HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/12/1995 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMayor LARRY RINGER Mayor ProTein LYNN MCILHANEY Interim City. Manager TOM BRYMER COLLEGE STATION Couneilmembers BILL FOX HUB KENNADY LARRY MARIOTT DAVID HICKSON NANCY CROUCH MINUTES CITY OF COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1995 7:00 p.m. COUNClLMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Mcllhaney, Crouch, Fox, Hickson, Kennady, Mariott STAFF PRESENT: VISITORS PRESENT: '~i?i!;i .. Mayor Ringer called the meeting to order at Interim City Manager Brym..e.~, City Secretary Hooks, Assistant City Manager · '~. Woo. dy, Executive DTrector of Management · 'Ser~ Piwonka, Executive Director of " F~u~nan Resources Schroeder, ~r.~.Development Services Ash, Asst.,. L~' .Itector of Development Services Call~y~. City Attorney Locke, Tra~pottation Planner Hard, Asst. City Secretary=::$tanley. Ref~3''guest register 7:04 .p;~. Agenda Item P-1 -- Presentation of Historic Home Plaque #26 to Mrs. Laura Arth~ 305 Dexter. Mayor Ringer presented Mrs. Laura Arth with Historic Home Plaque #26. Agenda Item P-2 -- Presentation of Historic Home Plaque #27 to Mr. & Mrs. Lancaster, 303 Dexter. Mayor Ringer presented Mr. & Mrs. Lancaster with Historic Home Plaque #27. He recognized them as active members of the community and stated that he was pleased they participated in this program. City of College Station Providing Customer Service Excellence City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, January 12, 1995 Page 2 Agenda Item P-3 -- Presentation by Fire Department to Dr. and Mrs. Beesinger for their donation to the College Station Fire Safety House. Mayor Ringer explained how the Fire Safety House is used for demonstrations throughout the community to teach citizens precautions and instructions for fire safety. Fire Chief Kennedy and Mayor Ringer then presented an award to Mr. & Mrs. Beesinger for their generous donation to the fire safety house. STATUTORY AGENDA (S-l) Approved funding requests received from Brazos County Health Department and Kids Klub. Funds available from 15% CDBG set-aside for public service funding from 1994 grant year. Total expenditure $5,888. (S-2) Approved Bid #95-25 to purchase replacement standby generator and automatic transfer switch for police department. Funds budgeted and available in FY94-95 equipment replacement fund budget, facilities maintenance division. Staff recommended award to Waukesha-Pierce as Iow bidder meeting specifications. Total expenditure $25,128. (S-3) Approved engineering services selection for Southwood Swimming Pool renovation. Funds budgeted and available from FY 94-95 general fund. Total estimated expenditure $35,000. CONSENT AGENDA (C-1) Approved minutes for the council workshops of September 7, September 21, October 12; and December 7; the special council meetings of October 24 and November 16; and the regular council meetings of September 7 and December 8, 1994. (C-2) Approved $65,000 contract with Hellmuth, Obata, and Kassabaum, Inc. for development of Comprehensive Redevelopment Plan and Revitalization Strategy for Northgate area. (Strategic Issue #16 -- Northgate/Southgate Revitalization) (C-3) Approved Ordinance No. 2104 to abandon a 25' wide utility easement located at Lot 1, Kapchinski Hill Subdivision, more commonly known as 2026 S. Texas Avenue. Applicant, H.E. Butt Grocery Company. (C-4) Approved Bid #95-18 to award annual contract for janitorial maintenance services for various municipal facilities. Funds available as budgeted in FY 94-95 general fund, facilities maintenance division. Staff recommended award to AB Enterprises as third Iow bidder. Total expenditure $105,133 for one year. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, January 12, 1995 Page 3 (C-5) Approved purchas~ orders for payment of optional medical plan with PCA Health Plans of Texas, Inc. and The Guardian dental plan in the amounts of $297,667 and $31,713.60 respectfully. Funds budgeted and available in FY 94-95 health benefits fund. {C-6) Approved professional service contract with Ralph Andersen & Associates for executive search services for position of City Manager. Funds available through general fund contingency transfer in the amount of $23,000. {C-7) Call a public hearing on proposed Budget Amendment #1 to the 94-95 Annual Budget for Thursday, January 26, 1995, at 7:00 p.m., to authorize an increased general fund appropriation of $20,000 for the purchase of a replacement pneumatic roller for the street department. Mayor Ringer pulled this item