HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/25/1994 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1994 at 4:00 p.m. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Fox, Kennady, Mcllhaney, Mariott and Hickson, Student Government Liaison Scott Jeffcoat COUNCILMEMBERS ~ STAFF PRESENT~. Aflenda Item No. ~ ~ IT~8 outlined on T~ ~'~.'" . Councilmember ~- ~J;~/lanag ity Secretary ~'~ ~~,ty ~rney Locke, Pubhc ~;:~ms l?~'~';~e E~anspo~ation Planner ~)~. ~~~ff ~ner Kuenzel and ~;~ -~:~.~ ,.~,~,,~[s~at ~ss~stan~Commun~ty ~[~. ~i ~'.~ ~'../.~'f:': ,.~ :~:~ -- ~':~:~:~. ' ".~~S ~ten ~(~.~i fi~:~:~.:.~; '" ,' '..". ::';' ~~f ~T~T.~'~Y ~ND CONSENT AGENDA ~Y,:.Mav 26th,~~'" Agenda Item No. 2.3 - Approval of continqency transfer and a contract for en,qineerin,q services at the Luther Jones landfill with Esmond Engineering, Inc. Prelect #PB9401. Contract not to exceed $30,000, RFP #94-4,3 Councilman Kennady removed this item to inquire about the fund balance of the contingency transfer. Public Services Director Mark Smith clarified that the money set aside in the solid waste contingency fund was $44,000. The remaining sanitation fund balance was $14,000. A,qenda Item No. 2.4 - Ratification of Community Development funded housin,q assistance projects where contracts were let for more than $10,000. Councilman Fox asked staff to explain the purpose of contracts let for more than $10,000. Housing Program Coordinator Andy Gilles explained that the purpose City of College Station Providing Customer Service Excellence City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, May 25, 1994 Page 2 of the program is to assist Iow income removal of substandard housing and construction of Iow maintenance and optional relocation. ^.qenda Item No. 2.5 - Ratification of BVSWMA contract for sitin.q, desi.qn and permittinR of a municipal solid waste sanitary landfill to serve the BVSWMA service area. Total expenditures throuRh 1997 not to exceed $1,004,000. Councilman Mcllhaney inquired about the status of a regional landfill. BVSWMA Director Bill Angelo stated that a site is being researched and a citizen advisory committee is providing input to the process. The actual site itself will be approximately 200 acres with a thirty year life expectancy to serve the surrounding counties, Brazos County, Bryan and College Station. Furthermore, revenues received from the customers of the landfill will provide the funding mechanism for the landfill. City Manager Ragland made further comments. Mr. Angelo further commented that $150,000 is set aside in the 1993-94 budget for site selection and planning phases. AQenda Item No. 2 -- Discussion of Brazos Valley Development Council'-~ (BVDC) application for Census Tracts 16.01 and 17 to be desi.qnated to ~)artici~)ate in the Department of Aqriculture Rural Enterprise Community ProQram. Community Development Director Jo Carroll described this item. At the request of Tom Wilkinson, Brazos Valley Development Council, the staff deliberated on the application presented for the purpose of nominating two census tracts in College Station as an enterprise community program. Ms. Carroll introduced Gary Basinger, Economic Development Coordinator for BVDC. Ms. Carroll presented slides of the tracts in question. Mr. Basinger assured Mayor Ringer there is no expense to the City. He explained the purpose of the program. Agenda Item No. 3 -- Presentation on annual update of the Fiscal Indicatom Report Budget Director Charles Cryan presented this item and addressed highlights in the report. He pointed out that the basic purpose of the study is to remain aware of the factors that affect the city's finances and economy. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, May 25, 1994 Page 3 Discussion was held on income growth percentages and economic trends. A_~enda Item No. 4 -- Strategic Issue 1-19-26-32-39, Re-examination of Lon,n Ran.qe Use Plan -. Presentation of qualifications by three consultants for the r~rer)aration of a comprehensive plan and infrastructure master plan City Planner Jane Kee came forward to present this item. She identified the council issues and strategic issues related to the long range use plan. The first group to present their qualifications was Turner Collie & Braden, Inc. Representatives identified the link between the comprehensive plan and the City's mission statement. Each speaker emphasized public participation as a major element in the planning phases. Additional issues of a critical nature to the plan are customer issues, regulatory issues, and growth issues. The second consultant firm to present qualifications was Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Inc. Representatives pointed out the unique elements and opportunities of College Station to focus upon in this plan. Presenters emphasized the importance of infrastructure. The use of a model and developing different scenarios was a proactive approach, as well as establishing community priorities and goal setting standards. The speaker pointed out that zoning is the tool for implementing vision. The project was estimated to be completed in one year. The final consultant to present their qualifications was Freese & Nichols, Inc. The speakers immediately identified the key part of their project was public participation. For instance, advisory committees, interviews with community leaders and public meetings workshops will be held. Councilman Kennady left the meeting at 6:50 p.m. Councilmembers held further discussion. Final action to be considered at the regular meeting. AQenda Item No. 5 -- Committee Reports Councilman Mcllhaney mentioned that the Health Board met on May 25, 1994 and plans are being prepared to expand the Health Department. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, May 25, 1994 Page 4 Mayor Ringer reported that he and staff met with TAMU Interim President Dean Gage to discuss Northgate Master planning and the Long Range Use Plan. The city asked for the University's support of this project. Mr. Gage endorsed the project goals. Mayor Ringer asked staff to prepare a letter of support and resolution for the city's support of the proposed TAMU Special Events Center to be placed on the June 9th council agenda. Aaenda Item No. 6 -- Council Calendars Mayor Ringer reminded the council of the 5:30 special meeting the following evening to appoint citizen committee members. Aaenda Item No. 7 --Adioum Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 7:40 p.m. APPROVED: City Secretary Connie Hooks ~iUEST RE61STER CITY' COUNCIL ~A~ORKSHOP MEETIN6 4.:00 P.M 12. 15. 1/4. 19. 10. P-O..