HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/13/1995 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMayor LARRY RINGER Mayor ProTem LYNN MCILHANEY Tnte~m City TOM BRYMER COLLEGE STATION Council m embers BILL FOX HUB K~..NNADY LARRY MARIOTT DAVID HICK.~ON NANCY CROUCH MINUTES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING COLLEGE STATION CITY HALL THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1995 7:00 P.M. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Mcllhaney, Crouch, Hickson, Mariott, Fox COUNCILMEMBERS Councilmember.~...,. ..... City ~ '~r B~mer, City ~.._ Ho~-'Asst. City Attorney i~sst~ Attorney Shively, ~ire..,d~Cryan, Asst. Executive ~.[;M~er~en~ Services ~c~Director of ~~ices Piwonka, Public Ilio~r ?al?ham, Asst. City ~~y, Asst. City Manager ~'birector cf Economic and ~nt Services Calloway, Staff Assistant Tucker, Executive Assistant to City Manager Beasley, Administrative Assistant Kersten, City Engineer Laza, Police Chief Feldman, Executive Director of Fiscal/Human Resources Schroeder, MIS Director Bauer, Director of Economic and Development Services Ash, Staff Planner Kuenzel, Staff Planner Dunn, Asst. Public Relations Officer Yancy, City Planner Kee City of College Station Providing Customer Service Excellence Council Regular Meeting Thursday, April 13, 1995 Page 2 PRESENTATIONS AGENDA ITEM (P-l) -- Presentation of Resolution in memory of Mr. James H. Dozier, who served on the Colle,qe Station City Council from 1974-1981. Mayor Ringer read Mr. Dozier's resolution to the audience. AGENDA ITEM (P-2) -- Presentation of a Certificate of Appreciation to Bill Schroeder of Paint N' More for his help durin,q the 1995 Bi,q Event. Mayor Ringer read and presented Bill Schroeder with the certificate of appreciation. AGENDA ITEM (P-3) -- Presentation of Certificates of Appreciation to Allied Rent-All and U-Rent-M for services rendered in conjunction with the 1995 Big Event. Mayor Ringer presented Rex Tuggle with both certificates of appreciation. AGENDA ITEM (P-4) -- Presentation of Proclamation recognizing National Organ & Tissue Donor Week (April 16-22, 1995). Mayor Ringer read the Proclamation. Various representatives accepted the proclamation and briefly discussed the importance of donating. AGENDA ITEM (P-5) -- Presentation of Proclamation recoqnizin.q Safety Awareness Week (April 17-21, 1995). Staff Planner Joey Dunn, Chairman of the Safety Committee, accepted this proclamation from Mayor Ringer. AGENDA ITEM (P-6) -- Presentation of Proclamation reco,qnizin,q National Community Development Block Grant Week (April 10-16, 1995). Mayor Ringer presented Community Development Administrator Jo Carroll with this proclamation. Council Regular Meeting Thursday, April 13, 1995 Page 3 STATUTORY AGENDA (S-1) Approved request by the Electrical/Transmission and Distribution Division for contingency funds from the Electric Fund for a survey associated with a planned annexation of approximately four-thousand acres. Surveying cost $37,200. (S-2) Approved Bid #95-32 to purchase of three (3) Semi-Automatic Defibrillators, Fire Department. Funds available as budgeted in the FY 1994-95 General Fund. Staff recommended award to Physio-Control as Iow bidder meeting specifications. Total expenditure $19, 786.50. (S-3) Approved purchase order to Mustang Tractor & Equipment by $10,400 for rental of a D60 Dozer for two (2) additional months to build the pits at Wolf Pen Creek as part of the desiltation process of the lake. Funding available as budgeted in the FY 1994-95 General Fund. Total revised purchase order expenditure $15,600. (S-4) Approved Bid #95-40 to replace air conditioning chiller for two story building of city hall. Funds available as budgeted in FY 1994-95 General Fund, Building Maintenance Division. Staff recommended award to Area Wide Mechanical as Iow bid meeting specifications. Total expenditure $37,045. (S-5) Approved Bid #95-34 for annual Blanket Purchase Order of galvanized street light poles for street lighting. Funds available as budgeted in electric inventory. Staff recommended award to Techline, Inc. as Iow bed meeting specifications. Total estimated expenditure $91,635. (S-6) Approved purchase of one (1) Step Van for the Police Department. Funds available as approved in the FY 1994-95 Replacement Fund. Staff recommended award to Hudiburg Chevrolet as Iow bidder. Total expenditure $25,601. CONSENT AGENDA (C-1) Approved purchase of Fire Pumper Truck. Funds available as budgeted in the FY 1994-95 Fleet Replacement Fund. Staff recommended award to Emergency One, Inc. through Houston-Galveston Area Council (HGAC) contract. Total expenditure $167,791. Council Regular Meeting Thursday, April 13, 1995 Page 4 (C-2) Approved Resolution 04-13-95-C-2 authorizing the Mayor, City Manager, and City Attorney to acquire Lot 14A, Block 1, Boyett Addition, for redevelopment, public facilities, and other public purposes which the City Council may determine from time to time. (C-3) Approved Resolution 04-13-95-C-3 authorizing the Mayor, City Manager, and City Attorney to acquire Lot 14B, Block 1, Boyett Addition, for redevelopment, public facilities, and other public purposes which the City Council may determine from time