to correct the date of the public hearing. Councilman Crouch moved to set the public hearing for proposed budget amendment #1 for Wednesday, January 25, 1995, at 7:00 p.m. Councilman Hickson seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. (C-8) Call a public hearing on proposed Budget Amendment #2 to the 94-95 Annual Budget for Thursday, January 26, 1995, at 7:00 p.m., to authorize an increased general fund appropriation of $80,000 for a redevelopment plan and revitalization strategy and related items for the Northgate area. Mayor Ringer pulled this item to correct the date of the public headng. Councilman Mariott moved to set the public hearing for proposed budget amendment #2 for Wednesday, January 25, 1995,.at 7:00 p.m. Councilman Mcllhaney seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. (C-9) Approved city contribution match for private sector pledge to the economic development fund in the amount of $34,533 for 1994. Funds budgeted and available in FY 94-95 economic development incentives funds. {C-10) Approved amendment to contract with Helmuth, Obata, & Kassabaum, Inc. to develop a long range facilities plan. Funds available from general fund budget, management services department. Total expenditure $50,500. (Strategic Issue #12 -- Future City Facility Plan) This item was removed by Councilman Kennady for discussion. Councilman Kennady moved approval of the amendment to the HOK contract as submitted. Councilman Hickson seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. Councilman Kennady then moved to ask staff to look at the possibility of extending the scope of the contract to include the city library. Councilman Fox seconded the motion. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, January 12, 1995 Page 4 Councilman Crouch stated that it would be inappropriate to add the library to the scope at this time, particularly since it is not yet known that it will be on the bond election. Councilman Mcllhaney supported the library study. She pointed out that the council is simply asking staff to find out what it would cost to include the library in the study. She further suggested that since the city currently has a library that needs space, this will give council some support for the facilities study, if the bond issue passes. Councilman Fox supported the library study for the same reasons Mcllhaney pointed out, and added that it could also help determine a new location for the library, or whether the current location is adequate. Motion carried 6-1, with Councilman Crouch voted against. REGULAR AGENDA A~enda Item R-1 -- Discussion and consideration of a request to provide water and/or sewer service to properties in northwestern College Station~ includin,q pro~3ertv owned by Mr. Robert Toler. Dr. Robert W. Toler, 3735 F&B Road, began his request with a brief summary of his property. He explained that after he purchased it in 1966, it was condemned in 1967 to build FM2818. Then in 1970, College Station annexed his residence and 10 acres of property. Dr. Toler requested sewer and water, but there was no possible way at the time. In 1988 he requested his property be rezoned from single family to commercial, which was approved in 1989. Dr. Toler then read a memo from Cathy Locke, City Attorney to David Pullen, City Engineer, dated December 9, 1988. He noted that this is the last correspondence he has received from the City. Interim City Manager Brymer replied to Dr. Toler's request. The city's viewpoint on this subject is from a standpoint of providing utilities with existing facilities. Some discussion has been held with university officials. Staff recommended the council direct staff to conduct a study and bring back options. Councilmembers suggested that this item be considered a priority and bring this item back in March. Mayor asked staff to bring back status reports. Comments followed. Randy Scott of 401 Welsh came forward to support Dr. Toler's request. Agenda Item R-2 -- Strategic Issue #14 -- New Capital Improvements Plan. Public Hearinq and consideration of capital improvements bond package to be presentea to the citizens of Colleqe Station in a bond election. Jeff Kersten, Administrative Assistant provided a brief summary of recommendations to date from the CIP Committee and City Council for a total package of $22 million outlined below: City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, January 12, 1995 Page 5 $10,265,000 1,600,000 1,900,000 855,000 950,000 2,635,000 935,000 43O,OOO $2,430,000 street projects streetscape, sidewalks, and bikeway projects traffic enhancements (signals & other improvements) drainage projects wolf pen creek drainage and detention ponds library facility central fire station relocation multi purpose land track for future parking and storage at the Police Dept., Municipal Court, and Public Services parks and recreation projects Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing and asked citizens to keep their comments brief. Ron Gay, 2802 Wilderness South, addressed the Council. As a member of Parks and Recreation Board, he reiterated the Board's long range strategic visioning process. These hearings concluded the need for additional facilities to accommodate the little league functions, soccer, softball. The Parks Board recommended a 150 acre facility to be used for multi purposes. He urged the Council to consider the proposition as $1.5 million rather than $1 million for a youth athletic complex. Gene Hobson, 2010 Elmwood Drive in Bryan addressed the Council. He expressed concerns toward the possible bond proposition to extend Welsh Street. Mayor Ringer responded to his questions. Bob DeOtte, 1208 Haines, addressed the Council on behalf of the Parks and Recreation Board. He elaborated on Mr. Gay's comments. He presented two conceptual plans for the Lincoln Center Wayne Smith corridor project and a new athletic project. He indicated the need to provide facilities that will also accommodate large events. Mike Luther, 614 Welsh Ave. addressed the Council. He highlighted properties along Welsh Ave. which would be adversely affected by any construction along Welsh Ave. Stella Wilkes, 9552 River Road came forward. She resided for 35 years on Park Place and a property owner on Welsh Ave. She pointed out that Ms. Laverty is living at her home on Welsh Ave. and it was an agreement years ago that Ms. Laverty would continue to reside at her home. Mr. Elrey Ash, Director of Development Services recalled a statement made from a councilmember that Welsh Street would not be extended as long as the Laverty's were alive and residing in their home on Welsh. Mayor Ringer commented that previous minutes shall be reviewed; subsequent discussion will be held on this item and it is not conclusive if this project will go forth on this bond election. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, January 12, 1995 Page 6 Ms. Wilkes asked if this traffic route will improve traffic flow. She presented her statistics of traffic impact and submitted that this project and the amount of money proposed is not worth accommodating a small traffic impact. This project will destroy the quality of life if this street is constructed. A.C. Vinzant, 901 Glade, came forward as a member of the Capital Improvements Committee. He asked the council to separate the Welsh Street extension issue as a stand alone proposition and allow the citizens to decide the outcome. He discussed the traffic problems which will occur as A&M develops westward. Barbara Greathouse, 1823 Bee Creek indicated that she has experienced problems with the flooding of Bee Creek and would like to see the City correct the drainage problems which has occurred for many years. Chase Sanford, 2401 Friar addressed the Council to support the parks facilities. George Dresser, 501 Fairview Ave. addressed the Council. He spoke on the parks projects and urged the council to consider land acquisition for a facility to meet the foreseeable needs of the community. Carol J. Reynolds, 2001 Amber Ridge, a member of the Parks and Recreation Board came forward. She proposed the council consider the monies allocated for Welsh street and utilize these monies for parks and recreation projects. Dennis Maloney, 803 Welsh, addressed the Council. He expressed his strong opposition to the Welsh Street extension. Harriet Martin, 1306 E. 26th Street in Bryan and owns property at 601 Park Place. She referred to the decisions made by councils years ago about this project to eliminate this project. Dock Burke, 502 West Dexter, asked the Council to eliminate this issue from the bond package. Derek and Jenny Morris, 501 Kerry Street spoke against the Welsh Street project and asked the issue be removed completely from the bond package. Louis Tassinary, 304 W. Dexter asked the Council to delete the Welsh Street extension. Tony Jones, 710 Canterbury, a member of the CIP committee addressed the Council. He stated that the Library was a priority issue for the committee. He asked the council to let the voters decide on the issues recommended by the committee. Eric Lindquist, 600 Welsh Ave. came forward. He noted that the extension of Welsh Street is not the solution to the