HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/09/1995 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMayor LARRY RINGER Mayor ProTem LYNN MCILHANEY City Manager GEORGE K. NOE COLLEGE STATION Council Members BILL FOX HUB KENNADY LARRY MARIOTT DAVID HICKSON NANCY CROUCH MINUTES COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL REGIKAR MEETING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1995 at 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS COUNCILMEMEERS PRE~ENT:Mayor Ringer, Mayor Protem McIlhaney, Councllmembers Fox, Crouch, Mariott COUNC LMEMBERS ABSENT:Councilmembers Hickson and Kennady STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Noe, Assistant City Manager Brymer, City Secretary Hooks, City Attorney Locke, MIS Director Bauer, Public Information Officer Calliham, Director of Economic and Development Services Ash, Assistant City Engineer Morgan, City Engineer Laza Presentation of Comml, nit? A.ope~_rance Award- -- Mayor Ringer presented certificates of appreciation to representatives from the Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Brazos Brewing Company, and Scott and White. CONSENT AGENDA (C-l) Approved minutes for workshop meeting of October 11, 1995 and the regular meeting of October 12, 1995. City of College Stat/on Providing Customer Service Excellence Council Regular Meeting Thursday, November 9, 1995 Page 2 (C-2) Approved consultant agreement with Esmond Engineering of College Station to provide design documents and construction assistance for the reconstruction of University Oaks Drive in the amount of $151,240, included in the 1995 Capital Project Bond program. (C-3) Approved professional services contract with Urban Design Group for engineering and related services associated with the secondary drainage improvements projects approved in the March 1995 General Bond Election. Contract limit, $50,000 available from 1995-96 CIP budget. (C-4) Approved award construction contract for Kyle-Foster Sewer Main (Eastgate Rehabilitation Phase I) to Horseshoe Construction of Deer Park, Texas who provided the lowest bid of $544,838. (C-5) Approved grant extension on development agreement with Clark and Wyndam, Inc. (C-6) Approved award of construction contract for Streetscape/signage/landscape development project for the Business Center at College Station Phase I project no. GG9507 to Godfrey Construction Co. in the amount of $848,228.38. (C-7) Approved final plat (ETJ replat) of Harvey Hillsides, Lot 21, Block 3 (95-238) (C-8) Approved final plat (ETJ plat) for 258.03 acres divided into 57 residential lots and two reserve tracts of Estates at River Run Phase II (95-237) (C-9) Approved expenditure of funds for payment of legal fees to Bickerstaff, Heath & Smiley in the amount of $5,090.59 for electrical power negotiations and litigation. (C-10) Approved 400 votes toward the appointment of Larry Mariott as the City of College Station representative on the Brazos County Appraisal District Board of Directors. (C-11) Approved an agreement with Texas Dept. of Transportation for reimbursement of anticipated expenditure in relocation of traffic signal communication circuits on Texas Avenue. Council Regular Meeting Thursday, November 9, 1995 Page 3 (C-12) Approved relocation policy for businesses located in the city owned building at 301 Patricia in Northgate. (C-13} Approved lease agreements with business owners located at 301 Patricia. (C-14) Approved amendment to employee agreement regarding reimbursement of relocation expenses. The consent agenda items were approved by common consent. REGULAR AGENDA (R-l) Public hearln_~ Rnd consideration of replat of ShenRnr~_ORh Phase One Block R located at the _~outhwest corner of Southern Plantation Drive end St. ~l_~hway 6 west fr~n_tR_~e r_~=_d (95-236) Assistant City Engineer Veronica Morgan explained that this replat subdivides an existing 1.20 acre reserve tract at the front entrance of the Shenandoah Subdivision into two lots for future development. Staff and Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. No one spoke. He closed the public hearing. Councilman Mariott moved approval of the replat with staffs recommendations. Councilwoman Crouch seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 5-0. (R-2) Public hearln_~ Rnd conmideratlo~ of Rn application for oil RnA gas operations permit for FoJtik-Swoboda Unlt'~ell # 1 (la~.r~la~.l~ requested by ~YCO Ope~tln~, ~c. of ~ollege Station, Civil Engineer Steve Homeyer described the item. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. Caroll Messer, $403 Whiterose Court, addressed the Council. He expressed opposition to the operations of the well, mainly due to hazardous conditions. Council Regular Meeting Thursday, November 9, 1995 Page 4 Ernest Bruchez, representing Bexco Operating, Inc. addressed the Council. He noted that Bexco will attempt this third and final redrill toward a productive well. Dennis Germanis, 1803 Rosebud, asked the Council if the City is receiving any benefits from the rights. City Attorney Locke replied that the city does not have any lease or mineral interest. Mr. Germanis pointed out several risks with the proximity of well to residential areas. Allen Swoboda addressed the Council. He inquired about the landscaping and buffering of the site. Mr. Homeyer mentioned that the company is required to landscape the site thirty days from the last day of production. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. In accordance with the recommendations by staff, Councilwoman Crouch made a motion to approve the oil and gas permit. Councilman Fox seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 5-0. During this point in the meeting, Mayor Ringer made special recognition to individuals present in the audience from Kazan, Russia, a Sister City to College Station. Gifts were presented to each person. iR-31 Consideration of resolution reeo~nl=ln_~ the need for ImproveA ~ort-h-south routes -nd de~l-rln~ that the Wellborn Road Corridor Study is a high priority to the City. Director of Development and Economic Services Elrey Ash addressed the Council. He mentioned that seven alternatives were presented at the second round of TXDOT public meetings. Public comment favored alternatives 3, 4 and 6. He explained the pros and cons on each of these alternatives. Council Regular Meeting Thursday, November 9, 1995 Page 5 Alternative III -- Low Track/FM 2818 and SH 40 Freewa.v/Wellborn Road Urban Arterial Alternative IV -- FM 9.818 and SH 40 Freewa.v/Wellborn Road Urban Alternative VI -- FM 2818 and SH 40 Freeway with Wellborn Byp. ass/Wellborn Road Urban Arterial Mr. Ash presented a resolution recognizing the need for improved north- south routes and declaring support for further study on alternatives 3, 4 and 6. Mayor Protem McIlhaney made the motion to approve the resolution as written. Councilman Fox seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 5-0. (R-4) ilonsider a final plat of Edelweiss Estates Phnme 3-A located on Victoria Avenue in the southernmost portion of the Edelwel_~m Estates Subdivision (95-239) Assistant City Engineer Veronica Morgan briefly summarized this item. Councilman Mariott moved approval of the final plat. Councilwoman Crouch seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 5-0. (R-5) Public hearln~ nad consideration of the third nnd flare! readJn~ of an ordinance am~ndin~ OrdJnnnce No. lf~G)I trrnntin~ a frnnehis~- to TAll Realty to own nn~ operate irri_~ation svs~emm. ~htJn~ and t~ erect and maintain subdivision sl_~ma~e in tb~ Woodcre~k Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. Councilwoman Crouch moved approval of Ordinance No, 2153. Councilman Mariott seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 5-0. Council Regular Meeting Thursday, November 9, 1995 Page 6 (R-6) Dlsetmaio~ m-d eo~siderm~lon of R=azos 20_0-0 Tm.~l~-m~-ntation Councilwoman Crouch encouraged the city council members to read the Brazos 2020 Vision final report produced by the Community Advisory Council. She hoped that the Council will study and discuss this report at the council's upcoming retreat. Ms. Crouch requested funding from the City of College Station toward the implementation phase. Councilwoman Crouch made a motion to authorize funding of $6,000 to $10,000, if necessary, toward the Brazos 2020 Vision first year implementation phase, not contingent upon all entities participating. Councilman Fox seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 5-0. Mayor Protem Mcllhaney supported the motion; however, she addressed several concerns regarding continual funding at various intervals during the implementation phase. She preferred the entities allocate funding during the budget/goal setting annual process. (R-7) Consideration Rnd ap.~o!~tm~-nt of Fa~m&e Tmprovem~nt Pro_~rmm Advisory. Committee Memher~ Councilman Fox moved to appoint citizens to the Northgate Facade Improvement Advisory Committee as follows: Architect Charlie Burris, property owners Cheryl Anz and Cathy Dudley. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mariott which carried unanimously, 5-0. (R-8) Hear Visitors. Paul Clarke came forward to convey his comments regarding the Wellborn Road Corridor alternatives and HOK's ideas on the comprehensive land use plan. Dennis Germanis, 1803 Rosebud, addressed the Council. His questions related to the time schedule for the reconstruction of Southwest Parkway. City Engineer Kent Laza responded that the project is scheduled to begin in September of 1996. Council Regular Meeeting Thursday, November 9, 1995 Page 7 Mayor Ringer recognized City Secretary Connie Hooks for her recent award from the Tex_~s Municipal Clerks Association for her service as Chairman of the 1995 TMCA Resolutions Committee. (R-9) Aa_tourn Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 7:50 p.m. C'fffinic Hooks. City Secretary APPROVED: GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1995 7:00 P.M. ,/,(,; 19.