 6. (93-229). (3.4) Approved Final Plat for Pebble Creek Subdivision Phase 2B located east of Pebble Creek Parkway and south of the Pebble Creek Golf Course club house. (94-200). Mayor Ringer removed Consent Agenda Item 3.3. The remaining items were approved by common consent. Mr. Dick Birdwell of 1401 Post Oak Circle came forward to address the council with concerns regarding the Business Park. He explained that if the project proceeds as presented at the workshop the city will invest $60,000 an acre for 69 acres. An additional concern related to the expenditure of $2.7 million dollars by issuing six Certificates of Obligations refunded in bonds and the fact that citizens will never vote on this project. He expressed concerns about a possible tax increase. He supported the project, yet he urged the council to complete the park in phases. He suggested constructing paving of streets, include water and sewer lines at this time, and in the future construct sidewalks, landscaping and trails. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, January 27, 1994 Page 3 Mr. Stephen Miller of 906 Munson came forward and shared similar concerns expressed by Mr. Birdwell and Mr. Gardner. Councilman Kennady made the motion to approve the Final Plat for the College Station Business Center, Phase One. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Crouch which carried unanimously, 5-0. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION Agenda Item No. 4. --Public Hearing and consideration of rezoning a 2.37 acra tract south of Cedar Creek Condos on Lincoln from R-lA Sinl:lle Family to R-2 Duplex. Staff Planner Kuenzel came forward to present this item. This rezoning came before the council at their December 9, 1993 meeting and the item was denied. Staff recommended approval of this request for two basic reasons. One, the request is not in conflict with the adopted land use plan and secondly, the property immediately to the east referred to as the VVheeler property is recommended for C-B zoning. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. Mr. Roy Hammons of 1700 Kyle S., Engineer & Planning Consultant for the owner came forward to express his support for rezoning. Mr. Donald Jones of 3201 Forestwood expressed his support for the rezoning. He provided overheads of the surrounding areas. He mentioned this request is an upgrade to the existing zoning. Mr. Glenn Thomas of 2708 Jennifer also came forward to express support for the rezoning. Mr. Thomas mentioned he is a builder who has the option to purchase this land. He displayed site plans for eight duplexes to build on this site. Councilwoman Crouch asked Mr. Thomas to explain why he would submit a zoning change if you could build 18 single family units instead of 8 or 9 duplexes. Mr. Thomas replied that the single family houses would be very small and return on investment is greater for 8 or 9 duplexes. Mayor Ringer asked if there were any persons in opposition of the rezoning. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, January 27, 1994 Page 4 Mr. Oran Nicks of 901 Munson came forward to express his opposition to the rezoning. Mr. Nicks presented his overview of the proposed rezoning. Mr. Stephen Miller of 906 Munson Ave. came forward to express his opposition to the rezoning. He stated that as a property owner he has interest in the integrity of the neighborhood. Ms. Martha Cannon of 903 Munson Ave. came forward to express her opposition to the rezoning. She supported the comments made by Mr. Nicks and Mr. Miller. Ms. Deidre Cannon of 1306 Walton Dr. came forward to express her opposition to the rezoning. She pointed out that the tenants in these duplexes will probably have 4-6 people per unit. She mentioned that the traffic in that area is congested. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. Councilwoman Crouch made a motion to deny the rezoning request and requested that staff require rear parking for future development. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mcllhaney which carried by a vote of 3-2. For- Mayor Ringer, Councilwomen Crouch and Mcllhaney Against - Councilman Hickson and Kennady Ac~enda Item No. $ - Public Hearin.q and consideration of proposed Budget Amendment 3 for the FY 93-94 Annual Budget to authorize the addition of th., HOME (3rant received late in the budget process. Assistant Director of Fiscal/Human Resources Cryan came forward to present this item. He mentioned that the grant was received too late in the year to be included in the original public hearing so therefore a public hearing shall be held so the council can adopt this as a part of the budget in order for the funds to be expended. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. Councilwoman Crouch moved approval of Ordinance 2047 authorizing the budget amendment for the addition of the HOME grant, in the amount of $500,000. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hickson which carried unanimously, 5-0. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, January 27, 1994 Ac~enda Item No. 6 - Hear Visitors No one spoke. Ac~enda Item No. 7 -Adiourn Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 8:35 p.m. Page 5 ATTEST: ~t~ S~c'reta~j ~nni~ Hooks APPROVED: GUEST REGISTER C~TY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, ~ANUARY 27, L994 7:00 P.M.