HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/09/1995 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMayor LARRY RINGER Mayor ProTein LYNN MCILHANEY Interim City Manage TOM BRYM~R COLLEGE STATION Counctlm embers BILL FOX HUB KENNADY LARRY MARIOTT DAVID HICI~ON NANCY CROUCH MINUTES COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MARCH 9, 1995 7:00 P.M. COUNClLMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Fox, Crouch, Mariott, Mcllhaney, Kennady, Hickson ,.. ~ _.,tsl~ / La ~"-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-~ ~ - ,~ ~' ...~ · Assistant o Se~ices Ca,away, or a., Senior Pl~~<~~s~n ~r Hard, Executive Director of Fis~'i~R~. .... Res'~''~'~burce~ s~r, Assistant Director of Fiscal/Human Reso' =~i'""C~~-chasing Agent Kettler, PARD Director Beachy, Assistant PARD Director Ploeger, Public Information Officer Calliham VISITORS PRESENT: Refer to guest register. City of College Station Providing Customer Service Excellence City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, March 9, 1995 Page 2 CITIZEN COMMENTS Mr. Don Bailey, representing the Blue Bonnet Girl Scout Council's Board of Directors, briefly reviewed their history. Each year they select outstanding citizens who serve as role models for the future. Bailey stated that the recipient will also be invited to a dinner in Waco on May 4, 1995, along with the representatives from the 13-county region. The Blue Bonnet Girl Scouts then presented Mayor Pro Tern Lynn Mcllhaney with the 1995 Woman of Distinction Award. Mrs. Robbie Clark, who resides at 313 Holleman, addressed the City Council and City Staff to thank everyone who played a part in assisting her through the recent loss of her daughter, Lillian Clark, who was the Lincoln Center supervisor. Mr. Lee Cartright, who resides at 1503 Foxfire Drive, requested a copy of the current City Budget in order for his son to obtain a Boy Scout merit badge. STATUTORY AGENDA (S-1) Approved Bid # 95-30 to re-carpet the Police/Municipal Court Building, Facilities Maintenance Division. This $59,292 project will be funded through FY 94-95 General Fund, as budgeted. Bryan Paint and Glass was awarded as Iow bidder meeting specifications. (S-2) Approved Bid # 95-15 to purchase a 12-ton self-propelled pneumatic roller, awarding R.B. Everett & Company as Iow bidder meeting specifications. This $50,200 project will be funded by the FY 94-95 Fleet Replacement Fund. CONSENT AGENDA C-1. Approved the minutes from the Workshop Meetings of February 8th and 22nd, and the Regular Council Meeting of February 23, 1995. C-2. Approved the preliminary plat for Edelweiss Phase Five, which includes two lots totaling 27.455 acres. This property is bound by Victoria Avenue on the east, Graham Road Industrial area on the south, and Wellborn Road on the west. Applicant, Cottages of Rock Prairie Ltd. Partnership. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, March 9, 1995 Page 3 C-3. Approved the final plat for Greensworld Phase II, consisting of one commercial lot totaling 3.861 acres located along SH 6 just north of the existing Greensworld golf course. Applicant, Michael Davis, owner and S.M. Kling, Engineer (95-204). C-4. Approved agreement with K.W. Brown Environmental Services for the annual ground water sampling and analysis at the Rock Prairie Road Landfill. Funds available as budgeted in the FY 94-95 budget. Total expenditure not to exceed $29.330. REGULAR AGENDA (R-l) Public Hearing and consideration of an ordinance on the question of rezonin,q 3.4 acres from C-3 planned commercial to C-1 ,qeneral commercial, Post Oak Villa,qe Shoppin,q Center. Applicant, Andrew Bernstein (95-103). Sabine Kuenzel, Senior City Planner, introduced this presentation, beginning with a brief history of the site, and explained that staff recommends denial of the rezoning for three primary reasons: v" the conflict with multi-family residential uses to the south and to the west. ,/' the parking lot would be non-conforming by 61 parking spaces ,/ the traffic safety concern to avoid congestion Kuenzel added that the Planning and Zoning Board recommend approval. Ed Hard, City Transportation Planner, continued the presentation with respect to traffic analysis, rendering that if this rezoning request was approved, it would multiply the problems of this already congested area. However, there is a possibility of creating an access across the creek, which would also involve moving a large utility pole. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing, Mr. Larry Wells, representing Andy Burnstein, explained that Burnstein is looking to put a restaurant in this shopping center, and would like to address the Zoning Board of Adjustments for flexibility in the type of restaurant that he wants to develop. