HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/26/1995 - Workshop Minutes City CouncilMayor LARRY RINGER Mayor ProTein LYNN MCILHANEY Interim City Manager TOM BRYMER COLLEGE STATION Council rn emb ers BILL FOX HUB I~NNADY LARRY MARIOTT DAVID HICKSON NANCY CROUCH MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1995 UTILITY SERVICE CENTER 4:00 P.M. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Ringer; Coun¢ilmembers Mcllhaney, Crouch, FoX, Mariott COUNCILMEMBERS BS~=,~. Counc members Ken Hickson STAFF PRESENT: ~ m Interim Cit Hooks, Perso Services Schroeder Economic a and Develo Laza, Staff Plan Secretary Beachy, Management Resources Director of of Economic Kee, City Engineer istant Kersten Agenda Item No. 1 -- Discussion of consent and statuton/agenda items listed for the reqular council meeting of April 27, 1995. A.qenda Item No. C-6 -- Consideration of preliminary plat and final plat of Trinity Gardens Subdivision in the ETJ. Councilman Fox withdrew this item to inquire about the annexation petition for the five acres included in the plat Ms. Kee replied that the annexation petition accepted by the Council was intended for Lot 1., Annex-~n proceedings have not been pursued. City of College Station Providing Customer Service Excellence City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, April 26, 1995 Page 2 Agenda Item No. (C-7) -- Public hearinq on proposed bud,qet amendment to BVSWMA 1994-95 Annual Budqet to provide additional authorization for fill site construction at the Rock Prairie Road Landfill. Councilman Fox removed this item for further explanation of the financial status. Mr. Angelo replied that this fund shall be replenished. Agenda Item No. (C-8) -- Call a public hearing on proposed budqet amendment to allow the city to begin proiects that were approved in the 1995 GOB authorization election providing appropriation of $4,700,000. Councilman Fox mentioned that he has received comments from individuals who stated that the council may not implement the financial decisions regarding budget amendment allocations. A.qenda Item No. 2 -- Discussion of revised pay plan proposal and benefits report. Personnel Director Karen Pavlinski presented reports on a revised performance appraisal system and a benefits plan. Ms. Pavlinski pointed our four factors derived from the Council's discussion on March 8, 1995. o Agreement that it was necessary and prudent to move the five pay scales by the amounts proposed. · Use the department average scores for determining performance increases. o The staff should look into using some kind of combination performance pay and one time bonus pay system. e The Council wanted a system that further continues to incent performance improvement. Conclusions of the studies were reported as follows: --) Adjust the pay scales as follows: Public Safety -- 5% Support Services -- 2.6% Maintenance/Trade -- 3.0% Technical -- 3.5% Mgmt/Professional -- adjusted scale To encourage internal equity and discourage grade creep, departmental average scores will be the basis for distributing performance increases. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, April 26, 1995 Page 3 To further incent future performance by recognizing the performance of those employees at maximum of the grade and to recognize extraordinary achievement, a one time bonus system will be created. --~ The percentage of increase tables will be banded in groups of scores to encourage further performance improvement. Update and revise the performance appraisal system to reflect organizational goals and enhance customer service by presenting a decision package for outside assistance. · -~ The cost to the FY 95-96 for the pay proposal would be $465,449. Councilman Crouch arrived at the meeting at 4:20 p.m. Ms. Pavlinski presented a summary report of the benefits system. She noted that the self funded health insurance programs as seen the most changes. In December, 1994, 59 employees switched to the PCA plan dropping the number of employees enrolled in the City's plan to 453. This is cause for concern that younger and healthier employees are leaving the city insurance plan, thus the city plan will be seeing a bigger burden for medical claim payments on a fewer number of covered units. The recommendation to the Council is to offer the city's self insured plan alone, eliminating PCA. A.qenda Item No. 3 -- Presentation by the Parks and Recreation Department on service levels and performance indicators. PARD Director Steve Beachy presented the Parks Department mission statement, service levels and performance indicators. Printed booklets were provided as primary support for his presentation. Mr. Beachy highlighted the documentation in this booklet. The following statements were presented as the department mission. "WE PROVIDE GOOD THINGS IN LIFE" We are absolutely dependable We are innovative We are a team We are professional City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, April 26, 1995 Page 4 Councilmembers asked questions on specific performance measures within the presentation and made suggestions to clarify some of the measures presented. A.qenda Item No. 4 -- Presentation by the Economic and Development Services Department on service levels and performance indicators. Director of Economic and Development Services Elrey Ash presented this item. Mr. Ash highlighted the department's mission statement, organizational chad, departmental goals, strategic issues, performance measures and service levels. Councilmembers suggested performance measures associated with the engineering and planning service levels The topic of customer surveys was discussed. A.qenda Item No. 5 -- Presentation by the Leqal Department on service levels and performance indicators. City Attorney Locke highlighted the legal department's work load and accomplishments in the past twelve months which provide efficiencies and a higher level of service to customers. Agenda Item No. 6 -- Discussion of proposed FY 95-96 capital projects budget including projects authorized March 25, 1995 GOB election. City Engineer Kent Laza presented this item. He outlined the list of capital improvements projects for the next five years with funding authorization through the 1995, 1991, 1989, 1984, general obligation bonds and the utility revenue bonds. Councilmembers discussed projects of a cirtical nature. Mr. Robert DeOtte, a member of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board addressed the Council on the importance of additional parks in the community. Following fudher comments, Councilman Mariott moved to approve Option 3. Councilman Crouch seconded the motion. Mayor Ringer pointed out the intent of the motion is to move Graham Road upward on the priority list. Councilmembers discussed the street construction/rehabilitation priority list. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, April 26, 1995 Page 5 Interim City Manager Tom Brymer presented the scheduling of these projects. Agenda Item No. 7 -- ENDS Statements. No discussion was held on this item. A.qenda Item No. 8 -- Committee Reports. Mayor Ringer mentioned that TXDOT has scheduled a public hearing in Dallas the following afternoon regarding the AMTRAK announcement to close the train station in College Station and TXDOT's possible funding of this service. Members of the Chamber of Commerce Transportation Division were planning to attend. Councilman Mariott remarked that the City should present a honorarium plaque to former Mayor of Bryan Marvin Tate for his cooperativeness with the City of College Station. ARenda Item No. 9 -- Council Calendars. Mayor Ringer reminded the Council of the next council meeting to be located at the College Station Junior High School. A.qenda Item No. 10 -- Executive Session to receive staff report [LGC 551.0711 A. Cedar Creek Condos B. Power Supply -- Emergency item The council moved into executive session at 8:00 p.m. The council reconvened from executive session at 8:56 p.m. Agenda Item No. 11 -- Action on executive session, if necessary. Councilman Mariott moved approval of the resolutions regarding the disposition of the Cedar Creek Condominiums. Councilman Fox seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 5-0. The council returned to executive session at 8:57 p.m. At 10:19 p.m., the council returned to open session. No action was taken. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, April 26, 1995 Page 6 Agenda Item No. 12 -- Adiourn. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 10:20 p.m. C~-secr'eta~vCo~r~ie Hooks APPROVED: