HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/14/1995 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMayor LARRY RINGER Mayor ProTem LYNN MCILHANEY City GEORGE IC COLLEGE STATION Council Members BILL FOX HUB KENNADY LARRY MARIOTI' DAVID HICKSON NANCY CROUCH MINUTF~ COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1995 COLLEGE STATION CITY HALL 7:00 P.M. COUNCILMEMBERS PRE~ENT:Mayor Ringer, Mayor Protem McIlhaney, Councflmembers Fox, Kennady, Mariott, Crouch COUNC LMEMBERS ABSENT: Councilmember Hickson STAFF PRF~ENT: City Manager Noe, City Secretary Hooks, City Attorney Locke, Assistant City Attorney Nemcik, Assistant City Secretary Casares, Assistant City Manager Brymer, Assistant City Manager Woody, Executive Director Management Services Piwonka, Executive Director Fiscal/Human Resources Schroeder STATUTORY AGENDA (S-1) Bid #95-24 -- Approved by consent the bid to purchase traffic signal equipment and hardware for installations at FM 2818 and FM 2154. F~nds received by September 30 from General Obligation Bond Funds. Award to Techline, Inc. for $48,340 for Group A, steel poles and luminaire arm assemblies. Award to Texas Signal Equipment for $13,270 for Group B and C, Cabinet, Controller, Conflict Monitor and Miscellaneous traffic equipment. CONSENT AGENDA (C-1) Approved council minutes for workshop meeting of August 23, 1995 and regular meeting of August 24, 1995 as revised. City of College Stat/on Providing Customer Service Excellence Council Regular Meeting Thursday, September 14, 1995 Page 2 (C-2) Called a public hearing for September 28, 1995 on proposed budget amendment 9 to authorize appropriation of $71,300 received from Brazos County to be used for repairs to Graham Road. (C-3) Approved expenditure of $13,553.56 for payment of legal fees to Bickerstaff, Heath & Smiley on the matter of electrical power negotiations and litigation. (C-4) Approved final plat of Carter Lake Acres, an ETJ subdivision located at the northwest corner of Rock Prairie Road and Bradley Road intersection, containing 15.2 acres (95-227) (C-5) Approved final plat of Lot 1, Block 1 of Crystal Park subdivision located on the south side of FM 2818, 200 feet west ofSH 6 East Bypass and containing 3.77 acres. (C-6) Approved consultant agreement with Turner Collie & Braden Inc. to provide design documents and construction assistance for Water Well #5. Funds in the amount not to exceed $109,317 are available in the Utility Revenue Bond fund. (C-7) Approved construction contract for the rehabilitation of Rock Prairie Road to the lowest responsible bidder, Young Contractors, Inc. for the amount of $249,200. (C-8) Approved purchase of various electric system underground materials from the construction of Windwood Underground feeder Addition project. Awarded bid to KBS Electrical Distribution as lower bidder in the amount of $385,507. Funds in Utility Revenue Bonds. REGULAR AGENDA Mayor Ringer explained the meeting procedures. (R-l) Public hearing and consider proposed budget amendment 8 to authorize appropriation of $550,000 for purchase of land associated with redevelopment in Northgate area. Funds available from the Hotel/Motel Fund Balance ($300,000) and through an interfund loan from the Electric Fund ($250,000) to be repaid from revenues of the Hotel/Motel fund at the rate of approximately $57,500 per year for 5 years. Charles Cryan Interim Director of Budget and Research addressed the Council. Council Regular Meeting Thursday, September 14, 1995 Page 3 Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. George Sopasakis, 301-C Patricia, came forward. An owner of three businesses in the Northgate area, he expressed concern about the allocation of these monies. He urged Council to pursue a different strategy for the use of these funds. Mr. Sopasakis mentioned that he would like to be a part of the northgate steering committee. Barron Hobbs, 801 University Dr. East, president of Bryan/CS Hotel/Motel Association, stated his position toward the use of these funds. Councilmembers explained to Mr. Hobbs that several buildings in Northgate have historical significance, and the uses from hotel/motel funds are appropriate. Mayor Ringer dosed the public hearing. Councilman Mariott moved approval of Ordinance No. 2144 authorizing appropriation of $550,000 for purchase of land associated with redevelopment in the Northgate area, $300,000 hotel/motel fund balance and $250,000 from an interfund loan in the Electric Fund (to be repaid from revenues of the Hotel/Motel fund at the rate of approximately $57,500 per year for five years. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch which carried unanimously, 6-0. Mayor Protem Mcllhaney encouraged the staff to include the property owners as members of the Northgate Steering Committee who are not directly involved in the acquisition of property at this time. A~_enda Item No. R-2 -- Public hearing on the pro.Dosed mf~rJmllm ar] valorem tax rate for FY $06 at $0.445 .Der $100 vab~ntion. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. Dick Birdwell, 1401 Post Oak Circle, addressed the Council. He expressed concern about the current tax rate and its impact on property values this year. