HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/23/1996 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMayor LYNN MCILHANEY Mayor Pro Tempore HUBBARD KENNADY City Manager GEORGE K. NOE COLLEGE STATION Council Members BILL FOX LARRY MARlO'IT DAVID HICKSON DICK BIRDWELL MINUTES COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1996, 7:00 P.M. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Mcllhaney, Councilmember Mariott, Birdwell, Kennady, Fox, Hickson STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Noe, Assistant City Manager Brymer, City Secretary Hooks, City Attorney Locke, City Planner Kee, Transportation Planner Hard, Economic and Community Services Director Ash, Assistant City Engineer Morgan Mayor Mcllhaney opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. The audience and councilmembers cited the pledge of allegiance. Councilman Fox provided the invocation. Presentations Katie Gibson, Recycling Coordinator for the City of College Station, presented the Mayor and City Councilmembers with a certificate designating College Station as a Clean Cities 2000 community. Dr. Gabriel Charanza from TAMU office of Mexican Latin American Affairs presented the Mayor and councilmembers framed art of 100 years old from City of Santa Domingo original city council building. Consent Aqenda 4a. Approved council meeting minutes for regular meeting of April 25, 1996. 4b. Approve resolution to ratify the purchase of 2.45 acres of property located at 3800 Stotzer Parkway in the amount of $171,000. Councilman Birdwell removed the item to voice his opposition to the purchase of this property. Councilman Fox made a motion to approve the resolution with updated information presented by staff. Councilman Hickson seconded the motion which carried 5-1, Councilman Birdwell voted against the motion. Providing Customer Service Exceflence Regular 5~23~96 Page 2 4c. Approve authorization to enter into Phase I study with Integrated Circuit Engineering Corporation to evaluate the feasibility of attracting a semiconductor related manufacturing facility to College Station in the amount of $15,000 plus travel and living expenses for three days. Councilman Hickson made a motion to table this item in order to allow staff to respond to councilmember's questions expressed during the workshop session on this item. Councilman Mariott seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 6-0. 4d. Approved award of contract for Fire Station No. I and proposed change order no. I to C.F. Jordan Commercial, L.P. of College Station in the amount of $864,178. Approved resolution acknowledging repayment of $50,000 from future debt issuance. 4e. Approved sell of existing 1984 100 ft. aerial ladder truck for Fire Department. recommended sale to Ferrara Fire apparatus, Inc. of Louisiana in the amount of $158,000. Staff 4f. Approved amendment #3 to development agreement with Begonia Corporation in Edelweiss Estates. Items No. 4a, 4d, 4e, and 4f were approved by common consent. Agenda Item No. 5a -- Public hearinq and consider ordinance amendment to Ordinance 1638, the Zoninq Ordinance creatinq Section 7.23 R&D District - Research, Development and Liqht Industry. City Planner Jane Kee explained the ordinance amendment which was developed due to rezoning requests along the East Bypass and particularly the Sebesta Road property. There were three different rezonings denied on the property bound by Sebesta and the East Bypass over the past 3 years. The most recent request for Planned Industrial on a portion of the property was approved in February of this year because of property owner, Bob Bowers of Texas Digital Systems offered deed restrictions to lend assurance as conditions of the rezoning in order to mitigate the impacts from surrounding neighborhoods. She continued by stating that the neighborhoods were comfortable with the specific performance criteria outlined in the ordinance. At the time of rezoning in February, Council directed staff to prepare an ordinance creating a new zoning district. The district would incorporate the deed restrictions offered by Mr. Bowers such that the city could then use this zoning district on this particular property. Direction was also received by staff to include a district applicable Regular 5~23~96 Page 3 to other locations in the community, largely infill locations, where existing residential areas developed around vacant tracts of property. Three goals were attained by staff: 1) to create a district that would offer the protection needed for existing residential areas, 2) to provide a district that could be placed on the M-1 property on Sebesta Road without being terribly onerous to Texas Digital's plans for development, and 3) to provide a district that could be placed on other properties in town The district is referred to as R&D (Light Industry). The purpose of the district designed for office, research, and light industrial uses that will meet the standards and performance criteria outlined in the district, compatible with Iow intensity uses and residential uses when it is developed under appropriate controls. These uses should have little or no impact on surrounding neighborhoods thereby maintaining their character and integrity. The district should be carefully located near areas where there is sufficient access to arterial level thoroughfares and no traffic in adjoining neighborhoods. It is not intended for general retail uses or uses that have noxious characteristics. Ms. Kee outlined the permitted uses, prohibited uses, and performance criteria described in the ordinance. She explained in specific terms the criteria for a buffer yard. Ms. Kee pointed out that Mr. Bower has not submitted the deed restrictions in accordance with the council's action last February. However, he is ready to comply with the new ordinance as prescribed. Staff recommended approval of the ordinance as presented and sought council direction toward city initiated rezoning on property owned by Mr. Bower. Councilman Hickson asked staff to clarify Section E (Additional Standards). Ms. Kee replied that this section applied to conditional uses. It would not apply to uses permitted. This procedure would allow staff to