traffic problems in the city. He mentioned the ironic City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, January 12, 1995 Page 7 scenario with the landscape and streetscape in an historic commercial area of the city, Northgate. Gregory K Taggart, 1218 Berkeley, spoke on behalf of the Parks Department. He urged the Council to plan for the future and invest wisely toward economic development by placing on the proposition $1.5 million for an athletic facility. Patrick Siegert, 8701 Chippendale addressed the Council. He spoke about the Wolf Pen Creek drainage and detention ponds. Erin Bell, 800 Hereford, addressed the Council. She referred to a letter written to the Council regarding the Welsh Street extension. She addressed problems that shall occur if development along Welsh Street exists such as high traffic, dangerous for children to play, and deterioration of a histodc neighborhood. Winnie Garner, 401 Dexter came forward as a member of the CIP Committee. She expressed that the committee spent a great deal of time on the Welsh Street issue with the knowledge of the past circumstances; however, the issue proved to be important to continue. Bill Stewart, 708 Hereford, addressed the Council. He remarked about the pedestrian and bikeway traffic in the College Park neighborhood where there are not sidewalks on Welsh Street. He urged the council to protect the neighborhoods and maintain the quality of life. John M Grillo, 1805 Langford St., addressed the Council. He opposed the Welsh Street extension. He owns rental property on Welsh Street. Tricia McDermott, 701 Dexter approached the Council and asked the Council to drive the College Park neighborhood. She asked the council to maintain their moral commitment to the city and preserve the neighborhood. Ms. McDermott referred to the fast pace of traffic on Dexter street. Randy Scott, 400 Ayrshire. He noted that his home faces three streets, Welsh and Kerry. He suggested that Wellborn Road be developed an eight lane roadway or develop roadways east of the city while the property is undeveloped. Russell B. Merrill, 900 Hereford spoke to the Council. He valued the older residential areas in the city. He urged the city to allocate funds for a library. Densil Denny, 200 Aryshire, spoke against the Welsh street extension. He reiterated the same points expressed tonight. Jeffrey Mays, 510 Ayrshire, spoke against the Welsh street extension. He asked the Council to retain the quiet neighborhood. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, January 12, 1995 Page 8 Jim Morgan, 700 Dexter, addressed the Council. He suggested the Council consider extending the bike lanes and sidewalks along Welsh. George Hodnett, 602 Luther, addressed the Council in opposition to the extension of Welsh street. He did not believe the extension of Welsh would alleviate the traffic problem. Jim Gardner, 1216 N. Ridgefield, addressed the Council on the planning aspect of traffic flow. He also spoke on the library site and asked the council to decide on a location. Charlie Marshall, 1115 Berkeley, came forward. She addressed her concern about the sewage backup in her home following heavy rains. Ms. Marshall asked the council to consider utilizing drainage monies toward her problem and the drainage problems in her neighborhood. Mayor Ringer asked staff to look into her particular situation. Britt Hoers, 304 Ayrshire, addressed the Council. She noted the importance of the historical significance of the neighborhood and urged the Council to eliminate the Welsh Street extension. Norman W. Naugle, 600 Guernsey St. south, mentioned the destruction of older trees in the neighborhood for construction many years ago. He opposed any construction in the neighborhood. Norma L. Miller, 504 Guernsey, recalled the past events on the Welsh Street issue. She expressed concern about the relocation of the central fire station to Holleman. Mayor Ringer assured that the response time would not decrease because of the movement of the station. There is a current overlap and this move would assist the part of the city which is not currently within a four minute response time. Jerry Cooper, 602 Bell addressed the Council. He mentioned how proud he is to live in College Station and the special neighborhoods around his property. He urged the council to consider the elimination of Welsh street extension. There are many issues to face in the future with the development of George Bush Library, etc. and the traffic will be a problem. He urged the Council to continue to work with the legislators and highway department officials to solve the traffic problems, possibly moving the railroad tracks along Wellborn Road. Jim Hu, 702 Thomas, approached the Council. He referred to his experiences with bad traffic planning and eliminate the idea of extending Welsh street. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, January 12, 1995 Page 9 Paul Clarke addressed the Wolf Pen Creek drainage issue and expressed his support for the many assets of this project to the City of College Station as a park, drainage basin, economic development aspect and other areas it has to offer. Frances Maloney, 803 Welsh Avenue, opposed the Welsh Street extension. Additional comments were received from the audience. Mayor Ringer noted that the Council will continue discussion of the bond package at the next workshop meeting. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. The council recessed for a short break. Aqenda Item R-3 -- Public hearing and consideration of a rezonin~l of two lots totalinq 0.49 acres located on Sara Drive from A-P Administrative Professional to R-2 Duplexes. Application is in the name of Tony Jones. (94-124) Staff Planner Sabine Kuenzel described the subject property. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. Tony Jones came forward to request council consideration of this rezoning. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. Councilman Mariott made the motion to approve Ordinance No. 2105. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch which carried unanimously, 7-0. A_clenda Item R-4 -- Consideration of preliminary plat for Edelweiss Estates Phase 4~ a 21.1 acre sinqle family subdivision consistinq of 71 lots. Also included is a revised master plan and development agreement for the entire Edelweiss Estate~ and Rock Prairie Estates Subdivisions. Application is in the name of Mike McClure for Begonia Corporation. (94-316) City Planner Jane Kee pointed out the description of the property on the maps displayed. Staff recommended approval. Councilman Crouch made the motion to approve the plat, revised master plan and development agreement as recommended. Councilman Mariott seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, January 12, 1995 Page 10 Agenda Item R-5 -- Consideration of a request by Myrad Development for additional fundinq for oversize participation on Longmire Drive. Funds available from the Oversize Street Participation Budget of the 1989 General Obligation Bond Issue. Total expenditure $31,275.83. City Engineer Kent Laza presented this item. Councilman Crouch made the motion to approve the oversize participation request by Myrad Development in the amount of $26,866.20. Councilman Mariott seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 6-1, Councilman Fox voted against. Agenda Item R-6 -- Consideration of petition requesting annexation. The r)ror)ertv involved is under one ownership and is being developed as one single family residence. It is located south and adjacent to the existinq city limits bounding the Foxfire Phase 4 Subdivision and contains 0.98 acres. City Planner Jane Kee stated that the petition is from Ed O'Brien to request annexation and receive sewer service. Councilman Kennady moved approval to accept the petition for annexation and enter into a contract. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch which carried unanimously, 7-0. Agenda Item R-7 -- Consideration of additional appointments to the Housing Advisory Task Force. Councilman Mcllhaney made a motion to appoint Sandy Davis and Sue McBeth to this committee. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hickson which carried unanimously, 7-0. Agenda Item R-8 -- Consideration of an amendment to contract to sell 6.3 acres of land on Holleman Drive. City Attorney Locke addressed this item. Councilman Kennady moved approval of the amendment to extend the date to March 10th. The motion was seconded by Councilman Madott which carded unanimously, 7-0. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, January 12, 1995 Page 11 Agenda Item No. R-9 -- Hear Visitors. Charlie Marshall came forward on behalf of the Postal Service to look into the situation of cars parking in front of mail boxes. Council directed staff to work with her on this issue. A~enda Item No. R-10 -- Adjourn. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 11:25 p.m. City Secretary Connie Hooks APPROVED: GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1995 7:00 P.M. 18. ~ ~ ~-~ 36. GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1995 7:00 P.M. 21. --~ "'~' --~ 26 \ crC/ ~ · ..3~o_,/ vrt~5' ,7..~ ~~~ 28. ~d ~~~ 33. 34. 35. 36.