HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/21/1996 - Workshop Minutes City CouncilMayor LARRY RINGER Mayor Pro Tempore LYNN MCILHANEY City Manager GEORGE K. NOE COLLEGE STATION Council Members BILL FOX HUBBARD KENNADY LARRY MARIOTT DAVID HICKSON NANCY CROUCH MINUTES COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING FEBRUARY 21, 1996 4:00 P.M. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Ringer, Mayor Protem Mcllhaney, Councilmembers Crouch, Kennady, Madott, Fox COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: Councilmember Hickson STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Noe, Assistant City Manager Brymer, City Secretary Hooks, City Attorney Locke, Public Information Officer Calliham, Exec. Director of Management Services Piwonka, Asst. Director of Management Services Shear, Director of Economic and Development Services Ash, Asst. Director of Economic and Development Services Callaway, Public Utilities Director Woody, Public Services Director Smith, PARD Director Beachy, Asst. PARD Director Ploeger, Exec. Director of Fiscal Services Schroeder, Asst. City Attorney Nemcik Agenda Item No. I -- Discussion of consent and statutory agenda items on Thursday, February 22, 1996. Staff answered council members questions on consent agenda items no. C-3, C-4, and C-6. Agenda Item No. 2 -- Presentation and discussion of the Library Planning Process, includinq discussion of a library services task force. Linda Piwonka introduced the item. At the council meeting of December 14, 1995, the staff was directed to negotiate with Hidell and Associates for architect for library planning services. Mr. Hidell made a presentation and covered the following topics: · charette process · public meetings for citizen input · touring of other libraries · council input Providing Customer Service Excellence Council Workshop Wednesday, February 21, 1996 Page 2 · fund raising campaign · construction design and implementation · appoint ad hoc citizen committee Staff sought council direction into the library planning process. Council members conveyed positive feedback to the architect's experience and design process. Individual names were suggested for the committee. Staff was directed to bring a list to council for consideration. Agenda Item No. 3 -- Presentation of five year drainage improvements forecast and follow up on Meridian Apartments request for development participation. Public Services Director Mark Smith presented a project list with schedules based on various funding scenados. City Manager Noe addressed the funding request by Dr. Terry Jones of Meridian Apartments. Councilmembers deliberated on various funding alternatives for this project. However, other drainage projects are on the priodty list, and funding is limited. The council expressed approval of staff's recommended schedule of projects and declined participation in Dr. Terry Jones' project. Agenda Item No. 4 -- Presentation and discussion of expansion of city's existing community oriented policing project and the application. Lt. Scott Simpson of the Police Department and Jo Carroll, Community Development Director described the plans to expand the existing community oriented policing project currently located in Southgate Village Apartments into other neighborhoods in the City. The Dept. also plans to expand its current level of services in the Southgate area. Expansion is planned in response to law enforcement trends to present a pro active police presence in neighborhoods prior to those neighborhoods becoming problem areas. Areas chosen for expansion is the Wolf Pen Creek/Post Oak Mall area. The 1995 Citizen's Survey also indicated a strong support fo this type of delivery of police services. Staff recsearched various funding sources and prepared a proposed grant application to the U.S. Dept. of Justice which will, if funded, assist with some of the costs of this service. Lt. Simpson adressed impacts to budget. Jo Carroll discussed funding options from CDBG grant monies. Councilmembers expressed their viewpoint of the project and endorsed their support of the project. Question was raised about the continuation of funds after the grant monies cease. Council Workshop Wednesday, February 21, 1996 Page 3 Agenda Item No. 5 -- Discussion of 1996 Strategic Issues No. 11-20 The project leaders of each issue came forward to briefly summarize the project. No. 11 library. No. 12 No. 13 No. 14 No. 15 No. 16 No. 17 No. 18 No. 19 No. 20 - Accessibility of City Services - West Side water and sewer services/Bush - N/S Gate Revitalization/Code Enforcement and Planning TAMU - Develop Philosophy for delivery of health and human service needs - Benchmark/Performance Measures for non profit agency contracts - Cemetery Policy and Development - Housing Strategy - Community Enhancement Program/Annual - Industrial Area/District - City Center with Consolidated Office and Park Development - Tourism Marketing Plan/With Emphasis on Promotion Agenda Item No. 6 -- Committee Reports. No discussion was held on this item. A~enda Item No. 7 -- Calendars. No discussion was held on this item. Agenda Item No. 8 --Adjourn. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m. APPROVED: May~-~ L'~a~ger ~'1TTEST:' ~ ~_ ~ City Secretary Connie Hooks