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, March 9, 1995 Page 4 Councilman Hickson asked Mr. Wells if Burnstein would be amenable to having an access from post oak village to post oak square was constructed to alleviate some of that traffic flow. Wells replied that although he could not commit at the time, this would certainly be a possibility. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. Councilman Hickson moved approval Ordinance No. 2114 subject to the provision of access from Post Oak Village to Post Oak Square. Councilman Kennady seconded the motion. Councilman Mcllhaney asked Ms. Kuenzel if they could request a variance for a restaurant in the C-3 zone. Kuenzel stated that the C-3 zoning district does not list restaurants as a permitted use, so requesting a variance of that nature would be considered a use variance, which is illegal. The motion carried 6-1, with Councilman Mcllhaney voting no. Mayor Ringer added that if it is not physically possible to have that access, then the rezoning could be brought back to Council. (R-2) Staff Presentation of options for water and sewer service to the south west corner of the intersection of FM 2818 and F&B Road Robert Gadbois, Assistant City Engineer, gave this presentation. Beginning with a brief description and history of Dr. Robert Toler's 10 acre tract, Gadbois explained that Toler's property currently has city water service via 2 inch line across F&B road. The sewer service, however, is provided with a private septic system. He then discussed the four options for water service and the two options for sewer service. Gadbois added that if Council decides to extend the infrastructure and bear the cost, it would be staff's recommendation to consider extending from our own infrastructure so that we are not dependent upon the university system to support our commercial customers. Council directed staff to continue negotiations with the university, as well as with Dr. Toler. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, March 9, 1995 Page 5 R-3. Consideration of sin.qle bid received on February 24th for the Colle.qe Main Reconstruction project, and presentation of proposed rebid packa.qe. Mike McLure, consulting engineer, made this presentation. He reviewed the history of the bid opening of February 24, 1995. A single bid responded which was in excess of what was expected. McLure met with the contractor and his representatives on several occasions, attempting to discuss merits and difficulties of the project. They identified several areas in which the bid or the work could be altered such that the bid could be reduced. McLure then recommend that staff rebid this project. Councilman Crouch moved to reject the bid and rebid the project. Councilman Kennady seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. R-4. Discussion and approval of allocatin.q a portion of CDBG public services fundin.q to three City departmental pro.qrams. Consistent with CDBG Fundin.q Policy and within the 15% cap, Council can allocate CDBG Public Service funds internally to City departments prior to the public hearin.q process for outside a.qencies. Total public services fundin.q available this year is $360,150. Colle.qe Station .qrant funds provide $190,500 with the remainin.q $169,650 from the City of Bryan's Block Grant. Paula Rails, City Grants Coordinator, introduced this item. She explained how the community development office has received applications from the Fire Department, Parks and Recreation Department, and the Lincoln Center, requesting a total of $31,834 CDBG Funding for social service programs. They also received 23 applications from outside agencies totaling $675,253. The Joint Relief Funding Review Committee will review those applications. This committee is composed of three members from College Station and three members from Bryan. They will have weekly meetings through March and April, with public hearings on April 24th and 25th. They will make their funding recommendations to both City Councils in May. Rails concluded with staff's recommendation to fund the three applications. Eric Hurt, Battalion Chief Fire Marshall, discussed the Fire Department's proposal for a fire and safety exposition. Hurt explained that this program qualifies for helping Iow income areas around the Lincoln Center, which is where the exposition would take place. The purpose of this program is to bring a concentrated fire and safety education program to a group traditionally not City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, March 9, 1995 Page 6 reached by normal means. The event will be held in November from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Funds needed for the program total $3,710. Jana Bishop, Program Director for Kid's Club, discussed the history and proposal to provide scholarships for some of the participants. Sheila Walker, Program Supervisor, explained that the money will cover the difference between what the parents are able to pay and what the other children are required