HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/08/1995 - Workshop Minutes City CouncilMayor LARRY RINGER Mayor ProTein LYNN MCILHANEY City Manager GEORGE IC NOE COLLEGE STATION Council Members BILL FOX h'-UB KENNADY LARRY MARIOTT DAVID HICKSON NANCY CROUCH MINUTES WORKSHOP MEETING OF COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1995 AT 4:00 P.M. COLLEGE STATION CITY HALL COUNC LMEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Ringer, Mayor Protem McIlhaney, Councilmembers Crouch, Mariott, Kennady COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT:Councilmembers Hickson and Fox STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Noe, Assistant City Manager Brymer, Executive Director of Fiscal/Human Resources Schroeder, City Secretary Hooks, City Attorney Locke, Fire Chief Kennedy, Public Information Officer Calliham, Director of Economic and Development Services Ash, Asst. Director of Economic and Development Services Callaway, Assistant City Manager Woody Agenda Item No. 1 -- DiscuaRion of consent mhd statutory. items listed for the re,dAr COlOnel! meetin_~ of ThursdAy.. November Item No. C-5 -- Extension to Development Agjeement with Clark and Mayor Protem Mcllhaney asked questions regarding the extension agreement. Councilman Mariott also inquired about the length of the agreement. Item No. C-12 -- Relocation Policy for businesses located in city. owIaed building at 301 Patricia in Northgate Mayor Protem Mcllhaney asked questions regarding this item. City of College Station Providing Customer Service JExcellence Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, November 8, 1995 Page 2 Item No. C-8 -- Final Plat for 258.03 acres divided into 57 lots in the Estates at River Run Phase II. Steve Homeyer explained a revision to the plat. Agenda Item No. 2 -- Pres~-ntation of r~_~rch and options for - revised tobacco ordlnsnee ndd=essln_~ the issues of tobacco use by minors, =nd slmokin~ in public places, Fire Chief Bill Kennedy presented the item, Council Strategic Issue No. 19. As chair of the staff committee, he summarized the committee's findings. Two issues were emphasized throughout the presentation · Limiting access and sales of both smoking and smokeless tobacco to minors · Prohibiting or limiting smoking in buildings, including hotels and restaurants Chief Kennedy outlined the key decision points as follows: · Retain the existing ordinance · Change a portion of ordinance pertaining to minors only · Change the public smoking portion of ordinance only · Change both portions of ordinance as staff committee recommended · Other revisions, not included Councilmembers suggested input from the Bryan City Council on the proposed ordinance, as well as a task force consisting of non-smokers, smokers, physicians, and restaurant owners. A smoking issue of council importance related to the minors. Councilmembers unanimously encouraged an ordinance to prohibit possession of tobacco by minors and the prohibition of tobacco vending machines. Additionally, the council consented to include prohibition of smoking in public restrooms. Staff shall prepare an ordinance with the recommendations and present to the city council at their regular meeting in December. Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, November 8, 1995 Page 3 Councilwoman Crouch and Councilman Kennady urged the creation of a joint task force with the city of Bryan and business owners to draft an ordinance which will be fair to businesses in both cities. A&r_enda Item No. 3 -- Presentation nnd dJllel~_lon of nlternmtiye- 1ruder eonsid_eration as ~n_rt of the ~'~llhorn Road Corridor Study This item was removed from the agenda and shall be presented under Agenda Item No. R-3 on the regular agenda. A&r_enda Item No. 4 -- Presentation nnd discussion of preliminary findings of the Northgate revltnlt=~_tinn nnd red_evelopment plnn Policy Analyst Todd McDaniels introduced the HOK consultant team, Donald Simpson and Joe Pobiner. Mr. Simpson displayed illustrations of the conceptual Northgate revitalization plan. An important aspect of the plan included a conference center, hotel and retail plaza, with an emphasis on a pedestrian promenade. With relation to Northgate redevelopment, Mr. Simpson recalled that the merchants are discussing the formation of a Northgate District Association, Inc. Mr. Pobiner presented a list of redevelopment guidelines. In closure, he recognized the efforts of the Northgate steering committee. Councilmembers strongly expressed their desire to send notification to all businesses and affected residences in the Northgate area with regard to the master plan for Northgate revitalization. Council consideration of this item shall be placed on the December regular agenda. A~r~enda Item No. 6 -- Discussion of policy on weapons in publt~- City Manager Noe explained the intent of a new state law, SB 60. Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, November 8, 1995 Page 4 Councilmembers unanimously consented to the proposal of an ordinance prohibiting licensed or unlicensed weapons at any city facilities. Ag_enda Item No. 5 -- Pres~ntation to (~ollfleilrn~_m__bers On flin! iff The councilmembers were provided the opportunity to a hands-on demonstration of the city's e-mail and calendaring features. City councilmembers will be furnished with a personal computer at their home to receive the benefits from the city's software programs. City Manager Noe reminded the council of the open records act, and open meetings act. He explained the accommodations with respect to scheduling meetings, sending messages, routine matters, etc. A~_enda Item No. 7 -- Ad.iourn. The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m. City Secretary. Connie Hooks APPROVED: ~UEST RE~STER WORKSHOP MEET~N~ OF THE,C~TY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY~ NOVEMBER 8~ ~995 4~00 12. 13. Se 18. 19. 10. . 20.