HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/23/1995 - Workshop Minutes City CouncilMayor LARRY RINGER Mayor ProTein LYNN MCILI-IANEY City Manager GEORGE I~2 NOE COLLEGE STATION Council Members BILL FOX HUB KENNADY LARRY MARIOTr DAVID HICKSON NANCY CROUCH MINUTES WORKSHOP MEETING COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1995 4:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Mayor Protein Mcllhaney, Councilmembers Hickson, Crouch, Fox, Kennady STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Noe, Assistant City Manager Brymer. City Secretary Hooks, City Attorney Locke, Public Information Officer Calliham, Executive Director of Management Services Piwonka, Finance Director Cryan, Executive Director of Fiscal/Human Resources Schroeder, Assistant City Manager Woody, City Planner Kee Aaenda Item No. 1 -- Discussion of consent and statutory a.qenda item~ listed on Thursday, Au.qust 24. 1995 a.qenda (C-6) Approval of interlocal assistance contract between the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission and BVSWMA relative to a household hazardous waste collection grant in the amount of $88,855. Councilman Fox removed Item No. C-6. BVSWMA Director replied to Councilman Fox's questions regarding the TNRCC contract. Councilman Mariott arrived to the meeting at 4:05 p.m. City of College Station Providing Customer Service Excellence City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, August 23, 1995 Page 2 A;enda Item No. 2 -- Council review and discussion of 1995-96 annual bud;et. City Manager Noe informed the council that the staff will conduct two formal presentations followed by council discussion. Bill Angelo referred to the BVSWMA budget for FY 95-96. He highlighted major changes within the proposed budget. Councilman Hickson arrived to the meeting at 4:15 p.m. The council directed attention to the proposed general fund budget. PARD Director Steve Beachy elaborated on the purpose of this cooperative effort. Lengthy discussion was held on the College Station Junior High Natatorium with respect to the City of College Station's participation. Audience members John Crompton and David Neal addressed the Council on this issue in support of the joint effort. Mr. Beachy also commented on the service level adjustment to close the Teen Center and its affect on the junior high student community. With respect to the drainage budget, City Manager Noe remarked that most drainage concerns are not readily funded from the operating budget, it requires capital improvement funds. He reminded the Council that it is their decision to decide when drainage revenues should begin. The original drainage fee program was proposed to begin in October 1996. Staff assured the Council that some drainage capital projects will begin during the new fiscal year primarily due to the successful bond election in March. Councilman Crouch suggested a city event that could assist in resolving some of the concerns. For instance, a joint citizens drainage clean out drive, particularly in the Bee Creek area, where there are many citizen concerns. Mr. Smith responded that this might be a worthwhile effort. He will prepare a cost estimate and report back to Council. Mayor Protem Mcllhaney advocated the concept of "Council of Neighborhoods". Public Information Officer Peggy Calliham remarked that the staff is looking at a similar idea to receive communication from the neighborhoods. A list of neighborhoods is being compiled. An action plan will be presented to Council in October. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, August 23, 1995 Page 3 A series of specific questions were asked to staff related to budgets in the following areas: Wastewater fund, hotel/motel fund, electric fund, water fund, and debt service. Mayor Ringer announced that a public hearing on the proposed budget is scheduled for the regular meeting, Thursday, August 24th. AQenda Item No. 3 -- Discussion of Ends Statement No. I -- Transportation/Mobility. Councilman Crouch noted her vision of the Wellborn Corridor on an overhead visual represented in picture format. One aspect of the visual was the use of a movable vehicle to carry people to and from for a more efficent flow of traffic. She expressed other ideas. AQenda Item No. 4 -- Presentation and discussion of revisions to City of College Station Subdivision and Zoninq ordinances to provide standard,- that would define the requirements for infrastructure to be constructed durin.q the development of rural type subdivisions within the city limits. Assistant City Engineer Veronica Morgan presented a report summarizing the discussions held with two focus groups which consisted of residents and developers addressing regulations for rural subdivisions. Two major categories were emphasized at the focus group meetings: Development issues and quality of life issues. This particular presentation related to the development issues and possible amendments to the subdivision regulations. Ms. Morgan requested council consideration and direction following the conclusion of the presentation to allow staff to formulate ordinances according to the council's preference. Councilman Kennady arrived to the meeting at 6:00 p.m. In response to staff request for council consideration, councilmembers discussed and consented to the proposals presented by staff. Councilman Fox requested staff to review the limitations on septic systems. He suggested an option might be the development of a small sewer system within a subdivision. He requested staff to consider provisions for installation of septic systems equal to provisions defined for future sanitary sewer hook up. He remarked that the property owners of septic systems should not be "cornered" by the city's limited provisions. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, August 23, 1995 Page 4 Mayor Ringer emphasized that the standards set forth in the ordinance are established for new rural development within the city. Councilman Hickson left the meeting. Nancy Harvey, resident of Bald Prairie Subdivision, addressed the Council. She pointed out that the issues presented tonight do not meet the current needs of the residents recently annexed. Mr. Noe pointed out that a separate discussion will be held at a later date to address the concerns of existing rural development. O.J. Beard expressed questions about the quality of life issues for existing development. Mayor Ringer stated that these questions will be addressed through focus group meetings and council deliberation at a future date. Marianne Oprisko, a resident on Barron Road, addressed the Council about the concerns raised by other newly annexed areas, particularly because she does not reside in a subdivision. Mr. Noe remarked that the staff will work to present a staff report in 60 days. Aaenda Item No. 5 -- Ends Statements No discussion was held. Aaenda Item No. 6 -- Committee Report~ Mayor Protem Mcllhaney reported she received a petition from businesses located on Graham Road indicating their concerns about the lack of street reconstruction on Graham Road. She presented the petition to the City Manager. Mr. Noe reported that the staff is working on improvements utilizing the $70,000 from the County to upgrade the roadway until permanent improvements. A memo is being prepared to address their concerns. Ms. Mcllhaney stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission expressed concern about the type of sign to be located at Wolf Pen Creek. Mr. Noe replied that he would look into the feasibility of utilizing funds for a sign preferred by the Commission. She also expressed the Commissioner's comments about the recent elimination of Winn Dixie parking lot trees. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, August 23, 1995 Page 5 Ms. Mcllhaney reported that the Cemetery Committee asked the council to begin searching for another cemetery site. A proposal will be brought to the Council in the next two-three months. She announced the Region 10 meeting scheduled in Round Rock, September 29th. Mayor Ringer reminded the City Council of the Northgate Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, 6:00 p.m. Sherman Frost, a member of the audience, addressed his concern and ideas with respect to the recent announcement by Amtrak to discontinue service to Bryan/College Station. Agenda Item No. 7 -- Council Calendars Councilmembers canceled the second meetings in October, November, and December. Agenda Item No. 8 --Adjourn Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 7:40 p.m. ATTEST: City ,~ecretary Connie Hooks APPROVED: GUEST REGISTER WORKSHOP MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1995 4=00 P.M 11. 12. 13. 18. 19. 10. 20.