to pay as far as tuition, in order to maintain the quality of the program. Kimmie Davis, Lincoln Center Supervisor, discussed the application for a summer job training program at the Lincoln Center. It will target at-risk students with Iow income household and will provide for a 40 hr work week for students between the ages of 16-18. The proposed positions include a maintenance assistant, an office assistant, a recreational assistant, and an educational coordinator, which totals $8,800 in expenses. Councilman Kennady moved approval of all three applications. Councilman Crouch seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. R-5. Consideration of an ordinance authorizing a municipal election to be held on May 6, 1995, for the purpose of electin,q City Councilmembers and submitting a proposition on the sale of parkland. City Secretary Hooks made this presentation. She noted that the College Station School District will be placing three propositions on this ballot and has requested that an additional early voting polling place be held in their administration offices. Councilman Crouch moved approval of Ordinance No. 2115. Councilman Fox seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. R-6. Discussion of Multi-Family Development and Parkin,q Requirements. Senior Planner Sabine Kuenzel briefed Council on the past and present conditions of parking requirements of both apartments and duplexes. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, March 9, 1995 Page 7 Council directed staff to finish their study, but to find an interim amendment to help alleviate said parking problems. It was also suggested to include builders in the decisions. R-7. Appointment of additional member to the Ad Hoc North,qate Steerin,q Committee. Councilman Mariott moved approval of appointing Richard Benning to the Ad Hoc Northgate Steering Committee. Councilman Crouch seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. R-8. Hear Visitors. Mrs. Jean Creston, who resides at 803 Luther Street West, questioned the lack of stop signs on West Holleman. Mayor Ringer asked Transportation Planner Ed Hard to visit with her about this issue. R-9. Adjourn Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 9:25 p.m. A/71~EST: ~ (~'~S'~cret~ry C'onn~ Hooks APPROVED: Mayot~~~{~- NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION TO THE REGISTERED VOTERS OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: Notice is hereby given that the polling places listed below will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 6, 1995, for voting in the city/school general election to elect City Councilman Place 1, City Councilman Place 3, and City Councilman Place 5. The ballot shall also contain a proposition for the purpose of determining whether the City of College Station should sell 4.31 acres of Park Zone 7 land located west of Wellborn Road and south of George Bush Drive. LOCATIONS OF POLLING PLACES: Poilimt Place No. 8 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 8) at South Knoll Elementary School, 1220 Boswell; Polliw, Place No. 9 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 9) at College Station Conference Center, 1300 George Bush Drive; Polline Place No. 10 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 10) at College Station Municipal Court Complex, 2611 S. Texas Avenue; Polling Place No. 20, 21, & 61 (consisting of County Voting Precincts No. 20, 21, & 61) at Memorial Student Center, Room 146; Polling Place No. 24 & 75 (consisting of County Voting Precincts No. 24 & 75) at College Hills Elementary School, 1101 Williams; Polling Place No. 28, 58, 59, 71, & 73 (consisting of County Voting Precincts No. 28, 58, 59, 71, & 73) at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 1200 Foxfire Drive; Polline Place No. ;tl (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 31) at A&M Consolidated High School, FM 2818 and Welsh Avenue; Pollimt Place No. 32 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 32) at Southwood Valley Elementary School, 2700 Brothers; Pollim~ Place No. ;}3 & 35 (consisting of County Voting Precincts No. 33 & 35) at Lincoln Center, 1300 Eleanor; of Election 2 Polling Place No. 34 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 34) at College Station City Hall, 1101 South Texas Avenue; Polling Place No. 39 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 39) at Rock Prairie Elementary School, 3400 Welsh; Polling Place No. 40 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 40) at Aldersgate Methodist Church, 6501 East Bypass; Pollimt Place No. 2 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 2) at Wellborn Community Center Early voting by personal appearance will be conducted each weekday at the College Station City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas, and the CSISD Administration offices between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. beginning