HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/28/1996 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMayor LARRY RINGER Mayor Pro Tempore LYNN MCILHANEY City Manager GEORGE K. NOE COLLEGE STATION Council Members BILL FOX HUBBARD KENNADY LARRY MARIOTT DAVID HICKSON NANCY CROUCH MINUTES REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1996 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Mayor Pro rem McIlhaney, Councilmembers Fox, Crouch, Hickson, Kennady STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Noe, City Secretary Hooks, Assistant City Manager Brymer, Finance Director Schroeder, Budget Director Cryan, City Attorney Locke, Staff' Planner Kuenzel, Director of Development Services Callaway, Assistant City Engineer Morgan, PARD Director Beachy Councilmembers reconvened at 7:25 p.m. from a recess taken following the consideration of Agenda Item No. 3. Presentations Mayor Ringer presented an historic home plaque to Dale and Phyllis Fox of 1111 Park Place. Mayor Ringer presented certificates of appreciation to members of the Northgate Ad Hoc Steering Committee for their work in overseeing the master planning process for Northgate revitalization: RICK FLOYD, JERRY GASTON, TOM ESTES, TOM WILLIAMS, RICHARD BENNING, JOHN RANEY, DICK HADDOX, TARA SOPASAKIS, TOM BRYMER, JIM CALLAWAY, JULIUS GRIBOU Sherry Hostetller of the Brazos County Rape Crisis Center accepted the proclamation for Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Katie Gibson, recycling coordinator, accepted the proclamation for Clean Cities 2000 program in Costa Rica. Ms. Gibson explained that she will address Costa Rica officials on our city's recycling and integrated solid waste management programs. Page 2 Regular 3/28/96 Parks and Recreation Director Steve Beachy proudly accepted the award presented by Mayor Ringer from the Texas Recreation and Parks Society for programs and activities conducted at the Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater. Statutory A~enda (2-A) Approved expenditure of funds for payment of legal fees to Bickerstaff, Heath, Smiley, Pollan, Kever & McDaniel, L.L.P. in the amount of $12,457.75 for electrical power negotiations and litigation. (2-B) Approved expenditure of funds for payment of legal fees to Davis and Davis in the amount of $2,084.25 for professional services rendered in the City of Bryan v. City of College Station litigation. (2-C) Approved award of construction contract to Nieco Plumbing of Trinity,. Texas in the amount of $39,751.05 for installation of site utilities for Fire Station No. 1. (2-D) Authorized additional funds in the amount of $39,884.88 for professional services contract with McClure Engineering for design of Victoria Avenue, the Old Arnold Road walk and bike facilities and the Williams Court Drainage Improvements. (2-E) Approved renewal annual maintenance contract with GTE for telephone switch and components, funds available as budgeted in the various departments budgets for FY 1995-96, total expenditure $18,765.72. (2-F) Approved renewal of contract to The Greenery for landscape maintenance of various city facilities in the amount of $69,708. (2-G) Authorized refund of 1994 property taxes and interest to Scandia Apartments, LTD, Waldon Pond Apartments, LTD, Parkway Circle Apartments, and Redstone Apartments in the amount of $8,711.86 due to agreement judgment on property values. The statutory items were approved by consent. Consent Agenda Councilman Fox removed Item No. 3-B -- Special Event Parking He supported the project; however, he perceived confusion and chaos during the football season. Mr. Fox encouraged staff.to convey the importance of public awareness by TAMU to season ticket holders on alternate routes of transportation. Page 3 Regular 3/28/96 Councilman Fox moved approval of the Special Event Parking Proposal. The motion was seconded by Mayor Pro rem McIlhaney which carried unanimously, 7-0. Mayor Ringer removed Item No. 3-C -- City Wide Gateway Policy City Manager Noe reported that the council held discussion of this item at the workshop meeting. The consensus of the council was to consider the policy at this meeting and direct staff to bring back an ordinance at a future meeting for consideration. Marianne Oprisko, 2475 Barron Road, addressed the Council. She commended the council on a spectacular idea. She inquired as to the true