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. Council Regular Meeting Thursday, September 14, 1995 Page 4 Mayor Protem Mcllhaney motioned to schedule the adoption of the tax rate for the regular meeting of September 28th. The motion was seconded by Councilman Fox, which carried 4-2, Councilmembers Kennady and Mariott voted against the motion. A~_enda Item No. R-3 --Consideration of an ordinance ado.utin_~ the 1005-06 annual budget. Councilman Fox moved adoption of Ordinance No. 2145 approving the 1995-96 Annual Budget, in the amount of $103,000,000. Councilman Crouch seconded the motion which carried 4-2, Councilmembers Kennady and Mariott voted against. A~enda Item No. R-4 -- Consideration of an ordinance ado~tinff the electric rate rid~-r for discount for state institutions of Electrical Division Manager Bob Pohl explained the item. Councilman Kennady moved approval of Ordinance No. 2146. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mariott which carried unanimously, 6-0. A~_enda Item No. R-5 -- Consideration of contract to .uurehnm~- electric uower. Assistant City Manager John Woody introduced this item. He provided a synopsis of events that led to tonight's decision. Jim McCord of McCord Engineering, addressed the Council. This firm assisted the City of College Station in the evaluation of the seventeen proposals received by the City. He presented the five-ten year cost projections within the top three proposals. Theses proposals were submitted by: DESTEC in Houston, Texas Utilities, and City of Bryan. Mr. Woody outlined the advantages and disadvantages of the terms included in each proposal. Mayor Ringer opened the floor for comments from the audience. Council Regular Meeting Thursday, September 14, 1995 Page 5 Councilman Fox was removed from the dias during this item due to his employment of Texas Municipal Power Agency. Mayor Lonnie Stabler, City of Bryan, addressed the Council. The following statement reflects a verbatim transcription of Mayor Stabler's comments. "I am really glad to be here. First time I have had a chance to address you. Larry has addressed us on a number of occasions and so it is payback time. On behalf of the City of Bryan and Bryan City Council, I really want to come to you this evening to pledge our commitment to work out a cooperative power agreement. I know we can make It work and I know there are reasons why we can make tt work. I guess foremost, let me just say one thing. I really truly believe that by us working together on this power agreement, what It ts going to mean here In our communities, It is going to keep all those dollars here locally. If you are familtar with the Chamber and what they have done tn telling us how much we need to spend locally, all of those dollars are going to turn over here. I think the figure was about 6 times. Recognizing that a lot of folks tn Bryan, spend money tn College Station, hopefully, folks in College Station spend money tn Bryan. So that ts foremost In my mind and I think many of you have thought of that. Second, I think It keeps a real cooperative sptrit, moving forward in a rapidly expanding pace. That's not to say that things are going to drop because I don't think they are. I think we see the advantages of working together. We've had many opportunities through our BVSWMA, Brazos County Health, EDC, countless number of ways that we are saving our citizens money. First, I think in looking at the rates, I think what thts is going to do, is going to create a system where we will have uniform utility rates for both cities. All of our customers will be paying the same bill. I have heard from folks tn Bryan, folks in College Station, and they all tell me, well, I have a business and I have to pay more In Bryan because I am a certain size than I do in College Station. Or, I am a resident of College Station, and I have to pay more than if I were a resident of Bryan. We get this cross over reference. Maybe, its our rate structure and I think we can create some uniform rates with this agreement. I think it has been our goal throughout thts whole process to try and be competitive and to try to be equal to or below Council Regular Meeting Thursday, September 14, 1995 Page 6 the overall projection figures if you take everything into account the rates of TU and DESTEC. I guess one of the things that I've shared with Mayor Ringer on a number of occasions, I'll share with the rest of Council, is that I think what this can do is open the doors of what I like to call the Brazos Valley Utilities concept, and this concept, I think, will encompass more than just electrical power, I think, it will encompass all of our utility services in the future: water, sewer, other sanitation matters. I think we are moving in that direction. I think, together, that is going to come about. And, I think, eventually Bryan and College Station are going to be one power city. I think we are going to be a joint utility. It may not happen this year, but we would like for it to begin that process. I really feel it sends a very strong message to the citizens that regardless of the past, and regardless of how complicated an issue might be, and I know you probably feel like I do and the rest of our Council, power supply is complicated issue, difficult