HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/23/1994 - Workshop Minutes City CouncilMAYOR Larry J. Ringer MAYOR PRO-TEM Fred Brown CiTY MANAGER Ron Ragland COLLEGE STATION COUNCILMEMBERS Hub Kennady Lynn Mcllhaney Vernon Schneider David Hjckson Nancy Crouch MINUTES CiTY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1994 4:00 P.M. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Mcllhaney, Brown, Schneider, Hickson, Kennady COUNClLMEMBERSABSENT: Councilwoman Crouch STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Ragland, City Attorney Locke, City Secretary Hooks, Executive Director Management Services Piwonka, Assistant City Manager Woody, Asst. Director of Development Services Callaway, Purchasing Agent Kettler, Forestry Superintendent Albright, Executive Director of Fiscal/Human Resources Schroeder, Asst. Public Relations Director Yancy VISITORS PRESENT: Refer to guest register Mayor Ringer called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Agenda Item No. 1 - Discussion of STATUTORY AND CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS outlined on Thursday, February 24th a.qenda. A.qenda Item 2.2 - Councilwoman Mcllhaney asked when the Spring Loop signal is planned for installation. City Manager Ragland replied that he has a memo concerning this item and will provide Councilwoman Mcllhaney a copy. A,qenda Item 3.13 - Councilwoman Mcllhaney expressed concerns about possible drainage problems in the proposed Cat Hollow Subdivision. Councilman Schneider arrived to the meeting at 4:10 p.m. A.qenda Item 3.3 - Councilman Hickson expressed concerns with the oversize participation costs for a water line in the amount of $48,355.75. C~/of College Stat;on, Texas Prowd;ng Customer Serv;ce Exceller~,_-e City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, February 23, 1994 Page 2 City Engineer Pullen explained that this oversize participation request is the difference between an 8" and 18" line. A,qenda Item 3.6 - Councilman Hickson inquired about the debt issuance for the Fire Station #3. Finance Director Schroeder answered his concerns. A,qenda Item 3.7 - Councilman Hickson also expressed concern about the funding allocated toward the design of the bathrooms at Wolf Pen Creek. Councilman Kennady asked if there would be any way to decrease this amount. City Manager Ragland replied that the city does not have architects to prepare this design. A,qenda Item 3.2 - Councilman Kennady asked about the possibility of buying a used tractor. Mark Smith, Interim Director of Public Services mentioned that the equipment at the landfill is managed in the same manner as vehicles. City Manager Ragland added that we have obligations to the management of the landfill and also in terms of meeting legal requirements. He mentioned that problems may arise if the equipment is not functional. Agenda Item No. 2 - Presentation of Convention and Visitors Bureau quarterly report for Oct./Dec. 1993. Sharon Frenz came forward to present the quarterly report for the convention and visitors bureau. She showed activities of the three divisions of the convention and visitors bureau. Ronnie Morrison stated that the Bush library will have a positive impact on the visitors and tourism area. Councilman Hickson asked if the Convention and Visitors Bureau would provide him with survey analysis conducted within the community. AQenda Item No. 3 - Presentation of first quarter financial report for FY 1994. Finance Director Schroeder presented the financial report for FY 1994. Councilman Mcllhaney asked about the medical fund, because she said this is repeatedly a fund that is higher than anticipated. She stated that she knows there is a wellness program and asked if we have seen any benefits from the program in helping City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, February 23, 1994 Page 3 to control the cost in this fund. Finance Director Schroeder mentioned that there is an increase in number of claims and the average amount of claims rose. The remaining funds are sufficient at this time. A.qenda Item No. 4 - Council Straten~ic Issue No. 11 Inter;iovemmental Relations and Issue No. 24 Outside Agencies Funding. Discussion of Social Services Review Proposal drafted by Drs. Jim Glass and Victor DeSantis. Councilwoman Mcllhaney explained this item. She mentioned that this item relates to a study analysis of how we distribute the Community Development Block Grant money and address the social and human service needs in the community. The subcommittee met with representatives of Brazos County and Bryan Council and all are supportive of the idea, but have not had any feedback as to their financial support of the idea. She mentioned that the Committee is committed to the process and would like to have Dr. Glass on board by March 1st to review the Joint Review Funding process. Councilwoman Mcllhaney also mentioned that part of the study scope is to review the process and meet with the users of the agencies. The Council Committee recommendation is to approve the funding and proceed to retain Dr. Glass. The total cost for all three phases of the study is $26,000 to be divided between TAMU, Brazos County, City of Bryan and City of College Station, $6,500 each. Councilwoman Mcllhaney stated that the county is supportive of idea, but they felt like Bryan and College Station should fund this project. She mentioned that she had talked to County Commissioner Randy Sims and he visited with the other commissioners and they were not interested in participating because they do not have the funds to participate. She made the suggestion that she would be willing to talk to the county commissioners to explain the importance in reference to a county wide proposal. Councilman Schneider said he does not think we should take no for an answer. Ms. Mcllhaney stated that the Bryan Council has a copy of the proposal. In addition, the University has also received a copy of the proposal. Mr. Tony Dempster of TAMU expressed suppor. City Manager Ragland explained the importance of this strategy and discussed the economies of scale. Additional comments were stated by councilmembers. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, February 23, 1994 Page 4 A!:lenda Item No. ,5 - Committee Reports. Councilman Hickson mentioned he will attend a meeting with TAMU officials on the cogeneration project on February 25th. Councilman Schneider mentioned that the Parks and Recreation Board is ready to move into the implementation stage of the Master plan. Also, he mentioned that Diane Craig of Brazos Beautiful suggested changing the name of Westchester Park to Jack Miller Park to recognize and honor the memory of Mr. J.C. "Jack" Miller. The request was submitted at the last meeting of the Parks Board and was approved by the committee. Mayor Ringer suggested changing the name of the park to Jack and Dorothy Miller Park. He suggested that Councilman Schneider check with Parks Director Steve Beachy. Councilwoman Mcllhaney stated she met with the School Board subcommittee and she briefed them on needs assessment study and they were very supportive. Mayor Ringer mentioned that BVDC might be interested in this. She said they also talked about the joint resolution. City Manager Ragland mentioned that Jane Kee's house burned and she is going to prepare a needs assessment which has not been completed as of yet. The city staff is accepting gifts and donations for Jane and her family through the personnel office. A.qenda Item No. 6 - Council Calendars City Manager Ragland mentioned that Florita Griffin called and invited the council to the Brazos 2020 Vision Meeting, Monday, February 28, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. at the Brazos Center. This meeting is a recruitment meeting to solicit individuals from the community to serve on the advisory committee as well as the seven theme groups. Agenda Item No. 7 - Discussion of Council's Perpetual Agenda. No discussion was held. Aaenda Item No. 8 -Adjoum. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 5:15 p.m. APPROVED: Ci{-y Secretary Connie Hooks ~UEST RE~ISTER CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, ~994 4:00 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 10. 20.