definition of a "gateway". She encouraged the council to be flexible to the citizen's response. Councilmembers deliberated the eligibility requirements for submission by the variety of homeowner associations. Councilman Hickson moved approval of the gateway policy. The motion was seconded by Councilman Fox which carried unanimously, 7-0. (3-A) Approved council meeting minutes for Workshop, March 13, 1996 and Regular, March 14, 1996. (3-D) Approved McClure Engineering as the lead engineering firm for the Patricia Street redevelopment project and authorized staff to begin contract negotiations. (3-E) Approved Change Order No. 3 for Bee Creek Sanitary Sewer & Drainage improvements Phase 1, Project No. SS9406, for final adjustments in bid item quantities, $24,171.47. (3-F) Approved acquisition of 128 Southland for rehab in the amount of $21,000 and future sale to an eligible low income family. Items 3-A, 3-D, 3-E, 3-F were approved by common consent. Reguhtr Agenda (4-A) Hold a public hearing and consider a budget amendment in the amount of $285~000 from thc equipment replacement fund for a 75 ft. ladder and pumper truck for Fire Dept. Budget Director Charles Cryan explained the funding allocation of this purchase. Staff recommended approval. Page 4 Regular 3/28/96 City Manager Noe noted that the staff held conversations with A&M officials about a coordinated efffort in this acquisition. A&M officials responded they are not in a position to participate in the funding and indicated their trust in the city's judgment of service level. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. Chief Kennedy responded to Councilwoman Crouch's question about fire service to TAMU and buildings within the city. He identified buildings on the campus which have fire safety accommodations, i.e. sprinkler systems and those buildings which are not equipped for fire hazards. City Manager reiterated that this is not a unique circumstance. Many communities have buildings which are taller than the fire dept. is able to service with a ladder truck. Certainly, the staff is willing to work with the university to mitigate any problems that might occur and we encourage TAMU to retrofit any buildings to meet the standards. Councilman Kennady and Councilwoman Crouch strongly urged staff, to communicate with TAMU of our service capabilities and this communication should be writing. City Manager Noe indicated that fires can be treated in other internal mechanisms in such cases as tall buildings. Councilman Fox moved approval of Ordinance No. 2172. Councilman Hickson seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. {4-B} Consider the creation and appointment of a Northgate Revitalization Review Board. Todd McDaniel explained that this board shall serve as advisors to staff, and to convey information to others in the northgate area. This committee will be a permanent committee appointed by the council. Councilman Hickson made a motion to appoint the following individuals to the Board. BILL BOYETT, REAL ESTATE JOHN RANEY, PROPERTY OWNER RICHARD BENNING, MERCHANT CHERYL ANZ, MERCHANT TOM WILLIAMS, TAMU JERRY GASTON, TAMU JULIUS GRIBOU, ARCHITECT CHARLIE BURRIS, ARCHITECT Page 5 Regular 3/28/96 TOM ESTES, CHURCH CHARLES ANDERSON, CHURCH TAMU student AT LARGE -- TARA SOPASAKIS, MERCHANT Councilman Kennady seconded the motion. Councilwoman Crouch made a motion to amend for the addition of a TAMU student representative, a resident of College Station, as a voting member and appointed by the council. Councilman Fox seconded the motion which carried 6-1, Mayor Ringer voted against the motion. The original motion with the amendment carried 6-1, Mayor Ringer voted against the motion. Councilman Hickson made a motion to appoint Julius Gribou as Chairman and Richard Benning as Vice Chairman. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mariott which carried unanimously, 7-0. {4-C) Hear Visitors Dennis Maloney, 803 Welsh, addressed the Council regarding the special event parking signage. He supported the proposal and appreciated the cooperative efforts between the City and TAMU. Marianne Oprisko, 2475 Barron Road, expressed comments about the parking situations during football season. She suggested ideas to generate revenues for the city (4-D) Adiourn Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 8:25 p.m. ger TTEST: Uity Secreta~ Connie Hooks