to time. (C-4) Approved Resolution 04-13-95-C-4 authorizing the Mayor, City Manager, and City Attorney to acquire Lot 14C, Block 1, Boyett Addition, for redevelopment, public facilities, and other public purposes which the City Council may determine from time to time. (C-5) Approved Resolution 04-13-95-C-5 authorizing the Mayor, City Manager, and City Attorney to acquire Lot 15 and 16, Block 1, Boyett Addition, for redevelopment, public facilities, and other public purposes which the City Council may determine from time to time. (C-6) Approved Resolution 04-13-95-C-6 authorizing the Mayor, City Manager, and City Attorney to acquire Lot 18, Block 1, Boyett Addition, for redevelopment, public facilities, and other public purposes which the City Council may determine from time to time. (C-7) Approved Resolution 04-13-95-C-7 authorizing the Mayor, City Manager, and City Attorney to acquire Lot 21, Block 1, Boyett Addition, for redevelopment, public facilities, and other public purposes which the City Council may determine from time to time. (C-8) Approved Resolution 04-13-95-C-8 authonzing the Mayor, City Manager, and City Attorney to acquire Lot 22, Block 1, Boyett Addition, for redevelopment, public facilities, and other public purposes which the City Council may determine from time to time. (C-9) Approved Resolution 04-13-95-C-9 authorizing the Mayor, City Manager, and City Attorney to acquire Lot 23, Block 1, Boyett Addition, for redevelopment, public facilities, and other public purposes which the City Council may determine from time to time. Council Regular Meeting Thursday, April 13, 1995 Page 5 (C-10) Approved Resolution 04-13-95-C-10 authorizing the Mayor, City Manager, and City Attorney to acquire Lot 24, Block 1, Boyett Addition, for redevelopment, public facilities, and other public purposes which the City Council may determine from time to time. (C-11) Approved Resolution 04-13-95-C-ll authorizing the Mayor, City Manager, and City Attorney to acquire Lot 25, Block 1, Boyett Addition, for redevelopment, public facilities, and other public purposes which the City Council may determine from time to time. (C-12) Approved Resolution 04-13-95-C-12 authorizing the Mayor, City Manager, and City Attorney to acquire Lot 26, Block 1, Boyett Addition, for redevelopment, public facilities, and other public purposes which the City Council may determine from time to time. (C-13) Approved Resolution 04-13-95-C-13 authorizing the Mayor, City Manager, and City Attorney to acquire Lot 27A, Block 1, Boyett Addition, for redevelopment, public facilities, and other public purposes which the City Council may determine from time to time. (C-14) Approved Resolution 04-13-95-C-14 authorizing the Mayor, City Manager, and City Attorney to acquire Lot 27B, Block 1, Boyett Addition, for redevelopment, public facilities, and other public purposes which the City Council may determine from time to time. (C-15) Approved Resolution 04-13-95-C-15 authorizing the Mayor, City Manager, and City Attorney to acquire Lot 27C, Block 1, Boyett Addition, for redevelopment, public facilities, and other public purposes which the City Council may determine from time to time. (C-16) Approved Resolution 04-13-95-C-16 authorizing the Mayor, City Manager, and City Attorney to acquire Lot 28, Block 1, Boyett Addition, for redevelopment, public facilities, and other public purposes which the City Council may determine from time to time. (C-17) Consideration of a final plat for Edelweiss Phase 5, which includes two lots totaling 27.45 acres. This property is bound by Victoria Avenue on the east, the Graham Road Industrial area on the south, and VVellborn Road on the west. Applicant Cottages of Rock Prairie Ltd. Partnership. Council Regular Meeting Thursday, April 13, 1995 Page 6 (C-18) Approved final plat for Snug Harbor Phase II, an E.T.J. plat consisting of 7.405 acres in the Nantucket Subdivision. Applicant Nantucket Ltd. (95-209). (C-19) Approved contract agreement for the bulk sale of Domestic Sanitary Sewer Service in the case of Edward Stanley and Teresa Ann O'Brien. (C-20) Approved Ordinance No. 2120 amending Chapter 11, Section 4, of the College Station Code of Ordinances to add a rate for 400 watt security lights. (C-21) Approved change order in the amount of $40,048.95 to the contract with Cluff Construction for additional work related to the Fill Sector #3 Development Project. Funds available from the BVSWMA Fund Operating Reserve. (C-22) Approved of a change order to the contract with EMCON Baker-Shiflett in the amount of $37,659 for additional construction quality assurance work and testing related to the Fill Sector #3 Development Project. Funds available from the BVSVVMA Operating Reserve. Councilman Fox pulled this item, inquiring about the contract amount, the reporting policies, and action will be taken in order to prevent further budgeting errors. BVSWMA Executive Director Bill Angelo replied that the company agreed to consume $8,300 of the cost over-run, and any other expenses that are related to the program, beyond what the adjusted contract amount. Angelo added that the company also agreed to change their billing system to one that is approved by city staff. Reporting