HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/25/1995 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMayor LARRY RINGER Mayor ProTem LYNN MCILHANEY City Manager GEORGE IC NOE COLLEGE STATION Council Members BILL FOX ItUB KENNADY IARRY MARIOTT DAVID HICKSON NANCY CROUCH MINUTES REGULAR MEETING COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1995 COLLEGE STATION CITY HALL 7:00 P.M. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Ringer, Mayor Protem Mcllhaney, Councilmembers Hickson, Fox, Kennady, Mariott, Crouch STAFF PRESENT: Interim City Manager Brymer, City Secretary Hooks, Assistant City Attorney Nemcik, City Planner Kee, Purchasing Agent Kettler, Asst. Director of Economic and Development Services Callaway, Assistant Fire Chief Giordano, Public Information Officer Calliham, Executive Director of Management Services Piwonka, Police Lt. Mason Newton Proclamation -- Buddy Poppy Day Mayor Ringer presented John Boleman from the local VFW Post 4692 with a proclamation to recognize Buddy Poppy Day in honor of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Kathy Bice of the Brazos Animal Shelter presented plaques to veterinarians for their service to the Brazos Animal Shelter. Dr. Jeanna Fiske, Anna Perkinson, Drs. Joseph and Dorothy Mikeska. Mayor Ringer read the proclamation in honor of their service. Mayor Ringer announced that a former city councilman and long term resident, Jim Gardner, passed away this week. A proclamation was read by the Mayor in his memory to be presented to the family. City of College Station Providing Customer Service Excellence City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, May 25, 1995 Page 2 Mary Alessandra, Volunteer Services Coordinator from the Brazos Valley Council on Alcohol and Substance Abuse came forward to present an award of recognition to the City of College Station for commitment and active support toward the Straight Talk Hotline. Agenda Item No. 2 -- Statutory A.qenda (S-1) Approved request to purchase five hundred automated refuse containers for Sanitation Inventory, funds available as budgeted in the FY 1994-95 Sanitation Division. Award bid to Roto Industries as state contractor in the amount of $20,010. (S-2) Approved request to rent one track excavator and two articulated dump trucks for the Brazos Valley Solid Waste Agency. Funds available from budget amendment of $192,000 approved by City Council on May 11, 1995. Award to Hunter Equipment Company as Iow bidder meeting specifications in the amount of $26,000. Also approved award of rented articulated dump trucks from Conn- Equip Inc. as Iow bidders meeting specifications in the amount of $51,600.00 These contracts were approved by the BVSWMA Board. (S-3) Approved one owner occupied rehabilitation project at 1221 S. Ridgefield Circle. Contract awarded to Rios Carpentry in the amount of $20,000. The statutory agenda items were approved by common consent. Agenda Item No. 3 -- Consent Aqenda (C-1) Approved minutes for the council workshop meeting, April 26, 1995 and the regular meeting of April 27, 1995. (C-2) Approved Resolution No. 5-25-95-C-2 revising the sanitation collection service fees for single family residential to $11.20 as well as a change to the commercial customers based on the service requirements on either a 3 cubic yard container or a 6 cubic yard container. (C-3) Approved replat of Eastmark subdivision Phase II, Block E, Lots 1 through 15, located on Kalanchoe Court just south of the intersection of Colgate and Cypress Drive. Owner, Thomas Properties. (C-4) Approved replat of West Knoll, Section 2, Block 3 located between Medina and Dexter streets just off of Southwest Parkway. Owner, Thomas Properties. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, May 25, 1995 Page 3 (C-5) Approved Ordinance No. 2127 which amended Chapter 10, Section 2-D of the Code of Ordinances regarding special hazard intersections controlled by stop signs. Locations are North Graham Road eastbound at Victoria Avenue and North Graham Road westbound at Victoria Avenue. (C-6) Approved the amended Citizen Participation Plan required by the Housing and Urban Development for Community Development programs. (C-7) Approved the calling of a public hearing for June 8th on proposed budget amendment 6 authorization appropriation of $105,000 to pay legal fees and related costs associated with a joint action suit to collect delinquent franchise fees from General Telephone Company of the Southwest. (C-8) Approved the calling of a public hearing for June 8th on proposed budget amendment 7 authorizing the appropriation of $840,000 for the purchase of apartments located at 1000 University Drive East, and related costs associated with the purchase and necessary capital improvements. All funds to be made available through an interfund loan from the Electric Fund, that may be refunded through a future debt instrument, and to provide $66,000 in appropriations for operations and maintenance of the apartment complex to be paid from revenues estimated to be $98,420. Items No. C-1 through C-6 were approved by common consent. Mayor Ringer withdrew C-7 and C-8 to correct the date of public hearings on the budget amendments. Councilman Crouch made a motion to change the public hearing dates to June 8th. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hickson which carried unanimously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. R-1 -- Appointment of Committee member to the Joint Relief Fundinq Review Committee. Councilman Kennady made a motion to approve the appointment of Gib Sawtelle to fulfill the unexpired term of Tamara Jackson or for a full term according to the record. Councilman Crouch seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7- 0. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, May 25, 1995 Page 4 A,qenda Item No. R-2 -- Request from Economic Development Corporation to desiqnate the city manaqers from Bryan and Colleqe Station as ex officio members of the Board. Councilman Kennady made a motion to not proceed with this recommendation. A second was not heard. Motion died for lack of second. Councilman Crouch made a motion to approve the recommendation to designate the College Station City Manager or designee as an ex officio member of the Economic Development Corporation Board. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hickson which carried 6-1, Councilman Kennady voted against. Agenda Item No. R-3 -- Public hearinq for consideration of annexinq certain properties located within the city's ETJ. City Planner Jane Kee described the location of areas under consideration for annexation. This is the second of two public hearings scheduled before the Council. Ms. Kee provided information on the particular land areas included in the proceedings of this annexation. She indicated that the staff intends to look at rural subdivision standards which might differ from urban standards. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. Robert Wier, 5650 Raymond Stotzer, expressed opposition to the annexation because it would not be the best scenario for the residents. He asked questions about the zoning classification and pointed out the negative consequences for residents. Delph Ross and Glenda Ross, 2101 Barak, #5 in Bryan and owners of Koppe Bridge Bar and Grill came forward to inquire about the annexation impact on their business. Ms. Kee explained in detail the requirements for uses "grandfathered". Any use annexed into the city is considered grandfathered which is defined as continuance of operations as it were before the affected annexation. If a business wished to expand, you can expand up to 25 percent of the area of operation. This requires permission from the Zoning Board of Adjustment. If you fall within the guidelines, the ZBA would approve your request to expand. However, if you planned to go beyond the 25 percent limit, then the city code and ordinances would imlSact your business. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, May 25, 1995 Page 5 W.H. Patterson, Burgess Lane, FM 60, owner of a mobile home park and mini storage units requested the Council assume the maintenance of his water and sewer systems. He inquired about the fire services. He noted that there are no fire hydrants in the area. David Giordano of the Fire department and Bill Riley of the Public Utilities department responded to his questions citing the related various codes. Martha Williams, 8693 Jones Road stated that members of her family recently renovated structures on their property for business operations. She emphasized the negative impact on the senior citizens who have fixed incomes and expressed her opposition to the annexation. Stella Wilkes, 9552 River Road, Oak Hills Subdivision, expressed her continued concern for fire protection. She noted that the comprehensive plan does not address development to the west. On behalf of her neighbors, she expressed strong opposition to the council and urged them to eliminate these areas from consideration of annexation. Philip Montalbano, 5657 Raymond Stotzer Parkway, addressed the Council. He urged the council to annex areas other than rural. Margie Person, 6334 Los Robles Drive stressed the wishes of the residents to remain outside the city. James Bell, 4398 Raymond Stotzer Parkway, asked questions regarding pets and sewer systems. Nancy Harvey, 13981 Renee Lane, in the Bald Prairie Subdivision preferred the rural lifestyle and expressed opposition to becoming a resident of the city. Marianne Oprisko, 2475 Barron Road, expressed concern about the standards to be established for these rural developments. She asked the council to consider this issue at depth. William Gregory, 13863 FM 2154, came forward to speak about his cost associated with implementing city services to his homesite. Kay Villasana, 4842 Raymond Stotzer Parkway, recognized that she and her family have suffered from the impact of the construction of Highway 60. Joanne Bell, 4398 Raymond Stotzer Parkway, inquired about the use of firearms in the city limits. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, May 25, 1995 Page 6 Jerry P. Jones, 3817 F&B Road stated opposition to the annexation of his land. Cheryl and Preston Chambler, 3121 Norton Lane in Wellborn, addressed the Council. They asked several questions regarding permits and licenses for livestock, etc. Mr. Chambler expressed his strong opposition to the annexation of his property. Assistant City Attorney Roxanne Nemcik cited the ordinances related to permits, as well as the construction of Highway 40 in connection of Greens Prairie Road extension. Gloria Mamaliga, 1002 Goode, came forward to address the Council. She inquired about city services to her property which is undeveloped. O.J. Beard, Jr., 13813 Renee Lane, asked the Council to wait for a desirable time to consider this action. Lonnie Brothers, renter of a home in College Station addressed the Council. He recently purchased a home on the corner of Wellborn and Barron Road. His questions were directed to the development of his land with respect to permits. Betty Simpson, 2508 Barron Road, opposed annexation. Ann Field, expressed her disappointment toward the Council's approach of this process. Jeannie Sampson, White Creek Road, acknowledged the fact that one side of the street in her subdivision is being proposed for annexation and the other side is not, and what are the repercussions. Lynn Hatfield, inquired about her property and the impact on annexation. Additional questions were raised by the audience. Ms. Wilkes made additional comments to the Council regarding the services provided by the city within the four and one half years. Ms. Nemcik replied that she could prepare a statement for the next council meeting with a specific answer regarding the time frame for extending city services, etc. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, May 25, 1995 Page 7 (R-4) Approval of second readinq of an ordinance .qrantin.q a franchise to American Medical Waste Medical Waste Manaqement, for the collection and disposal of treated and untreated medical waste from health care related facilities within the City. Councilman Mariott moved to approve second reading of the ordinance with the removal of the automatic renewal provision. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch. Discussion was held about the bid delivery time. Purchasing Agent Virginia Kettler explained the situation with this particular bid. The motion carried unanimously, 7-0. (R-5) Hear Visitors. No one spoke (R-6) Adjourn Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 10:00 p.m. APPROVED: ATTEST: City Secretary Connie Hooks May~L~r~~j~ GUEST REGISTER WORKSHOP MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1995 4:00 P.M 11. 12. :~:::~? 19. 10. 20. GUEST REGISTER REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL THURSDAYt MAY 25 1995 7:00 P.M. o 19.