to understand the intricacies. I think Jim and Dan, have done a great job in putting together the figures, and trying to analyze them. I think we can have workable solutions best for both cities, in the short term and long term. I want to say, that you all have the best interest of College Station, because I know that our Council has the best interest of Bryan. I know that whenever two people, two groups, two organizations come to the table, when there is dispute, I think in order to realize you can accomplish a settlement, I think both parties come to the table willing to sit down and talk, negotiate and work out differences. I still feel like we can do that. I would propose that we would have a joint council workshop. When I say a workshop, I mean a real workshop, to get our staffs together, to get councils together, to openly talk about some of the issues. And that offer is good, whether or not you decide to stay with Bryan, in buying your utilities or not. I have asked some of our city staff to be here. City Manager Mike Conduff, Utilities Director Dan Wilkerson, some of our council, Kandy Rose, Kenny Mallard, Dan Galvin. I would hope if you have some questions we will be happy to answer them. I probably can not answer the technical ones, but I'm sure you must have some question, you want to ask me or staff. Thank you so much." Ron Setdell, 1601 Bryan Street, Dallas, Texas, Vice President of TU Electric came fox-~vard to express his appreciation for the opportunity to provide a reasonable proposal for College Station's energy needs. Council Regular Meeting Thursday, September 14, 1995 Page 7 Councilman Mariott moved approval of the power supply contract with Texas Utilities. Councilman Kennady seconded the motion. Councilman Kennady conveyed his desire to continue Joint cooperativeness with the City of Bryan. Councilman Crouch remarked that both staff and councils have exerted much effort to try and negotiate an agreement with the City of Bryan. She encouraged both council to work for other win-win situations. Mayor Protem McIlhaney expressed the difficulty in making this decision on a personal basis. However, the cost to the community is the priority, and she supported the motion on the floor. Councilman Mariott concurred with the other councilmembers comments. He hoped that the cities will work together in other aspects. The motion carried 5-0, Councilmember Fox abstained, and Councilmember Hickson absent. City Manager Skip Noe acknowledged the efforts of the staff and consultant. The council recessed for five minutes. The council retumed to open session at 8:20 p.m. A~ends It~nl No. R-6 -- Aooroval of third .nd final readtn~ of sn or~n~ee ~~g a flv~ ~e~. e~b~de recycling. _ eolleet~n frnnahiae to T~=na ~ommeralnl Waste. Annual aoat, $210,0oo. Councilman Crouch moved approval of Ordinance No. 2147. motion was seconded by Councilman Kennady which carried unanimously, 6-0. the A~enda Item No. R-7 -- Presentation of status of 1995-96 Canital l~orovement Cnnsultnnt selection; nnd consMe_ration of stn'ff reeommendat!ons for selection of en~ineers: nnd author!~n_tion for ne~otiatin_~ professional service contracts to prepare design documants for street rehnh of University Onks nnd ~outhwest Parkway as Dart of the 1095 Bond Authorized street rehah urocrrnm. Council Regular Meeting Thursday, September 14, 1995 Page 8 A~nd= It~-m No. R-S -- ~onmideratinn of sem~F reenmm~ndmtion for ~lection of ~hltect mhd mutho~zntlon for ne~otiatin~ a p~fes~io~nl seneca con.act to prep~e de~i~ documents for the const~ction of ~re Station No. I as p~ of the 1005 Bond Au~oflzed fire station relocation. City Engineer Kent Laza addressed this item and Agenda Item No. 8, simultaneously. Councilman Kennady expressed his opposition to the selection of outside vendors. He urged the city staff to look at ways to encourage local vendor participation. Councilman Fox made a motion to select Esmond Engineering for University Oaks Rehab project, Klotz & Associates for the Southwest Parkway Rehab project, and Phillips Swager Associates for Fire Station #1. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch. Councilman Kennady reiterated his opposition to the selection of engineers for these projects. The vote was taken and the motion carried, 5-1, Councilman Kennady voted against. A~enda Item No. R-0 -- Consideration of two resolutions to be submitted to the TM[. Resolution~ Committee at the TM1. j~nnl~! /Ionferenee in Dallas. Mayor Protem McIlhaney mentioned that the TML Region 10 officials will consider these resolutions at the September 29th regional meeting. These resolutions have been submitted to TML for consideration by the TML Resolutions Committee at the TML Annual meeting in Dallas. She urged passage of these documents. Councilman Crouch made the motion to approve the resolutions as submitted. Councilman Fox seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 6-0. Council Regular Meeting Thursday, September 14, 1995 A~_~dm Item No. R-10 --Hear Visitors No one came forward. A~r_~-nda Item No. R-11 -- Ad.iourn Mayor Ringer adJoumed the meeting at 8:35 p.m. Page 9 City Secretary Connie Hooks APPROVED: GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1995 7:00 P.M.