HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/27/1995 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMayor LARRY RINGER Mayor ProTein LYNN MCILHANEY Interim City Manager TOM BRYMER COLLEGE STATION Cotmeil m embers BILL FOX HUB I(I~_,NNADY IJkRR¥ MARIOTr DAVID HICKSON NANCY CROUCH MINUTES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING COLLEGE STATION JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 900 ROCK PRAIRIE ROAD THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1995 7:00 P.M. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Fox, Mariott, r~r~,,~rouch Mcllhaney , ;;. i; ~P~ ~bers Kennady STAFF Se, Vlanager Woody, Schroeder, City Finance nformation Officer Services Piwonka, PRESENTATIONS (P-l) Greg Taggart accepted the proclamation recognizing May 5, 1995 as "A Day of Prayer" (P-2) Larry Karstadt accepted the proclamation recognizing May 8-14, 1995, as "Respect for Law Week" (P-3) Lt. Mason Newton and other police officers came forward to accept the proclamation for "Police Week". (P-4) Mayor Ringer read the proclamation for National Teacher Day, Tuesday, May 9, 1995 City of College Station Providing Customer Service Excellence City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, April 27, 1995 Page 2 (P-5) City employees Adam Davidson, Ginger Bednar, and Debra Charanza accepted the proclamation for Public Service Recognition Week, May 1-7, 1995. (P-6) Bill Riley accepted the proclamation for Water Awareness Week, May 7-13, 1995. (P-7) Three area businesses received certificates of appreciation from the City through the Community Appearance Committee Award Program: Eastmark Apartments, First American Bank, and Aggie Credit Union STATUTORY AG EN DA (S-1) Bid #95-39 -- Approved purchase of one ambulance for the Fire Department. Funds available as budgeted in FY 1994-95 Fleet Replacement General Fund and Contingency General Fund. Staff recommended award to Southern Ambulance Builders as Iow bidder meeting specifications in the amount of $90,594. CONSENT AGENDA (C-1) Approved mintues for the workshop meetings of March 22 and April 12, and the regular meetings of March 23 and April 13, 1995. (C-2) Approval of 1995 Strategic Issue Action Plans. This item was removed by Councilman Fox for discussion and consideration. At the February 8, 1995 workshop meeting, staff was directed to prepare action plans for the first 25 strategic issues ranked by the City Council at the January Council retreat. At the March 22, 1995 council workshop, the action plans were discussed with the City Council. Administrative Assistant Jeff Kersten presented the final action plans to be implemented in the next 12 months. The action plans included a description, a timeline, and where applicable a project budget. Councilman Fox made a motion to approve the strategic issues as presented. As part of his motion, he asked that staff ensure that Strategic Issue No. 5 be given special consideration toward identifying the historical aspects in the Southgate area. Councilman Crouch suggested the Historic Preservation Committee pursue this idea and report back to the Council. She also requested that an objective be added to this item to highlight the council's support of the Committee's efforts toward this designation of a historic area in the Southgate area. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, April 27, 1995 Page 3 The motion to approve the proposed strategic issues with the amendment to Item No. 5 carried unanimously, 5-0. (C-3) Approved final plat of Shenandoah Phase II located just south of Barron Road. This plat includes 12.176 acres divided into 39 single family lots. (C-4) Approved preliminary E.T.J. plat for 24.253 acres divided into 12 lots, German Acres Subdivision. (C-5) Approved bid for Phase 1 of the Bee Creek Sewer and Drainage Rehabilitation Project, SS9406. Staff recommended award to Texcon Contractors as Iow bid. Project funded with $132,000 from Drainage Improvement Funds and the balance $215,931.50 from sanitary sewer collection rehabilitation funds. Total expenditure, $347,931.50. (C-6) Approved preliminary plat and final plat of Trinity Gardens Subdivision in the ETJ. (C-7) Public hearing called for May 11, 1995 on proposed budget amendment 5 within the Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency 1994-95 Budget to provide authorization for construction at the Rock Prairie Landfill site, and to provide authorization of engineering and associated costs for a height extension amendment at the Rock Prairie Road landfill site. BVSWMA Board recommended approval. (C-8) Public hearing called for May 11, 1995 to allow the city to begin projects approved in the 1995 General Obligation Bond authorization election providing an appropriation of $4,700,000. (C-9) Approved economic development agreement for City to grant $100,000 to Sanderson Farms to locate a processing plant in Brazos County. Funds available in FY 1994-95 budget appropriation for Economic Development incentives. REGULAR AGENDA (R-l) Consideration of a proposal from In.qram, Wallis, & Company, P.C. for the years endinR September 30, 1995, 1996, and 1997. Annual fees estimated at $57,500, $60,000, and $63,000 respectively. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, April 27, 1995 Page 4 Councilman Crouch moved to accept Ingram, Wallis & Company as the City's internal audits of the city's financial records for the next three fiscal years. Councilman Fox seconded the motion which carried unanimously. (R-2) Public hearinq and consideration of a rezoninq request for 701 Harvey Road, existinq First State Bank buildinq, from A-P Administrative Professional to C-3 Planned Commercial. Staff Planner Sabine Kuenzel explained the rezoning request. The purpose of the request is a desire on the part of the applicant to be allowed additional height and 25 square feet and the height to 10 ft. with a 10 ft. setback from the property line. Staff recommended approval. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. Joe Burnett, representative of First State Bank addressed the Council and explained that the bank is the only banking facility along Harvey Road. The bank desires the same visibility as the businesses to the west. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. Councilman Crouch moved approval of Ordinance No. 2121 as presented with staff recommendations. Councilman Fox seconded the motion which carried, 5-0. (R-3) Public hearinq and consideration of a rezoninq request from R-1 to P.U.D. #2 and a preliminary plat of 6.71 acres, Woodcreek Phase 7. Property located in the Woodcreek Subdivision at the southwest quadrant of the Stonebrook Drive and Stonebridqe Drive intersection. Applicant, TAC Realty. This case was heard at the City Council meeting on April 13, 1995. Council voted to delay action until the next meeting in order to give the applicant a chance to review the screening issue with Woodcreek residents. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. Paul Darmitzel, a representative of the applicant, TAC Realty came forward. Meetings were held with the Woodcreek residents and the concerns of the residents were resolved. The applicant will offer a brick column and wood fence combination. Holly plants will be centered on the outside of each cedar panel, City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, April 27, 1995 Page 5 an irrigation system will be installed. The Woodcreek Homeowners Association shall repair and upkeep the maintenance. Mr. Gene Clark, 1302 Sussex, approached the council. He stated that the property owners are pleased with the arrangements outlined by Mr. Darmitzel. Bob Lacy, 9306 Essex Green, also concurred with the outcome of the meeting. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. Councilman Mariott approved Ordinance No. 2122. Councilman Crouch seconded the motion with staff recommendations. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0. (R-4) Public hearinq for the FY 1995-96 budqet. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. No one came forward. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. (R-5) Approval of contract to purchase electric power. This item was withdrawn from the agenda. (R-6) Appointment of member to Economic Development Corporation for the replacement of Pat Cornelison whose term expires May 31. Councilman Fox moved to appoint Councilman Larry Mariott to replace Pat Cornelison as a member of the Economic Development Corporation. Councilman Mcllhaney seconded the motion which carried, 5-0. (R-7) Hear Visitors No one spoke. (R-8) Presentation from Hellmuth, Obata, and Kassabaum reRardin.q the Lon.q RanRe Facilities Plan. Councilmembers and staff moved into a classroom to accommodate the presenters during this item. HOK representative, Tim Terry provided the Council with several scenarios for renovation and/or new construction of municipal facilities. Discussion was held Council Regular Meeting Thursday, April 27, 1995 Page 6 among councilmembers on the draft report. The initial consensus of the Council present was directed toward Option 4, a plan to consolidate all operations. (R-9) Adjourn. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m. City Secretary Connie Hooks APPROVED: