HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/11/1996 - Workshop Minutes City CouncilMayor LYNN MCILHANEY Mayor Pro Tempore HUB KENNADY City Manager GEORGE K. NOE COLLEGE STATION Council Members BILL FOX LARRY MARIOTT DAVID HICKSON DICK BIRDWELL BRAD MARTIN MINUTES COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1996 3:00 P.M. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Mcllhaney, Mayor Protem Kennady, Councilmembers Birdwell, Fox, Hickson COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: Councilmember Mariott Mayor Mcllhaney called meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Agenda Item No. 1 -- Discuss consent and statutory items listed for the regular council meeting of Thursday, July 11, 1996. Councilman Birdwell removed Consent Agenda Item No. 5(g) for discussion. Construction contract of exterior rehabilitation of Sparks Buildinq and Univeristy Bookstore. Mr. Andy Gillies remarked that the loan is described as a preferred forgiveable loan. Agenda Item No. 3 -- Present report of progress of Library Services Task Force. Former Mayor Larry Ringer and Chairman of the Library Task Force presented an update of the committee's activities. Mr. Bill Hidell, architect of the project presented an overview of the design and budget. Mr. Ringer pointed out that the cost of the building at this time is higher than anticipated. Mr. Ringer identified some of the fund raising projects to start in the fall with a projected goal to raise $300,000 Council directed the committee to proceed with the fund raising ideas. Providing Customer Service Excellence Workshop 7/11/96 Page 2 A.qenda Item No. 2 -- Discuss ends statement #3 Health and Public Safety Mayor Mcllhaney met with Dr. Graham and a final report will be presented to the Council in the near future. She asked council to focus on the outcome they desire for the community in health services. Councilmembers discussed various issues relative to health and human services and and the future of funding for these services at the local, state, and federal' level. Mayor Mcllhaney opened the floor for public comment. Randy Sims, County Commissioner and Chairman of the Brazos County Health Board addressed the issue of managed care systems in Texas in addition to the accountability of local governments to provide health services. Other members of the community addressed the council on the issue of managed care systems and health care programs in the community. Kermit Black, College of Architecture, Center for Housing and Urban Development Mary Ellen Pate of Brazos Prenatal Clinic Eric Todd of Brazos Valley Community Action Agency Jeannie Hiller for Project Unity Mayor Mcllhaney announced that this issue will be placed on a future workshop agenda for further discussion. Councilmembers asked staff to prepare a summary of the comments made on this subject. Agenda Item No. 4 --- Discuss utility rates and exemptions, Council Strategic Issue No. 2. City Manager Noe summarized options for the drainage utility fee based on recommendations received by staff from a previous council meeting. Disucssions specifically related to the exemptions for Texas A&M, CSISD, and City of Bryan. TAMU -- to provide no fee but reserve the city's rights while a plan is developed by TAMU to retain storm drainage on its property. Workshop 7/11/96 Page 3 CSlSD -- to provide no fee providing the school district includes on-site detention of storm drainage on future building projects and the city's use of CSISD property for detention purpsoes mutually agreed upon. BRYAN -- to provide no fee with the agreement that College Station will be exempt if Bryan designates a drainage utility. Discussion was held on the rates. Council asked staff to prepare information on a multi-tiered rate for single family residences based on square footages and bring back to council prior to final consideration of the rate. Agenda Item No. 5 -- Streamlininq the development review process Director of Planning Jim Callaway presented a report related to Council Strategic Issue No.1, streamline the development process. A copy of the report was made a part of the council agenda packet. No discussion was held on this item. Agenda Item No. 6 -- Present the proposed CDBG and HOME FY 97 budqets and community development priorities. Community Development Director Jo Carroll outlined the community development priorities and its association to the budgets. She also highlighted the social service agencies recommended for funding by staff and the Joint Relief Funding Review Committee. Agenda Item No. 7 -- Committee reports Mayor Mcllhaney informed the council about a request she received from a citizen who is researching the idea of providing evening bus service. Further information will be provided. Agenda Item No. 8 -- Council calendars Mayor Mcllhaney asked councilmembers to schedule September 27 for the council dynamics retreat. Also, scheduled was the date of August 30 for each councilmember to meet with the facilitators individually. Mayor also mentioned the possibility of beginning Mayor/Council breakfasts in the future. Agenda Item No. 9 -- Adjourn Mayor Mcllhaney adjourned the meeting at 5:50 p.m. City Secretary Connie Hooks APPROVED: May6r Lynn Mci haney~