HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/09/1995 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMayor LARRY RINGER Mayor ProTein LYNN MCILHANEY Interim City Manager TOM BRYMER COLLEGE STATION Counctlmcmbers BILL FOX HUB KENNADY LARRY MARIOTT DAVID HICKSON NANCY CROUCH MINUTES REGULAR MEETING COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1995 7:00 P.M. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Mcllhaney, Hickson, Crouch, Mariott, · ., .'~f' .... Kennady, Fox ....... STAFF PRESENT:~;"'"' ~[[t~City M~~~''' ....  ' .~_'r Brymer, City ~~"'~ii "?~il~l~ ~o, ~r~Assistant City ~~:~ ~, City Attorney Locke, ...~ '~~;,~ "::~,~ · i ~ of Management ,.'.~ ~~;...~. ~~ ~, Finance Director · '~ ~ ~ "~,';'~..¢~.~. · ~:~:~:~% ..~,~.,...~[[[j~: ~Director of ' a ources Sch oede , ' '":~'~;:" '~"~;~;'~[": ~~ Off cer Calliham, ~'"'~'~Assistant Kersten, Asst. ... ~,,~,,:,. Btr~ct~j~~nomi~Development ':':~?'J~?'~:' :.'...:. Se¢~'~'i'laway, City Planner Kee, staff Planner Kuenzel, PARD Director Beachy, Asst. PARD Director Ploeger VISITORS PRESENT: Refer to guest register PRESENTATIONS (P-l) Mayor Ringer presented a historic plaque to Mr. and Mrs. Stropp who reside at 1006 Park Place. City of College Station Providing Customer Service Excellence City Council Regular Meeting Page 2 Thursday, February 9, 1995 STATUTORY AGENDA ($-1) Approved expenditure of funds for payment of legal fees to Bickerstaff, Heath & Smiley for services rendered with regard to the Bryan litigation and Public Utility Commission CCN amendment in the amount of $5,509.95. This item was approved by common consent. CONSENT AGENDA (C-1) Approved minutes for Workshop Meetings of January 10 and 25, 1995; and Regular Meetings of January 12 and 25, 1995. (C-2) Approved amendment to the contract with HDR Engineering for engineering services related to a permit amendment for the Rock Prairie Road Landfill. (C-3) Approved community oriented sign advertising the Texas Straight Shot to be placed on the fence at the water tower near Holleman. (C-4) Approval of amendment revising contract, scope of services, and budget of the Comprehensive Planning Study as signed August 11, 1994 between the City and HOK for a housing count and condition survey. Funding available from CDBG budget. Total additional cost $8,000. This item was removed by Councilman Fox to inquire about the possibility of adding a project to this scope regarding count of apartment complexes. Housing Program Coordinator Andy Gillies remarked that the staff considered this option in the initial negotiation stages of the contract. The staff felt that the increased cost was an issue. Councilman Fox emphasized the benefit of this record. Councilman Fox made a motion to delay consideration of item and request staff to review the cost of including multi family housing in the study. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hickson. Councilman Mariott made an amended motion to add to the original motion to direct staff to provide a cost regarding the survey conducted by in-house personnel. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch. This motion carried unanimously. The original motion as amended carried unanimously. Mayor Ringer clarified that this motion included all housing stock in the city. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, February 9, 1995 Page 3 (C-5) Approved preliminary plat of Greensworld Phase Two, one commercial lot totaling 3.861 acres located along SH 6 just north of the existing Greensworld Golf Course. (C-6) Approved revisions to Chapter Five of the City of College Station Administrative Policies and Procedures Manual regarding emergency response procedures. (C-7) Approved Ordinance No. 2109 amending Chapter 10, Section 2-D of the College Station Code of Ordinances regarding special hazards intersections controlled by stop signs. Funds allocated from Traffic Systems Maintenance funds. Total expenditure, $462.00. (C-8) Authorized Mayor to enter into contract with the Brazos Valley Arts Council for the encouragement, promotion, improvement, and application of arts within the city as budgeted for FY 94-95. Total expenditure, $155,000. (C-9) Called a public hearing on a proposed amendment 3 to the 1994-95 annual budget for Thursday, February 23, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. authorizing the addition of $85,000 for additional dredging costs at Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater lake. Funds available from the Hotel/Motel Fund. Councilman Mariott removed this item for discussion. He expressed concern about the cost associated to this project. Councilman Mariott made a motion to deny the request to call a public hearing. The motion was seconded by Councilman Kennady. Councilman Kennady disagreed with the funding source. The motion failed by a vote of 2-5. FOR: Councilmembers Mariott and Kennady AGAINST: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Fox, Mcllhaney, Crouch, Hickson Councilman Hickson made a motion to call the public hearing for Thursday, February 23, 1995. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch which passed by a vote of 5-2. FOR: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Crouch, Mcllhaney, Fox, Hickson AGAINST: Councilmembers Kennady and Mariott City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, February 9, 1995 Page 4 REGULAR AGENDA (R-l) Public hearing and consideration of a rezoning request from R-4 to R-lA along the north side of Lincoln across from Munson. Applicant, Jesse Henton (95-100) Staff Planner Sabine Kuenzel explained the rezoning request. Slides of the property were displayed. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. Earl Havel, representing the applicant, came forward. He explained the purpose of requesting the removal of the wall buffer, or if the council required the wall, the applicant preferred a wooden type fence. Dan Donpeer from Houston addressed the Council. He represented the owners of the adjacent property. He asked the Council to approve the rezoning and allow development with the elimination of the wall. The sole purpose of the wall is to prohibit through traffic. He concurred that an access street should not be allowed through to University because of difficult planning for commercial development. Oran W. Nicks, 900 Munson Avenue, addressed the Council. He referred to the Council's decision in 1986 to separate and buffer the R-4 from R-lA. The wall was a condition of the zoning case. He asked council to support the long range plan. Stephen Miller, 906 Munson, addressed the Council. He prepared a letter for Council. Mr. Miller opposed the removal of the existing wall. Martha Cannon, 903 Munson, expressed concerns regarding the traffic generated from this development and the children walking in the neighborhood. Leonora Owre, 903 Munson, addressed the Council. She concurred with the comments previously stated by neighbors. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. Councilman Mcllhaney moved approval of the rezoning subject to the implementation of a development agreement between the two property owners and staff to provide for a brick wall between the R-lA property and commercial City Council Regular Meeting Page 5 Thursday, February 9, 1995 development, and to provide that there not be vehicular access from this property to R-4 (Cedar Creek Condos) and to University Drive. Councilman Fox seconded the motion. Councilman Fox amended the motion to require the fence structure be constructed as brick columns and wood. Councilman Hickson seconded the amendment which carried unanimously. The original motion as amended passed unanimously. (R-2) Presentation and consideration of a request from the Brazos Valley Balloon Classic and Aquafest for funding in the amount of $15,000. Terry Boike, Chairman of the Brazos Valley Balloon Classic came forward to request monies in the amount of $15,000 from the City of College Station for funding toward expenses associated with this event. The Council expressed concerns about the lack of financial success with this event thus far. Councilman Hickson made the motion to approve funding in the amount of $5,000. The motion was seconded by Councilman Fox which carried by a vote of 5-2. Councilmembers Crouch and Kennady voted against. (R-3) Approval of second readinq of an ordinance .qrantin.q a Pilot Apartment Recyclin.q Franchise to Bryan Iron and Metal Co., Inc. dba Texas Commercial Waste for the purpose of collectinq recyclables at eight selected apartment and multi-family locations within the city. Councilman Mcllhaney made a motion to approve the second reading of the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch which carried unanimously. (R-4) Discussion of business park in regard to type of park, type of business client, type of buildinq allowed, absorption rate expected, restrictive convenants~ and marketinq. This item was postponed. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, February 9, 1995 Page 6 (R-S) Discussion and consideration of qualifications for City Mana.qer position. Mayor Ringer asked the Council to provide names of individuals for the consultants to contact to pursue with interviews. Councilman Mcllhaney mentioned that the interviews with key staff are appropriate. Councilman Fox agreed. Councilman Crouch suggested key leaders in the community. Mayor Ringer added that the consultant contact the President of the School Board, chairman of citizens committees. (R-6) Hear Visitors. Oran Nicks came forward. He asked when the rezoning would become effective. Mayor Ringer replied that the rezoning will become effective upon consideration of a mutual agreement. (R-7) Adjourn Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 9:25 p.m. The Council returned to closed session. APPROVED: A/T-j,'"E $'I': -/ / City Secretary Connie Hooks May~-F'L~rr~.~ge¥~ 3 ~UEST RE~STER RE~UL~RY, EET~NG OF THE C~TY COUNCIL THURSD&Y~ FEBRUARY 9~ L995 7:00 P.M.