HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/25/1996 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMayor Lynn Mcllhaney Mayor Pro Tempore City Manager GEORGE K. NOE COLLEGE STATION Council Members BILL FOX HUBBARD KENNADY LARRY MARIOTT DAVID HICKSON DICK BIRDWELL MINUTES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING COLLEGE STATION CITY HALL THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1996 7:00 P.M. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Mayor Pro tem Mcllhaney, Councilmembers Crouch, Fox, Kennady, Hickson, Mariott STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Noe, Assistant City Manager Brymer, City Secretary Hooks, City Attorney Locke, Public Information Officer Calliham, Director of Technology and Information Services Piwonka, Personnel Director Pavlinski, Policy Analyst McDaniel, Assistant City Secretary Casares, Budget Director Cryan, Finance Director Schroeder, Staff Planner Kuenzel, City Engineer Laza, Engineer Homeyer P_resentations Ann Horton accepted the proclamation for "Day of Prayer". Police Lt. Mike Patterson accepted the proclamation for "Police Week" Judy LeUnes accepted the proclamation for "National Teacher Day" PARD Director Steve Beachy came forward to present the City Council with a plaque from Charter Post 1033 Boy Scouts of America for their funding contribution in the past year. He introduced the members of the troop. Mr. Beachy noted that this post is the largest emergency management post in the Brazos Valley. Providing Customer Service Excellence Regular 4/25/96 Page 2 Statutory Agenda (2a) Approved purchase for serial and wire communication cards for 800 MHz radio system. GOB funds available as budgeted in the FY 1995-96 budget. Award to Licom, Inc. Virginia in the amount of $18,900. Item approved by common consent Consent Agenda (3a) Approved council meeting minutes for workshop meeting of March 27, 1996, March 28, 1996, April 10, 1996 and April 11, 1996. (3b) Approved resolution to implement cemetery endowment fund. (3c) Approved resolution to increase cemetery space prices. (3d) Approved Ordinance No. 2178 to revise cemetery regulations. (3e) Approved bids for development of Pebble Creek Park in the amount of $194,169 to Marek Brothers of College Station as Iow bidder. (3f) Approved water well collection line extension construction contract to Iow bidder, Pete & Pete of Huntsville in the amount of $265,003.75. (3g) Purchased property at Lot 24, Block 1, Boyett Estate Partition for redevelopment, public facilities, and other public purposes that the City Council may determine from time to time. (3h) Approved contract with K.W. Brown Environmental services for annual groundwater monitoring services at Rock Prairie Road Landfill in the amount of $35,760. (3i) Approved expenditure of funds for payment of legal fees to Davis and Davis, Bickerstaff, Heath, Smiley, Pollan, Kever & McDaniel, L.L.P. and Financo, Inc. in the amount of $28,748.11. The above items were approved by common consent. (4a) Public hearing to consider a final plat of Lots 3R-1 and 3R-2, Block 8, College Hills Estates (96-210) Regular 4/25/96 Page 3 Steve Homeyer stated that the subject property is located at 1005 Walton, approximately 200 feet northeast of Nunn street. The purpose of final plat is to subdivide Lot 3 into two lots zoned, R-1 Single Family Residential. Upon plat approval and filing, Lot 3R-1 will take access from Walton with Lot 3R-2 having access to Lincoln. Water and sewer services are available to both lots. Discussions have been held in the past to connect Lincoln to Walton in this general area. The plat conforms with the city's subdivision regulations and Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. Councilman Mariott moved approval of the final plat. Councilman Fox seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 6-1, Councilwoman Crouch voted against the motion. (4-b) Consider waiver of 180 day waiting period for rezoning case on Schaffer Road property. Applicant, Earl Havel for Horace Schaffer (95-109). Mayor Ringer indicated that this item was related to the rezoning of land located on the existing Schaffer Road and Graham Road. The applicant was denied rezoning from A-O to R-2 at the council meeting of April 11, 1996 by a vote of 3-2. Applicant requested a waiver to bring rezoning request back to council for reconsideration. Councilman Mariott moved approval to waive the 180 waiting day requirement for rezoning request. Councilman Hickson seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. (4-c) Consider preliminary plat of Emerald Plaza Park, a subdivision of approximately 20.13 acres into nine A-P Administrative Professional lots located on the northeast corner of SH 6 and Emerald Parkway. Applicant, Allen Swoboda (96-301). Sabine Kuenzel, Senior Planner, addressed the item. The plat layout shows five office lots, and four lots to be sold as individual residential lots to the east. The four lots do not meet the standards for subdivided lots; however, due to the fact that the lots shall be used to assure that some type of buffering occurs to protect the abutting residential areas, staff recommended approval of the Regular 4/25/96 Page 4 variance with the condition that notes be placed on the official plat to notify future lot owners of four lots which may not be developed. Councilwoman Crouch moved approval of the preliminary plat. Councilman Fox seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. (4d) Appeal of Planning and Zoning Commission denial of conditional use permit for expansion of A&M Consolidated High School (96-203). Sabine Kuenzel described the zones surrounding the site of A&M Consolidated High School and the phase implementation of the expansion project. She presented several slides depicting the expansion and the impact on neighborhoods. Planning and Zoning Commission heard evidence related to the conditional use permit and the board subsequently reached a tie vote, which resulted in denial of the permit. The School opted to bring forth