procedures are a part of the change in policy, as well as an organizational change. Mr. Angelo emphasized that the firm is aware that any further problems such as these and the city will terminate any contracts. Councilman Crouch moved approval of the change order. Councilman Hickson seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 6-0. (C-23) Approved purchase of various vehicles for city departments as approved in the FY 1994-95 Fleet Replacement Fund and new decision packages. Staff recommended award, to Iow bidder on state contract for each category of vehicle. Total expenditure $262,977.50. Council Regular Meeting Thursday, April 13, 1995 Page 7 (C-24) Approved financing of anticipated expenditures to Texas Municipal League and Old Republic Companies for pre-existing, current, and remainder of FY 1994-95 Workers Compensation claims filed. Staff requested total estimated expenditure approval of $80,000 to Old Republic Companies and $100,000 to Texas Municipal League for FY 1994-95. (C-25) Approved Change Orders #2, 3, & 4 to Sebesta Road Improvements, Projects ST1020 & WT1001. Total amount of Change Orders $28,112.50. (C-26) Approved contract with RAM Communications Inc. to develop an RFP and to evaluate bids for an 800 MHz Radio System. Total expenditure $44,100. (C-27) Approved Resolution 04-13-95-C-27 authorizing the Greater East Texas Student Loan Financing Authority to issue and refund bonds and enter into taxable line of credit agreements with Texas Commerce Bank of Houston and Student Loan Marketing Association. REGULAR AGENDA (R-l) Acceptance of the comprehensive annual financial report for the fiscal year ended September 30,1994. Executive Director of Fiscal/Human Resources Glenn Schroeder introduced this item. Mr. Tom Wallace and Jim Ingram, representing the accounting firm which performed this audit, were present in the audience. Questions were asked by councilmembers. Specifically, the issue of large cash reserves accumulated in several departments. Mr. Schroeder mentioned that the city management is very much aware of the responsibility of the accounting procedures and these audit recommendations must be adhered to. Mr. Brymer concurred. Mr. Tom Wallis came forward to answer questions. He thanked the finance and accounting staff for their assistance during the audits. Councilman Mariott moved to accept the comprehensive annual financial report as presented. Councilman Fox seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Council Regular Meeting Thursday, April 13, 1995 Page 8 (R-2) Appointment of a committee member for the Joint Relief Funding Review Committee. Councilman Crouch moved to appoint Winnie Garner as a member of the Joint Relief Funding Review Committee to complete the term of John Willingham. Councilman Mariott seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. (R-3) Consideration of appointment of two (2) representatives to a multi- jurisdictional committee comprised to formulate the scope and mission of a multi-jurisdictional health and human services task force. Councilman Hickson moved to appoint Councilmembers Mcllhaney and Fox to the multi-jurisdictional committee. Councilman Crouch seconded the motion. Mayor Ringer pointed out several issues that the committee will review as a result of the subcommittee meetings. These ideas relate to the social service and health agency community, their mission, and the overall budget of these agencies. The committee will look at the operations of these agencies. The motion carried unanimously. (R-4) Public hearing and consideration of a rezoninq request 24.7 acres on the northwest comer of University Drive from R-1 Sin.qle Family to R-5 Apartments/Medium Density, and a rezonin.q of 29.9 acres from R-1 to C-B Commercial/Business. Senior Planner Sabine Kuenzel explained the rezoning request, describing the location and adjacent land uses, and recommending approval of the rezoning request with the following conditions: Council Regular Meeting Thursday, April 13, 1995 Page 9 1. Access points be limited to one drive off of the Bypass and one drive off of University. 2. Cross access be provided. 3. A landscaped buffer between the proposed C-B zoning and the existing R-1 zoning to the north. Sewer impact study be provided at the time of development discussing the impact of the development on the existing sewer infrastructure both on and off site, thus determining the necessity of improvements to the system to handle the increased flow generated from the rezoning. All improvements will be the responsibility of the developer. 5. A tree survey be conducted and submitted for the purposes of native tree preservation. Ms. Kuenzel pointed out there is an additional condition recommended by staff because of the high potential for an increase of traffic on University Drive and the frontage road. The city ordinances require that the developer participate in the cost of a traffic signal if a traffic impact analysis necessitates traffic improvements. Kuenzel stated that responses were received from notifications to surrounding property owners. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. Greg Taggart, representative of Municipal Development Group, spoke in favor of the rezoning. Mr. Taggart assured the Council that many hours of discussion and time with staff has been held to ensure that the potential buyers are in compliance with the C-B zone. Mike Hall, 32 Forest Drive, spoke in opposition to the rezoning request. He represented the Post Oak Forest Homeowners Association. His concerns were based on the large amount of rezoning of C-B property, west of Glenhaven extension. He reminded Councilmembers that in 1985, the city denied a rezoning request for commercial use. Mr. Hall added that other commercial land is available, and was also concerned about the R-1 to R-5 rezoning because of the substantial increase in traffic due to new residential development. Council Regular Meeting Thursday, April 13, 1995 Page 10 Paul Wright, 22 Forest Drive, addressed the Council regarding the traffic problems. Mr. Taggart once again approached the podium. He reiterated the appropriate use of the development at this location. Mr. Hall then suggested the property west of the proposed extension of Glenhaven as commercial and R-5 as viable alternative. Robert Todd, representing the owners of the existing property, stated that the property must be sold as one unit because it is not feasible to split the property. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. Councilman Mariott moved approval of Ordinance No. 2119 with staff recommendations. Councilman Crouch seconded the motion, which carried with a vote of 4-2. FOR: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Hickson and Mariott AGAINST: Councilmembers Mcllhaney and Fox (R-S) Public hearing and consideration of a rezonin.q request from R-1 to P.U.D. #2 and a preliminary plat of 6.71 acres, Woodcreek Phase 7. This r)ror)erty is located in the Woodcreek Subdivision at the southwest quadrant of Stonebrook Drive and Stonebridqe Drive intersection. Applicant is TAC Realty. City Planner Jane Kee presented this item, recommending approval of the rezoning request as stated in the council packet. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. Paul Darmitzel, on behalf of TAC Realty, spoke in favor of the rezoning request. Gene Clark, 1302 Sussex Drive, of the Stonewood Homeowners Association spoke in favor of solid brick walls to serve as a buffer along Stonebridge in order that the neighborhood character remain consistent. Mr. Darmitzel expressed the realty company's resistance to the brick wall because of financial impact. Council Regular Meeting Thursday, April 13, 1995 Page 11 Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. Councilman Hickson made moved to approve the rezoning request, stipulating that the fence be wood with brick pillars, including landscaping and an irrigation system. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch. Councilman Mcllhaney made a substitute motion to delay this item and place it on the city council agenda for the next meeting. Councilman Fox seconded the substitute motion which carried by a vote of 5-1. FOR: AGAINST: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Hickson, Mcllhaney, Crouch, Fox Councilman Mariott (R-6) Consideration of construction altemates and award of contract for Colle.qe Main Reconstruction. Total expenditure $778,759. Councilman Crouch made the motion to accept the bid as submitted. Councilman Hickson seconded the motion which carried unanimously. (R-7) Presentation of Colleqe Station Fiber Connectivity Project and consideration of resolution authorizinq the Interim City Mana.qer to apply for related .qrant. Assistant Public Information Officer Bob Yancy presented this item, recommending that no action be taken on this item. (R-10) Hear Visitors. No one spoke. (R-8) Mana.qement Services Department presentation on service levels, performance measures and budqet issues. Executive Director of Management Services Linda Piwonka presented this item as submitted in the council packet. Council Regular Meeting Thursday, April 13, 1995 Page 12 (R-9) Administrative presentations on service levels, performance measures and budqet issues, which includes City Council, City Secretary, City Mana.qer's Office, and Community Services Administration. City Secretary Hooks introduced this item to Council. It was suggested that attention be made to reduce the paper involved with the Council packets. Asst. City Secretary Stanley informed council that all council minutes are currently being transcribed outside of the forty-hour work week. Indicating through graphics in the council packet, she explained that this is extra time spent for minutes totals 10% of the entire office workload. Interim Assistant City Manager Jeff Kersten came forward to answer questions on of council on his presentation material. Mayor Ringer asked for a motion on the floor for the City Secretary's salary per merit evaluation from executive session. Councilman Hickson made a motion to approve the City Secretary's salary at $2790 per month. Councilman Crouch seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 10:25 p.m. The council moved into closed session at 10:30 p.m. A ST: - C~'~'gecretary Connie Hooks APPROVED: Ma~ ~ar~er-"--' GUEST REGISTER REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, APRIL 13 1995 7~00 P.M.