HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/22/1995 - Workshop Minutes City CouncilMayor LARRY RINGER Mayor ProTein LYNN MCILHANEY Interim City Manager TOM BRYMER COLLEGE STATION Councilmembers BILL FOX HUB KENNADY LARRY MARIOTT DAVID HICKSON NANCY CROUCH MINUTES COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING FEBRUARY 22, 1995 4:00 P.M. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Fox, Crouch, Mariott, Mcllhaney COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: Councilmembers Kennady and Hickson VISITORS PRESENT: ....... ,,:~,' Refer to guest register. STAFF PRESENT: ':;": · ~:,: ..: ,:';:.. ;.-;!:.'.. . ·..:~ .! :.: ,.' , · '..' ". Interim City Manager Btymer,. Assi~"Cityi. Manager Woody, Executive Director of Manag~ent:Services P~onke,~'Assistant Director Managemen[' Services Shear, City.~0meY Locke, City Secretary Hooks, Assistant City Secretary Stanley, Di~or ~;Development and Economic Services Ash, AssiSt' Director of D~velopment and Economic Services ' Callaway, City PlanhO'Kee; Executi¥~:Director.. ....:. of'Fiscal/Human Resources Schreeder, ASsistant Di~0r o.f~Fiscal/Human Resources Cryan, Purchasing Agent Kettler,'PARD DirOator Beachy, Assistant PARD Director Ploeger, Public Information. OfficerCalliham, Human Resources Director Pavlinski, Assistant Human Resources Director O'Connell, Police Dept. Services Major Patterson City of College Station Providing Custo:ner Service Excellence City Council Workshop Wednesday, February 22, 1995 Page 2 AGENDA ITEM # 1 -- Discussion of consent and statutory agenda item= listed for Thursday, February 23, 1995. (S-3) -- Request for approval to renew annual contract for landscape maintenance for the Utility Service Center (Public Utilities) and Wolf Pen Creek (Parks Department). Funds available as budgeted in the FY 94-95 Utility and General Funds. Staff recommends award to The Greenery as Iow bidder and current vendor. Total expenditure $70,000. Councilman Mariott removed this item. He questioned the decision of contracting a private company for landscape maintenance instead of in-house labor. Purchasing Agent Kettler explained that the Parks Department does not currently have the manpower, equipment, or licenses required to perform said maintenance. Interim City Manager Brymer added that contracting out this particular job is more cost-effective. Assistant PARD Director Ploeger stated that because this is seasonal work, it would not be feasible to hire full-time employees. (C-7) -- Consideration of an amendment revisin.q the contract, scope of service~ and bud.qet of Comprehensive Plannin.q Study as si!:lned Au.qust 11, 1994. between the City of Collel:le Station and HOK for a housin.q count and condition survey. Fundin.q is available from the CDBG bud.qet for the additional cost. Total recommended addendum $14,300. Councilman Fox removed this item, questioning the $6,000 cost increase. City Planner Kee explained that the original requirement of $8,000 was for single family only, and that including the multi-family, duplex, and fourplex, increases the total to $14,300. Councilman Mariott then asked Kee why staff recommends the ETJ be included, while the Proposed 1995 Housing Condition Survey states that the ETJ will not be included. She explained that the in-house estimate within the city limits was about $9,300 which did not include the ETJ. She added that HOK can easily include the ETJ with minimal cost because they recently finished the land use inventory. City Council Workshop Wednesday, February 22, 1995 Page 3 AGENDA ITEM # 2 -- Police Department presentation of performanc,~ measures and budRet issues. The following synopsis outlines the Police Department's presentation of performance measures and budget issues. Section 1 -- Update on Prior Year's Budgets Section 2 -- Objectives, Service Levels, and Performance Indicators Section 3 -- Target Budget for 1995-1996 Section 4 -- Budget Categories Over $100,000 Section 5 -- Proposed Enhancement of service Levels in 1995-1996 Section 6 -- Future Trends AGENDA ITEM # 3 -- Fiscal and Human Resources Department presentation on performance measures and budget issues. The following synopsis outlines the Fiscal and Human Resources Department's presentation of performance measures and budget issues. Mission Statement Accomplishments Service Levels and Performance Measures v" Fiscal Administration Division v" Budget and Evaluation Division v" Accounting Division v" Purchasing Division v" Human Resources Division ,," Risk Management Division ,/ Municipal Court Division FY 95-96 Target Budget Pressures on Next Year's Budget Discussion was then held in regard to format and content of both staff presentations (Agenda Items # 2 and # 3). In order to expedite future presentations, it was suggested that Council receive the information to review beforehand. City Council Workshop Wednesday, February 22, 1995 Page 4 Council also requested information regarding financial impacts and/or benefits corresponding to varying levels of services provided. It was agreed that these decision packages should be presented to Council early enough in the budget process for staff to receive and act upon their input. Interim City Manager Brymer stated that staff should be ready for Council review the budget in July. AGENDA ITEM #.4 -- Discussion of Financial and Budqetary Policies. Councilman Crouch motioned to direct staff to include funds in the budget for parks building maintenance and parking lot repairs. Councilman Fox seconded the motion, which was denied 3-2. Mayor Ringer and Councilmembers Mcllhaney and Mariott were against the motion, while Councilmembers Crouch and Fox were in favor. Councilman Mcllhaney motioned to ask staff for recommendations regarding the cost of parks building maintenance and parking lot repairs and propose a revision to the policy statement. Councilman Mariott seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Council then asked staff to bring back a policy on cost reduction and debt avoidance. AGENDA ITEM # 5 -- Presentation of update on five-year financial forecast This item was postponed to an undetermined future workshop. AGENDA ITEM # 6 -- Ends Statements. No discussion was held on this item. AGENDA ITEM # 7 -- Committee Reports. Councilman Mcllhaney stated that the Health Board had a workshop discussing the role of the Health Department. She stated that she would distribute information to Council regarding upcoming changes. Mcllhaney added that this information will also be discussed at the Joint Meeting (Brazos County, College Station, and Bryan) on March 21, 1995. AGENDA ITEM # 8 -- Council Calendars. Mayor Ringer called attention the change of locations for the upcoming Council Meetings. The first 30 minutes of the meetings at Lincoln Center, College Hills, and Junior High, will be designated for citizens to address the Council. If there are citizens who wish to speak after this time frame, they may do so during the "Hear Visitors" section at the end of the meeting. City Council Workshop Wednesday, February 22, 1995 Page 5 AGENDA ITEM # 9 -- Adjourn. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m. APPROVED: ATTEST: City Secretary Connie Hooks GUEST REGISTER WORKSHOP MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22t 1995 4=00 P.M 11. :.:. +..~ ~ ~ -~:.-~ .:+~. '~.~..~ ,.~..: .... ~4 ~.~ ~ .~' ~:~:~:::'~:~ ~::.:~::.:~:::~:~$. ====================== ~:~:~.~ ~' ~. <.~.~:~.~:....:.:.: ~.:.~:~.~: ::::::::::::::::::::: ...... ~:.:~:: >~:q:,:~ .:~. 7 ........... ~.. .~..~...~ ....... ~. .~..~.~- ...... ~- .~. ' '. ~ ....... ~,-~ -.~ ~u.:.... ~ ~. ~ ~.~*~ ~..~ - ~ · .~:~ %::: ,:, ~: .... ~:~:~:~?x: ·..~x.~:.%.~.~iE~:~:~:+: ................ 8. 18. 9. 19. 10. 20.