the appeal to City Council. Many concerns were expressed by residents on the topics of increased drainage and site layout (parking lot). Kuenzel noted that the school made changes to the site plan since concerns were raised by residents at the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Staff also hosted meetings with neighborhoods to provide further information. CSISD has requested two variances: 1) location of the driveway into the parking area on Nueces; and 2) sidewalks along Welsh and Nueces. Staff recommended approval of the following conditions: 1) sidewalk be placed completely on Nueces and east of Welsh, but not on the west side of Welsh 2) driveway variance 3) screening of detention pond on southwest corner 4) parking lot lighting directed away from residential areas 5) drainage detention pond be constructed as part of the initial phase of construction 6) CSISD monitor use of parking lot and drives and will take action as necessary to prevent hazards or negative impacts from after hours use of new parking lots and drives 7) future protection of parking lot, if needed 8) landscape plan presented to council for 90 ft. no build area 9) miscellaneous information 10) all information as required by ordinance Regular 4/25~96 Page 5 Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. Tom Eyeington addressed the council in support of the permit. He remarked that the conditions established by staff are acceptable. Mr. Baugh of 1903 Nueces addressed the Council. He supported the expansion project; however, he expressed concerns about the size of parking lot and the traffic generated for 588 parking spaces. He suggested parking be moved to Welsh Ave. Henry Schmidt of 2005 Nueces addressed concerns related to the landscape birms and the maintenance expense for school district. He also noted the traffic hazard that will be incurred by the tall birm, as well as drainage problems. Mr. Schmidt requested that the no parking signs be placed on the side of street next to school property, rather than residential properly. Chris Bailey of 1205 Guadalupe, addressed the issue of flooding at corner of Guadalupe and Langford. Assistant City Manager Brymer indicated that the drainage project of Bee Creek and Texas Avenue culvert expansion project might have an improvement on the situations in this particular area. On the other hand, improvements upstream (Police Station and Arboretum) will not accomplish too much for this neighborhood until the improvements are made directly in the area. The drainage project he has noted will begin approximately 12-24 months. Nelda Norman of 2003 Nueces addressed concerns of drainage and traffic. She noted that the parking lot shall be located across from her home. This will have a detrimental affect to the property values as well as enhance traffic problems. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. Councilwoman Crouch moved approval of the conditional use pemit with the conditions outlined by staff and that the "no parking signs" on Nueces be erected on the west side of the school property. Councilman Mariott seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously, 7-0. Sabine explained that the sidewalk master plan indicates a sidewalk on both sides of Welsh along frontage. It also shows a sidewalk on one side of Nueces. School requested a variance that a sidewalk not be placed along west side of Nueces and west side of Welsh. Regular 4/25/96 Page 6 City Engineer Kent Laza explained that the sidewalk along Nueces is required by the city's thoroughfare plan. Staff's recommendation was to grant variance for sidewalk and only require sidewalk on Nueces from Welsh to frontage road, and a sidewalk in front of athletic area on east side of Welsh, not on west side of Welsh, and grant variance for drive entrance to parking lot. Councilman Hickson moved to accept staff's recommendation. Councilman Kennady seconded the motion. Motion carried, 7-0. (4-e) Approve budget transfer between departments resulting from reorganization of city departments as proposed by city manager. Councilman Mariott moved approval of the newly reorganized city structure. Councilman Fox seconded which carried unanimously, 7-0. (4-f) Appoint Texas A&M student to Northgate Revitalization Board. Councilman Kennady made a motion to appoint Andrew Pavlinski, as a representative from A&M, to the membership of Northgate Revitalization Board. Motion seconded by Councilman Mariott. Councilwoman Crouch made a substitute motion to appoint Scott Adams. Motion died from lack of second. Appointment of Pavlinski carried, 7-0. (4-g) Appoint member to Economic Development Corporation. This item was withdrawn. (4-h) Approve memorandum of understanding with TAMU to facilitate mutual support of 800 MGz radio system. Fire Chief Bill Kennedy explained this item. On January 11, 1996 council approved the installation of an 800 MHz radio system. During planning of this system, city staff and city's consultants recommended the city and TAMU provide radio back up with their respective radio systems. A memorandum of understanding has been developed with TAMU to facilitate mutual support of each organization's 800 MHz radio system. Chief Kennedy acknowledged Walt Regular 4~25~96 Page 7 Magnuson of TAMU and Gary Lange, city representative, for their efforts in this project. Councilman Fox moved approval. Councilman Hickson seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. (4-i) Hear Visitors Clint Schuckel, TAMU graduate student and campus coordinator for Aggie Chapter of Habitat of Humanity, came forward to invite councilmembers to the dedication of first home built by this chapter in College Station. The dedication will be held May 4th. Mayor Pro tem Mcllhaney presented Mayor Ringer with gifts of appreciation for service as Mayor for ten years. (4-j) Adjourn Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 8:15 p.m. City Ser.;re.?.~W Connie Hooks ..b,~,_OVED: Uay(~r Lynn' M'cllhaney ~ GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1996 7:00 P.M. ~, ~,,,,~