on Monday, April 17, 1995 and ending Tuesday, May 2, 1995. Applications for ballot by mail shall be mailed to: Connie Hooks, Early Voting Clerk P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Applications for ballots by mail must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. April 28, 1995. ISSUED THIS THE 9th DAY OF MARCH, 1995. Connie H~oks, C~ty Secretary ORDER OF ELECTION FOR THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS An election is hereby ordered to be held on Saturday, the 6th day of May, 1995, for the purpose of electing a City Councilman Place 1, a City Councilman Place 3, and a City Councilman Place 5 and the submission of a proposition for the purpose of determining whether the City of College Station should sell 4.31 acres of park zone land 7 located west of Wellborn Road and south of George Bush Drive. Early voting by personal appearance will be conducted each weekday at the College Station City Hall, 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas, and the CSISD Administration Offices, 1812 Welsh between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. beginning on Monday, April 17, 1995, and ending on Tuesday, May 2, 1995. Applications for ballots by mail shall be mailed to: Connie Hooks, Early Voting Clerk P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 ISSUED THIS THE 9th DAY OF MARCH, 1995. TEST: _ .~ Connie Hooks, City Secretary APPROVED: AVISO DE ELECCION ESPECIAL A los votantes registrados de la Ciudad de College Station, Texas: Notifiquese, pot las presente, que las casillas electorales sitados abajo se abriran desde las 7:00 a.m. hasta las 7:00 p.m. el dia 6 mayo de, 1995 para votar en la Eleccion General para eligir a tres Concejales: un Concejal para Lugar 1; un Concejal para Lugar 3; y un Concejal para Lugar 5 and a proposicion on la venta de approximadamente 4.31 acres de parque zona 7 terreno situado oeste de Wellborn Road y sur de George Bush Drive. DIRECCIONES DE LAS CASILLAS ELECTORALES: Precincto No. 8 - South Knoll Elementary School, 1220 Boswell; Precincto No. 9 - College Station Conference Center, 1300 George Bush Drive; Precincto No. 10 - College Station Municipal Court Complex, 2611B South Texas Avenue; Precincto No. 24 & 75 - College Hills Elementary School, 1101 Williams; Precincto No. 31 - A&M Consolidated High School, 701 West Loop FM 2818; Precincto No. 32 - Southwood Valley Elementary School, 2700 Brothers; Precincto No. 33 & 35 - Lincoln Center, 1100 Eleanor Street; Precincto No. 34 - College Station City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 South Texas Avenue; Precincto No. 20, 21, & 61 - Memorial Student Center, TAMU Campus, Room Precincto No. 39 - Rock Prairie Elementary School, 3400 Welsh; Precincto No. 40 - Aldersgate Methodist Church, 6501 East Bypass; Precincto No. 28, 58, 59, 71, 73 - Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 1200 Foxfire Drive; Precincto No. 2 - Wellborn Community Center La votacion en ausencia en persona se Ilevara a cabo de lunes a viernes en la Palacio Municipal de la Ciudad de College Station, 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas entre las ocho de la manana y las cinco de la tarde empezando el 17 de abril de 1995 y terminando el 2 de may de 1995. Las solicitudes para boletas que se votaran en ausencia por correo deberan enviarse a: Connie Hooks, Secretaria de la Votacio en Ausencia P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Las solicitudes para boletas que se votaran en ausencia por correo deberan recibirse para el fin de las horas de negoci oel 28 de abril, 1995. Emitada este dia 9th de marzo de 1995. APPROVED: Larry J-~Rih~lca~ld~de la Ciudad de College Station, Texas Connie Hooks, Secretaria de la Ciudad ORDEN DE ELECCION PARA LA ClUDAD DE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Pot la presente se ordena que se Ilevara a cabo una eleccion el sabado, 6 de mayo 1995, con el proposito de elegir a un Concejal para Lugar 1, un Concejal para Lugar 3, y un Concejal para Lugar 5. La votacion en ausencia en persona se Ilevara a cabo de lunes a viernes en la oficina de Ayuntamiento en College Station, 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas, entre las ocho de manana y las cinco de la tarde empezando el 17 de abril de 1995 y terminando el 2 de may de 1995. Las solicitudes para boletas que se votaran en ausencia por correo deberan enviarse a: Connie Hooks, Secretaria de la Votacio en Ausencia P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Las solicitudes para boletas que se votaran en ausencia por correo deberan recibirse para el fin de las horas de negoci oel 28 de abril, 1995. Emitada este dia 9th de marzo de 1995. APPROVED: Larry~F'. Rli~Alca-'~'de de la Ciudad de College Station, Texas Connie Hooks, Secretaria de la Ciudad GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1995 7:00 P.M.