look into a use that is similar to permitted uses or conditional uses which do not meet the criteria. This provision would allow staff to investigate and consider additional standards as needed and not anticipated at this time. Regular 5/23/96 Page 4 Councilman Fox asked a question about Section C (Prohibited Uses). He expressed a concern about a few of the uses specified. Ms. Kee replied that if a business could demonstrate they meet the performance criteria, staff could possibly look at the use in the sense of a conditional use and submit to Planning and Zoning Commission for consideration. Councilman Birdwell asked about the exclusion of metal buildings. Ms. Kee replied that the facade requirements were part of the deed restrictions submitted by Mr. Bower. Councilman Kennady complimented staff on the development of this ordinance. Mayor Mcllhaney opened the public hearing. Susan Clegg, 9008 Sandstone spoke on the behalf of the East Bypass Coalition in support of the ordinance. Mayor Mcllhaney closed the public hearing. Councilman Mariott moved approval of Ordinance No. 2180. Councilman Kennady seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 6-0. Mayor Mcllhaney thanked the staff and citizens who worked together to accomplish this goal. Agenda Item No. 5b -- Consideration of an ordinance establishinq a 45 mph speed limit on Barron Road. Transportation Planner Edwin Hard made a brief presentation. She explained that all city streets in College Station assume a blanket speed limit of 30 mph unless posted otherwise. Studies conducted showed the 85th percentile speed on Barron Road to be 55 mph. Following consultation with police department, a 45 mph was recommended. Mayor Mcllhaney opened the floor for public comment. Nancy Harvey, 13981 Renee Lane, addressed the factors not reflected in the study. She noted that the road does not have a paved shoulder, it consists of three hills, and no lights along the roadway nor stripes on the road. She also noted the wildlife crossings. She also indicated that the driveways are located near the road. Ms. Harvey expressed safety concerns about the traffic hazards to children in the area. Regular 5/23/96 Page 5 No one else from audience spoke. Councilman Birdwell moved approval of Ordinance No. 2181. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hickson which carried unanimously, 6-0. Councilman Kennady stated that he received a call from a citizen in support of Ms. Harvey's comments. The motion carried 5-1, Mayor Mcllhaney voted against. Councilman Fox mentioned that the staff might want to conduct a speed study on Rock Prairie Road east. A_(:lenda Item No. 5(c) -- Consider resolution declarin,q intention to reimburse certain expenditures with proceeds from debt and a final plat for Shenandoah Phase Four, located southeast of Barron Road. Assistant City Engineer Veronica Morgan noted that this item is for council consideration of oversize participation with Shenandoah Phase Four. Plat was approved by Planning and Zoning Commission. Staff recommended approval of the oversize participation for street and drainage participation on Decatur street and an oversize 18" waterline along Barron Road, approximately $31,700 of which $13,800 will be allocated from existing streets and drainage participating funds and approximately $17,900 from future Utility Revenue Bonds. The resolution directed staff to proceed with funds from next year's budget. Councilman Birdwell asked a question regarding the determination of a 47 ft. street width. Ms. Morgan replied that the staff requested the width of the street because Decatur is noted on the master plan as the extension to Longmire for a portion south of Barron Rd. Councilman Mariott moved approval of the resolution and funding for oversize participation. Councilman Fox seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 6-0. Agenda Item No. 5d -- Approval of revisions to Council Meetinq Procedures Councilman Kennady moved approval of the revisions as submitted. Councilman Mariott seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 6-0. Regular 5/23/96 Page 6 A.qenda Item No. 5e -- Approval of ordinance orderinq a special election to be held on Au.qust 10, 1996. Councilman Hickson moved approval of Ordinance No. 2182. Councilman Fox seconded the motion. Councilman Birdwell made an amended motion to direct staff to reduce polling places from 13 to 1 (City Hall) and seek permission from the US Department of Justice for this special election. Councilman Mariott seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 6-0. Agenda Item No. 5f -- Appoint a Mayor Protem Mayor Mcllhaney presented a memo describing the list of expectations for Council Liaisons, Mayor Protem and Mayor positions. Councilman Hickson made a motion to appoint Hub Kennady as Mayor Protem. Councilman Mariott seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 6-0. A.qenda Item No. 5q -- Hear Visitors. Dennis Maloney came forward to express his support toward the Northgate TIF district. A.qenda Item No. 5h --Adiourn Mayor Mcllhaney adjourned the meeting at 8:00 p.m. ~~ ty~Se~ar_~yEST: _ , I ~ APPROVED: May~ LYnn Mcllhaney GUEST REGISTER THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1996 o 10. ORDEN DE ELECCION ESPECIAL EN LA CIUDAD DE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Se ordena por este medio una eleccion que se efectuara el dia Sabado, 10 de Agosto, 1996 con el proposito de elegir a un Concejal Municipal, Lugar 3, para un periodo de un ano. Se podra votar anticipadamente en persona durante cualquier dia laborar de la semana (de Lunes a Viemes) en el Edificio de la Municipalidad de College Station, 1101 South Texas Avenue, entre las horas de 8:00 a.m. y 5:00 p.m. a partir del lunes 22 de Julio de 1996 y concluyendo el Martes, 6 de Agosto de 1996. Solicitudes para obtener boletas de votacion por correo deben de ser recibidas antes de las 5:00 de la tarde el dia 2 de Agosto de 1996 en la Oficina de la Secretaria Municipal: Connie Hooks, Secretaria Municipal P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Orden emitida este dia, 23 de Mayo de 1996~ APROBADO ~'~ynt~-I~cllhaney, Alcaldesa }- r rlao mi Connie Hooks, Secretari~i Municipal